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  1. Persian Rug Scam
  2. Another plane bites the dust. Venezuela plane crash
  3. gender selection for fetus', yes or no?
  4. About a Multinova Ticket
  5. Gas finally hits 3 digits...103.9c
  6. Behind the Wheel - August 17, 2005
  7. commiting versus city transit
  8. police ride along?
  9. Shelf life of gasoline being tampered with?
  10. Traffic Questions (turning on red lights).
  11. PPL (Pre-Paid Legal)
  12. Calgary Herald is totally fucked.
  13. Ex-Power Rangers actor facing murder trial
  14. Police Going High Tec
  15. anyway not to loose any demerits..
  16. coworker found this note on his car tonight, extremely weird...
  17. ticket information
  18. Stealing Natural Gas in China
  19. Female teen faces murder charges in mother's stabbing
  20. Fast E-CAR!
  21. The Real Iraq
  22. Central North Calgary Long term plans.
  23. Money deposit into account
  24. FBI Wedding!
  25. Behind the Wheel - August 24, 2005
  26. Disturbing video.
  27. Leap tall buildings in a single bound!
  28. 4 More years in Iraq?
  29. Tearful dad pleads for mom to return Alyssia
  30. Got a ticket
  31. University Freshman Attacks Roommate with Iron
  32. Double Homicide
  33. G.D.L. Question
  34. Hurricane Katrina
  35. HUGE accident!!
  36. Driving pet peeves
  37. got a ticket. need help!!
  38. impark dinks
  39. Yipee!! Gas hike for the long weekend.!!
  40. Mob rules in New Orlean
  41. Taxation ?
  42. Behind the Wheel - August 31, 2005
  43. Gas Price gouging in Atlanta
  44. Crappy Nieghbhors
  45. If you were caught in anarchy, would you...
  46. Saddam trial 'set for October'
  47. 2 Million barrels of oil down the drain??
  48. **MUST LISTEN **New Orleans mayor lashes out ***
  49. bwhaaha George Bush doesn't care about Black people!
  50. Typhoon NABI - Towards Okinawa
  51. Tickets
  52. Blog from volunteer in Houston
  53. Injury Lawyer
  54. Discussion: Soccer & turbans
  55. Aid to the US
  56. How to prepare for a hurricane
  57. kanye west's opinion of bush
  58. Behind the Wheel - September 7, 2005
  59. Bush DOES care about black people.
  60. Impark's constant nastiness
  61. ticket technicality
  62. ZorroAMG gets Indiowned. (sort of)
  63. Legal accident advice(sask people)
  64. Got a photoradar ticket -need info to beat it
  65. A gas price topic - what can we do?
  66. Katrina survivor slideshow
  67. Ticket quashed by no-show cop.
  68. Sept 11th
  69. Racism in alberta
  70. Bush criticized for Katrina this 9/11
  71. RCMP pulled me over in the city?
  72. So is downloading movies/music illegal in Canad?
  73. Intersting things to do in Calgary
  74. Insurance question, small fender bender
  75. Insurance Help!!!
  76. Capital Gains Tax
  77. See you later douchebag. Have fun back home!
  78. Bronconnier and tax grabs vs. prosperity cheques
  79. Any one have thier car impounded by the CPS
  80. Stock Question
  81. Behind the Wheel - September 14, 2005
  82. Islam
  83. police officer dragged by getaway car
  84. More shootings last night downtown.
  85. Calgary police cheif say they can't solve gang problems
  86. Grow Op bust in NE?
  87. Anybody have any scary experiences?
  88. abuse from e-town cops
  89. Ontario Pitbull ban
  90. So i got pulled over last night
  91. man i got pulled over lastnight
  92. Immigrants, Not Canadians must Adapt
  93. Yet another drive-by shooting. This is getting out of hand.
  94. "Back" To The Moon - By 2020.
  95. Forest Lawn Tickets / Pull over
  96. Gas Rebate?
  97. Edmonton Journal - Corruption in the police force
  98. Westjet To Hawaii!!
  99. Gas rebate. You chance to do something good with it?
  100. House prices ?
  101. Hurricane Rita
  102. speeding ticket question...
