View Full Version : Young Orientals with Nice Cars

02-09-2003, 01:21 AM
I was just wondering when you see a nice car on the road do you think the driver is oriental?

A few years ago, when I was lining up for the Art Parkade Pass, I decided to sleep in my car because it was 3 AM. A couple of people walk pass my car (Porsche 911) and were like I bet you a Chinese person drives that. So that is why I am asking this question.

02-09-2003, 01:23 AM
not all the tym...
either chinese.. or a retired person

02-09-2003, 01:23 AM
yes! if i see a S-series or E-series driving by, i would definitly thing its driven by an Azn.

02-09-2003, 01:26 AM
Most of the M5's I come across are driven by mid-20's Asian guys. I see alot of Asian guys driving high end MB's, too.

As far as 911 Turbo's go...I only know one person with one of those, and he's 18 and Cuban/white. Sooo...I dunno.

02-09-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Chu
IA couple of people walk pass my car (Porsche 911)

so that's your porsche i see art every so often??

02-09-2003, 02:59 AM
theres a chinese guy that lives by me in his low 20's he drives a mustard gold M3 high end model to

02-09-2003, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by Troy
theres a chinese guy that lives by me in his low 20's he drives a mustard gold M3 high end model to

A high end M3? What's that? :dunno:

02-09-2003, 03:17 AM
A high end M3?

HE model duh

02-09-2003, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by szw

HE model duh

Oh, right... how could I forget about that one... :banghead:

02-09-2003, 03:32 AM
Maybe its cus all of us white guys are driving around wearing budweiser shirts driving mustangs and camaros with mullets....

02-09-2003, 03:33 AM
I hope this doesn't come out wrong but anytime I see a really nicely done up car, I assume they are asian.....and if I see an asian drive a really expensive car, I am not surprised at all.....

02-09-2003, 03:45 AM
Its because typically asian kids are more spoiled than other races.
I'm not saying all young asians that drive nice cars didn't earn it, but I bet you the majority of them haven't.

02-09-2003, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by buh_buh
Its because typically asian kids are more spoiled than other races.
I'm not saying all young asians that drive nice cars didn't earn it, but I bet you the majority of them haven't.

It is because asian parents try to give their kids everything that they didn't have when they were young.....while other races tend to have the attitude......well I didn't have a nice car, so you don't need one......

Now this does not apply to all, but most imo....just something I gathered over the years with my friends and family etc........:dunno:

And I should add.....mostly applies to wealthy families......of course.......

02-09-2003, 04:05 AM
damn im asian and im getting none of those spoiled crap... my dad's attitude is i didnt have one, i dont see why you need one, so you wont have one. .. he applies that concept to everything from computer to cars to even a 2nd jacket...

Luke 96 T/A
02-09-2003, 05:16 AM
I figure if I see rice, it's an asian driver....
or even a modified import.....

any beemers I usually assume are white (even though I know a lot of orientals with beemers), any domestics are white...

02-09-2003, 05:57 AM
I never assume they are asian, but when I see that they are, it doesn't surprise me.

02-09-2003, 06:17 AM
Originally posted by Stratus_Power
damn im asian and im getting none of those spoiled crap... my dad's attitude is i didnt have one, i dont see why you need one, so you wont have one. .. he applies that concept to everything from computer to cars to even a 2nd jacket...

Shit, your Dad must be 'White-Washed' :tongue: j/k

I Dont Assume an Asian Drives a Nice Car, its common, but i see alot af Asians driving POS cars too( no that theres anything wrong with that) not everybody needs a Mercedes..... Although im Sure if they could afford one they'd have one! :tongue:

I think some of what Sam Said is True, But alot of Wealthy people ( dosnt matter what race) tend to give thier children things they didnt have when they were young, theres alot of reasons for this. "spoiling" kids, especially kids who dont deserve it, can lead to Trouble. And when i see a kid like that , it pisses the hell out of me.

