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09-24-2005, 12:09 PM
Last night i was with a few friends at the Chinook LRT station. We were all jokin around and havin a good time when me and my other friend decided to push me around and what not so i pushed him back and said the work 'Fu*k you'. I then got approached by some douche bag and he asked "what was the problem?" i said there was no problem and asked him 'what did he want from me?' He then whips out his badge and says that hes some LRT officer, asks for my ID. To make a long story kinda short. I then get taken upstairs into the Transit station where u buy tickets and he starts writing me a ticket for my nice word :).

Then they call the Police and i get a ticket for MANIPULATED DRIVERS LISENCE, which was 345 big ones. My question to you guys is....

The first ticket i got was 50 so im not worried about that, but on the second one from the POLICE the officer DID NOT put his name so is there a possibility that this ticket can go into the garbage?

Thank you!

GTS Jeff
09-24-2005, 12:18 PM
What you can do next time is stall for time by searching for your id that you can't find...then when you get the chance, run like hell. You are clear once you're off CT property.

09-24-2005, 12:22 PM
you should have asked to see his PI license... they cant be plain clothed unless they have a Private Investigator lisence (with i assume transit cops dont have)

09-24-2005, 12:22 PM
Hahahahah...if only it was that easy...first there were 2 LRT officers and right away came a police officer so i was basically sorrounded in a corner with 3 guys...but i just talked to a few ppl and they believe that i dont have to pay for it.

09-24-2005, 12:24 PM
wtf.. you can get a ticker for saying the work FUCK??
and what's a manipulated driver's liscence..

09-24-2005, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by dooman24
wtf.. you can get a ticker for saying the work FUCK??
and what's a manipulated driver's liscence..

I didnt know either bud, accordint to them every swear word u say is a 50 dollar fine! i said it once thankfully and a bunch in my language! ahah

and my drivers lisence was cracked in 2 spots but u were still able to read all the numbers, see the pic and see the signature.
It was so gaaaaaaaaaay

09-24-2005, 12:27 PM
It's when underage kids try and erase the "UNDER 18" writing on their licence.

09-24-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
It's when underage kids try and erase the "UNDER 18" writing on their licence.

Mine was different tho...i wrote it ^^ there!

09-24-2005, 12:34 PM
ouch man.

transit cops are the worst! flunked high school and werent cut out enough to join the Calgary police. that said, its a hella tough job.

09-24-2005, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by l8braker
ouch man.

transit cops are the worst! flunked high school and werent cut out enough to join the Calgary police. that said, its a hella tough job.

Yea guy, as much as i want people to answer my question i just want everyone to be aware of the people and that you are being watched when u go there!

09-24-2005, 12:44 PM
I saw them at that station once harassing some 14 year old kid about his hat being on sideways.:thumbsdow

GTS Jeff
09-24-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by adidas
Hahahahah...if only it was that easy...first there were 2 LRT officers and right away came a police officer so i was basically sorrounded in a corner with 3 guys...but i just talked to a few ppl and they believe that i dont have to pay for it. The real cop didn't show up until after. You can run when it's just the LRT cops. They are not allowed to chase you AND they only have jurisdiction within CT property.

09-24-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by redline_13000
I saw them at that station once harassing some 14 year old kid about his hat being on sideways.:thumbsdow

In the process of them writing me a ticket they asked me if i was a tough guy and what if that was some normal person...im 6'6 and both my friends are 6'4...if it was gonna come down to anythign we would have this guys ass dealt to him!

09-24-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The real cop didn't show up until after. You can run when it's just the LRT cops. They are not allowed to chase you AND they only have jurisdiction within CT property.

wouldn't they radio cps and round you up nearby?

09-24-2005, 12:57 PM
There were cops on bikes at the 8th street station downtown the other day writing people tickets for jaywalking and such. Something like 8 people from this board's cars get stolen this week but jaywalking is what they're pursuing :rolleyes:

09-24-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by l8braker

wouldn't they radio cps and round you up nearby?

I don't think the CPS would waste their time running around doing the C-train cops' bidding. I know that if I were a cop, I sure wouldn't go after some kid for swearing on a platform at the beck and call of LRT officers.

09-24-2005, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by l8braker

wouldn't they radio cps and round you up nearby?

I guess i wasnt cooperating...and they radiod the cops cause of my manipulated lisence...they figured if one ticket isnt enough we mind as well write another one!

09-24-2005, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by davidI
There were cops on bikes at the 8th street station downtown the other day writing people tickets for jaywalking and such. Something like 8 people from this board's cars get stolen this week but jaywalking is what they're pursuing :rolleyes:

yeah do you really expect those cops on their bikes to find that car? they have a unit that deals with stolen cars and cops who ticket impatient idiots who jwalk.

GTS Jeff
09-24-2005, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by l8braker

wouldn't they radio cps and round you up nearby? Possibly, but:

1. The LRT cops just want a chance to bully some kids around. If the kids get away, it makes them look bad. It makes them look even worse to whine to the CPS to catch these kids
2. CPS has better things to do than chase after kids that the LRT cops want to bully.
3. It takes at least 5-10 minutes for the CPS to respond. You could be long gone by then.

IMO, with the slim chances of CPS showing up and getting you, it's worth the risk to run to avoid the $400 worth of BS tickets.

09-24-2005, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by adidas

Mine was different tho...i wrote it ^^ there!

How old are you? If you're already over 18, I can't see the ticket holding up. I'm not sure what the proccess is for non-vehicle related CPS tickets, but you should be able to talk to someone about it. I mean, why would you manipulate your license if you're already 18? :nut:

09-24-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Possibly, but:

1. The LRT cops just want a chance to bully some kids around. If the kids get away, it makes them look bad. It makes them look even worse to whine to the CPS to catch these kids
2. CPS has better things to do than chase after kids that the LRT cops want to bully.
3. It takes at least 5-10 minutes for the CPS to respond. You could be long gone by then.

IMO, with the slim chances of CPS showing up and getting you, it's worth the risk to run to avoid the $400 worth of BS tickets.

The cop was there in 2 min and he was on a bike...i guess he was patrolling the ctrain station too....because he got there super fast!

09-24-2005, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl

How old are you? If you're already over 18, I can't see the ticket holding up. I'm not sure what the proccess is for non-vehicle related CPS tickets, but you should be able to talk to someone about it. I mean, why would you manipulate your license if you're already 18? :nut:

Im 17 but the lisence was just cracked i didnt erase the UNDER 18 thing....

GTS Jeff
09-24-2005, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by adidas

The cop was there in 2 min and he was on a bike...i guess he was patrolling the ctrain station too....because he got there super fast! Yeah ok man. I'm just commenting on what you may be able to do next time.

Good luck with the tickets.

09-24-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Yeah ok man. I'm just commenting on what you may be able to do next time.

Good luck with the tickets.


09-24-2005, 01:25 PM
ouch that sounds harsh!!, first ct then cps, damnn, o well, all over sayin the good ol f word. lol, hope things work out for u, ive seen much worse than a single swear on an lrt station, u mustve been pretty loud to make them write u up a ticket for it...

even at that, gettn a damn ticket for having a chipped license?, hahaha my old license used to be cracked in half and taped together, i got pulled over wit it and they never said anything about it. guess it was just your luck, im pretty sure u can go fight it, make sure u go to a registry and to get a new one and then go talk to the court building and talk to a prosecutor...show them that ur complying and getting a new one, and jus explain that u thot it was ok since no numbers/ ur picture was affected by the cracks on ur old one...they should reduce it...

09-24-2005, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The real cop didn't show up until after.

CT guys are "Special Constables" Same as "police" under the Criminal code. they are classified as "peace officers"

Most people don't like them but they do have a lot of powers. Running is about the stupidest idea I have seen

09-24-2005, 01:46 PM
If the cop didnt write his name on the ticket go fight it
Its a long process but im sure it'll get thrown out

09-24-2005, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by l8braker

yeah do you really expect those cops on their bikes to find that car? they have a unit that deals with stolen cars and cops who ticket impatient idiots who jwalk.

so why is it that I see more cops harassing business men crossing the street than I've ever seen harassing the shady people that hang out around colleges and high schools? I realize that cops are dispatched to do certain jobs....but you'd think more emphasis would be put on real crimes than cash grabs like jaywalking.

I knew a lot of shady people when I was in high school... everyone knew who they were, including our school cop...think any of htem were ever charged with anything? Nope. I also know a lot of good people in university....think they've been charged with anythign? yep - jaywalking, burnt out tail lights etc.

Seems strange I see more cops hanging out around c-train stations and donut shops than pawn shops, bars, garages, known drug locations etc.

09-24-2005, 02:54 PM

09-24-2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by kaput
Your an idiot if you complain about cops writing jaywalking tickets and stuff like that. What do you want them to, sit around and wait for a major crime to be committed? Then you would just bitch about that! What else would you have the guys downtown on bikes do? If something major happens they'll stop writing the ticket and go straight to the scene. Fuck, not every cop is a detective who investigates stolen cars and murders. They patrol the streets for a reason and at least they're making a good use of their time when things are slow.

I saw a guy sitting at a bench rolling a fat joint out of a baggie with 1/2 oz of dope in it a block away from where the cops were writing their jaywalking tickets. Not that I'm big on ticketing guys for posession...but I don't know too many guys that carry half a zip for personal use.
and FYI my uncle was randomly stabbed to death in vancouver and htere was only 1 detective on his case. I know CPS isn't the same as vancouver...but from a guy I know who worked CPS I know it's not that different either. I'd feel a lot safer if there were 3 people trying to put away murderers than have 2 cops writing bogus tickets. I'm not hating on the cops that do it because I know they're just doing their jobs....but there's something wrong with the system as a whole.
Also, why is it I only see the biker cops patrolling downtown at 5 pm and not later at night when I see so many crimes happen? Seems bogus to me.

GTS Jeff
09-24-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by 69cougar

CT guys are "Special Constables" Same as "police" under the Criminal code. they are classified as "peace officers"

Most people don't like them but they do have a lot of powers. Running is about the stupidest idea I have seen I try not to run my mouth off on the Internet if I don't know what I'm talking about. In this case, I know exactly what I'm talking about because I've researched into it before.

Here is a link to the Special Constable Program Policy Manual:


You will see that LRT cops are expressly forbidden to pursue anyone. You will also see that they have no authority outside their jurisdiction. And finally, their powers to arrest someone are no different than the powers of any citizen to arrest another - a citizen's arrest is the most they can do. It's kind of annoying that they can write tickets - but then again, that's why I suggest running.

09-24-2005, 03:30 PM
I doubt I'd ever pay a ticket someone gives me for saying the word fuck, fuck that shit. Fuckers. :)

09-24-2005, 03:33 PM
I hate those fuckers, one day in the winter back in high school, they kicked me out of marlborough for swearing while waiting for my bus, i called him some choice words then booked it down the ramp he was going to chase me but he probably said "fuck it im not gonna catch him".

09-24-2005, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by 3G
I hate those fuckers, one day in the winter back in high school, they kicked me out of marlborough for swearing while waiting for my bus, i called him some choice words then booked it down the ramp he was going to chase me but he probably said "fuck it im not gonna catch him".

ugh dude, please read the rest of the post, LRT officers CANT chase you...and its not cuz of the donuts...

09-24-2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by AcuraTl

ugh dude, please read the rest of the post, LRT officers CANT chase you...and its not cuz of the donuts...

They can chase you on their jurisdiction read train station, they can do anything on their jurisdiction, but once you step foot out of their jurisdiction then after THEY CANT DO SHIT.

09-24-2005, 04:14 PM
Easy solution: Don't use the city transit. haha

09-24-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by camaro
Easy solution: Don't use the city transit. haha

LOL. Exactly :thumbsup:

09-24-2005, 04:24 PM
wouldnt saying fuck be protected under section 2 of the canadian charter of rights and freedoms?

09-24-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by adidas

Im 17 but the lisence was just cracked i didnt erase the UNDER 18 thing....

Ah. Then I recommend altering your profile, it says you're 23 years old. :dunno:

09-24-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSpl

Ah. Then I recommend altering your profile, it says you're 23 years old. :dunno:

My cuzn uses this account and hes 23...i just used it now cause i thought id get better feedback from the people here then anywhere else!

09-24-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by adidas

My cuzn uses this account and hes 23...i just used it now cause i thought id get better feedback from the people here then anywhere else!

sure :thumbsup: decent beyond owning, please change ur profile!!

09-24-2005, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by adidas

My cuzn uses this account and hes 23...i just used it now cause i thought id get better feedback from the people here then anywhere else!

whats ur account?

09-24-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by 3G

whats ur account?

I dont have an account this is my cuzn's account im just on it right now because i had a question for u guys, thats all!

09-24-2005, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by l8braker
ouch man.

transit cops are the worst! flunked high school and werent cut out enough to join the Calgary police. that said, its a hella tough job.

almost as bad as some mall security :rofl:

09-24-2005, 06:42 PM

09-24-2005, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
I try not to run my mouth off on the Internet if I don't know what I'm talking about. In this case, I know exactly what I'm talking about because I've researched into it before.

Here is a link to the Special Constable Program Policy Manual:


You will see that LRT cops are expressly forbidden to pursue anyone. You will also see that they have no authority outside their jurisdiction. And finally, their powers to arrest someone are no different than the powers of any citizen to arrest another - a citizen's arrest is the most they can do. It's kind of annoying that they can write tickets - but then again, that's why I suggest running.

I couldn't find anywhere where they refferedto LRT guys specifically. The section on pursuits was referring to vehicles. Also it would depend what act they are enforcing as each act can define powers of arrest. As well as the Provincial Offences and Procedures Act outlines somethings regardng to powers of arrest and detention. Also they would have the same rights under sec 494 and 495 of the Criminal code which would not apply to this situation. Again all I am saying is that people seem to really disrespect Specials for some reason that is beyond me. There are a lot of them 3000 or so in the province and from what I have heard their roles and responabilities are going to be growing. I guess people that say they are wash outs or not goof enough might say the same thing about Highway Patrolman in the US, or DEA or ATF guys??

:confused: :dunno:

09-24-2005, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
What you can do next time is stall for time by searching for your id that you can't find...then when you get the chance, run like hell. You are clear once you're off CT property. :werd: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

09-24-2005, 08:14 PM
I don't even know what the inside of a C-Train station looks like.:D

GTS Jeff
09-24-2005, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by kaput

Quick question. Is that policy manual the law too or is it just a guideline as it says? I haven't read it yet but I will eventually. If it isn't law, I'd also like to read over that. Do you know where that can be found?

