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  1. Need advice beyond as i truly did not think when i did this.....
  2. Sarah Palin booksigning
  3. Why are the traffic lights in this city so poorly timed?
  4. The police have my lost ID on exibit
  5. Aryan Guard goofs at it again.
  6. White Supremacy in Russia
  7. gunmen free prisoner in Hamilton
  8. Rogers no longer the most reliable
  9. Calgary Aryan Guard disbanded
  10. Anyone going to the Movember party tomorrow?
  11. Activist group posts 573,000 9/11 pager messages
  12. Amanda Lindhout released from Somali captors after 15 months!
  13. BC ticket
  14. Hit and run @ the BIG EASY
  15. Gail Rosenblum: Wanted: Front bumper, trunk gasket - and prayers
  16. Rapist plays race card:I'm a black man in a white town, a redneck town to begin with
  17. Sun article on Calgary street racer
  18. Fraudulent Bills
  19. These god damn speed on green things are killing me lol...
  20. DriveSmartBC - Requesting Disclosure
  21. Car got rammed into, need help!
  22. legality issue with work.
  23. ISP's becoming copyright cops ???
  24. ICBC: Stolen SRT-8 claim tossed out.
  25. 2 childen found dead Panorama Hills Place
  26. Suspected Grow Op
  27. How are you going to die?
  28. Four officers killed in Lakewood, WA
  29. when is the right time to call cops on suspected drunk drivers?
  30. Fifth Estate on channel 6 right now
  31. Rant on Electric Car and Top Gear
  32. Man abandons drowning son to save drowning wife
  33. Anybody doing business in China?
  34. Quick! Lets denounce defunct regimes with another day off
  35. Beyond's 10 millionth ticket question...
  36. Need Advice regarding bill from lawyer
  37. North Korea begins Currency Exchange to wipe out peoples savings..
  38. More layoff in Calgary
  39. Anyone work at Talisman?
  40. New message from Aryan Guard. They're back!
  41. Man controlled robotic hand with thoughts
  42. Police bust two human trafficking operations
  43. Once again RCMP Above The Law
  44. Alternative Hair Design Owner Arrested for Alleged Involvement in Human Traffiking
  45. Assistance requested:usa
  46. DriveSmartBC - Night Driving Glasses
  47. Court for speeding (HELP)
  48. Likely no fine for dog park users
  49. The Coalition: One Year Later
  50. Obama Says He Will Send 30,000 More Troops to Afghanistan
  51. What do you do when an employer won't give you your last paycheck?
  52. Educational Malpractice
  53. International license>Suspension??
  54. illegal u turn
  55. Fanatical Christians live amongst us....
  56. "Family Ties" in the news lately
  57. Climate Change Unproven: Danielle Smith Wildrose Alliance Leader
  58. Cops and Tims
  59. Beyond Science Experts: think earth hasn't warmed in last ten years?
  60. Can you void a contract within 24 hours
  61. US Unemployment rates January 2007 - October 2009
  62. Do you think Michael Jackson was a pedophile?
  63. Totally messed up abduction attempt
  64. Moscow to ban snow from falling within the city
  65. Teacher and sex - oh yeah
  66. High beams caused by .....
  67. Review: "Sustainable Energy - Without the hot air"
  68. DriveSmartBC - Driver Improvement Program
  69. This is why it was necessary to murder a million+ Iraqis....
  70. Man attempts suicide by lighting himself on fire
  71. The Age of Stupid....
  72. Globalive (Wind) allowed to enter Canadian cellphone market
  73. This kind of stupidity deserves another go...
  74. Mandatory winter driving course
  75. Rediculous Ticket
  76. Oh for fuck sakes... 98 year old woman chokes her room mate to death...
  77. Looks like I'll be going to court soon.
  78. H1N1 Vaccine. Is it safe?
  79. Union asks for snow tires on buses
  80. Need to Find a Consumer Lawyer
  81. Edmonton Breaks Cold Record
  82. Muslim leader objects to olympic security measures
  83. City Council approves blowing money on study, instead of using money to clear roads
  84. Baby born in Toilet!
  85. snow removal in wisconsin results in fatality...
  86. Mayon Volcano Philippines threatens to erupt
  87. Downtown condo parkade building floods
  88. Whats wrong with this video?
  89. Racing slicks and winter driving
  90. The two faces of climate change denialism, and a solution to fit both
  91. Brazilian toddler found with 50 needles in his body
  92. Remember Y2K?
  93. Winnipeg's Finest...
  94. Insurgents Intercept US UAV Feeds
  95. Hugo Chavez... Copenhagen speach excerpts.... The Man!
  96. Texas police and judicial system assist in a child abduction
  97. Interesting event yesterday... CPS involved, social experiment
  98. City to pick up used Christmas trees
  99. DriveSmartBC - Trade Your Ticket for Driver Training
  100. Bored People Expose Sex Offender
  101. Failure to produce insurance docs
  102. H1N1 - The Fake Flu That saved 20,000 US lives this Year.
  103. How much is a 10 or 15 over photo radar ticket
  104. 8 years in prison.....
