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10-10-2005, 12:14 PM
I parked on the corner of my street in no way blocking anything or traffic to sell my truck. Anyways cop calls and says its been impounded like what the hell. Then he says i have a fine also...sorry had to vent

10-10-2005, 12:16 PM
i always see cars parked in strip malls and on side streets with for sale signs, maybe u were parked too close to an intersection or maybe someone complained that you're curbing? did you have valid insurance and reg?

10-10-2005, 03:02 PM
I sold my car and the guy was picking it up today then he called me and it wasn't there. then i got the message it got towed. i just own alot of cars cause i own half the street. i have a feeling the next door neighbour called in cause i have a buddy's hummer which is totally blocking there bottom windows cause the dam thing is big. And yesterday went 4x4ing in it so its all muddy!

10-10-2005, 04:36 PM
went and picked up the car $300fine and $182 for towing what the fuck!

10-10-2005, 04:38 PM
what was the fine for??

10-10-2005, 06:23 PM
Did the car have a plate on it???

10-10-2005, 06:27 PM
illegal adertising on public ways and ya the car is fully insured. figuring i already got the ticket i called the cop and went nuts on him like 5 mins ago i called him every word i thought of. then he hung up on me called me back and told me to watch out for myself. like what the fuck!

10-10-2005, 06:52 PM
You own half the street? Where the hell do you live? lol That sucks about getting ticketed and towed though.

10-10-2005, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
figuring i already got the ticket i called the cop and went nuts on him like 5 mins ago i called him every word i thought of. then he hung up on me called me back and told me to watch out for myself. like what the fuck!

not too bright are you...

10-10-2005, 07:00 PM
No i don't own it like that i own it meaning i have so many vehicles.

10-10-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by ryder_23

not too bright are you...

i just have a backbone notlike some people! And when i fight the ticket in court he'll have some more words brought afront of him.

10-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Fucking cops ... Mmm, well I can't do my job and actually deal with crime, think I'll bother this guy selling a car, because OH MY GOD that shit is dangerous!

Fuckers :)

10-10-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Raz
Fucking cops ... Mmm, well I can't do my job and actually deal with crime, think I'll bother this guy selling a car, because OH MY GOD that shit is dangerous!

Fuckers :)

Ive heard of retarded laws before but this has to be the worst.

10-10-2005, 11:02 PM
Well at least see one positive in all of this... at least your car is sold! It would have really sucked if you had to go through all of this and re-list it up for sale again.

I wonder if the cop is going to be hunting you down now:D

10-10-2005, 11:21 PM
If you park many cars in your street .. and they are ALWAYS FOR SALES .. then it might be a problem ...

and watch out if revenue Canada ..

by the way, are you a car broker or?

10-10-2005, 11:24 PM
what is with this site....?......okay say every pay check i bought a hyundai pony for well the heck of it does that make you a dealer??? as long as there insured its legal. which every car i have i have it insured.

10-10-2005, 11:25 PM
Anyways as of right now no car sales at all....in the near future.

10-10-2005, 11:27 PM
revenue Canada could come all they want...can't do shit for cars parking lot on the street.

10-11-2005, 12:44 AM
to my knowledge, buying and selling a bunch of cars a year, they can do shit though.

10-11-2005, 12:49 AM
should've towed the hummer away to the junk yard... probably could've made 2000 shopping carts for the homeless.

10-11-2005, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by crazytou

i just have a backbone notlike some people! And when i fight the ticket in court he'll have some more words brought afront of him.

being bright is completlety diffrent than backbone, hey im not here to pick a internet fight its just you dugg yourself a huge hole. the police officer could have come to your houses and write you a ticket for slander, and it all depends, also uttering thearts. but now when a police officer runs your plate be prepared to get pulled over.
now dont take offence i know cops can be jack asses but some times, but there also just doing there job. sometimes you might have to swallow your pride, i know i have had to do my share of that.
anyways dood good luck with your ticket

10-11-2005, 01:03 AM
Im going downtown to fight it tommarow morning.

Hummer +shopping carts? give me a break

10-11-2005, 10:18 AM
You probably pissed off your neighbors for putting so many vehicles on the street. Although you ain't breaking any laws, it lacks common courtesy.

Now, I thought there's a by-law for towing any vehicles in front of your house that you don't own, is there?

10-11-2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
You probably pissed off your neighbors for putting so many vehicles on the street. Although you ain't breaking any laws, it lacks common courtesy.

Now, I thought there's a by-law for towing any vehicles in front of your house that you don't own, is there?

