View Full Version : Gomery Report Release

11-01-2005, 12:09 AM
Rent your space now in this thread!

After nine months the first of two gomery reports is due for release tommorow morning. Report one will cover who was at fault while the second reports will highlight how to fix the problem. Before the report is released to anybody else Mr.PM has gotten his own advance copy so he can put his spin on the public release tommorow, nice huh? :thumbsup: After watching the news at 11; 3 out of 3 Canadians had no idea what the gomery report is, boy I can't wait.

I forsee the following:
1) Report is inconclusive
2) Liberal public ratings will rise


Chretien's party found guilty. Kick back system was in place. People given money to be kept quiet. Chretien is fighting back saying the report was 'bought' and was 'rigged'. :nut: Matrin has passed the report on to the RCMP.

11-01-2005, 12:16 AM
exactly what i was thinking.....PM martin is going to "re-word" the report to his fitting..:bullshit:

11-01-2005, 12:21 AM
of course he will make it sound better to his favor, and posie sniffing tree hugging liberal fans will fall for it and martin will get more support :guns:

when will canadians learn......

11-01-2005, 12:26 AM

11-01-2005, 12:27 AM
I think global's segment on the significance on the Gomery inquiry is a bit misleading. There HAVE to be more people than 1/6 that know what the Gomery inquiry is, or who our PM is.

They are hoping that we are going to forget about it, just like the east chooses to neglect the liberal corruption as well.

Unfortunately the continued apathy and udder disregard for an accountable government plagues Canada's politcal system.

11-01-2005, 12:28 AM
:banghead: Damned politics.

I guess we'll just have to hope that's it's damaging enough that it shows the Eastern voters what kinds of scumbags they voted into office.

Martin will probably blame it all on Chretien. :thumbsdow

11-01-2005, 11:15 AM
You think anyone's going to jail? :banghead: Must be nice to steal with no consequences, or little.

11-01-2005, 11:38 AM
has it been released yet?

something tells me tom's predictions will be accurate :(

11-01-2005, 11:42 AM
It was supposed to be released at 8:00 am today I believe, it'll probably take a bit for the news stations to twist it around a bit to what they want you to hear though....give it time.

11-01-2005, 11:43 AM
Looks like the finger is pointed at Chretien and he's lawyered up.

RCMP is now reviewing the matter.

Martin will continue his "it's not me" routine and will continue to hold Ontario and a minority government.

11-01-2005, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by al-ti2d
exactly what i was thinking.....PM martin is going to "re-word" the report to his fitting..:bullshit:

yea... hes gona re write the report? you idiot... all he does is get to see the report so he can prepare for its release-you know, write a speech, have sex with smach addicted hooker, all the good stuff. :)

11-01-2005, 11:43 AM
^^ he was finance minister at the time too :bullshit:

11-01-2005, 11:49 AM
The PM gets the report 16 hours before anyone else... Hopefully that's enough time to come up with a defense and a way to break the news gently that the liberal government is a bunch of corrupt bastards.

I hope Chretien (the worst prime minister of all time) gets charged based on the findings in the report, as well as all the parties involved (including Paul Martin who was finance minister at the time and should've known about this scandal if he wasn't part of it).

I really want them to make an example of all those assholes, but knowing the corruption in this stupid country, they're all going to get off scott-free. If it was any average citizen they'd be in jail...

What a stupid country. I move for the seperation of Western Canada. Leave those freeloading easterners on their own.

11-01-2005, 11:50 AM
it would no surprise me at all if Toms-SC predictions are true, and no one, atleast currently in the liberal party is held accountable and recieves anything more than a slap on the wrist. the matter of the fact is that teh corruption in canadian politics epecially the liberal party runs so deep, that unfortunately it may be a very long time before canada knows any different

11-01-2005, 01:31 PM

Here's the full report, I think. I haven't read through it all as I am at work, but for those of you with the time, maybe give us the Coles Notes of it.


11-01-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
:banghead: Damned politics.

I guess we'll just have to hope that's it's damaging enough that it shows the Eastern voters what kinds of scumbags they voted into office.

Martin will probably blame it all on Chretien. :thumbsdow

oops and the 28% of BC , 22% of alberta, 27% of Sask and 33% of Manitoba that helped by voting liberal as well.....

11-01-2005, 02:32 PM
i hear Chretien is suing the canadian government, so hes using the money the tax payer pay him with to sue the tax payers, how does this work?:dunno:

11-01-2005, 05:24 PM
Liberals fund CBC, Toronto votes Liberal, CBC plays Maple Leaf games. Any questions? deadly circle. We should hold a beyond western seperatism rally or something. haha.

11-01-2005, 05:45 PM
Sorry for letting you all down, I was at the Fluke Meter conference all day. I'll post an update in a bit. Only 300 something pages to read in ye' olde' english.

