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Thread: Student Tazered at John Kerry Speach

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by kertejud

    ...Does anybody know what the douche was trying to ask anyway?
    "why don't you do all the things I talk about on my blog? "

    Basically he asked why did Kerry concede the elections, considering that the election was (in his opinion at least) rigged. Also why doesn't anyone impeach Bush, since Clinton was impeached.

  2. #22
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    Fairly legitimate questions. I don't see why the cops asked him to leave/stop. Switching off the mic was lame. Free speech who?

    He did resist arrest, and get a little wild, so I can understand why the cops tried to stop him. They gave him tons of time to cooperate when he was on the ground, and he didn't.

    I just can't belive that they stopped his mic time because the questions didn't fit the 'norm' compared to the others.
    Originally posted by 89coupe
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  3. #23
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    Originally posted by ZEDGE
    There was no need for him to be arrested, the police were way out of line. Land of the free indeed.

  4. #24
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    Wow, you guys defending the cops are a bunch of fascist assholes.

    IF he was resisting ARREST, sure, tazer him, but I'm failrly certain he wasn't getting arrested at the time, they were just escorting him out of the building.
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    They're certainly big, but I don't know if they are the BEST I've tasted.

  5. #25
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    The kid just won the lotto
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  6. #26
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    Originally posted by Canmorite
    Fairly legitimate questions. I don't see why the cops asked him to leave/stop. Switching off the mic was lame. Free speech who?

    He did resist arrest, and get a little wild, so I can understand why the cops tried to stop him. They gave him tons of time to cooperate when he was on the ground, and he didn't.

    I just can't belive that they stopped his mic time because the questions didn't fit the 'norm' compared to the others.
    If you've ever been to one of those speeches/Q&A things with highly important people, they clearly state at the beginning of question period that you are allowed only 1 question, and that you need to make it quick. It's how they keep people like this dumbass from going on for an hour and not letting anyone else talk. Sure it's "unfair" for that guy that he isn't allowed to ramble on and on about what he feels is important, but if you were in line to ask a different question, you'd be pretty pissed that this guy was taking away your opportunity.

  7. #27
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    Originally posted by Tik-Tok
    Wow, you guys defending the cops are a bunch of fascist assholes.

    IF he was resisting ARREST, sure, tazer him, but I'm failrly certain he wasn't getting arrested at the time, they were just escorting him out of the building.
    I don't know what exactly was happening, but judging from his high pitched squeels of "THEY'RE ARRESTING ME", I think his escalation of the situation made it into an arrest. Either way, you are also not allowed to resist being escorted out by the police, arrest or not. I have no idea why people think they have the right to disobey a police order, but you don't.

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    I want to see a parody video called "LEAVE ANDREW MEYER ALONE"
    Originally posted by rage2
    I can't believe I'm driving Ferraris in those vids. I'd never be caught dead in one now.

  9. #29
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    Originally posted by Tik-Tok
    Wow, you guys defending the cops are a bunch of fascist assholes.
    And you're peace-hating communist scum.

    IF he was resisting ARREST, sure, tazer him, but I'm failrly certain he wasn't getting arrested at the time, they were just escorting him out of the building.
    Well that's what they tried to do, then he started wailing and resisting which was disturbing the peace. When they tried to cuff him, he resisted, so they broke out the tasers. It was a much more preferable option to the "shoot first, ask questions later" policy that state has.

  10. #30
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    lol and he cried like a girl while getting tazed, if he didn't want to get tazed, u should shut the hell up
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  11. #31
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    I'm just surprised he got tazed. There was like 6 of them and they couldn't even cuff him and escort him out?

  12. #32
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    What a douche. I'm sure he is so upset that his planned publicity stunt is getting lots of publicity, and that his baiting of the police worked like a charm.

    ALright kids, life lesson time: When the cops tell you to move, fucking MOVE. Don't try to resist, don't flop around like an asshole, or you will be tased. When they sit there, and say "we will tase you if you don't comply", and you don't comply, they will tase you, as is well within their rights.

    You don't have the right to resist arrest. Look it up, it's in the law books

    amen, what a publicity stunt. What a bitch, seriously, he was asked to stop resisting and he wouldn't. He got tazed. End of story, he should stfu.

  13. #33
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    According to this witness, the videos DID not show the whole picture:

    BD: Did he threaten Kerry or not leave after his turn?

    Tyler: This is probably the most important piece that the video did not cover. While Senator Kerry was answering a student’s question about Iraq, Meyer rushed to the microphone with cops in tail. No one knew what was going on at that point and I’m sure the cops were looking at the worst case scenario (does he have a gun? a bomb?). They eventually grabbed Meyer who started shouting that Senator Kerry should answer his question because he stood in line for so long. He also said that the Senator should answer everyone’s question who was in line. Senator Kerry responded to the extent that he would try to get all the questions. Clearly he was trying to calm the student down (I can’t remember if it was Senator Kerry or a university official who said earlier that the Senator would only be taking three more questions, which meant that Meyer wouldn’t be able to ask his). The police grabbed Meyer who began to taunt the cops by saying “what, are you going to taser me? are you going to arrest me?” Senator Kerry asked the police to let him go and ask his question. They complied, and Senator Kerry began to finish answering the other student who had been rudely interrupted by Meyer’s antics. (This whole scenario is not on any video that I can find. There is a video on youtube that shows 2 police officers behind Meyer while he is giving his question. This first incident proves why they were standing behind him.)

    BD: Was he a conservative or a liberal (or could you not tell)?

    Tyler: From the questions he was asking, He would seem to be a liberal. However, I have no information about his official political status. Yet, just from looking at the questions we have:

    1. asking Kerry why he didn’t contest the allegations of faulty voter machines and the vote discrimination in the State of Florida. Meyer kept mentioning how a book he was carrying actually named Senator Kerry as the President in 04′.
    2. He asks why has Bush been impeached if Clinton was impeached for getting a blow job.
    3. This is the strangest question of all. It seems that Meyer is Pro-Kerry at this point, but then he asks the Senator if he was part of the same Skull and Bones secret society at Yale as President Bush.

    (It is possibly that Meyer is trying to say that Kerry conceded the election quickly because he was buddy-buddy with Bush) However, Meyer’s mic is cut off because he said “blow job” and the madness ensues.

    **Tyler later emailed that Meyer’s Facebook profile indicates he is Libertarian**

    BD: Were his questions insulting to Kerry?

    Tyler: No, not really. However, Senator Kerry only answered his first question to the audience. In no way was Senator Kerry trying to use police force to get rid of the student. As I stated earlier, he literally pleaded with the officer to let go of Meyer and let him ask his question.

    BD: Was this person a known threat on campus?

    Tyler: No, not that I know of

    BD: Was he disruptive at this event?

    Tyler: Only from the time he rushed to the podium till he was eventually brought outside

    BD: Do you think the police used excessive force?

    Tyler: No. When Meyer rushed to the microphone, I only saw two cops (a guy and a girl). However, when Meyer constantly resisted arrest, they had to call in for backup. As far as I can tell 4 cops were stationed in the auditorium. 2 by Kerry’s stage and 2 at the entrance with more in the lobby.

    BD: Do you believe it was necessary to taze this guy with 6 cops sitting on him?

    Tyler: Yes, Meyer was told constantly to put his hands behind his back and comply. He was also warned that if he did not do this, he would be tasered. From the videos, we can not actually see if he complied or not before being tasered.

    BD: If this were George Bush speaking and a liberal kid had this happen would it be viewed the same?

    Tyler: These were University Cops at this event. Now if George Bush were to speak, he would [have] Secret Service with him. I don’t even want to know what would happen to that kid then. Remember, as far as I can tell, Meyer is a liberal and so is Kerry. Meyer was just cracked out it seems.

    BD: Could this have been handled any better?

    Tyler: Kerry could have shortened his speech a lot more and therefore given more time to respond to questions. Or maybe no speech at all! I mean the event was called the John Kerry Town Hall Forum. Does that not imply that the event is going to be a Q&A session instead of being filled with speeches? However, as a hardcore conservative I do respect Senator Kerry for trying to soothe the situation down as best he could. After he closed the forum, he stepped off stage to shake hands and signed autographs. I even got him to answer my question that I wanted to pose earlier had Meyer not gone nuts. I’m really surprised that Meyer was able to get away from the officers multiple times. The kid is not bursting with strength. Maybe that could have been handled better.

  14. #34
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    I was wondering why the shithead was so wound up already, and why the cops were already standing right there.
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  15. #35
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    Originally posted by Antonito

    If you've ever been to one of those speeches/Q&A things with highly important people, they clearly state at the beginning of question period that you are allowed only 1 question, and that you need to make it quick. It's how they keep people like this dumbass from going on for an hour and not letting anyone else talk. Sure it's "unfair" for that guy that he isn't allowed to ramble on and on about what he feels is important, but if you were in line to ask a different question, you'd be pretty pissed that this guy was taking away your opportunity.
    Thanks for the clarification. Never knew that.
    Originally posted by 89coupe
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  16. #36
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    Originally posted by kertejud

    And you're peace-hating communist scum.