  105. Man De-Icing Plane Falls to Death
  106. Speeding ticket with Errors, still valid?
  107. Cop pulls gun during snowball fight
  108. new Libel precedents.
  109. Dell pulls ads from show "Jersey Shore"
  110. Labour code Q's
  111. Ticketing drivers for using inappropriate tires
  112. DriveSmartBC - Merry Christmas
  113. Chinese pollution photos
  114. Christmas – naming conventions (Happy Holidays, etc.)
  115. RCMP on training exercise Tresspass, kill dog.
  116. Terrorist tries to blow up transatlantic flight to Detroit
  117. Possible Dec. 25 shooting?
  118. Calgary Police Traffic Enforcement Complete Dicks
  119. Friend was raped
  120. What would you do?
  121. Anyone Seen A Damaged Ford Superduty Lately??
  122. Yemen - The New Iraq
  123. Speeding- Insurance increase?
  124. If you Had Any Doubt - Flu Inc
  125. Proving you're right v.cps
  126. demerits on out of province tickets
  127. Holy Shit - Graphic video of Iran protestor
  128. Suicide at The Shooting Edge
  129. Photo radar flash when under limit?
  130. Unpaid tickets to haunt us in the future!
  131. Calgary Herald Reporter Killed in Afganistan
  132. Fireworks?
  133. 5 shot dead in Espoo, Finland
  134. Ladies, are you single?
  135. BREAKING NEWS: Oilers blamed for partially unpaid New Year's Eve tab
  136. Berkeley High is considering cutting labs in order to help struggling students...
  137. Does this sound like insurance?
  138. CTV Calgary: body found in burning car.
  139. Whats happening with CFL employees?
  140. The Terrorists have won. Joan Rivers booted off plane LOL
  141. ATTN: FRAUD buysell.com ads
  142. Whale Wars now escalating
  143. If you think nature gas future is bleak now
  144. Slovaks set us up the BOMB?
  145. Spare the rod and spoil the child
  146. Survivor of 2 Atomic Bombs Dies at 93
  147. DriveSmartBC - Trucker's Top Five
  148. Alarm company guard says "site all clear" when house was broken into
  149. CPS testing winter tires on 50 cruisers
  150. Ticket Question Help The Noob!
  151. Video of Walrus performing fellatio on self
  152. Truck looses load (BOBCAT) on deerfoot
  153. recycling BS
  154. Another Model (playboy) found in dumpster
  155. Peanut free seats on Air Canada
  156. Calgary Transit pulls racy ads
  157. Calgary to create 'emerald necklace' in Beltline
  158. RCMP Arrest Suspect For Encana Pipeline Bombings??
  159. toyota dangering peoples life
  160. Attack on Canada, U.S is attack on Muslims: imams
  161. Wiebo Ludwig set free (no charges)
  162. Ald. McIver Proposes Solution to Snow Clearing for Calgary Roads
  163. Malaysian Christians fearful as church attacks rise
  164. carwash incident
  165. Pipe > Dick
  166. ~Palin Mentally Unstable~
  167. CTV Calgary: $1 million worth of drugs found in upscale NW community home!!!
  168. alt. measures sanction..
  169. From Bikini's to Burkas
  170. Suncor to lay off another 1000 workers in 2010
  171. How's this for a sausage party.....
  172. Haiti Earthquake
  173. Police officers paid to workout on shift
  174. Google to Pull out of China over Censorship
  175. CPS Speed Traps
  176. NYC cabbie follows mother's advice to be honest, returns over $21,000 lost by tourist
  177. Who's been fucking the goat?
  178. Legal stuff
  179. BREAKING NEWS: CTrain fatality
  180. Harassment
  181. 3 CPS officers charged after altercations with drivers
  182. DriveSmartBC - Driving Over Fire Hoses
  183. Airport 'Naked' Scanners
  184. Shaw working on wireless
  185. Insane attacker may be on Calgary streets
  186. Drunk Driver charged after accident near Spruce Meadows
  187. HPV found in 56% of couples
  188. Haiti scams already started
  189. Deerfoot closed again last night
  190. How many Demerits, 30 over on highway?
  191. 98% of truck drivers are brown
  192. My house just shook...
  193. YYC4Haiti Event - Flames Central Jan 28th
  194. Anyone see the irony? Rutherfords torch run...
  195. Would You Sell/Buy An Olympic Torch???
  196. Possible Homicide in Falconridge
  197. Pins found in products at CO-OP (Oakridge)
  198. Anyway to fight a stunting ticket?
  199. weird question about stolen car...
  200. Chinese Govt to Ban “Avatar”