View Full Version : Insights into dealing with Bell? They're screwing me over

GTS Jeff
10-05-2005, 06:15 PM
Does anyone here have any experiences dealing with retarded phone companies?

Here's the situation:

2 years ago, I got a corporate plan from Bell. Awesome deal. I signed on a contract for 2 years. Then 1 year ago, I did a hardware upgrade (new phone) and the Bell dealer extended my contract for another 2 years. Now, my plan has changed, it's still the same plan, but I'm missing $40 worth of discounts.

When I called Bell today, the woman told me that the dealer did extend my plan, but that the $40 discount was only valid from activation 2 years ago. The thing is, the Bell store promised me that my plan would remain the same for the 2 year extension, including the discounts.

Now, I'm struggling to either get them to give me the discounts again, or for them to cancel my contract without charging me $200.

Anyone have any tips on dealing with these guys?

10-05-2005, 06:26 PM
Dealing with bell is like pulling teeth, it really sucks. I hope it all works out.

10-05-2005, 06:46 PM
"Threaten" to quit using their service if they don't give you back your discounts. After all, you wouldn't have agreed to allow the sales rep to extend your contract in the first place if the rep hadn't made the offer to have your discounts carried over for the life of the contract, right? It's not your fault, nor is it Bell's, but you need to remind them explicitly that they have to be accountable for the actions of their employees. And that means protecting the price that you were quoted. The least they should do out of courtesy (especially if you've been a long standing customer with a good history) is to come half way and give you $20 off if at all possible just to be reasonable.

Years ago, when I made the decision to switch from Rogers to Bell (cuz Bell was offering a SMOKING corporate rate through work), Rogers bent over backwards trying to get me to stay. When I called to cancel, they kept me on the phone for almost half an hour and offered me a free hardware upgrade and a newer, cheaper custom rate complete with long distance savings. Seems like they were pretty chapped at the time to let me go, but whatever. My point is, bottom line the communication industry is mostly about service - there is no profit in the hardware, all the markup is in the contracts themselves. Doesn't matter if it's cellphone service, internet, long distance, etc. Since there's no physical product for the corporate buyers to invest in, nothing's really being resold for profit. Therefore, whether the plan is $20 or $100, it's all pure profit. In the end, they just don't want to see their profit from you go down to zero, so most companies will panic and do almost whatever it takes to save the sale and keep you on as a customer. Bend them over!!!

GTS Jeff
10-05-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Chiggles
"Threaten" to quit using their service if they don't give you back your discounts. After all, you wouldn't have agreed to allow the sales rep to extend your contract in the first place if the rep hadn't made the offer to have your discounts carried over for the life of the contract, right? It's not your fault, nor is it Bell's, but you need to remind them explicitly that they have to be accountable for the actions of their employees. And that means protecting the price that you were quoted. The least they should do out of courtesy (especially if you've been a long standing customer with a good history) is to come half way and give you $20 off if at all possible just to be reasonable.

Years ago, when I made the decision to switch from Rogers to Bell (cuz Bell was offering a SMOKING corporate rate through work), Rogers bent over backwards trying to get me to stay. When I called to cancel, they kept me on the phone for almost half an hour and offered me a free hardware upgrade and a newer, cheaper custom rate complete with long distance savings. Seems like they were pretty chapped at the time to let me go, but whatever. My point is, bottom line the communication industry is mostly about service - there is no profit in the hardware, all the markup is in the contracts themselves. Doesn't matter if it's cellphone service, internet, long distance, etc. Since there's no physical product for the corporate buyers to invest in, nothing's really being resold for profit. Therefore, whether the plan is $20 or $100, it's all pure profit. In the end, they just don't want to see their profit from you go down to zero, so most companies will panic and do almost whatever it takes to save the sale and keep you on as a customer. Bend them over!!! The thing is, I'm still on a contract with them for another year. So I can't really "threaten" to leave...

You made a great point about them being accountable though. I'll talk to the supervisors tomorrow...

10-05-2005, 06:50 PM
The easiest way to get results is to bypass the CSR for a supervisor. From what I understand, the guys you talk to originally do not have enough authority to let things like that slide, but a supervisor can and usually will if you approach them professionally.

I used to love the days of Fido, where i'd be given almost anything to stay with them.