    I'm a peace-hating communist because I believe police should have a legitimate reason for using a tazer on someone? There were more police then there were of him, how hard would it have been to drag him by each arm outside?

    It's not as if he was inciting a riot, he was clearly alone is his frantic wailings, he had no gun or weapons, and at no point in the video did we see him take a swing at a Uni-Cop, all he did was try to make his way back to the mic to have his say.

    You really think that is a legit reason for a bloody tazer?
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    They're certainly big, but I don't know if they are the BEST I've tasted.

  17. #37
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    From watching the video the problem I see is that the cops were trying to be too much of a 'nice guy' at the start when they were escorting him out. If they had taken a stronger control option such as a hard wrist lock to move him he wouldn't have been able to twist away. Once he was twisted away and moving it is very hard to control him.

    There seems to be a lot of public misconception of the Taser and what it does and what other options there are. With a Taser you have 5 seconds of pain and lose of muscle control. At the point where he was down on his back what other options are there? Pressure points, which cause a great deal of pain as well, but they can leave lasting effects such as swelling and soreness where they are applied for weeks at a time. Wrist and joint locks also work, but then you are facing ligament damage and inflammation which again can take a few weeks to heal. You can pop him in the head/torso with a variety of strikes, but I think that would not be perceived all that well by anyone watching would it? Or the application of the Taser which causes 5 seconds of extreme pain, then it is done.

    Try it with a friend. Have him lie down and lock his hands under his body and try to get them out and onto his back. The options the cops have is using pain to gain compliance. These techniques cause damage as they cause pain. There is no magical ninja move that works. Before Tasers old fashion grunt strength was the only thing that worked and often resulted in both the person being arrested and the cops getting injured.

    I also suggest that people that want to know to do some honest research on the Taser. 50,000 volts sounds scary because it's a huge number, but when you drag your feet across the carpet and touch a friend your hitting them with 20,000 to 30,000 volts. Also much of the raw voltage is used to push the charge through the atmosphere, so the actual voltage hitting someone is much lower than what is generated by the device. The Taser uses around 2.1 milliamps, so 0.0021 amps. I believe around 1.0 is fatal. The Taser transfers around 0.97j of energy. Diffibulators that effect the heart start in the 100's and go up.

    What the Taser does do is hurt like a bitch and causes a persons muscles to tense up so they can't move. This gives the ability of the arresting officers to take control of someone and handcuff them, especially if they are high on drugs. People that are amped up do not feel pain. You can break their bones and they won't know it. They aren't brought down by the Taser causing pain, but because they can't move. That is a major reason why they are so effective. Everything else, pepper spray, baton strikes, open hand stuff all rely on causing pain. If someone isn't responding to pain you can shoot them and unless that shot shuts down their nervous system they will keep going. The Taser works on the muscular system letting people gain control.

    As far as Tasers causing deaths, that is very controversial. Every death that I am aware of involves someone that is the state of Excited Delirium. These people are in a very violent medical condition where their heart is blasting at 200+ beats a minute for an extended amount of time. What happens is that they are taken into custody and they start to relax and the heart just quits from working so hard. The Taser doesn't kill them, it was the tool that was able to help take them into custody. Before Tasers pepper spray was blamed for these deaths and before that it was the plain old 'police beat them to death' because it took a 10 minute fight of 10 cops to gain control.

    As for this incident I have no idea what prompt the reason for him being taken into custody, as this thread has already revealed there is a lot more to this story than just the video. The simple fact is that we was asked to leave, refused, then was arrested. That is not the time to try to get away because you don't agree with it. I've yet to meet someone that looks forward to be arrested.
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  18. #38
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    Originally posted by Tik-Tok

    all he did was try to make his way back to the mic to have his say.

    And again, I question why you think this isn't a problem.

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by Antonito

    And again, I question why you think this isn't a problem.
    Because non-violence should not be met with violence.

    Also, because he wasn't hurting anyone by going on a rant, yes, it would be unfair to those in front of him who also had questions, but does excercising freedom of speach deserve a tasering?
    Last edited by Tik-Tok; 09-19-2007 at 03:45 PM.
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    They're certainly big, but I don't know if they are the BEST I've tasted.

  20. #40
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    Originally posted by Tik-Tok

    Because non-violence should not be met with violence.
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