  103. crippled plane emergency landing at LAX rightnow
  104. Gas prices about to go up?
  105. Behind the Wheel - September 21, 2005
  106. The Core Of It All: Can we fix the world?
  107. Email from my Mom who is in Texas:
  108. Running out of gas
  109. Insurance Premium/Tickets Question.
  110. Nice cop again :)
  111. Finally some good news! or Hamas gets OWNED!
  112. Be aware: Calgary Transit
  113. Gasoline prices question
  114. Red Deer Cops
  115. What intersection/strech of road would you like to see improved?
  116. Does Islam promote violence and terrorism?
  117. calgarys 35th traffic fatality - young prelude driver
  118. Traffic Ticket after dispute.
  119. Behind the Wheel - September 28, 2005
  120. Will they take my license?
  121. wow, can you get any lower than this?
  122. Boycott: Lone Star Mercedes Benz
  123. Anyone looking for a new house? (Cedarglen Homes)
  124. BC: gov't now allowed to sue tobacco companies
  125. Ticket Question (Yellow slip)
  126. Hes got my vote!
  127. Mailed in ticket
  128. Got a ticket in BC, should I fight for it?
  129. BS stunting ticket - how to fight
  130. Unemployment Insurance
  131. Divorce Lawyer
  132. Terrible French fishing practice!!
  133. another shooting
  134. Witness a parking lot accident?
  135. Only child
  136. Doctor sued for sex treatment for back pain
  137. Canadian News Links
  138. Woman Ticketed For Sitting On Park Bench With No Kids
  139. Behind the Wheel - October 5, 2005
  140. Anybody see a bottom to this stock slide?
  141. Education Part ll
  142. Registering a Ubuilt or kit car
  143. Marriage question
  144. Insurance for a week, why not?
  145. Earthquakes, and Floods hit Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan
  146. need lawyer - pedestrian hit!!
  147. Shooting @ Coyotes
  148. parking car 4sale
  149. WTF is up with asians............
  150. Politicians and terrorists
  151. Official "Another Shooting" Thread
  152. Traffic Ticket Lawyers
  153. Calgary Police Service, sorry, we can't help you.
  154. Behind the Wheel - October 12, 2005
  155. Getting Sued for $100 Grand
  156. Yet another accident question
  157. Homicide - 2200blk 42 St Se
  158. Did they have the right to fire me??
  159. Homicide in Calgary
  160. Another Shooting!
  161. "Why did I come to Canada!?"
  162. Stabbings this morning
  163. Murderer Turned Himself In
  164. Got in a rear ender... question
  165. Province ponders free college tuition
  166. Traffic Ticket Court Date. Help! Plz.
  167. Makes you wonder ?
  168. Ticket Bullshit:
  169. racing.....uh oh
  170. Eliminate Smoking Pads from Schools?
  171. Fender Bender Question?
  172. Leftist Propoganda
  173. Hurricane Wilma eyeing Florida - Category 5 storm
  174. Need help from investment & fianace experts
  175. 3 native 1 white guy fight downtown
  176. what to do with a huge ticket
  177. Behind the Wheel - October 19, 2005
  178. Watch your speed! Speeding tickets doubled
  179. Freedom of Speech....Where does it end?
  180. Australian to be executed in Singapore
  181. Defense Lawyer of Saddam Dead
  182. Does marijuana stimulate brain growth?
  183. Should Canada have the death penalty?
  184. Huge bomb blasts in Baghdad
  185. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is DEAD
  186. FIRST TICKET in BC...
  187. Exhaust / Muffler Laws
  188. Traffic ticket: Officer wrote the wrong court date. What to do?
  189. 4 Car accident on Peigan trial?
  190. Iran president wants Israel ‘wiped off the map’
  191. Behind the Wheel - October 26, 2005: Winter Tires
  192. Rosa Parks, 1913 - 2005 R.I.P.
  193. Jury Duty
  194. Funny Video
  195. FW: speeding ticket
  196. Canadian Forces Recruiting...
  197. Right to the top??
  198. Fellow Beyond member in tragic accident
  199. big accident by ikea?
  200. IMport into Canada from Europe