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Thread: Starr's Roofing in Calgary...

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Starr's Roofing in Calgary...

    Charlene, her family and friends want to thank Starr's Roofing for their commitment to the community and willingness to help a person in need.

    Charlene is a single mom who faced the challenge of raising three daughters on her own. But now faces an even bigger challenge of battling Myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow.

    Being on a disability income Charlene was concerned as she watched her neighbour's roof's being replaced while hers was quickly deteriorating. She worried she would have to sell her home as she couldn't afford the cost to replace it.

    When Starr's heard of her plight they immediately offered to help out.

    Starr's management was quick to commit to providing the materials, labour, and their 5 year workmanship warranty to Charlene at no cost.

    Because of Starr's generous help Charlene now can focus all her energy on beating cancer.

    Starr's Roofing has proven that even in these tough economic times there are companies willing to support the community.

    Please if your considering a new roof give Chris @ Starr's Roofing a call for a free estimate and show that as a city we support companies that care about others.

  2. #2
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    Re-reading this after my Monday morning fuzzies cleared... yeah, I'm not so sure this was an act of kindness rather than just a clever marketing ploy...

    Teach me to comment before my coffee...
    Last edited by masoncgy; 08-24-2009 at 03:53 PM.

  3. #3
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    Are things that desperate for roofing companies these days? What's up with just doing a good deed and not telling anyone about it instead of using it to drum up business? Story is nice, but the self-promotion sucks.

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by GREENBOY
    Are things that desperate for roofing companies these days? What's up with just doing a good deed and not telling anyone about it instead of using it to drum up business? Story is nice, but the self-promotion sucks.

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by GREENBOY
    Are things that desperate for roofing companies these days? What's up with just doing a good deed and not telling anyone about it instead of using it to drum up business? Story is nice, but the self-promotion sucks.

    what is the OPs involvement in this? does he work for this roofing company? and seriously, since this isn't coming from the client directly, it sounds really fishy. there isn't even any evidence that this really happened.

    i know a lot of people who are down on their luck and could also use a new roof. is this company going to give them a free roof, too?

  6. #6
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    I live on that street.

    The guys dropped off the shingles and stuff on a friday, said they would come back on saturday to do the job so all the neighbours thought it would be nice to set up a table at 7 AM on a saturday and bring doughnuts and coffee and other treats for the nice men who were roofing her house for free.

    They didnt show...

    it could be done by now but they definitely didnt show up when they said they would leaving some pissed off neighbours who got up extra early thinking they were doing something nice.

    PS that whole story the OP wrote.....was word for word the story they printed off and stuck in every single persons door on that block so im guessing this guy works there.

    Im with the other ones on this...free marketing ploy

  7. #7
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    ^^yea, you can pretty much tell by the sappy, sensationalist writing style. like something from the calgary sun.

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by eljefe

    I'm not cynical, I just have a good bullshit detector...and this stinks.

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by GREENBOY
    Are things that desperate for roofing companies these days? What's up with just doing a good deed and not telling anyone about it instead of using it to drum up business? Story is nice, but the self-promotion sucks.
    You do realize businesses are in business to make money, right?

    And I'd rather support a company that helps out people who are down on their luck. If they don't "advertise" their good deed how do I tell them apart from some other company who does nothing for the community?

  10. #10
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    I know someone with cancer.

    Will Starr's Roofing give them a free roof too?

    Perhaps they could get a list of people from the Tom Baker clinic and give EVERYONE with cancer a free roof.

  11. #11
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    can't you guys applaud a company for doing something nice?

    so they didn't show exactly when stated to do a FREE job, and save a woman from having to sell her house.

    Originally posted by sputnik
    I know someone with cancer.

    Will Starr's Roofing give them a free roof too?

    Perhaps they could get a list of people from the Tom Baker clinic and give EVERYONE with cancer a free roof.

    i really hope my sarcasm detector is broken here, but if it isn't, i hope you suffocate soon from your head being so far up your ass.

    This was a free job, they didn't even ask her to pay for the materials. They did this woman a HUGE favor, and if you "ballers" or the neighbours are too fucking stupid to realize it, or have their feelings hurt because of some cold coffee and stale doughnuts from Tim Hortons, better go find your security blanket and hide in the cellar as delays happen.

    so they delivered some fliers, nothing wrong with that, and shows they helped the community they lived in.
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    Originally posted by Mibz
    Always a fucking awful experience seeing spikers. Extra awful when he laps me.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by spikers
    This was a free job, they didn't even ask her to pay for the materials.
    It was hardly a "free" job.

    If it was truly free they wouldn't be using her and her cancer as their current marketing campaign. I am glad she got a much needed roof, however their shameless self promotion is a bit sick.

