View Full Version : MC'ing a Wedding...

09-02-2005, 09:37 PM
i'm MC'ing a wedding tomorrow... it'll be my first. It's my brother-in-law's wedding and I'm a tad bit nervous. I have no problems getting infront of crowds and speaking - however everytime I've done public speaking it was about myself or something i do. So if I made a mistake, it was only me that looked bad.

This time, it's not about me so I'm afraid of making mistakes! I don't want to do a bad job because it will reflect on the couple.

Does anyone have any recommendations or can post about good examples?

09-02-2005, 10:25 PM
Don't wing it unless you are a pro. Have 2 good jokes (no divorce or death), and at least one good analogy or story that ends in some sort of nice comment. But your job is to keep people moving, introduce the right people - the worst MCs are ones who try and comment on every single speech.

Pronounce every single persons name many times in advance to someone who knows if it's right or not. I was at a wedding where the MC screwed up the grooms last name. Not good.

If someone breaks something or some other minor problem crops up be prepared to smooth it over and keep going. I knocked a giant candle stand thing over and it smashed during dinner - mc made some comment about how I should have just told him I didn't like the decorations. And when I was mc'ing his, he destroyed a gift while opening it and I made some crack about it being a nice lego serving plate.

Know in advance about what to do with glass clinking, and under no conditions should you allow the "all ex-gfs bring up your keys" - everyone who's been to a wedding has seen this too many times.

Oh and powerpoint presentations are the devil. :banghead:


09-02-2005, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Khyron
Don't wing it unless you are a pro. Have 2 good jokes (no divorce or death), and at least one good analogy or story that ends in some sort of nice comment. But your job is to keep people moving, introduce the right people - the worst MCs are ones who try and comment on every single speech.

Pronounce every single persons name many times in advance to someone who knows if it's right or not. I was at a wedding where the MC screwed up the grooms last name. Not good.

If someone breaks something or some other minor problem crops up be prepared to smooth it over and keep going. I knocked a giant candle stand thing over and it smashed during dinner - mc made some comment about how I should have just told him I didn't like the decorations. And when I was mc'ing his, he destroyed a gift while opening it and I made some crack about it being a nice lego serving plate.

Know in advance about what to do with glass clinking, and under no conditions should you allow the "all ex-gfs bring up your keys" - everyone who's been to a wedding has seen this too many times.

Oh and powerpoint presentations are the devil. :banghead:


I agree with ALL points made by Khyron...
Im sure you will do fine man... I'd wing it (well everything other than people's names), but thats just me...

09-03-2005, 12:09 AM
and obviously, dont have any alcohol. I've been to a few functions in vancouver (doesnt seem to happen here, just vancouver.....another reason why I have no respect for that city hehe) where one of the mc's were drunk.....

09-03-2005, 12:53 AM
just leave out the story where you and him got prostitues and everything will be okay ;)

09-03-2005, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Gurpy
and obviously, dont have any alcohol. I've been to a few functions in vancouver (doesnt seem to happen here, just vancouver.....another reason why I have no respect for that city hehe) where one of the mc's were drunk.....

Hey hey, don't knock the drunken MC's!! I did one wedding and I was pretty hammered and it went perfectly!! Mind you, it was a slow progression and I guess people thought I did such a fine job that they kept buying me drinks...either that or they thought I sucked balls and thought the alcohol would make it better! :dunno: :dunno: Who knows! :rofl: haha

Either way, it was fun, I love speaking in front of large crowds...or doing pretty much anything in front of large crowds.

At the last wedding I did, there were a lot of out of town guests so we had a little quiz contest that kinda poked fun at american's lack of trivia of canada and it was a pretty good time filler in between sections. One of the questions was "spell Banff" and another was "name the city that you were in right now!" It got a lot of laughs, but anyway, you gotta know your audience. Good luck man.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

oh yah...stay away from the beer! haha:nut: :rofl:

09-04-2005, 01:53 AM
it went well! thanx for the help guys :D

01-24-2008, 12:59 PM
A friend of mine told ma about The Wedding MC Jokebook. Said it was awesome. Laid out how to do the reception, including intros etc. Then he said the book had 60 jokes in 6 categories that worked really well. Even had instructions for changing them to work better. He used the book right off the podium.

If you type the title The Wedding MC Jokebook into a search engine you should find it.


01-24-2008, 01:11 PM
way to reply to a 3 year old thread

01-24-2008, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by bellsman
A friend of mine told ma about The Wedding MC Jokebook. Said it was awesome. Laid out how to do the reception, including intros etc. Then he said the book had 60 jokes in 6 categories that worked really well. Even had instructions for changing them to work better. He used the book right off the podium.

If you type the title The Wedding MC Jokebook into a search engine you should find it.


is this by Lee and Mark? I have a wedding in Mexico in May where I am the best man and the MC. I read a link http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=280&gclid=CN--3-3Jj5ECFRFoYAodfD4Lzw
and want to make sure it is the correct one.

Thanks for the heads up about this book.