The by-law states that you can park any and as many cars on the street as long as they are registered to an owner that lives on that street (or an adjoining street). Otherwise you are limited to 72 hr parking and if someone complains they will tag your car and phone the registered owner informing them that it will get towed in 3 days.

10-11-2005, 12:59 PM
Well today went down to rocky mountain plaza talked to a few different people and was very mad. Not only did the crown not belive i got that stupid ticket but she pulled the info from motor vehicle branch cause my ticket wasn't available at the her office cause i only got the ticket yesterday.

Anyways she through the ticket out the window and called the officer to confirm this stupid ticket and she bitched him out ...."officer you cant make tickets up and tow people's cars for no reason youre ticket is revoked". then she just hung up. she was kinda a bitch but not at me so i dont care.

Anyways about the towing bill i have was spose to fight it in small claims court. i was going to file it today. i had given the crown my number and she called me back about 45mins after leaving her office on my cell phone. she said the officer wanted to talk to me right away. Anyways i got the call from the cop and he said sorry and was sucking up abit. I said whatever and thats about that then he told me to hold on and i had to talk to the district supervisor in the police shop to get my money back for the tow fee.

moral of the storey cheque is in the mail and an apoligy.

10-11-2005, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
revenue Canada could come all they want...can't do shit for cars parking lot on the street.

no but they can if your a curber and dont have an amvic... they can find ways

10-11-2005, 01:15 PM
But i dont curb cars. As in buy and sell. I might keep a car a year then sell it cause im bored but not to make a profit.

10-11-2005, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
Well today went down to rocky mountain plaza talked to a few different people and was very mad. Not only did the crown not belive i got that stupid ticket but she pulled the info from motor vehicle branch cause my ticket wasn't available at the her office cause i only got the ticket yesterday.

Anyways she through the ticket out the window and called the officer to confirm this stupid ticket and she bitched him out ...."officer you cant make tickets up and tow people's cars for no reason youre ticket is revoked". then she just hung up. she was kinda a bitch but not at me so i dont care.

Anyways about the towing bill i have was spose to fight it in small claims court. i was going to file it today. i had given the crown my number and she called me back about 45mins after leaving her office on my cell phone. she said the officer wanted to talk to me right away. Anyways i got the call from the cop and he said sorry and was sucking up abit. I said whatever and thats about that then he told me to hold on and i had to talk to the district supervisor in the police shop to get my money back for the tow fee.

moral of the storey cheque is in the mail and an apoligy.

Wow that sure worked out for you hey?

10-11-2005, 04:23 PM
Don't ever take shit from the cops ever!

10-11-2005, 04:50 PM
Your a real tool. I hope a cop kicks your ass so you can play the race card. :D

10-11-2005, 05:07 PM
Ya i would love a cop to try something i would sue his ass off.

10-11-2005, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
Don't ever take shit from the cops ever!

You should start a "Backbone-4-Hire" business. Most people would just frown and suck it up. You did something about it! Good Job, way to make the cop your bitch. Fight the man. :thumbsup:

10-11-2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
Well today went down to rocky mountain plaza talked to a few different people and was very mad. Not only did the crown not belive i got that stupid ticket but she pulled the info from motor vehicle branch cause my ticket wasn't available at the her office cause i only got the ticket yesterday.

Anyways she through the ticket out the window and called the officer to confirm this stupid ticket and she bitched him out ...."officer you cant make tickets up and tow people's cars for no reason youre ticket is revoked". then she just hung up. she was kinda a bitch but not at me so i dont care.

Anyways about the towing bill i have was spose to fight it in small claims court. i was going to file it today. i had given the crown my number and she called me back about 45mins after leaving her office on my cell phone. she said the officer wanted to talk to me right away. Anyways i got the call from the cop and he said sorry and was sucking up abit. I said whatever and thats about that then he told me to hold on and i had to talk to the district supervisor in the police shop to get my money back for the tow fee.

moral of the storey cheque is in the mail and an apoligy.

I'm glad everything worked out for you, good job on fighting the BS ticket. :thumbsup:

One thing I do have to ask though, how old are you? I am no grammar expert by any means, but you quite possibly have the worst spelling in any post I have read on Beyond. It's like the spelling level of a kid in the 3rd grade! Webster Dictionary is your best friend ;)

10-11-2005, 07:21 PM
sorry just type to fast for my brain....now im looking at my previous post...for all these spelling mistakes.

10-11-2005, 07:29 PM
Power to the people :thumbsup:

10-11-2005, 07:44 PM
Most confusing thread title of the week! ;)

10-12-2005, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish
Most confusing thread title of the week! ;)

Yeah no kidding. Even though I've been a part of this thread I still read the title and say "what was this one about again?"

10-12-2005, 12:36 PM
Just a side note, if you sell more than 6 vehicles a year, you need to be registered as a car dealer. Under 6 and the government doesn't care over 6 and they want their piece. That's why everybody brought up how many cars you buy and sell, and since all of your vehicles are/were registered to you, and most likely the people who bought them will register them, the government can tell quite easily how many vehicles you've sold. Just be careful about that.

10-14-2005, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Zero102
Just a side note, if you sell more than 6 vehicles a year, you need to be registered as a car dealer. Under 6 and the government doesn't care over 6 and they want their piece. That's why everybody brought up how many cars you buy and sell, and since all of your vehicles are/were registered to you, and most likely the people who bought them will register them, the government can tell quite easily how many vehicles you've sold. Just be careful about that.

Ya but see...i pay tax on all my vehicles when i first buy them. so really not that hard to figure out. I'm purely picky and don't like just having one toy. Thats why i have a boat , dirt bike , 4x4 etc. I pay way too much tax as it is and if they have a problem with that then i envite them to try something cause as it is we pay too much as it is. And as my free god-dam canadian right i say stickem right where it counts! Have a good one guys!

10-14-2005, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Godfuader

You should start a "Backbone-4-Hire" business. Most people would just frown and suck it up. You did something about it! Good Job, way to make the cop your bitch. Fight the man. :thumbsup:

Thanks bro!

10-14-2005, 09:14 AM
this thread has a nice storybook ending....I hope it is true ....but I don't beleive it.

The police officer would have quoted the law that you broke on the ticket, the crown never would have called it "making tickets up", the officer never would have apologized to you if you already called him names, and this is small potatoes for the officer's supervisor to want to get involved.

So, I call :bullshit:

Who's with me one this one?

10-14-2005, 09:30 AM
I realize that you like having different cars, and you change your mind about what you like and such. I mean hey, it's your money, and you should do with it what makes you happiest. I've been through quite a few cars in my life-time (and I'm only 20), although most of them were POS'es, but still. My only point was that if you sell more than 6 vehicles a year, you're required to be a motor vehicle dealer. It doesn't matter if you pay tax, or what your reasons were for buying and selling them, that's just where they draw the line. It's a pretty big fine if they decide to give you trouble for selling more than 6 vehicles a year (if you do sell that many), so I thought I would try to warn you about what can happen. I got a warning when I sold 3 cars in 1 month, it was a nice little letter from the government telling me about the benefits of becoming a motor vehicle dealer, I took the hint :)

10-14-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by crazytou

Ya but see...i pay tax on all my vehicles when i first buy them. so really not that hard to figure out. I'm purely picky and don't like just having one toy. Thats why i have a boat , dirt bike , 4x4 etc. I pay way too much tax as it is and if they have a problem with that then i envite them to try something cause as it is we pay too much as it is. And as my free god-dam canadian right i say stickem right where it counts! Have a good one guys!

good for you for sticking it to the man...i mean fuck, if you were close to a hydrant or right next to the stop sign hell i can see why. on my street there's a jack ass that parks right up to the 4 way stop sign... the faggot hasnt been towed in the over a year of doing it and i'd love it if someone called him in. i'm not gonna bother with it, but that's 100 times more of a bother than what you described. still though, you sound like because you own so much crap that everything is owed to you and if you put your foot you'll always come ahead. i'm willing to bet anything that that will eventuall catch up to you, if it hasnt bit you in the ass already before. dont get me wrong, i'm sure you're a decent guy like most people on here, but i agree with what someone said earlier about the difference between having backbone, and being smart about it. bitching an officer out is legal and is quite enjoyable, just dont be blatant about anything and instead prove to them that they're jack asses and they have no reason to be fuckin with you... what are they honestly gonna do? on the other hand, if you start cussing the guy out, things could take a nasty turn real quick. anyways, i hope you take that lightly coz it's just my uninterested 2 cents