11-01-2005, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Nissanaddict
Liberals fund CBC, Toronto votes Liberal, CBC plays Maple Leaf games. Any questions? deadly circle. We should hold a beyond western seperatism rally or something. haha.

and demand that there be more flames games on CBC. ;)

11-01-2005, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by civicrider
i hear Chretien is suing the canadian government, so hes using the money the tax payer pay him with to sue the tax payers, how does this work?:dunno:

guy is disgusting. :guns:

11-01-2005, 07:45 PM
OK this is BS. Chretien has finally made his statement - he says that he will take responsibility for the scandal but not the blame.

Just like Toms-SC said, nothing is going to come of this. Paul Martin seems to have a Teflon coating - no scandal is going to stick to him. Liberals wasted millions of tax payers dollars (illegally this time) again and are pretty much off the hook already.


11-01-2005, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by richardchan2002
OK this is BS. Chretien has finally made his statement - he says that he will take responsibility for the scandal but not the blame.

Kind of like "The buck stops here...but not really..."

Nice spin by the Liberals. Especially loved Chretien's golf ball show and tell this afternoon. Sadly, Candians are gullible and apathetic so we're probably buying it - at least Eastern Canadians are anyways...

Whoever says nothing will come of this is probably right...couldn't take anymore so turned it off this afternoong, but it seems that unless Layton grows a set of balls Martin and co. ain't even looking at a possibility of going somewhere soon.

I'm for seperation too. Quebec has to take the politicians though...

11-01-2005, 11:14 PM
what a weaksauce ending :thumbsdow

11-01-2005, 11:31 PM
:eek: there go the liberals. too bad the rest of canada is dumb enough to vote for them again though:banghead:

11-01-2005, 11:33 PM
They will get back in no problem

The NDP are whores

Like I said awhile back, all government opostion should dissolve and the Liberals shoulds rename themselves Canada.

11-02-2005, 08:20 AM
worst cover up ever, was it just me or when they asked martin questions he'd answer it with a 10 minute speach but in the end he never really answerd what was asked, just sliding around hte truth.

11-02-2005, 08:58 AM
worst cover up for sure. The worst ones are the ones that get found out (they just didn't cover up well enough). Gov't whether liberal conservative/alliance or NDP are corupt or end up corupt once in power. Welcome to politics

11-02-2005, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

oops and the 28% of BC , 22% of alberta, 27% of Sask and 33% of Manitoba that helped by voting liberal as well.....

Well any time there is an election the Liberal party will bring up healthcare improvements and how the Conservatives have hidden agendas and want to privatize health care which slam dunks the majority of senior citizen votes across the country in the Liberal pocket and as a group seniors are growing all the time.

Throw in the minority groups & immigrants that want to keep the boats ashore for their relatives so their votes are in the Liberal pockets.

So when you really look at it, 22% is pretty weak when you consider the Liberals have certain groups across the country in their pockets.

11-02-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

Well any time there is an election the Liberal party will bring up healthcare improvements and how the Conservatives have hidden agendas and want to privatize health care which slam dunks the majority of senior citizen votes across the country in the Liberal pocket and as a group seniors are growing all the time.

Throw in the minority groups & immigrants that want to keep the boats ashore for their relatives so their votes are in the Liberal pockets.

So when you really look at it, 22% is pretty weak when you consider the Liberals have certain groups across the country in their pockets.

I just think the conservatives/alliance need to do a far better job. They have had to much infighting and a parade of ineffective useless leaders in recent times.

11-02-2005, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

oops and the 28% of BC , 22% of alberta, 27% of Sask and 33% of Manitoba that helped by voting liberal as well.....

Is that a percentage of the popular vote, or the number of seats?

Popular vote makes no difference.

11-02-2005, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by benyl

Is that a percentage of the popular vote, or the number of seats?

Popular vote makes no difference.

You are right the popular vote makes no difference . It is only an indicator of mindset of voters. Was only using it as an illustration. Thanks for pointing that out.

11-02-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

I just think the conservatives/alliance need to do a far better job. They have had to much infighting and a parade of ineffective useless leaders in recent times.

Compared to Jean the Joke & Paul Martin how can you call anyone ineffective or useless? The only thing they know is how to line their pockets with taxpayer dollars. They actually expect a lavish lifestyle paid for by taxpayers. Look at the guy from the mint. He racked up $750 000 in expenses alone!!! Quits and expects a large severance. The problem is the Liberals believe they are entitled to be financially set for the rest of their lives based on 8 years or less of service.

Do you think people enjoy working 40/hrs a week unti they 65 years old to ensure that the fat cats in Ottawa can purchase their retirement cottages and live the high life well after they are finished serving the Canadian people.

I don't!

11-02-2005, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

Compared to Jean the Joke & Paul Martin how can you call anyone ineffective or useless? The only thing they know is how to line their pockets with taxpayer dollars. They actually expect a lavish lifestyle paid for by taxpayers. Look at the guy from the mint. He racked up $750 000 in expenses alone!!! Quits and expects a large severance. The problem is the Liberals believe they are entitled to be financially set for the rest of their lives based on 8 years or less of service.