    Chances are they are hurting in this economy and ate the cost of some shingles to "prove" to Calgary how they are the "good guys" when it comes to roofing and how everyone should hire them because they help the marginalized in society.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if someone in the company personally knows the woman who got the free roof.

  13. #13
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    Originally posted by spikers
    can't you guys applaud a company for doing something nice?
    There's doing something nice and there's a clumsy attempt at profiting from doing something nice through some badly thought out and badly written PR. If the company's motivation was simply to do something nice for someone, why cheapen it by trying to earn money off the back of it? It's like those assholes who give to charity and then want to let everyone know about it by telling everyone what a great person they are.

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  15. #15
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    Originally posted by GREENBOY

    There's doing something nice and there's a clumsy attempt at profiting from doing something nice through some badly thought out and badly written PR. If the company's motivation was simply to do something nice for someone, why cheapen it by trying to earn money off the back of it? It's like those assholes who give to charity and then want to let everyone know about it by telling everyone what a great person they are.
    every company out there that does something for free, is a PR attempt and the company makes money off of it, it is called a tax write off, same reason they make charitable donations. It actually saves them money in the end.

    If they came to my neighbourhood and helped out someone that was down and out and charged nothing, I would gladly accept a piece of paper showing the work they did, and consider them for a job I may need doing.

    same reason bigger companies go onto the childrens miracle network telethon and shit to give over the oversized monster cheque. it is called publicity.

    A business is there to make money, not give shit away for free.
    Boosted life tip #329
    Girlfriends cost money
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    Make the smart choice.

    Originally posted by Mibz
    Always a fucking awful experience seeing spikers. Extra awful when he laps me.

  16. #16
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    Wow marketing ploy or not, that is really nice of them to help out someone in need.

    Calgary has lost its community spirit in the few years I have lived here. This is an example that its not completely dead.

  17. #17
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    Originally posted by yourmom
    Wow marketing ploy or not, that is really nice of them to help out someone in need.
    haha, you're kidding, right? Sending out advertisements at neighbor's doors, and all over the internet, at the expense of this poor family's marital and health problems? all for a "free" roof? not at all cool, IMO.

    this is just about as dirty as that trashy show "extreme makeover: home edition" where they find fucked up families with illnesses or handicaps, show all the problems off on national TV, and then build them a house to address the problems in the family. Or even better yet, the regular edition of "extreme makeover," where they find these total freaks with zero self-esteem, point out all of their 'flaws' on national tv, and then do head-to-toe plastic surgery.

    wow, free plastic surgery for the freak!!!!! it's seriously great to see these giant media corporations really helping out people in need!

  18. #18
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    ^ ignorant post
    so ignorant that you probably believe that non-profit organizations do not pay their employees.

    give your head a shake
    when you get cancer i'd like to see you turn down a free major repair to your house.

    almost every big internet company does this.

    IE: google, FREE to use the services - but the make money, advertising etc.

    does this make google the devil? no

    this company did a good thing and it worked out great for both the company and the person in question.

    i hope this roofing company gets more work because of this so that more companies start doing this.

    if every company in calgary did this just once, think of how much better off so many peoples lives would be.
    Last edited by TurboD; 08-24-2009 at 05:36 PM.

  19. #19
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    what? how is that an ignorant post? are you sure you even know what that word means?

    anyhow, there is a big difference between something like google, which offers a free service with advertisements, and a company which exploits people with problems to make themselves appear compassionate to drum up business.

    like it was mentioned earlier - if this company was truly caring, they would have just fixed the roof and let the family keep their problems private. my dad has had tons of customers over the years who couldn't pay their car repair bills for whatever reason, but he doesn't go passing out fliers to the neighbors to make himself look better.

    the point i'm trying to make is that this company is airing this families problems all over the neighborhood and the internet to make themselves look good... which this marketing scheme shows that they clearly aren't.

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by nonlinear
    what? how is that an ignorant post? are you sure you even know what that word means?

    anyhow, there is a big difference between something like google, which offers a free service with advertisements, and a company which exploits people with problems to make themselves appear compassionate to drum up business.

    like it was mentioned earlier - if this company was truly caring, they would have just fixed the roof and let the family keep their problems private. my dad has had tons of customers over the years who couldn't pay their car repair bills for whatever reason, but he doesn't go passing out fliers to the neighbors to make himself look better.

    the point i'm trying to make is that this company is airing this families problems all over the neighborhood and the internet to make themselves look good... which this marketing scheme shows that they clearly aren't.

    who gives a fuck

    at school there was a fund raiser for a local student with cancer

    EVERYONE in school knew the kid and his story because of this

    but guess what? it doesn't matter even one bit.
    who gives a shit, they deserve benefits for doing good.

    who gives a crap if people know about her situation
    oh noes, people in calgary know i have cancer and that my life was given a huge boost by a local business.

    do you read the news?
    do you think every sob story in the news gets a free roof?

    give me a break

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