View Full Version : Nintendo's next gen console: the Revolution

09-24-2005, 03:32 AM
There may have been various articles around that talk about the next gen console itself, and I'm sure you can find more about it still even around the website at the following link, but what deserves some special attention is the newest peripheral to be used along with Revolution. It's a wand-like device that resembles a lot like a remote control, but appears to have some sort of motion/gyroscopic sensor internally so that you can point, swivel, twist, etc. the controller in any way you like and you actually get a unique response from the game depending on the motion. Check out this 4 page article on the controller and some of its potential applications..... Pretty cool shite (http://cube.ign.com/articles/651/651224p1.html)

09-24-2005, 09:17 AM
love the fact that they will be bringing back the ol school 8 bit games for play with this controller. if i get any console this will be it, hooray for miyamoto again :)

09-24-2005, 11:58 AM
The controller is nothing but a giant cash grab for Nintendo. The controller has adapters (such as the joystick and mouse) that plug into the main unit. Now, for 4 people to play all of your games, you have to buy 4 controllers and 4 joysticks, and 4 mice. Now imagine that a few games have their own (required!) proprietary controllers (ie Donkey Konga, a lightgun, etc.), now you'd have to buy 4 of each of those, as well.

That's 20 controllers/attachments you'd have to buy, just so everyone could play! That'd probably cost you the same price as the Revolution itself.

Yay for Nintendo...:rolleyes:

09-24-2005, 12:35 PM
^If you are complaining so much, perhaps you are too old for video games. (anyone out of college should be IMO)

09-24-2005, 12:50 PM
No way you can never be too old for gaming! :D

I know nothings been finalized yet but those graphics don't look that much better than what Xbox is offering now...heh.

09-24-2005, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
^If you are complaining so much, perhaps you are too old for video games. (anyone out of college should be IMO)


09-24-2005, 01:21 PM
Why Nintendo Gets It, or Why Sony Should Start Trying (http://gamesfirst.com/?id=682)

Click Link, kthxbai.

09-24-2005, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
^If you are complaining so much, perhaps you are too old for video games. (anyone out of college should be IMO)

Originally posted by ZEDGE


don't mind him, he likes to troll around and make himself feel superior to everyone else

09-24-2005, 02:08 PM
Yes, I am a troll. FEEL superior? Heck no.

DJ Lazy
09-24-2005, 02:23 PM
Love the sig Zorro... :D :rofl:

09-24-2005, 02:29 PM
nintendos still around???????? lol

09-24-2005, 02:57 PM
it looks promising none the less. the onyl thing nintendo has a problem with that reduces sales, is not the system, its the games. the games nintedo comes out with suck and should focus more on the young teens and young adults to increase sales like PS2 and XBox like doom3, gta or metal gear solid not donkey konga and mario party <-- although it s a blast for multiplayer.

but the systems are great, i dont think i've ever had a problem with a game cube or a super nes before. but many with ps2 and Xbox. this revolution controller looks cool tho, i want to try it and see how its like.

09-26-2005, 10:40 AM

Scott Ramsoomair is a genuis...

09-26-2005, 11:16 AM
Nintendo will be following Sega as every generation someone packs it in. 3DO lost versus N64 & PS1, Dreamcast lost versus Xbox, GCN, and PS2. The gamecube has sold so poorly that if it was any company other than Nintendo they would have already pulled the plug.

Nintendo has a problem akin to one of the suppliers I work with. No matter what the customer asks for, they always come back with what they think the customer should want. Nintendo is the same way. They said people didn't want dvd playback capability. They said gamers don't want online gaming. They came out with a cute little box that played small discs and a controller that wasn't created for sports games. Their gimmick was GBA connectivity. Results a distant 3rd place with virtually no 3rd party support or good games that aren't made by Nintendo.

Now they are telling us that gamers don't want incredible visuals or HD compatibility even though all new TV's are pretty well HD compatible, they think gamers want something truly revolutionary instead. They are coming out with the least powerful console that will not support high definition unlike Xbox360 (every 360 game must support at least 720p) and PS3 (may even support 1080p). The gimmick is now this funky controller, and while it looks like there could be some interesting possibilities (Zelda, Mario, etc), good luck making that work for Madden or NHL. They just don't understand that consumers want cutting edge electronics and when someone walks into a store and sees the incredible PS3 & Xbox360 visuals then look at Revolution games in 480i guess which console they will buy.

Looks like next gen is squarely between Xbox360 and PS3.

09-26-2005, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl
The controller is nothing but a giant cash grab for Nintendo. The controller has adapters (such as the joystick and mouse) that plug into the main unit. Now, for 4 people to play all of your games, you have to buy 4 controllers and 4 joysticks, and 4 mice. Now imagine that a few games have their own (required!) proprietary controllers (ie Donkey Konga, a lightgun, etc.), now you'd have to buy 4 of each of those, as well.

That's 20 controllers/attachments you'd have to buy, just so everyone could play! That'd probably cost you the same price as the Revolution itself.

