View Full Version : Laptop Processor Replacement Q

09-20-2005, 11:49 PM
How difficult is it generally to do a processor swap on a laptop.
I have a Compaq Armada M700 with a PIII 600Mhz proc which I am looking to swap out with a 1Ghz PIII proc. My friend also has a Panasonic Toughbook which we'd like to perform a similar operation to. I have experience working with processors from normal desktop PC's, but never with laptops. Compaq has very good documentation, but does not provide any information about processor replacement, or even where it's located on my laptop's board... Thanks in advanced for your input.

09-20-2005, 11:59 PM
Swappable CPU in laptop didn't really catch on til recent years. Yours being a PIII would mean the laptop is at least 3 years old. Even if you have made soldering skill, you probably can't get the CPU out.

It'll probably be cheaper just buy another used laptop.

BTW, Dell sell laptops starting @ $699.

09-21-2005, 09:23 AM
Yea due to the different voltages and clock speeds required by the processor your laptop motherboard might not swap it.

I have been a certified laptop tech for almost 4-5 years now and I wouldnt recommend that you do this...

09-21-2005, 07:06 PM
p3 600 was probably back in the cu-mine core processors... a lot of those boards wouldn't take any of the tualatin cores (which you can still find here and there). The time, money, and effort to find a working and compatible cpu is not going to give you the performance return you're going to expect.

Instead, put it towards a new notebook.

09-21-2005, 07:13 PM
Yea, kind of what I was expecting... Would doubling my ram be worthwhile though? My friend is complaining that his laptop will lag somewhat when surfing web pages at the U, would some additional ram help to alleviate this problem?

09-21-2005, 07:49 PM

As per Kingston's site, the notebook came in a base config of 64MB of ram integrated onboard. It also has 2 slots each supporting a 256MB module giving the max memory in the system at 576MB of ram. In addition, it looks like you need a specialized low profile module to fit into one of the slots.

Because we're not a sponsor... im not going to tell you how much it is or where you can get it. However, seeing the cost on this puppy I'd advise you to not bother and buy a new notebook!!

09-21-2005, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by hampstor
Because we're not a sponsor... im not going to tell you how much it is or where you can get it. However, seeing the cost on this puppy I'd advise you to not bother and buy a new notebook!!
I'll second that as I just looked up the price as well :werd::eek: