View Full Version : Rebel XT or 20D?

10-18-2005, 05:01 PM
i'm upgrading my camera from olympus e300. it would be either 350d or 20d. 350d is the same level as e300 i think. i went to the camera store last week. the Canon 20D with 18-55mm Lens Kit is $1789 and the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT w/ 17-85 Lens is about 1689. which one should i get? i heard the output of both cameras are about the same. i know lens is more important than body. but 20d with 17-85 lens is around 2300 which is out of my budget so........... it's hard for me to make the decision. i need some opinion and suggestion from u:)

10-18-2005, 09:52 PM
Nikon D70s......don't fall victim to Canon's hype and commercialism!

10-18-2005, 09:56 PM
OMG. don't get the D70s...... Canons are :bigpimp: . It really depends on what kind of photography you'll be into. As a good dSLR... I highly suggest the Canon XT.

Plus those Image Stabilizer lenses are just too good to pass up.... AND... the shutter sound on the Canon XT will make you :drool:

10-18-2005, 09:58 PM
Get the Rebel XT, and a better lens than the kit one. The kit lens (18-55, I think) tends to be soft in situations.

That being said, the image quality difference between the XT and 20D seems to be negligible, the only real difference being the 20D had a more solid feel, is a bit larger, and has a couple extra features. Take a look at the features and decide what's right for you, for the price.

10-18-2005, 10:01 PM
Go hold both. Some can't stand the XTs small size, others (like me) love it. D70 has nicer kit lens, but its outdated compared to XT, as well as the moire issues. Hold it as well though.

I got the tamron 28-75 2.8 as a replacement for the kit lens, love it.


10-18-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

I got the tamron 28-75 2.8 as a replacement for the kit lens, love it.


I've heard good things about that lens... how much did it cost you, if you don't mind me asking?

Celica TVS3
10-18-2005, 10:12 PM
I went with the XT and am happy with it. As you stated the kit lens isn't very good its soft across the board. The body is small and didn't feel as comfortable in the store as the D70 but after using it for a while it feels fine, you'll adapt to it and forget about it.

I'm going to stick with the kit lens untill I can afford the canon 24-70 f2.8. I was looking into the Tamron 28-75 too but it seems like they have had some problems with QC, i think B&H has them in stock for considerably cheaper than anywhere in town.