AFAIK, it is policy, but if these guys break the rules, they're risking their jobs.

Originally posted by 69cougar

I couldn't find anywhere where they refferedto LRT guys specifically. The section on pursuits was referring to vehicles. Also it would depend what act they are enforcing as each act can define powers of arrest. As well as the Provincial Offences and Procedures Act outlines somethings regardng to powers of arrest and detention. Also they would have the same rights under sec 494 and 495 of the Criminal code which would not apply to this situation. Again all I am saying is that people seem to really disrespect Specials for some reason that is beyond me. There are a lot of them 3000 or so in the province and from what I have heard their roles and responabilities are going to be growing. I guess people that say they are wash outs or not goof enough might say the same thing about Highway Patrolman in the US, or DEA or ATF guys??

:confused: :dunno:

First off, LRT guys are Special Constables. I posted a link towards a Special Constable handbook. What do you not understand?

Second, if vehicular pursuits aren't allowed, why would foot chases be allowed?

Third, don't backpedal with me.

"Again all I am saying is that people seem to really disrespect Specials for some reason that is beyond me."

That's not all you're saying. You're saying that my idea to run was the stupidest thing you've ever heard. That has nothing to do with disrespecting the Special Constables. Next time you're stopped by them, you can hang around and show your respect by taking in a couple bs tickets from them. I'll say "peace!" and leave with zero tickets and zero hassles. Your choice.

09-24-2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff

AFAIK, it is policy, but if these guys break the rules, they're risking their jobs.

First off, LRT guys are Special Constables. I posted a link towards a Special Constable handbook. What do you not understand?

Second, if vehicular pursuits aren't allowed, why would foot chases be allowed?

Third, don't backpedal with me.

"Again all I am saying is that people seem to really disrespect Specials for some reason that is beyond me."

That's not all you're saying. You're saying that my idea to run was the stupidest thing you've ever heard. That has nothing to do with disrespecting the Special Constables. Next time you're stopped by them, you can hang around and show your respect by taking in a couple bs tickets from them. I'll say "peace!" and leave with zero tickets and zero hassles. Your choice.

Jeff, grow a bird, and dont shower for two weeks, then go to the nearest LRT station and start swearing, then test ur theory :devil:

09-24-2005, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
What you can do next time is stall for time by searching for your id that you can't find...then when you get the chance, run like hell. You are clear once you're off CT property.

this actually works:thumbsup:

tried it back in jr high.:rofl:

just start staring into the sky and when the officers look up with you, sprint your fastest off the CT property;)

09-24-2005, 10:07 PM
in relation to "Fuck"

Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression


09-24-2005, 10:32 PM
How about not swearing on a C-Train platform...then they have no reason to ticket you in the first place. You may have the right to free speech, but you are infinging on the rights of those who do not want to hear those words... Lots of families with young children use the transit system and I am sure they do not want to come home at the end of the day with a child that can curse a blue streak before knowing the alphabet. It is their right to be able to go out in public, use a public service and not have to worry about what they might encounter/hear.

09-24-2005, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by EDM
in relation to "Fuck"

Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression


Im kind of leaving towards this also...thx.

09-25-2005, 01:41 AM

09-25-2005, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Thaco
you should have asked to see his PI license... they cant be plain clothed unless they have a Private Investigator lisence (with i assume transit cops dont have)

Completely wrong information. They DO NOT have to be PIs. They are recognized as peace officers and can be plain clothes or uniformed as long as they provide identification.

09-25-2005, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff

First off, LRT guys are Special Constables. I posted a link towards a Special Constable handbook. What do you not understand?

Second, if vehicular pursuits aren't allowed, why would foot chases be allowed?

Next time you're stopped by them, you can hang around and show your respect by taking in a couple bs tickets from them. I'll say "peace!" and leave with zero tickets and zero hassles. Your choice.

What I don't understand is that a handbook in not their actual appoinment which would set out what they can and can't do. As well you completly ignored my reference to POPA as well as questioning what act they were enforcing. AFAIK they have several under their appoinment.

Vehicular persuits are allowed again AFAIK under certain circumstanes BUT safety is the main reason they are frowned upon. Obviously a foot pursuit is not as dangerous. I do know for a fact that they have located people on warrants and chased them down under s494 of the CC. If there was a technicality in them doing this they would have had some suit launched by a sleazebag lawyer.

Lastly thats a good education your parents gave you. Run from an authority figure enforcing a law. If it is such a bs law why don't you try and change it? All laws are in place for a reason but not agreeing with it does not give you the excuse to disregard it. BTW if you did run and CPS was on scene and caught you there would be some additional "bs" tickets for you.

GTS Jeff
09-25-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by 69cougar

What I don't understand is that a handbook in not their actual appoinment which would set out what they can and can't do. As well you completly ignored my reference to POPA as well as questioning what act they were enforcing. AFAIK they have several under their appoinment.

