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  1. Retarded workers worth $2 per hour: Peter Schiff.
  2. Subway to change bread recipe after petition goes viral
  3. Oilsands employees being replaced by foreign workers
  4. 5 Awful Stories You Haven't Heard About the Winter Olympics
  5. Women Dead after Crash on Glenmore
  6. Immigrating to Canada? Better speak English Or French
  7. Ban Ketchup in Canada?
  8. more Harper BS... elections Canada
  9. another example of why we need gun control. ...
  10. Budget Details
  11. Money can not buy immigration.
  12. Justin Beiber gets smacked....LOL
  13. 1% are threatened - Thomas Perkins.
  14. Yellowknife Giant Mine
  15. Jason Jones in Russia
  16. Beddington bus trap
  17. Teacher charged with sex offences against teen boy
  18. Girl cuts off boyfriends name tattooed on her arm
  19. Fix an intersection or road. (Hypothetical)
  20. Google is Spying on me (and FB?)
  21. Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology
  22. Moral Monday protest draws ~100,000....
  23. Anders Breivik - Torture by bad videogames.
  24. looking for traffic ticket lawyer recommendation
  25. £1 houses.
  26. Warren Buffett giving away $1Billion
  27. Double homocide Lake Bonavista: Carlsons.
  28. Keystone hits obstacle in Nebraska
  29. GE sues IRS.
  30. Facebook to buy WhatsApp
  31. should I sue my home builder for his defect workmanship?
  32. Should I get a body armor permit?
  33. Court orders Canadian Internet service to name illegal downloaders
  34. Fracking is "good" or "harmless", except when....
  35. Anyone hear about the World ending tomorrow??
  36. Alberta bars can serve alcohol at 5 a.m. for Olympic men's hockey game
  37. Fracking accident Pennsylvania: Free pizza.
  38. Lady allows dog to shit on grave.
  39. Russia has a sense of Humour....
  40. Center st. lower bridge, and EB memorial closed
  41. Scottish independance vote Sept 18th.
  42. Wealth Inequality in the US... Great Video
  43. conservatives think Canadians are dumb....
  44. Bill Maher on "personalized news feeds" lol. genius
  45. Surrey to replace copper wiring.
  46. Spike in online porn surfing reported in Calgary after Olympic hockey finale
  47. Texas: Legalize eating road kill
  48. CMHC Announces an Announcement
  49. Alberta electricity price manipulation investigation.
  50. Hahahaha. John Stewart takes on Arizona Bigots
  51. Keystone XL propaganda videos everywhere
  52. Rising Inequality Contributes to Slow Recovery
  53. One dead after police open fire on Deerfoot
  54. American Health Care Debate.....
  55. Ninja attack in China: 27 dead.
  56. Trying to find number of accidents for specific intersection
  57. Redford's popularity is plummeting.
  58. Ezra Levant.... sued AGAIN. lol
  59. North Glenmore Park community to be 30kph
  60. Airdrie anti-jostling bylaw
  61. Anyone See Rob Ford on Jimmy Kimmel tonight?
  62. More Harper idiocracy? C-18 and Farmers Seeds....
  63. 10-year-old suspended for making fingers into shape of gun
  64. Dead soldier gets 1-cent cheque from federal government
  65. Loud Bang Heard in Calgary Tuesday March 4
  66. Explain what you should do at this intersection
  67. math taught the old way = better results.
  68. Chinese pricing Australians out of housing market....
  69. Gangbangers living out their dream... in Syria
  70. Faith Healing couple to get 3 years for murdering their baby boy.
  71. Is TFSA a trap? Conspiracy theory.
  72. Climate change deniers rejoice! Pine Forests save the day...
  73. Judge rules parents don't have to pay university fees of daughter who tried to sue th
  74. Man gives homeless guy a ‘winning lottery ticket.
  75. Getting Pulled Over By BC Police Officer... In Alberta
  76. Crazy Preggo Woman Drives Van into Ocean
  77. CPA ticket
  78. Rob Anders at the shooting range.
  79. New Math meets the 2014 Budget
  80. Ship 500,000 tons of grain/week or get fined (CP/CN)
  81. Boeing 777 Missing in Asia
  82. Redford? bah, drop in the bucket. 100million for a war memorial?
  83. Where are the happy slaves??
  84. redfords personal budget - increased by 1.2 million
  85. Dead 6 Years and Nobody Is aware?
  86. Dozens of diners pepper-sprayed at New Dynasty
  87. Allan John Davidson, Ex-RCMP, Charged With Sexually Assaulting Multiple Teens
  88. Kickstarter Fail: Artist Raises $51K to Publish Books, Burns Them in Alley
  89. Snowden: "I raised NSA concerns internally over 10 times before going rogue"
  90. Degraded hospitals? Ignore them?
  91. Environment Canada vs. Govt and Oil industry....
  92. CPS - drop-off tickets?
  93. Sony Closing 20 Retail Stores, Cutting 1,000 Jobs In US
  94. Colorado Marijuana DUI commercials
  95. Oil and Gas in Alberta designing new Alberta education curriculum
  96. No drinky the wawa in Lethbridge.
  97. Infomercial King, Kevin Trudeau to pay $37million for Fraud, and 10 years in Jail?
  98. American Q&A about Canadian Health care....
  99. Conspiracy theorists believe in conflicting conspiracy theories
  100. Teenage Mutant Ninja Head Lice
  101. Officer shoots first, questions later...
  102. Ukraine not enough. The US now funding Venezuela "opposition"
  103. Can a willing participant sue after the fact?
  104. $201 million life insurance.