This guy i know gets EVERYTHING Paid for by his parents, 2000 Prelude, Insurance, Cell Phone, High end Clothes Etc, Etc.., He only works( 2-3 days a week) to have extra money to go to clubs every night( because his parents dont give him enough of an allowance):rolleyes: ..and he STILL complains, He didnt finish H.S., isnt taking any post secondary, and because they will probably let him, he will live off his Parents till hes 30, then they most likely give him a job working for them, where he will do absolutly nothing because his parents own the company....anyone else see anything wrong with that?:dunno:
:rolleyes:... he dosnt........and hes not Asian. just to clarify.

Alot of Asian's who have nice cars( or atleast ones i know) atleast have some sense of responsibilty, because thier hard-working parents taught them that in Life, you should have to work for everything you have.

I done know if im even making any sense anymore, its gettin late :tongue:

02-09-2003, 10:06 AM
I hope this doesn't come out wrong but anytime I see a really nicely done up car, I assume they are asian

LOL. I wouldn't mind being stereotyped like that.

02-09-2003, 11:11 AM
Usually if its a nicely done Import, I'm thinking the driver is asian. Other white guys are giving the white guys with nice imports a bad name driving around with their annoying exhausts and such.

If it's a BMW, Mercedes etc. I think white. I'm not sure why, I guess it's just in my head that a white guy drives those cars. Then again I barely seen them around anyways LOL.

02-09-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by TurboDSM
Maybe its cus all of us white guys are driving around wearing budweiser shirts driving mustangs and camaros with mullets....
True enough...

Originally posted by AMG
Usually if its a nicely done Import, I'm thinking the driver is asian. Other white guys are giving the white guys with nice imports a bad name driving around with their annoying exhausts and such.

I think we all know rice came from the asian crowd. If I see a nicely done honda I think Asian kid with his shit together. If I see a rice bucket I expect to see your typical asian "gangsta". Visor upside down and backwards, pants too big, hair dyed some unnatural color, etc.

02-09-2003, 12:39 PM
It depends on how the car is driven, if it's travelling less than speed limit and driving like an old lady, then i know

02-09-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by sillyd
It depends on how the car is driven, if it's travelling less than speed limit and driving like an old lady, then i know


if its slow i assume its an old asian woman. if the car speeds and changes lanes like mad its probably a young asian guy. if it tail gates me at a high speed, then its a PMSing asian woman.

i been right 79% of the time, and one time i had this PMSing asian chick in a M3 tailgate me for 10 miles.....

its not the ride, its the driving style that counts....

Asians can't drive, or they just dont follow the rules. Look at me, I speed 105 in a 55 mph area...

oh yea maybe its just in the states, but "oriental" for some odd reason now is considered an offensive term.... i'm asian and i dont think its offensive.. wtf is wrong with american education system!?

02-09-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Luke 96 T/A
I figure if I see rice, it's an asian driver....
or even a modified import.....

any beemers I usually assume are white (even though I know a lot of orientals with beemers), any domestics are white...

thats gay

GTS Jeff
02-09-2003, 02:31 PM
not all korean cars are driven by koreans, but all koreans drive korean cars.

its true!

Luke 96 T/A
02-09-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by szw

thats gay

How so?? explain..

02-09-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Luke 96 T/A

How so?? explain..

Half of the rice I see around is white guys in their honda's!!! Some asians actually have taste in mods. And lots of white guys dont! IMO

02-09-2003, 03:54 PM
ie that neon in Chinook hahaha

02-09-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

Half of the rice I see around is white guys in their honda's!!! Some asians actually have taste in mods. And lots of white guys dont! IMO

You know why? Because rice is the first step in growth of a car.....most asian guys are already done with the rice......now they have moved on to bigger and better things.....while other people that are just getting into the scene start off with rice....

Its true for me, and I bet you, 95% of the people on this site......

02-09-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

You know why? Because rice is the first step in growth of a car.....most asian guys are already done with the rice......now they have moved on to bigger and better things.....while other people that are just getting into the scene start off with rice....

Its true for me, and I bet you, 95% of the people on this site......

i used to think rice was sweet!!