Vehicular persuits are allowed again AFAIK under certain circumstanes BUT safety is the main reason they are frowned upon. Obviously a foot pursuit is not as dangerous. I do know for a fact that they have located people on warrants and chased them down under s494 of the CC. If there was a technicality in them doing this they would have had some suit launched by a sleazebag lawyer.

Lastly thats a good education your parents gave you. Run from an authority figure enforcing a law. If it is such a bs law why don't you try and change it? All laws are in place for a reason but not agreeing with it does not give you the excuse to disregard it. BTW if you did run and CPS was on scene and caught you there would be some additional "bs" tickets for you. The link to the handbook I posted is issued by the Solicitor General of the Government of Alberta. It is concrete evidence backing up my assertions that Special constables cannot pursue anyone. If you read more carefully, you'll see that they mention vehicular pursuits, but do not specify that the rule only applies to vehicular pursuits. As far as CC494 arrests go, I've already stated that yes, they can arrest people, but they are basically performing a citizen's arrest, nothing more.

7.7 Criminal Code Occurrences
a) Should a special constable encounter a Criminal Code offense during the
regular course of their duties, they are required to immediately contact the
police service of jurisdiction and request attendance. The police service of
jurisdiction has overall responsibility for policing and special constables do
not conduct independent criminal investigations.
b) The Criminal Code of Canada provides authority under section 494, which
allows any person to arrest any other person they find committing an
indictable offence. While this authority is granted to every person it should
not be the first response of a special constable to effect an arrest unless the
circumstances so dictate. Familiarization of the Criminal Code provisions
relating to such arrests should be a requirement for all special constables.

I've been supporting my arguments with actual proof. You on the other hand have made no such attempt to back up what you are saying at all. Insulting my parents and my education counts does not support your argument. I'm through with this. Here's an application form for you future endeavors:


Good luck.

09-25-2005, 11:07 AM
:rofl: :rofl:

09-25-2005, 12:01 PM
Thanks for the job but I am not interested.

09-25-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by robpark
How about not swearing on a C-Train platform...then they have no reason to ticket you in the first place. You may have the right to free speech, but you are infinging on the rights of those who do not want to hear those words... Lots of families with young children use the transit system and I am sure they do not want to come home at the end of the day with a child that can curse a blue streak before knowing the alphabet. It is their right to be able to go out in public, use a public service and not have to worry about what they might encounter/hear.

then they need to stay at home. do you think the world will stop spinning because the child might get dizzy?? fuck that.

first off, why is the word fuck bad? who says that its bad and why? and why is their opinion of this word important to me? fuck the PC freaks that can't handle simple words.

09-25-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by robpark
Lots of families with young children use the transit system and I am sure they do not want to come home at the end of the day with a child that can curse a blue streak before knowing the alphabet. It is their right to be able to go out in public, use a public service and not have to worry about what they might encounter/hear.

who cares.

we are talking about the law, not family values because it has no relevance.

09-25-2005, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by EDM

who cares.

we are talking about the law, not family values because it has no relevance.

That is true, plus while we are on the subject everyone at the ctrain station was 16+. There were a few 16, 17 year olds and the rest were older people but i did not even yell it out that loud either so that everyone could here!

09-25-2005, 01:58 PM
You were being a dick in public. You got caught and learned an expensive lesson. Next time have a little respect and I guarantee the trip will only cost you two bucks. You were being rude to the other people on the platform. In turn CT and CPS were rude (eg 400 bucks) to you.

09-25-2005, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by SOAB

then they need to stay at home. do you think the world will stop spinning because the child might get dizzy?? fuck that.

first off, why is the word fuck bad? who says that its bad and why? and why is their opinion of this word important to me? fuck the PC freaks that can't handle simple words.

What if you replace "fuck" with "chink," (provided there's no chinks around). It won't directly affect anyone (remember, no chinks around), and if it does, fuck those PC freaks that can't handle simple words.

09-25-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by digi355
You were being a dick in public. You got caught and learned an expensive lesson. Next time have a little respect and I guarantee the trip will only cost you two bucks. You were being rude to the other people on the platform. In turn CT and CPS were rude (eg 400 bucks) to you.

How was i being a dick in public?
I was havin a good time with my friends when we started to joke around and i just said the word 'fuck you' it was meant to him and only him...its freedom of expression.

What if i swore in my own language...and i yelled it out loud...shouldnt i get a ticket for that too then? Common dont be stupid a ticket shouldnt not be recieved for sayin a swear word, thats the biggest bs ive ever heard.

From now on every time i see a LRT officer im personally gonna go up to him and start swearin in my own language...then he cant do anything to me. Simple.

09-25-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by adidas

From now on every time i see a LRT officer im personally gonna go up to him and start swearin in my own language...then he cant do anything to me. Simple.

Please dont, because then we will be seeing another one of these threads....

09-25-2005, 03:28 PM
Make sure you guys don't spit on Calgary Transit property either! I got a $50 ticket when I was in HS.

