View Full Version : Parents...

10-28-2005, 02:08 PM
Ok, I've always wanted to ask this question on ebyond and for the longest time.
How many times do you argue or do they lecture you a week?
I'm just windering, because it seems even when I don't do anything to piss them off they still have something to say, or complain about.
My dad is a massive fan of giving me lectures!:rofl:

Lets here it, we all argue with our parents! How many times a week does this occur? And when does it get too much?

10-28-2005, 02:11 PM
Dude daily at least 5 times, i get the "you gunna have to move out if you dont do this" Bullshit, just tell em to go to hell. i cant even hold a conversation with wihc ever parent im living with (divorced) because we get annoyed of eachother and fight, just ignore them, thats all the advice i can give.

10-28-2005, 02:44 PM
Not particularly often. I find we're really good for like 6 months, and then all the shit that's been bugging us comes out in a pretty big argument. Following that we all feel bad, and all is well again. I personally don't think i'm home enough to get in any serious arguments too often.

10-28-2005, 02:48 PM
Every day. We don't have a kitchen because of renos, so we cook with a little grille, and I need to eat out a lot and mom get's mad because appearantly I'm spending so much money on food.

Then there's always other little things every day, but it's mostly my money expenditures that get's me into arguments. :thumbsdow

10-28-2005, 02:54 PM
I don't argue with them much anymore, and if I do its because they think I am too frivulous with my money. Back when I was in school I used to argue constantly with my mother... My dad is pretty quiet, never really said too much. But when he did, we knew we really crossed the line...

10-28-2005, 02:56 PM
Ahh fuck this will be different for everyone!
My parents say I never hold a conversation, how can I when the first thing that comes out from their mouth is something negative towards me!!

What I did do though is, I held my cool for 2 months, didn't let anything bug me, try to keep them happy, and not even start an argument. Then a few days ago out of no where I get a lecture for not talking nicely and not holding up a discussion!!!! WTF!

This is killing me!!

10-28-2005, 02:58 PM
I'd say 7-8 times a week. Like you said, if I don't really have anything to say to them, my dad likes to start an argument anyway, even over the dumbest shit. Couple days ago he was arguing with me saying there was a 4 door mini, when he obviously knows there is no such thing:nut:

10-28-2005, 02:58 PM
plenty until around grade 11 or 12...barely any since i go to uni now....

10-28-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Chester
I'd say 7-8 times a week. Like you said, if I don't really have anything to say to them, my dad likes to start an argument anyway, even over the dumbest shit. Couple days ago he was arguing with me saying there was a 4 door mini, when he obviously knows there is no such thing:nut:

:rofl: :rofl: But thats different! He's not arguing directly to you. He's going on about Mini's lol.
When ever I get an argument it's about somehting did wrong! :rolleyes: Even though nothing has happened lol.
Ahh fuck, guess I can't stay angry forever. Time to save up like mad and get my own space.

If your dad argues over things like that, I'll trade you dads! :rofl:

10-28-2005, 03:02 PM
Rarely ever fight with them, but when I do it's huge.

10-28-2005, 03:03 PM
it doesnt i moved out

10-28-2005, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by /////AMG
Ok, I've always wanted to ask this question on ebyond and for the longest time.
How many times do you argue or do they lecture you a week?
I'm just windering, because it seems even when I don't do anything to piss them off they still have something to say, or complain about.
My dad is a massive fan of giving me lectures!:rofl:

Lets here it, we all argue with our parents! How many times a week does this occur? And when does it get too much?

Holy crap I thought I was the only one in a situation like that haha. Well my dad gets upset over the littlest things. I try not to argue much cuz it seems like with asian parents, they are always right. Even when you prove them wrong they will always say "since when did you become so lippy, and start talking back to me?".

Heh and my mom, man every week she just nags, and yaps about stupid things when she's cleaning the house. So I'm kinda used to it by now.

10-28-2005, 03:22 PM
Not all that often. I moved to Calgary and they are in Fort McMurray. When I was going to high school a fair bit but as I got older they didn't have as many arguements plus my dad is very good at listening to my opinion and supporting it without arguing.

But there is the issue of not currently having a close girlfriend. Come on can't a guy be single for a while. :bigpimp:

10-28-2005, 03:24 PM
I moved out for just that reason man.

Last time we argued? Can't remember.

10-28-2005, 03:48 PM
I live in a different province and we still argue quite a bit. My mom's mad cuz I want to spend time with my dad when I go back at Christmas, and my dad's just a stupid fuck sometimes. He's a little slow I think, and I don't have the patience for that. And nothing I ever do is good enough for my mom. I talk to my dad maybe once a month on the phone, and it always ends up with me being super annoyed with him. And I talk to my mom once a week on the phone and lately we've been getting along somewhat okay, just when we see each other, BOOM. Blows up.

DJ Lazy
10-28-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
but it's mostly my money expenditures that get's me into arguments. :thumbsdow


I don't live with them anymore, so the arguements have dropped dramatically. :rofl: Now I only get shit on when they find out about some stupid purchase I make...

10-28-2005, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by /////AMG

What I did do though is, I held my cool for 2 months, didn't let anything bug me, try to keep them happy, and not even start an argument. Then a few days ago out of no where I get a lecture for not talking nicely and not holding up a discussion!!!! WTF!

This is killing me!!

Happens to me too, and all she ever asks me is how's school blah blah blah, how's work etc... Nothing about my personal life, just generic things, then she tells me I have bad social skills, when really we don't talk much because we don't have much in common.

Then I get in trouble because my friends aren't christian and all this other bullshit, appearantly i should ditch most of my friends and go to church all the time and only talk to christian people.

I hate it.

10-28-2005, 05:24 PM
Never really argued much with my folks, mostly some mindless bickering followed by a bad joke to make things less severe :)

- Rasmus

10-28-2005, 05:31 PM
I used to argue with my parents at least once a week.., then it got to fights every day, then they kicked me out (without notice... imagine that feeling) .. Then like 3-4 months later, My dad asked me to move back, i gave in and went back... and since then, we all get along now..:)

10-28-2005, 05:42 PM
Daily with my mom... maybe once a week with my dad. My mom is a bitch and we cannot get along under any circumstance while we are at home, but when we go on a holiday we get along well enough, but will still get angry at each other and start arguing at least once every two days. And, if I'm working on my car and tying up the garage, me and my mom can't even be at home at the same time, and my dad will bitch at me about once an hour.

Dave P
10-28-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by ~Leah~
I live in a different province and we still argue quite a bit. My mom's mad cuz I want to spend time with my dad when I go back at Christmas

Werd werd werd. and when you tell one that your doing something with the other they get all mad and shit.

I hear ya

10-28-2005, 07:11 PM
on a daily basis...it sux

10-29-2005, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
Then there's always other little things every day, but it's mostly my money expenditures that get's me into arguments. :thumbsdow

Same... Apparently I spend too much "money"... But on the other side of the spectrum I think that they are CHEAP...

10-29-2005, 01:48 AM
Use to fight with them on a daily basis, moved out, and now we never fight, and it seems they actually like me now :rofl:

10-29-2005, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
Happens to me too, and all she ever asks me is how's school blah blah blah, how's work etc... Nothing about my personal life, just generic things, then she tells me I have bad social skills, when really we don't talk much because we don't have much in common.


I hate it.

:werd: Exactly!!!!! I probably get that question everyday about how school was! My dad even tries to throw it in once in a while, when he does I answer him "yea it was fine", then literally about an hour or two later or even later in the evening, he asks me how school was again!!! :banghead:
My mum like to nag aswell, if it's not towards me and its about some dumb thing, I just have to tell her to stop complaining, don't worry about it, just please complain in your head, not out aloud!!
Now they are starting to hassle me about money aswell.

Hey Hakk, astleast you're leaving the COUNTRY soon, that should be enough space, eh? :D

10-29-2005, 02:12 AM
With my mum, hardly at all, we get along fine, I can talk to her about anything, she does lecture me now and then about me not doing certain things, but shes right, I'm a lazy basterd.

As for my stepdad, well we get along fine aswell, talk alot, mainly about cars and loads of other mechanical things and shit, but he likes to help me with some words of advice, but its annoying as I've heard them all about a million times, and also now and then he lectures me about working on car/djing/doing things late at night (hey I'm pretty much nocturnal) and also about me not doing certain things, but hey like I said, I'm lazy :D .