10-14-2005, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by rice_eater

good for you for sticking it to the man...i mean fuck, if you were close to a hydrant or right next to the stop sign hell i can see why. on my street there's a jack ass that parks right up to the 4 way stop sign... the faggot hasnt been towed in the over a year of doing it and i'd love it if someone called him in. i'm not gonna bother with it, but that's 100 times more of a bother than what you described. still though, you sound like because you own so much crap that everything is owed to you and if you put your foot you'll always come ahead. i'm willing to bet anything that that will eventuall catch up to you, if it hasnt bit you in the ass already before. dont get me wrong, i'm sure you're a decent guy like most people on here, but i agree with what someone said earlier about the difference between having backbone, and being smart about it. bitching an officer out is legal and is quite enjoyable, just dont be blatant about anything and instead prove to them that they're jack asses and they have no reason to be fuckin with you... what are they honestly gonna do? on the other hand, if you start cussing the guy out, things could take a nasty turn real quick. anyways, i hope you take that lightly coz it's just my uninterested 2 cents

no problem...The thing is i always just payed my tickets in the past and took it as a loss. But since this i will never NOT fight a ticket just due to the cops way he treated this whole situation.

10-15-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Tyler883
So, I call :bullshit:

Who's with me one this one?

I was kind of wondering...

Seems a little far fetched, and reading some of this guys other threads he seems a little whack to me. Who knows, but that's quite the story to make up if he did.

EK 2.0
10-15-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
illegal adertising on public ways and ya the car is fully insured. figuring i already got the ticket i called the cop and went nuts on him like 5 mins ago i called him every word i thought of. then he hung up on me called me back and told me to watch out for myself. like what the fuck!

Wow, I am a thug, look at how I can bitch cops out over the phone. I am so hard, Fiddy you best check yo-self fore you wreck yo-self cause they be a new Cat on tha sreet.

Originally posted by crazytou
i just have a backbone notlike some people! And when i fight the ticket in court he'll have some more words brought afront of him.

Good plan, so you wanna pay a fine for contempt too?? Not the sharpest tool in the shed now are we??

Originally posted by crazytou
what is with this site....?......okay say every pay check i bought a hyundai pony for well the heck of it does that make you a dealer??? as long as there insured its legal. which every car i have i have it insured.

Hi, may I see your AMVIC License please??

Originally posted by crazytou
Anyways as of right now no car sales at all....in the near future.

Good, you SHOULD hold off until you get your AMVIC License...

Originally posted by crazytou
revenue Canada could come all they want...can't do shit for cars parking lot on the street.

No, they can't technically, but I am sure if you exchange your vast vocabulary of words with them, they can and will find reasons to make your life hell.

Originally posted by crazytou
Im going downtown to fight it tommarow morning.

Hummer +shopping carts? give me a break

eh, you really feel this is a good idea, what with your astounding grasp of all the expeletives of the english language. I mean if Fiddy has interpreters for court...shouldn't you??

Originally posted by crazytou
Well today went down to rocky mountain plaza talked to a few different people and was very mad. Not only did the crown not belive i got that stupid ticket but she pulled the info from motor vehicle branch cause my ticket wasn't available at the her office cause i only got the ticket yesterday.

Anyways she through the ticket out the window and called the officer to confirm this stupid ticket and she bitched him out ...."officer you cant make tickets up and tow people's cars for no reason youre ticket is revoked". then she just hung up. she was kinda a bitch but not at me so i dont care.

Anyways about the towing bill i have was spose to fight it in small claims court. i was going to file it today. i had given the crown my number and she called me back about 45mins after leaving her office on my cell phone. she said the officer wanted to talk to me right away. Anyways i got the call from the cop and he said sorry and was sucking up abit. I said whatever and thats about that then he told me to hold on and i had to talk to the district supervisor in the police shop to get my money back for the tow fee.

moral of the storey cheque is in the mail and an apoligy.

Really??...and then BAM...your alarm clock goes off and you wake up with a woody??

Originally posted by crazytou
But i dont curb cars. As in buy and sell. I might keep a car a year then sell it cause im bored but not to make a profit.

Hi again, may I please see your AMVIC License??

Originally posted by crazytou
Don't ever take shit from the cops ever!

Uh-huh...you forgot to take your purple pill this morning didn't you??

Originally posted by crazytou
Ya i would love a cop to try something i would sue his ass off.

See here again, you REALLY need a better method for remember to take that lil purple pill...

Originally posted by crazytou
sorry just type to fast for my brain....now im looking at my previous post...for all these spelling mistakes.

Too fast for YOUR brain...come on....I have heard some crazy ones in my day...but this...nooo....

10-15-2005, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

Wow, I am a thug, look at how I can bitch cops out over the phone. I am so hard, Fiddy you best check yo-self fore you wreck yo-self cause they be a new Cat on tha sreet.