Do you think people enjoy working 40/hrs a week unti they 65 years old to ensure that the fat cats in Ottawa can purchase their retirement cottages and live the high life well after they are finished serving the Canadian people.

I don't!

exactly my point ! If the conservatives have been taken as less credible than the Jean the Joke regime and were not able to win an election they are real real ineffective and have had HUGE leadership issues.

11-02-2005, 11:41 AM
This whole scandal makes me hate Quebec even more and perhaps wished that they did separate so that this entire scandal might(I use this term loosely) have been avoided. Quebec leeches money from the west and to this day they demand we give them more! Then to top it off the only reason they are willing to shut up about splitting from Canada is because they are being paid off. And throughout this payoff liberals find holes in the sponsorship program to fill their own greedy pockets.

You know, I just want to see some justice. I want to see people thrown in jail because of this. Their bank accounts seized. I want to see something! But in the end I know that NOTHING will come of this and in a few weeks time it will all be forgotten about and we will once again vote Liberal.

I think instead of splitting the west from Canada we need to petition that Quebec and the East leave Canada.

11-02-2005, 12:36 PM
There really isn't much difference between either party. The primary goal of each party is Bigger government, and a big gov't is the problem! If you got involved with a pyramid scheme, such is the Canadian Government System, you'd want to build your pyramid of theives as big as possible.
Why do we have to wait for Gomery to tell us about these crimes.
If a bank robber was robbing a bank, should the police wait until after he got away... after the robber hires a consultant to determine wether he stole the money or not for you to arrest him??????

If the robber isn't dangerous in Canada, we live in a dangerous and vaulnerable state today.

**** RANT ALERT*****
Ottawa has taken the reigns over the provinces, they have crossed their bounds in many jurisdictions, like stealing oil, putting fishermen out of business, shutting down the forest industry, undermining the constitution, all to create dependence. To make things worse they justify this due to external circumstances often tooting this horn towards our neighbours to the south on their Liberal-sponsored TV station (CBC) that gets over 1.5 billion dollars of tax payers dollars each year (by the way thats enough to pay for each canadian home to have cable all year long) and they the liberal senators who have a stake in CBC lock out their employees, and then they have the nerve to approach parliament and say that the Liberal government needs to assume even more control because of bad management... HELLO! You are the management you retards! CBC sells everything through anti-americanism... for example, the huge climb in gun violence in Toronto, the cops there are losing the war on gangs so they come up with this dumb reason.... "50% of all the gun-crimes in Toronto are commited with American made/smuggled fire-arms" and then Paul Martin hypes up that he is going to give Condolessa Rice a shake-down over it. EARTH TO ONTARIO! Your cops aren't pulling their weight, and the gun registry has allowed other areas of your anti-crime force to slack off... when we all know the gun registry has caused more illegal guns on the street then ever. You have jurisdiction debates lately after the crime, your border is weak! Your gun problem is also because of your demographic problem, 40% of our guns come from Asia, thousands of kilometers away... its your fault, not Americas! You've lost all your responsible citizens to western Canada or the USA, so you've resorted to bringing in an unbalanced immigration population of lower skill into Toronto to counter-act this and maintain Ontarios voting weight and citizen dependance. Toronto is now composed of about 50% (by recent estimates) Non-birth Canadians. So in other words, while cities like Calgary, St. Johns, Regina (not as much), Edmonton, Van city (not as much), etc... etc... incur a 10% immigration rate (the 10 % might be 9, i forget which one it was) Toronto brings in the lions share, is that because they need it for their industries??? Hell no. We have a trade shortage in Alberta and require skilled workers, yet Toronto gets a bunch of Immigrants that are making more on social-welfare than pension earners per month from the tax payer. While we in alberta could really benefit from having these people contribute to our economy as a whole, they instead live in projects in toronto on Albertas dime!!!! ARG,

what a rant, sorry.

11-02-2005, 03:11 PM
In essence, though, Paul Martin was kept "out of the loop" by JC, because JC wanted this particular project to be run out of the PMO, so directly under him....He did not pass of the responsibility, so its entirely PLAUSABLE (not likely though) that Martin did know very little about it when it was going on.....I'm not a liberal supporter, but that is a fact...

11-02-2005, 06:56 PM
The media is not even talking about the report anymore, 1 day after :barf:

11-02-2005, 08:38 PM
Man I hate the liberals SO much. I too would love to see some of these assholes spend some time in jail and have their accounts frozen. If everything is being handed to the RCMP hopefully some charges are laid and some justice served. I am hopeful that the Liberals are overthrown in the next election. Fuck I don't care if we have to vote during christmas, thats better than enduring this corrupt government any longer :thumbsdow