  105. This Infographic Reveals How to Raise Happy and Healthy Kids
  106. 3 states block sales of Tesla electric cars...
  107. Alberta government associate minister resigns, leaves Tory caucus
  108. Guinness drops sponsorship of New York parade over Gay Rights
  109. Illegal Iron overtakes meth - Mexico.
  110. SW Ring Road, Only $5 billion haha
  111. Jim Flaherty resigns.
  112. Snowden makes TED talk in Vancouver....
  113. Car ban - Paris France.
  114. Opening your car door in a parking lot could cost you!
  115. Redford Resigns!!!
  116. US Energy Self Sufficiency by 2020?? What for Alberta?
  117. News to man: Your g/f isn't pregnant, she's just fat
  118. New boots for Canadian military.
  119. Turkey bans twitter.
  120. Crisis in Korea as younger generation abandons kimchi
  121. NDP MLA Jenny Kwan admits to Disneyland trip after audit of Portland Hotel Society's
  122. Anti-vaccination parents are risking my toddler’s life, mother says
  123. Happy 65th Newfoundland in Canada.
  124. Blackfoot trail crash kills teen
  125. BC Port Strike (Truckers)
  126. Conservative Harper attack on Elections Canada rebuked world wide!
  127. Ebola is back.
  128. AMP radio goes full retard and burns $5K
  129. Jimy Carter hand writes letters to fend of spying....
  130. Glad to see the nukes are safe...
  131. 15 Years Ago Today.....
  132. Calgary Hate
  133. Drone assisted hunting banned in Alaska.
  134. RIP Jon Lord
  135. 'Unequivocal', cell phones cause cancer
  136. Thawing Alaska plays Havoc on buildings
  137. Rob Anders going full retard, prelude to losing nomination?
  138. Vehicle travelling 151km/h on QEII during poor road conditions
  139. Chomsky on: Psychopaths and Sociopaths
  140. Walmart sues Visa.
  141. Man's cock chopped off by gypsies
  142. Iran builds aircraft carrier.
  143. Queen Redfords Palace
  144. Man purposely guillotines his own hand...
  145. Photo Radar vehicle on private property
  146. China corruption Zhou Yongkang $14.5B
  147. Man, Canada Post Doesn't Give A Fuck
  148. Man stays passed out after getting leg chopped off
  149. Calgary man stuck with BC speeding penalties despite not being found guilty
  150. Government trying to 'sell Albertans a lie' in traffic court changes: lawyer
  151. $1 stamp
  152. More Airport Tunnel Madness
  153. Druh marches forward with reduced speed limit plan
  154. New York student accepted into all 8 Ivies
  155. City of Calgary 311 App
  156. Albuquerque police shoot homeless guy
  157. Taiwan protests China
  158. Nenshi Buys the Sun (Apr 1 Article)
  159. Any Java code experts?
  160. Calgary Police Virtual ridealong
  161. Queen visits Pope, brings whiskey.
  162. "Peace officer" brutality.
  163. Measles outbreak
  164. Most Canadian police chase, eh?
  165. oil sands not as important as you think...?
  166. City Census: how do you get to work?
  167. CBC: Foreign workers have better work ethic
  168. Hat Rats
  169. Geocentrism... the Movie. lol
  170. Pennsylvania: One student stabs 20, no deaths.
  171. Any actual cops in the house?
  172. Bionic Leg Controlled By Brain
  173. Filing Taxes Late (CRA Website Shutdown due to Internet Security Issue)
  174. OpenSSL/Heartbleed Vulnerability
  175. Have you lied about where you live?
  176. Floods 2013: Caused by bad dam management?
  177. Floods 2014: Predictions?
  178. Speeding (alot) on banff hiway ticket
  179. Speed.... Safety or Cash Grab??
  180. Got owned by CPA, easiest recourse?
  181. Pictures of Accidents
  182. Street Cleaning
  183. Why you don't park in front of a fire hydrant.
  184. Meanwhile, in Pakistan, 9 MONTH old charged with murder...
  185. Rob Anders Loses Conservative Nomination in Calgary Signal Hill
  186. Alternative media upstages lamestream media in world-class coverage of historic Bundy
  187. Palestinans students visit Auschwitz labeled traitors
  188. Evil UN says we must rapidly move away from fossil fuels....
  189. Senate to take stand against Unfair Election Act?
  190. Noise Snare Bylaw -Guess We Won....For Now
  191. Canada first G20 country to scrap home mail delivery
  192. Being sued over a used cell phone..
  193. Five people have been killed after a stabbing at a house party in N.W. Calgary.
  194. They're still pounding on Redford.
  195. Harper goes Full Retard. Canadian CF18's to Ukraine
  196. $1.64 a liter gas ;)
  197. Dead motorbike test pilot
  198. Pedestrian attacked by police, framed and imprisoned for 15 month
  199. What the 1% don't want you to know. Maybe Toma isn't totally nuts.
  200. Fascinating story of lead contamination...and age of the Earth