02-09-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
not all korean cars are driven by koreans, but all koreans drive korean cars.

its true!

i saw a korean tv show and the main character used a tiburon to disguise his wellfareness...wtf?? oh yea the rich guys drive ford explorers?!?

damn im always late for a post... anyways, technically a big reason for azns and their nice cars are simple: hong kong $$ a small real estate in hong kong translate into big $$ over here. Go to vancity and u will know. all the FOBS with 330ci's

GTS Jeff
02-09-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

You know why? Because rice is the first step in growth of a car.....most asian guys are already done with the rice......now they have moved on to bigger and better things.....while other people that are just getting into the scene start off with rice....

Its true for me, and I bet you, 95% of the people on this site...... :werd:

i started out by putting green blinky neon and "mugen" seatbelt pads on my moms accord! since then, ive moved up to being a takumi wannabe!

02-09-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

Half of the rice I see around is white guys in their honda's!!! Some asians actually have taste in mods. And lots of white guys dont! IMO

I find it leans both ways. I've seen every race do some thoings to there cars that I think looked horrible. Its not a matter of race but a matter of who was doing car mods 6 years ago. If I saw a ricey car back then I thought it was nice. Now I'd just point and laugh. Everyone and there dog can add bobbleheads and lights to there cars. Not everyone can afford nice mods. So it makes them that much nicer and not as played out. Just my $.02

02-09-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

so that's your porsche i see art every so often??

probably but its only around in september, october and hopefully april this year.

02-09-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr


if it tail gates me at a high speed, then its a PMSing asian woman.

i been right 79% of the time, and one time i had this PMSing asian chick in a M3 tailgate me for 10 miles.....

:rofl: :rofl: haha....I plead guilty.

02-09-2003, 06:06 PM
For the most part, the Asians that drive the nicer cars are often the ones who have come to Canada from HK. It is so ridiculously expensive to live there, so if you come here being middle of the pack in HK, you are at the top here. A lot of the Exchange Students are just given money to live, and typically it is way to much for what you need. For them to buy a BMW in HK, you need to be a multi-millionare, so its nothing to them to buy it here, since it costs so little in comparison.
One guy I met blew 3grand at the Casino in a month, so had to start seling his shit casue his parents would be pissed. It was kinda funny.

Oh, and don't you feel that the term FOB is slightly derogatory?
( Fresh Off Boat)

02-09-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by girlRACER

:rofl: :rofl: haha....I plead guilty.

oh jeeze thats not good, like my friend shes asian she drives a land cruiser with those big guards in the front so if she hits anything, she wont get hurt..... wow its scary when shes PMSing and driving...

02-09-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

You know why? Because rice is the first step in growth of a car.....most asian guys are already done with the rice......now they have moved on to bigger and better things.....while other people that are just getting into the scene start off with rice....

Its true for me, and I bet you, 95% of the people on this site......


i use to think rice was cool. actually i use to think ppl were talking about the rice ppl eat, not like "rice" as a description...:rofl:

02-09-2003, 06:24 PM
I don't want to start any racial arguments but I've noticed that asians as well as other minority groups tend to be much more materialistic than white people wether they even have money or not. White people tend to be much more discrete about their money and don't mind driving a Ford truck even when they have 7 figures in the bank. This attitude can be seen thoughout society, compare white music artists to african american music artists, black music videos are mainly all about bling and sipping Kristal while white music videos seem to be more about the music itself. I've found that the most wealthy people, the ones that are truely wealthy, don't look like they have money at all.

02-09-2003, 06:28 PM
That's not always true.