10-05-2005, 10:11 PM
^^ Fido pisses me off, always problems with my bill...every single month, and when I asked if I could cancel my contract with no charge it was of course a big NO even though they have logs of me complaining about overpricing (and it being fixed) or credit not being applied (when they said theyd fix it but never did) for every single month i've been with them. Asked to talk to a supervisor, no dice...they don't even let you!

Edit: Lately its been alright though, no problems....and I pay 5.00 extra a month for rogers coverage so I get decent reception.

10-05-2005, 11:02 PM
Technically, they haven't done anything wrong. Your plan is the same, discounts and extra features are not protected under your contract.

GTS Jeff
10-06-2005, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by lint
Technically, they haven't done anything wrong. Your plan is the same, discounts and extra features are not protected under your contract. The guy at the Bell store promised that the discounts would be extended for the term. I agreed to extend my contract on that premise, which turned out to be a big fat lie.

10-06-2005, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The guy at the Bell store promised that the discounts would be extended for the term. I agreed to extend my contract on that premise, which turned out to be a big fat lie.

That's a different story, but the tough part is convincing them now that you had that conversation a year ago.

10-06-2005, 01:06 AM
Bell didn't screw you over. You didn't read the contract and signed based on the word of someone else.:nut:

10-06-2005, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by speedracer
Bell didn't screw you over. You didn't read the contract and signed based on the word of someone else.:nut:

based on the word of bell, so yeah, that would be considered them screwing him over...

10-06-2005, 10:21 AM
Roger's dealers do that too. When I signed up, I was supposed to receive a $50 rebate on my phone. After 3 months, I never receive anything so I called the CSR's and they had no clue what I was referring to. Ultimately if it isn't written on the contract, it means nothing.

GTS Jeff
10-06-2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by lint

That's a different story, but the tough part is convincing them now that you had that conversation a year ago.

Yeah, I guess so. Those bastards, I HAVE been a good customer to them, I've paid all my bills on time for two years, and have been willing to extend my contract with them.

Originally posted by speedracer
Bell didn't screw you over. You didn't read the contract and signed based on the word of someone else.:nut:

That "someone else" happened to be wearing a Bell nametag.

If they don't give me what I want, I may just cough up the $200 to cancel the contract early. It'd probably still be better than paying $150/month on the bills.

10-06-2005, 10:30 AM
Cancel it on principle if you feel they are jerking you around. Go on Fido where they are giving 6 months free, and buy the cheapest plan (15 or 20 dollars). It will cost you ~140 for 6 months of unlimited calling, and you will make up that money lost on cancellation.

10-06-2005, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The guy at the Bell store promised that the discounts would be extended for the term. I agreed to extend my contract on that premise, which turned out to be a big fat lie.

This is the problem with Bell the discounts are only good for the length of the contract...Once you upgrade you lose it all...the bell guy may not have been aware of this or was looking to make a sale..which doesn't make sense because you don't make any money on upgrades...the bad thing is that you are essentially stuck..so buy out is the problem...or you can try and plead your case with a supervisor...talk nice they may help you out.

10-06-2005, 11:15 AM
fwiw, if it was agreed upon as a "contract extension" that would imply that both parties are bound by the terms of the original contract, only for an additional time period, as its the same contract but just extended. see if you can argue that maybe.

same thing if its a 'renewal' actually.

10-06-2005, 11:57 AM
You have PM GTS Jeff.

GTS Jeff
10-06-2005, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Cancel it on principle if you feel they are jerking you around. Go on Fido where they are giving 6 months free, and buy the cheapest plan (15 or 20 dollars). It will cost you ~140 for 6 months of unlimited calling, and you will make up that money lost on cancellation.

That's exactly how I feel. I'll be able to pick up a cool GSM phone from Asia this December too.

But on principle alone, Bell should also be resolving this. It'll save me a lot of hassle to say the least.

Originally posted by craigcd
You have PM GTS Jeff.

Thanks Craig.

10-06-2005, 12:25 PM
Do like I did, dump their ass and never look back! Pay them back slowly but surely. They fucked me over hardcore, long story though.

10-06-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by googe

based on the word of bell, so yeah, that would be considered them screwing him over...

So what? People say lots of things. Prove to me that the salesperson actually said that.

Originally posted by GTS Jeff

That "someone else" happened to be wearing a Bell nametag.

If they don't give me what I want, I may just cough up the $200 to cancel the contract early. It'd probably still be better than paying $150/month on the bills.