09-25-2005, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by 2000_SI

Please dont, because then we will be seeing another one of these threads....

hahaha, but you can recieve a ticket if your speakin your own language, otherwise id just have to shoot my self!

09-25-2005, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by adidas

How was i being a dick in public?
I was havin a good time with my friends when we started to joke around and i just said the word 'fuck you' it was meant to him and only him...its freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is a guaranteed right for all Canadians but only to the extent in that it does not infringe on the rights of others. Ever wonder why hate groups cannot operate in Canada? Same idea, they are limited in expressing hate towards others because it infringes on the rights of those who are affected.

Your conduct in a public place, where others use the same facility, is deemed to be inappropriate by most standards. Swearing in front of others is not considered to be appropriate, and you learned an expensive lesson as a result. Perhaps you could exercise a little tact and not wrestle and swear in the same place that children and the elderly are commuting, and avoid this situation

The Transit system is already plagued by punks and homless people. We do not need to see a bunch of overgrown adults wrestling and swearing at each other at the transit station like a bunch of 10 year olds.

09-25-2005, 03:51 PM
A couple of questions : What time of night ?? What do you you mean by "having a good time " ?? and what exactly did the ticket for swearing say on it ?? Was it for swearing specifically , or Disturbing the peace ??

09-25-2005, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Freedom of expression is a guaranteed right for all Canadians but only to the extent in that it does not infringe on the rights of others. Ever wonder why hate groups cannot operate in Canada? Same idea, they are limited in expressing hate towards others because it infringes on the rights of those who are affected.

Your conduct in a public place, where others use the same facility, is deemed to be inappropriate by most standards. Swearing in front of others is not considered to be appropriate, and you learned an expensive lesson as a result. Perhaps you could exercise a little tact and not wrestle and swear in the same place that children and the elderly are commuting, and avoid this situation

The Transit system is already plagued by punks and homless people. We do not need to see a bunch of overgrown adults wrestling and swearing at each other at the transit station like a bunch of 10 year olds.

My swearing ticket came only to be 50 dollars...my manipulated lisence ticket was 345...

At the time on the incident there were no childern around and there def wasnt any old people...the people that were at the station ranged from the age of 16 to 35...where i swore the ppl that were sorrounding me where my 2 friends and about 10 or so meters away from me were some Asian kids and the 2 LRT cockroaches.
So it was evident that the ppl that were waiting for the ctrain far down could not hear what i said, it wasnt that loud at all.

Also we werent swearing at each other...i swore ONCE and thats how the whole ordeal began...there was no punching, pushing, tuggin or anythin of that sort to make them act up on me like i was a criminal or a gangster.

The scene was totally uncalled for, which i understand but they do not have the right to treat me like a moron and like im a guy who commited a murder, because that was the way i was treated.

09-25-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by fast95pony
A couple of questions : What time of night ?? What do you you mean by "having a good time " ?? and what exactly did the ticket for swearing say on it ?? Was it for swearing specifically , or Disturbing the peace ??

It was about 8:30 at night.
Havin a good time is meant by, we were jokin around, laughing, talking...everyday stuff you know.
On the ticket it says, use of profane language.

09-25-2005, 05:10 PM
^^ Fight the license ticket.

09-25-2005, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Gurpy
^^ Fight the license ticket.

I will...the lisence was cracked in 2 spots but everything was clear and visable on the id, so it didnt defect its purpose...but the police officer did not put his name on the ticket...and a few ppl have told me that it wont go through!

What do you guys think?

09-25-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by adidas

It was about 8:30 at night.
Havin a good time is meant by, we were jokin around, laughing, talking...everyday stuff you know.
On the ticket it says, use of profane language.

Hmmm..sounds extreme to me (the tickets) . I've never heard of a ticket for using profrane language before..:dunno:

I wonder if it's even a legit ticket ??
Perhaps he was just trying to intimidate you..:thumbsdow .

09-25-2005, 07:23 PM
Why did you give your ID to a CT cop anyways? I would have said that you didn't have any because you were 16...then give them a phoney name and address for the ticket.

09-25-2005, 07:28 PM
you guys are all kinds of hardcore.


I'll type it out for you champs!

14. (1) No person shall, in or upon any transit vehicle, passenger shelter, transit station or any other property owned or occupied by The City for the purposes of Calgary Transit:

(a) administer or be in possession of drugs; or

(b) expectorate (this means spit, kiddos!), urinate or defecate; or

(c) litter; or

(d) use profane, insulting or obscene language; or

(e) behave in a disorderly manner; or

(f) behave in an indecent or offensive manner; or

(g) fight; or

(h) molest or wilfully interfere with the comfort or convenience of any other person.

there you have it boys, those are the rules! you broke 'em, now live with it.


GTS Jeff
09-25-2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Tyler883
Why did you give your ID to a CT cop anyways? I would have said that you didn't have any because you were 16...then give them a phoney name and address for the ticket. Ahh yes. I always see street kids evading tickets by simply not producing ID.

09-25-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by method
you guys are all kinds of hardcore.


I'll type it out for you champs!


give yourself a big 'ol pat on the back.

09-25-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Ahh yes. I always see street kids evading tickets by simply not producing ID.

They end up asking for school papers :( its best to have nothing on you period

09-25-2005, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by method
you guys are all kinds of hardcore.


I'll type it out for you champs!

14. (1) No person shall, in or upon any transit vehicle, passenger shelter, transit station or any other property owned or occupied by The City for the purposes of Calgary Transit:

(a) administer or be in possession of drugs; or

(b) expectorate (this means spit, kiddos!), urinate or defecate; or

(c) litter; or

(d) use profane, insulting or obscene language; or

(e) behave in a disorderly manner; or

(f) behave in an indecent or offensive manner; or

(g) fight; or

(h) molest or wilfully interfere with the comfort or convenience of any other person.

there you have it boys, those are the rules! you broke 'em, now live with it.


That is correct, i have also read that.

09-25-2005, 09:51 PM
Also since my drivers lisence got taken away and i gotta get a new one, how much will it cost me? like 30 bux?

GTS Jeff
09-25-2005, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by adidas
Also since my drivers lisence got taken away and i gotta get a new one, how much will it cost me? like 30 bux? I think it's about double that.

09-25-2005, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
I think it's about double that.

HOLY F*CK....this is just staright up pwnage

09-26-2005, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by adidas
Also since my drivers lisence got taken away and i gotta get a new one, how much will it cost me? like 30 bux?

$70-$80 just to have renewed for 5yrs, not sure if same for replacement.

09-26-2005, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by method
you guys are all kinds of hardcore.


I'll type it out for you champs!

14. (1) No person shall, in or upon any transit vehicle, passenger shelter, transit station or any other property owned or occupied by The City for the purposes of Calgary Transit:

(a) administer or be in possession of drugs; or

(b) expectorate (this means spit, kiddos!), urinate or defecate; or

(c) litter; or

(d) use profane, insulting or obscene language; or

(e) behave in a disorderly manner; or

(f) behave in an indecent or offensive manner; or

(g) fight; or

(h) molest or wilfully interfere with the comfort or convenience of any other person.

there you have it boys, those are the rules! you broke 'em, now live with it.


Whoa.. so this little PDF file pulls rank on the charter of rights? So... when I'm in Canada, and I'm entitled to swear my ass off - I go inside a train, I leave canada for 13 minutes on my way to downtown, I pop a few headache tablets and start praying to satan, next thing I know I'm being shot at by LRT Agents Mulder and Scully, and being anally probed with tickets from "peaceful ociffers" - Then I go to work. Odd.

09-26-2005, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Raz

Whoa.. so this little PDF file pulls rank on the charter of rights? So... when I'm in Canada, and I'm entitled to swear my ass off - I go inside a train, I leave canada for 13 minutes on my way to downtown, I pop a few headache tablets and start praying to satan, next thing I know I'm being shot at by LRT Agents Mulder and Scully, and being anally probed with tickets from "peaceful ociffers" - Then I go to work. Odd.

That seems similar to not being allowed to joke about terrorist attacks and plane crashes at an airport.

Do you really think the other people on an LRT want to be subjected to shouted profanity?

09-26-2005, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Raz
Whoa.. so this little PDF file pulls rank on the charter of rights? So... when I'm in Canada, and I'm entitled to swear my ass off - I go inside a train, I leave canada for 13 minutes on my way to downtown, I pop a few headache tablets and start praying to satan, next thing I know I'm being shot at by LRT Agents Mulder and Scully, and being anally probed with tickets from "peaceful ociffers" - Then I go to work. Odd.

If you dont like it... stay off the train.

Any set of rules for a semi-private or private establishment will out rank the Canadian Charter of Rights. Just like you cant leave a boyscout troop and say whatever you want, or you can be removed from a restaurant or bar for being unruly and disruptive.

People who pay to ride the train should not be subject to morons. Have some class. Swearing was cool in Junior High... after that you just look like an idiot with zero class.

09-26-2005, 12:11 PM
Aww, I have zero class. Fuck that.

Fuck the C-Train, fuck that a useless C-Train can override the charter of rights, next thing you know - they'll allow sodomy in a taxi just because you're in a taxi and by entering the taxi you have to adhere to the laws of the taxi...

where the fuck is the legal acknowledgement of said C-Train "laws" ? - Where do I sign? Where is the writing on the back of my ticket that says that buy purchasing this ticket I acknowledge and respect said laws? Oh, it ain't there? Oooh, oh kay... Tickets and rules are NULL AND VOID IF YOU HAVE NOT ACKNOWLEDGED OR BEEN INFORMED IN ANY WAY SHAPE FOR FORM OF THEM.

09-26-2005, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Raz
Aww, I have zero class. Fuck that.

Fuck the C-Train, fuck that a useless C-Train can override the charter of rights, next thing you know - they'll allow sodomy in a taxi just because you're in a taxi and by entering the taxi you have to adhere to the laws of the taxi...

where the fuck is the legal acknowledgement of said C-Train "laws" ? - Where do I sign? Where is the writing on the back of my ticket that says that buy purchasing this ticket I acknowledge and respect said laws? Oh, it ain't there? Oooh, oh kay... Tickets and rules are NULL AND VOID IF YOU HAVE NOT ACKNOWLEDGED OR BEEN INFORMED IN ANY WAY SHAPE FOR FORM OF THEM.

Where did you sign up to use the Chater how you see fit??

09-26-2005, 12:59 PM
Wait a minute... What am I supposed to beware of?

Saying Fuck in a public place is common sense.

09-26-2005, 01:01 PM
man.... this makes me wanna go ride the LRT tonight just for something to do....

wankers.... they lack common sense...

I got my first lrt ticket when I was like 17. On my way home, last train of the day, pocket FULL of change...probably like $15. Train about to leave as I am running up.... no time for a ticket....

You guessed it... got the ticket, AND they made me get off the train to write it, so I was stranded at 1:00 am with no way to get home.... 3 hour walk....

2 years later, I ran into the cockfucker at Denny Andrews (the Back Alley back in the day). I remembered him, picked a fight, and beat the living fuck out of him. Only fight I have ever not tried to get out of :nut:

It was so worth it :poosie:

09-26-2005, 01:03 PM
the manipulated ticket is BS by the way...

fight it and you will easily win....

Go plead not guilty, get a court date, show up, do some research, and I am sure you will be fine....

09-26-2005, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Toma

2 years later, I ran into the cockfucker at Denny Andrews (the Back Alley back in the day). I remembered him, picked a fight, and beat the living fuck out of him. Only fight I have ever not tried to get out of :nut:

It was so worth it :poosie:

Thats wicked :thumbsup:

09-26-2005, 02:34 PM
Fucking rights :thumbsup:

09-26-2005, 03:47 PM

Thank guy for replyin...i made my way down to the COURT and decided to see if ill have to pay it in the future.
I told the lady that i was wondering if the ticket was still valid and said that there was no signature or name of the officer she said that you won already and wont have to pay and if i went to court id win easily according to her.
As for my ID bein taken away, i have to call the cops and ask them to give it back to me because it should have never been taken in the first place. This will be a little complicted considering i dont know the officers name but they will be willin to track it down...DAMN CPS.

09-26-2005, 03:57 PM
Back to what Jeff said, running from the LRT cops is a lot of fun. I did it for the first time a couple weeks back. Just go for it next time, makes a good story.

GTS Jeff
09-26-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by b_t
Back to what Jeff said, running from the LRT cops is a lot of fun. I did it for the first time a couple weeks back. Just go for it next time, makes a good story. Let's hear it!

09-26-2005, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Let's hear it!

Coming back from Cowboys, drunk out of my tree, I decided to take my chances and not spend the $1.75 or whatever it is for a ticket. All went well until the Sunnyside station (first out of the free fair zone, go figure). I was just talking to my buddy about how C-Train cops are just a myth to scare people and there is only like five on duty at any given time or something and how I heard you can run away from them anyway, when I look over and there is one right there staring me down. He said something unbelievably lame, like "I am no bedtime story" or something just stupidly gay like that. So then we had to sit on the train with this guy staring at us until SAIT, then we got off there, and that is probably the worst station to make an escape from, and we were right in the middle.
Then the guy went and stood about fifteen feet to the side to radio in some kind of support or something, and then I leaned into my buddy and was like "dude we could totally book and make it" and he was like "huh?" and I said "we can run, jump the tracks over the fence, and book." This was a really bad idea, the fence is like two feet taller then the platform, and six feet away.
I decided to go for it anyway. I yelled "For Freedom!" just like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, took a running leap, and just about cleared it, except I didn't lift my feet up enough, so I ate shit unbelieveably hard, still got a bunch of scratches on my back since I like wrapped back into the fence or something, all I know is it hurt like hell. Then I rolled over a few times and realized I might not be far enough away, so I got up and started running into the SAIT athletics entrance, which was a no go this late at night, and then I sat down for a minute to get my bearings since I was starting to feel sick from all the sudden movement, and then I figured I was still in immediate peril, so instead of running the direction that made sense (towards the mall and another C-train station) I started running to the lower SAIT parking lot, except I think there was a fence in the way that I fell over again, and then I hid around the corner and passed out until around 4AM. Then I woke up, and went and sat at the C-train station until one came, got back to my car (now has a ticket on it for overnight parking), and slept in it until about 10 and then I finally got home.
It was fun. My buddy ran through the proper exit while the C-Train officer stood there looking at me saying "What in the world?" and got away clean, came back and couldn't find me, and then caught the train at SAIT and made it back to his rez alright. I don't think the officer even really chased us. He was probably too dumbfounded to do anything.