02-09-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
I don't want to start any racial arguments but I've noticed that asians as well as other minority groups tend to be much more materialistic than white people wether they even have money or not. White people tend to be much more discrete about their money and don't mind driving a Ford truck even when they have 7 figures in the bank. This attitude can be seen thoughout society, compare white music artists to african american music artists, black music videos are mainly all about bling and sipping Krystal while white music videos seem to be more about the music itself. I've found that the most wealthy people, the ones that are truely wealthy, don't look like they have money at all.

chinese tradition is to be as humble as ever, so u dont display wealth. most chinese old generation are like that, just the corrupt minds of the new gen today are different. if u go to beverly hills in california u see all these white folks with rolls royces and bmws scrolling around, and these stuck up white women bitching at the waiters about their food not looking right. well u think "well yea its a rich place" but if u look around my neighborhood its a mixed area and all the white ppl roll out in bmws, mercedes, jaguars, auston martians, rolls royces, lotus, and a few ferraris. the ppl who display the most bling with the ching ching is white ppl in the states, next is blacks....

02-09-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr

chinese tradition is to be as humble as ever, so u dont display wealth. most chinese old generation are like that, just the corrupt minds of the new gen today are different. if u go to beverly hills in california u see all these white folks with rolls royces and bmws scrolling around, and these stuck up white women bitching at the waiters about their food not looking right. well u think "well yea its a rich place" but if u look around my neighborhood its a mixed area and all the white ppl roll out in bmws, mercedes, jaguars, auston martians, rolls royces, lotus, and a few ferraris. the ppl who display the most bling with the ching ching is white ppl in the states, next is blacks....
I agree with you on that Zephyr but beverlyhills is a bit of an exception, its basically all white people anyways, I know that chinese tradition is to be humble which is why I was always confused by what I saw.Once again I don't want to come across like I'm bashing other cultural groups I'm just stating what I've noticed.

02-09-2003, 06:38 PM
Come visit Long Island, you'll see tons of white people flexing their dollar muscles.

02-09-2003, 08:58 PM
People are still calling us "Oriental?!?" That term should be used for items, not people...it's about as generic as calling anyone born in the US anythine else but 'american'...like 'aisan' or 'african' american. Just because someone may have descendents from another country, that's not the way they should be classified. Wherever you're born, that's what you are.

02-10-2003, 09:56 AM
my friend is also asian and he always drove his MB m-class. i didnt believe him when he first told me. then after a while he tells me he wants an s2000. i didnt believe that either.

then a month later, he shows up in a s2000. and now he has an RSX for his winter beater.

im asian. why dont i get stuff like that???
also no offense but most young asian ppl driving nice cars look and act so cocky. sorry to offend some people but its true

02-10-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Hipermax_d

im asian. why dont i get stuff like that???
also no offense but most young asian ppl driving nice cars look and act so cocky. sorry to offend some people but its true

:werd: :werd: only reason why i didnt go to UBC, dont want to take the bus to show up at a parking lot where every 2nd car is a BMW and every 2nd people is a cocky asian

02-10-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by TurboDSM
Maybe its cus all of us white guys are driving around wearing budweiser shirts driving mustangs and camaros with mullets....

Representin! :rofl:


02-10-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr

chinese tradition is to be as humble as ever, so u dont display wealth. most chinese old generation are like that,

I gotta say yes and no to that. Yes, chinese culture is humble but at the same time Chinese folks place a high value on status. i.e. my kid is smarter than yours, my kid always gets A's etc. etc. I think there's lots of subtle and not so subtle flaunting by all cultures, I just notice orientals more because I am one, and I don't personally see the word as derrogatory.

02-10-2003, 12:14 PM
This is what I think about asian kids having nice cars. Their are 3 scenarios which enable them to have nice cars.

Scenario one involves people like Max Boost. They work had and save like their parents do. Max Boost has a BMW at the age of 21 as a result of his own hard work.

Scenario two occurs based on asian culture. I don't want to generalize but I hear that most asian parents let you stay home forever. So you get out of university, you are 21-22. You make 40-50 grand a year. You have no rent, or cost of living. What are you going to spend your money on? How about financing a nice car! Most other races (once again I dont want to generalize) kick their kids out at 18, or charge them rent or they just move out on their own. Then you would be paying rent and other costs of living and there for could not afford a nice car as of yet.

Then we have GIRLracer. Her family is rich because they obviously worked hard. They just want to do something nice for their daughter.