Good plan, so you wanna pay a fine for contempt too?? Not the sharpest tool in the shed now are we??

Hi, may I see your AMVIC License please??

Good, you SHOULD hold off until you get your AMVIC License...

No, they can't technically, but I am sure if you exchange your vast vocabulary of words with them, they can and will find reasons to make your life hell.

eh, you really feel this is a good idea, what with your astounding grasp of all the expeletives of the english language. I mean if Fiddy has interpreters for court...shouldn't you??

Really??...and then BAM...your alarm clock goes off and you wake up with a woody??

Hi again, may I please see your AMVIC License??

Uh-huh...you forgot to take your purple pill this morning didn't you??

See here again, you REALLY need a better method for remember to take that lil purple pill...

Too fast for YOUR brain...come on....I have heard some crazy ones in my day...but this...nooo....

Gotta be one of the most long-winded pwnings I've seen on Beyond yet:D

10-15-2005, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

Gotta be one of the most long-winded pwnings I've seen on Beyond yet:D
Go Arif!

10-15-2005, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

Gotta be one of the most long-winded pwnings I've seen on Beyond yet:D

I agree...this guy seems bogus. I think he's making so much of this up and making it seem like he's fuckin empowered and above the law.

10-15-2005, 10:18 PM
my ticket is out the window i dont care what you guys say. And about being "hard" give me a break. Tell you what anyone that wants to meet up at the next beyond meet you can come up to me and start shit no problem. otherwise keep it to the pm's! sitting on the computer starting shit is just a show.

EK 2.0
10-15-2005, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by crazytou
my ticket is out the window i dont care what you guys say. And about being "hard" give me a break. Tell you what anyone that wants to meet up at the next beyond meet you can come up to me and start shit no problem. otherwise keep it to the pm's! sitting on the computer starting shit is just a show.

Gee, and that's not "hard"??:rolleyes:

10-16-2005, 02:54 AM
I hope you get hit by a bus crazytou

10-16-2005, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by Zero102
Just a side note, if you sell more than 6 vehicles a year, you need to be registered as a car dealer. Under 6 and the government doesn't care over 6 and they want their piece. That's why everybody brought up how many cars you buy and sell, and since all of your vehicles are/were registered to you, and most likely the people who bought them will register them, the government can tell quite easily how many vehicles you've sold. Just be careful about that.

What about houses??

10-16-2005, 09:44 AM
Who cares how many houses like man do you have no life? im going to sell the wrx right away oh my god call the press...... life is going to come to an end. you guys are just full of gossip. Anyways im going 4x4ing today and thats that!

EK 2.0
10-16-2005, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by crazytou
Who cares how many houses like man do you have no life? im going to sell the wrx right away oh my god call the press...... life is going to come to an end. you guys are just full of gossip. Anyways im going 4x4ing today and thats that!

we are full of gossip??...what do you call this??

Originally posted by crazytou
Well today went down to rocky mountain plaza talked to a few different people and was very mad. Not only did the crown not belive i got that stupid ticket but she pulled the info from motor vehicle branch cause my ticket wasn't available at the her office cause i only got the ticket yesterday.

Anyways she through the ticket out the window and called the officer to confirm this stupid ticket and she bitched him out ...."officer you cant make tickets up and tow people's cars for no reason youre ticket is revoked". then she just hung up. she was kinda a bitch but not at me so i dont care.

Anyways about the towing bill i have was spose to fight it in small claims court. i was going to file it today. i had given the crown my number and she called me back about 45mins after leaving her office on my cell phone. she said the officer wanted to talk to me right away. Anyways i got the call from the cop and he said sorry and was sucking up abit. I said whatever and thats about that then he told me to hold on and i had to talk to the district supervisor in the police shop to get my money back for the tow fee.

moral of the storey cheque is in the mail and an apoligy.

oh yeah I know now...a DAYDREAM!!

10-16-2005, 09:55 AM
Im done with this. Ticket got beat im happy you guys aren't whatever!

10-16-2005, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by crazytou
Who cares how many houses like man do you have no life? im going to sell the wrx right away oh my god call the press...... life is going to come to an end. you guys are just full of gossip. Anyways im going 4x4ing today and thats that!

I have no life for asking about houses?? That hurts :(
I think asking about houses is a valid question... I dont mean to jack the thread or anything.. It's just something that came up when I was reading this.

10-16-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by SteveMo600

I agree...this guy seems bogus. I think he's making so much of this up and making it seem like he's fuckin empowered and above the law.

thats why he was looking on how to burn off his finger prints