View Full Version : drunk driving

11-04-2005, 03:05 PM
ok since this thread:

got locked, i just want to clarify, im not trying to encourage drunk driving or pushing the envelope, or discuss ways around the law.

note that i specifically said:

you will see that a 160lb male, on average, will be at about 0.07 after THREE drinks. now, thats cutting it pretty close, so it would not be a good idea for you to slam back 3 beers and hop in the car

my post isnt meant to help people cheat. its to point out that if you have 2 beers over a few hours, you arent impaired by any stretch of the imagination. we are talking a BAC of less than 0.02 if its 2 hours, and 0.005 (you can hit that gargling mouth wash!) if its 3 hours.

i agree, if you need to calculate whether or not youre too drunk, you shouldnt drive. but in cases like this, you dont need to calculate at all, youre very well within the safe zone.

11-04-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by googe
ok since this thread:

got locked, i just want to clarify, im not trying to encourage drunk driving or pushing the envelope, or discuss ways around the law.

note that i specifically said:

my post isnt meant to help people cheat. its to point out that if you have 2 beers over a few hours, you arent impaired by any stretch of the imagination. we are talking a BAC of less than 0.02 if its 2 hours, and 0.005 (you can hit that gargling mouth wash!) if its 3 hours.

i agree, if you need to calculate whether or not youre too drunk, you shouldnt drive. but in cases like this, you dont need to calculate at all, youre very well within the safe zone.

its irrelevant, the thread was closed because any sort of defense about driving after drinking is retarded, its done , it was closed so we didn't have to hear anymore stupid justification. Period- DONT DRINK AND DRIVE

11-04-2005, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by eljefe

its irrelevant, the thread was closed because any sort of defense about driving after drinking is retarded, its done , it was closed so we didn't have to hear anymore stupid justification. Period- DONT DRINK AND DRIVE

well we can leave it at that then, i just didnt want to sound like i was encouraging it. obviously theres no changing your mind, so i guess put it to bed.

you know what happens when i go through a checkstop? officer comes over, shines the light at me, asks if i had anything to drink. i say yes i have, ive had 2 beers since 11:00. he says, "you expect me to believe that?", to which i reply, "yes i do". he says "thanks! have a safe trip."

ive never driven drunk, nor do i ever plan to. as someone else said in a previous thread, if you cant handle driving after 1 or 2 beer over a decent time period, you probably shouldnt even be driving sober. if you want to hold yourself to a strict 0 beers, thats great, but hopefully you learn to figure out who the real enemy is.

if youre putting people like me in the same category as drunk drivers, you need to give your head a shake.

anyway, im done :thumbsup:

11-04-2005, 04:06 PM
yes, yes you are.....moron....

EK 2.0
11-04-2005, 04:09 PM
ok the other thread was closed because it turned into a gong show...so before this one goes down teh crapper as well...

it is now...