Scenario 2 occurs probably in the greatest frequency IMO. Not all asian people are rich, and not all asian people have Max Boost's dedication. I hope I didn't offend anyone :D

02-10-2003, 12:24 PM
Generalizing doesn't work.

02-10-2003, 01:20 PM
i notice at mount royal most of the nice cars are driven by white kids. list goes something like this: is300, bmw 330, slk 230,..... and so on. when i went to summer school in edmonton 2 years ago most of the nice cars were driven by asians.... so everytime i see a nice car on the road.. done up or not... i don't think asian, white, or brown person driving automatically because sometimes you just don't know.

02-10-2003, 01:34 PM
Well, I get a little angry whenever I see young people with nice cars, because it makes me feel poor, and makes me think my car is crap...but my parents did give me my car (even though they bought it for $3500 including $1000 set of rims), but it's still not as nice as some young peoples cars...wish I could have a brand new car...hehe :D

02-10-2003, 02:17 PM
you also gotta remember that in alberta asians are not the majority, so it isnt a good comparison to put whities and asians together when there is a descrepency in numbers.

Now, IMO i feel that its not a racial thing. some folks spoil their chillun and some dont. I know a guy whos parents bought him a new IS300 then gave him mod money (lots) but his folks have less $$$ than mine. Now my dad bought me nothing. I got my own jetta, and datsun and microbus. Of course my dad bought himself relatively nothing too. He still drives his 95 chevy 2500 and when he did splurge, he bought a 87 911 turbo. (ouuuuu ahhhhh eiiiiiiiii, not that great when he could buy a new one or just about anything else)

02-10-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
not all korean cars are driven by koreans, but all koreans drive korean cars.

its true!

I cant believe nobody called you on this ;) . Its not true. I know a korean family that drives an audi and a ford. :nut:

02-10-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by calarina
Well, I get a little angry whenever I see young people with nice cars, because it makes me feel poor, and makes me think my car is crap...

you should be happy with what you have...... how i see it is there will always be people better/worse off than you..

02-10-2003, 03:06 PM
Well, I get a little angry whenever I see young people with nice cars, because it makes me feel poor, and makes me think my car is crap...

No reason to hate. Use that as motivation to work harder, so you can buy yourself a nicer car.

GTS Jeff
02-10-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Glowrider

No reason to hate. Use that as motivation to work harder, so you can buy yourself a nicer car. :werd: i hate it when ppl bitch about being poor

02-10-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by calarina
Well, I get a little angry whenever I see young people with nice cars, because it makes me feel poor, and makes me think my car is crap...but my parents did give me my car (even though they bought it for $3500 including $1000 set of rims), but it's still not as nice as some young peoples cars...wish I could have a brand new car...hehe :D

Well, think about the people that don't even have cars... :guns:

02-10-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
:werd: i hate it when ppl bitch about being poor

You do that all the time, hahaha

02-10-2003, 05:07 PM
I got a question for the asians on this board... when I'm driving around town I see quite a few asians in nice cars (especially Benz & Beamers) and a lot of them have bobble dolls/figurines stuck to the dash on their $50,000+ car?

Why do they do this? It has always puzzled me, I can understand young people who might be ricing their car out but I see it on a lot of older people's cars as well...:dunno:

02-10-2003, 05:26 PM
I'm not trying to hate on anyone, I didn't mean that to make me sound selfish, or whatever it made me sound. I am happy with my car, and lately I've been happier with it, cuz I'm fixing it up, and it's going as planned. I know I could be worse off, and I know I was given a good car, it's just that most of the time when it's a young person driving a nice car, it's an asian...that't not a stereotype, it's pretty much a fact. I AM happy with my car though, don't get me wrong. :)

02-10-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by calarina
I'm not trying to hate on anyone, I didn't mean that to make me sound selfish, or whatever it made me sound. I am happy with my car, and lately I've been happier with it, cuz I'm fixing it up, and it's going as planned. I know I could be worse off, and I know I was given a good car, it's just that most of the time when it's a young person driving a nice car, it's an asian...that't not a stereotype, it's pretty much a fact. I AM happy with my car though, don't get me wrong. :)

The only person that is going to get you a nice car is in the mirror

02-10-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by RC-Cola
I got a question for the asians on this board... when I'm driving around town I see quite a few asians in nice cars (especially Benz & Beamers) and a lot of them have bobble dolls/figurines stuck to the dash on their $50,000+ car?