Ok, lets run this scenario:
Failed to read the agreement. Based on the word of a PERSON and with your OWN FREE WILL signed on the dotted line.... Only to find that the document you signed was not what you were told (since you didn't read over the document). How is that Bell's fault again?

As for the Saleperson - misleading and shady. You just can't trust people these days....

10-06-2005, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by speedracer

So what? People say lots of things. Prove to me that the salesperson actually said that.

Ok, lets run this scenario:
Failed to read the agreement. Based on the word of a PERSON and with your OWN FREE WILL signed on the dotted line.... Only to find that the document you signed was not what you were told (since you didn't read over the document). How is that Bell's fault again?

its pretty simple. they lied. so how is it not their fault?

GTS Jeff
10-06-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by speedracer

So what? People say lots of things. Prove to me that the salesperson actually said that.

Ok, lets run this scenario:
Failed to read the agreement. Based on the word of a PERSON and with your OWN FREE WILL signed on the dotted line.... Only to find that the document you signed was not what you were told (since you didn't read over the document). How is that Bell's fault again?

As for the Saleperson - misleading and shady. You just can't trust people these days.... I may not be able to "prove" that the salesman said anything, but it's safe to assume that a responsible and customer service oriented company like Bell would take my word for it, especially with my good track record with them.

I looked over the contract extension that I signed and nowhere did it mention promotional offers being extended or not. The salesman simply said, "Jeff, you will keep paying the same price for the same plan." Promotions factor into that price.

And besides, what you're implying is that Bell doesn't have to be accountable for what their representatives say?

10-06-2005, 03:56 PM
Come to Telus. When a customer comes in with a grandfathered rate plan or a package only available to certain people (i.e. corporate plans) I've had no problems keeping the plan for them. The salesperson should have confirmed you could keep the same plan before he told you you could. I agree with everyone else that said you should talk to a supervisor on that matter. You went with what the sales person said and that sales person happens to be employed for Bell so therefore they must be held accountable for that person's actions. I'm sure if you bitch to them enough they'll do something for you especially being in Q4 all the cell phone companies are going to be coming out with some insane promo's and if you're a good customer with a high enough revenue stream for them they probably won't want to lose you.

But from what I hear Bell customer service is pretty shitty.

10-07-2005, 12:30 PM
Every time I have to deal with Bell, it's like pulling teeth. For that reason, I am switching to fido as soon as my contract expires. I've been lied to, cheated on my bills, and all sorts of things. It's just pathetic. I feel badly for you, and hope this turns out for the best.

10-07-2005, 03:37 PM
^^ Don't switch to fido!! Switch to rogers I guess, everyone has nice things to say about them, but I HATE FIDO!!

GTS Jeff
10-11-2005, 04:56 PM
Welp, I got owned. I explained everything to the manager and made every rational appeal to her about my situation. But in the end, she said that there was nothing they could do, so I made her admit that Bell was screwing me over. Her words:

"Yes, the Bell agent was mistaken when he promised you all those deals...Bell lured you into this plan with lies and now you are trapped. If you want to pay the cancellation fee, you can do that."

So I guess now that leaves me with cancellation...

10-12-2005, 08:45 AM
Unreal. What a bunch of jackasses.
Gurpy, why not fido?

The plan was to get their unlimited incoming calls plan,since 90% of my calls are incoming, then pay the $5 or $6 to use the rogers network as well. Should be about $30/month cheaper than my current Bell plan. Plus, they're by-the-second on my outgoing calls.

10-12-2005, 09:01 AM
I've had nothing but problems with bell, i signed up with them on one of their "promotions" but ended up not getting credit for the first 3 months "free" until i had already paid for them and phoned to complain about their billing. But i've heard bad stories from every company so i guess as a customer you should just expect to get screwed and be happy about it:thumbsup:

10-12-2005, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Welp, I got owned. I explained everything to the manager and made every rational appeal to her about my situation. But in the end, she said that there was nothing they could do, so I made her admit that Bell was screwing me over. Her words:

"Yes, the Bell agent was mistaken when he promised you all those deals...Bell lured you into this plan with lies and now you are trapped. If you want to pay the cancellation fee, you can do that."

So I guess now that leaves me with cancellation...

HEH, if you would have recorded that, youd have proof that the contract is void :) thats not even close to legal.

GTS Jeff
10-12-2005, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by googe

HEH, if you would have recorded that, youd have proof that the contract is void :) thats not even close to legal. Sigh...if it were that easy...