Yay for Nintendo...:rolleyes:

you know what trev... FUCK YOU... you like pikmin just as much as any other full grown male...

i think it could have some interesting possibilities for racing games and black and white, but sports games (bastard EA games company fucktards and their "SPORTS":rolleyes:" will have one fuck of a challenging time on the new game cube

09-28-2005, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by heavyD
They just don't understand that consumers want cutting edge electronics and when someone walks into a store and sees the incredible PS3 &amp; Xbox360 visuals then look at Revolution games in 480i guess which console they will buy.

Looks like next gen is squarely between Xbox360 and PS3.

I believe their strategy is to win over the crowd that doesn't play games on a regular basis. From what I gather, Nintendo is attempting to widen their user base. I don't disagree that there are those that wish to have more of the last gen hardware only bigger, but I would like to suggest that this group of people consists mainly of people who are already immersed in gaming culture. The vast majority of people are not immersed in gaming culture. It seems that Nintendo is attempting to bring gaming to those that are not as concerned with Hi-Def, fps, polygon counts, HDR, pixel-shading and the like and are more concerned with having fun without having to learn a lot of new things.

09-28-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by heavyD
Nintendo will be following Sega as every generation someone packs it in. 3DO lost versus N64 &amp; PS1, Dreamcast lost versus Xbox, GCN, and PS2. The gamecube has sold so poorly that if it was any company other than Nintendo they would have already pulled the plug.

Nintendo has a problem akin to one of the suppliers I work with. No matter what the customer asks for, they always come back with what they think the customer should want. Nintendo is the same way. They said people didn't want dvd playback capability. They said gamers don't want online gaming. They came out with a cute little box that played small discs and a controller that wasn't created for sports games. Their gimmick was GBA connectivity. Results a distant 3rd place with virtually no 3rd party support or good games that aren't made by Nintendo.

Now they are telling us that gamers don't want incredible visuals or HD compatibility even though all new TV's are pretty well HD compatible, they think gamers want something truly revolutionary instead. They are coming out with the least powerful console that will not support high definition unlike Xbox360 (every 360 game must support at least 720p) and PS3 (may even support 1080p). The gimmick is now this funky controller, and while it looks like there could be some interesting possibilities (Zelda, Mario, etc), good luck making that work for Madden or NHL. They just don't understand that consumers want cutting edge electronics and when someone walks into a store and sees the incredible PS3 &amp; Xbox360 visuals then look at Revolution games in 480i guess which console they will buy.

Looks like next gen is squarely between Xbox360 and PS3.

well said.

09-28-2005, 05:32 PM
the thing id ont understand is why everyone is concerned about "graphics" id rather have better gameply then "graphics."

you may say the games seem kiddy and younger but the gameplay of nintendo's games for me are better then any other console out there.

09-28-2005, 06:23 PM
You do know they are making a controller shell too. -.-

So the wand will be like a big VMU in a DC controller.

09-28-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by bigboom
the thing id ont understand is why everyone is concerned about &quot;graphics&quot; id rather have better gameply then &quot;graphics.&quot;

Gameplay is very important of course. Goldeneye & Halo both have great gameplay but would you rather play a great game that looks like Halo or a great game that looks like N64 Goldeneye. Graphics & gameplay go hand in hand. If you had two sports cars that were both extremely fast, one had a gorgeous exterior while the other looked like shit, most people would take the gorgeous one.

09-29-2005, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

Gameplay is very important of course. Goldeneye &amp; Halo both have great gameplay but would you rather play a great game that looks like Halo or a great game that looks like N64 Goldeneye. Graphics &amp; gameplay go hand in hand. If you had two sports cars that were both extremely fast, one had a gorgeous exterior while the other looked like shit, most people would take the gorgeous one.

for me however i found golden eye to have better game play and it was more intuitive for me, now other people may feel differently but i picked up goldeneye more quickly and i found it also more challenging and more worthwhile of my time. im not saying that you need to feel liek that but thats why im attracted to nintendo games. now rare may bedeveloping for other companies now but even games like zelda and mario i still enjoy quite a lot.

09-29-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by bigboom
for me however i found golden eye to have better game play and it was more intuitive for me, now other people may feel differently but i picked up goldeneye more quickly and i found it also more challenging and more worthwhile of my time. im not saying that you need to feel liek that but thats why im attracted to nintendo games. now rare may bedeveloping for other companies now but even games like zelda and mario i still enjoy quite a lot.

I prefer Halo's gameplay over Goldeneye but that's me. Nintendo makes great games for sure but they would be better served developing their games for both Xbox360 and PS3 as software is where the money's at. If a game like Zelda can sell a million copies on gamecube that has sold in small numbers, can you imagine how many millions they would have sold if the game was on PS2 & Xbox which every hosehold has at least one or the other.

BTW: Microsoft owns Rare so they only develope for Xbox. Perfect Dark zero will be an Xbox360 launch game.