Why do they do this? It has always puzzled me, I can understand young people who might be ricing their car out but I see it on a lot of older people's cars as well...:dunno:

just decoration. I find asians of all generations love to have things all over their dash! Espcially vent-air fresheners..LOTS of them!

02-10-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by calarina
it's just that most of the time when it's a young person driving a nice car, it's an asian...that't not a stereotype, it's pretty much a fact.

i disagree with this "fact" of yours. there are lots young people of all "races" that drive nice cars....

02-10-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by mrmattyk

Scenario 2 occurs probably in the greatest frequency IMO. Not all asian people are rich, and not all asian people have Max Boost's dedication. I hope I didn't offend anyone :D

Yeah, you can do a lot of big things with a relativly small income when you have no living expenses.

02-10-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by bol

Yeah, you can do a lot of big things with a relativly small income when you have no living expenses.

You can't do jack if you have no income and high living expenses though... :banghead:

02-10-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by 2000impreza

i disagree with this "fact" of yours. there are lots young people of all "races" that drive nice cars....

Originally posted by bol

Yeah, you can do a lot of big things with a relativly small income when you have no living expenses.

:werd:....I Have several Friends that have pretty Damn Nice Cars at a young age. Hard work/no living expenses can make that possible!:tongue:

02-10-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by szw

just decoration. I find asians of all generations love to have things all over their dash! Espcially vent-air fresheners..LOTS of them!

Hahaha, no doubt, what is with the obsession with accessories like air fressioners and trinkets all over the dash. that and stuffed animals. LOTS of them. http://www.v8less.com/programs/forum/html/emoticons/stickpoke.gif

02-10-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by szw

just decoration. I find asians of all generations love to have things all over their dash! Espcially vent-air fresheners..LOTS of them!

Although many of those trinkets are merely decoration, some are not. For example, in Chinese culture Chinese people like to ward off Bad spirits and things by placing icons and images which represent good luck in their house, work, etc. Therefore you will find that many Chinese people hang pendants and images which represent good luck on their rear-view mirror as a sign of good luck; perhaps protection from accidents and/or theft.

02-10-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Stratus_Power

:werd: :werd: only reason why i didnt go to UBC, dont want to take the bus to show up at a parking lot where every 2nd car is a BMW and every 2nd people is a cocky asian

whereas at the u of a the only cocky bmw driving asian u know is me :D

02-10-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Ben

Hahaha, no doubt, what is with the obsession with accessories like air fressioners and trinkets all over the dash. that and stuffed animals. LOTS of them. http://www.v8less.com/programs/forum/html/emoticons/stickpoke.gif

haha i have stuffed animals my friend's gave me. But the real reason they are there, is for lumbar support when I need it!

GTS Jeff
02-11-2003, 02:03 AM
i have nothing in my car cept for a radar detector.

02-11-2003, 02:28 AM
i have nothing in my car cept for a radar detector.

02-11-2003, 02:35 AM
I have nothing in my car cept for a loaded 9mm

02-11-2003, 02:23 PM
this thread is becoming into a debate

02-11-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Hipermax_d
this thread is becoming into a debate

That is primarily why car discussion forums exist.

02-11-2003, 06:29 PM
when i see a nice car im like - shit, nice car!- not like - shit, look at that fill in minority group driving that nice car! -

02-11-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by girlRACER

Although many of those trinkets are merely decoration, some are not. For example, in Chinese culture Chinese people like to ward off Bad spirits and things by placing icons and images which represent good luck in their house, work, etc. Therefore you will find that many Chinese people hang pendants and images which represent good luck on their rear-view mirror as a sign of good luck; perhaps protection from accidents and/or theft. :werd: