View Full Version : Livin' on your own... Help =) (novel warning)

11-12-2005, 09:24 PM
I'm not sure if anyone remembered my thread about leaving my house when I was like.. 16 or something.. I don't know - it was when I joined Beyond and was still in newbie stage =).

Either way.. heres the situation. I'm currently living in Australia, I graduate out of school in 2 weeks ("college" here..) And I'm from thunder bay, Ontario.

I have 4 choices, it seems.. I can..
A. live with my mom, who.. well just isn't easy to live with.
B. live with my sister (The one who made me want to move out the first thread)
C. move out in Australia by myself, and end up on the street cus rent is 1200 a month...
or D. Move back to Thunder Bay, go to actual college in September, and live on my own in a little apartment or something.

Now, the last time I got mildly flamed cus I was looking at it pretty unrealistically.. But this time I think I have it somewhat sorted.

I've been looking at places, for a bachelor apartment on the north side (the nice, safe, not getting stabbed at night side) rent is about 300-400 a month. In some cases, 500 with utilities paid.

Just from what I've been told (I've never had to pay utilities myself.. ) Utilities (heat/water/power etc.) should run about 100-150 a month, in a little place such as mine would be.

If I get a car, or rather, fix my old car, gas and such should run about 150 a month.. Little Accord and I wouldn't be driving much more then 30km a day.

Food, well I was living on my own here in Aus for 2 months and it only cost me like .. 150 a month, but thats because I didn't shop the best.. I'm sure I can get it to 100 a month if I want to live off rice and Kraft Dinner (mmm KD..)

Doing laundry at a laundy mat should only really cost me like 10-15 bucks a month.. so I'm not really factoring that in.

I figure, about 100-150 a month for random stuff like going out here and there..buying lunch when I don't make it.. that sort've thing.

Now.. I figured it out to about.. 900-1200 a month, depending on certain things etc. if I don't get a car till I start making better money and such, and if I don't get broadband internet etc. etc.. I can really do it all for like 800 - but the nice things in life (such as wheels and quick internet =D) can wait till I start making more money..

I don't really want to hear "Just live with your mom, even if it sucks." etc. etc. - I want to move back to Thunder Bay and be with my girlfriend again, and also go back to college, and all that sort've thing. I've got a few places lined up - like working at a dealership doing services, working at a rental place detailing, or in worst cases.. I can work for Verizon doing customer support, till I find a better place.

I'm not looking to get help from my parents, I don't think they'd help me anyways.. And if need be I might have to get a 2 bedroom place and get a room mate..

What I'm just trying to wrap my head around is.. What are some things I should expect.. some things I can do to keep my cost of living down.. and what should I look for in terms of apartments ? What other living arrangement options should I consider?

Anything, really, advice wise would be fantastic... When I'm in college the agreement with my folks is I get first year tuition, and they'll pay the basics (rent/util/food) and I pay the rest of stuff, so part time job is a must.. but I'm lookin' at a full time job right now so I can live without worrying too much on being evicted.. or something.


thanks =)

GTS Jeff
11-12-2005, 09:46 PM
Option D.

Here's a VERY generous student lifestyle budget:

$500 rent/util
$300 groceries/eating out
$200 miscellaneous


+$300 if you're driving. ($100 gas, $100 insurance, $100 maintenance/repairs)

So basically, you need to make $1000/month, which you could make with a very good paying part time job, at least $15/hr. It'll be tough to juggle work with school, but if you're smart about it, it's possible. Most people end up fucking the dog for their first couple years though, and party a bunch and fail their classes, hence wasting tons of money....

11-12-2005, 09:55 PM
Thanks jeff !

Yeah, I'd be working full time, though. 8-4 or 9-5 whatever, I wont be in school till Sept, and I'm planning on moving back in 2 weeks - or 6 weeks - so I'll be on my own for about 8 months, then I'll part time it and get money from my parents.

So, alright cool. I was worried for a tick..

I think I mentioned I can work for a few different dealerships around town, or a few other places that do detailing - and I can do that full time.. They make alright money, especially if I'm not spending too much.

Guess my S14 Zenki front end conversion, KA24 turbo and new paint job is going to have to wait.. a long time.

11-12-2005, 09:56 PM
DON'T move to TB.

All I have to say.:thumbsup:

11-12-2005, 10:06 PM
I lived in TB for 16 years haha..

Yeah I know it sucks terrible amounts of.. well.. everything - but I'm sick of being away from my girlfriend, and it's the only place I know I can live and not die. I have family/friends so if I do fall on my face I can crawl there and lick my wounds. I want to live in Calgary later on - but for now I think it's tbay for me.


11-12-2005, 10:09 PM
Yea I hear ya. A ladyfriend of mine is from TB, and refuses to go back, and lives here.. The family is all back there, but there is more opportunity here.. Get the lady to move out here???

Good luck man:thumbsup:

GTS Jeff
11-12-2005, 10:24 PM
If you're working fulltime, you should be able to save every other paycheque for tuition.

11-13-2005, 12:04 AM
Tuition..or..car parts! Woot!

Yeah, I figured it out on paper..I need to make 7 dollars an hour to.. not die. Or 7.20 an hour if my girlfriend lives with me and eats my food. Ha.

My buddy right now works for Acura doing what I'd be doing and is making something like 13/hr, and I have more background shop work then he does.. He has.. Well none.

So thats my plan. I may end up having to steal a car and drive out to Edmonton. Hope you have a large couch Jeff.


Yeah I figured I'd be alright.. I might have to bunk on someones couch for a few weeks till I get the money for first and last months rent together..

Ah well. Things'll sort 'emselves out I figure.

Thanks again, Jeff, for the advice :D you just reassured me so, so much - I was doubting alot for a while..


11-13-2005, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by l8braker
DON'T move to TB.

All I have to say.:thumbsup:

hahaha, I was gonna say that. I used to live on Hill street.

11-13-2005, 01:37 AM
Hill street? haha I lived 3 blocks from hill, down Dufferin ;)

In the "hood" as it were.

Small..small world it seems :|

GTS Jeff
11-13-2005, 01:43 AM
No worries man. Moving out affords you a lot of freedom, responsibility, and maturity. It's nice to be able to get a head start on those sorts of things, even if it means being ghetto for awhile.

11-13-2005, 03:33 AM
ok .. You're in australia now somehow making it

I dont' see the discrepancy.. I have a friend whose making over 35,000/year washing dishes

again, you're in australia ...

if i were you, i'd bite the bullet . take what you can to get by and enjoy that you're there

if you want to come back home, check the job market in your field.

I'm grealy envious you're down under .. man live it up ...

what'd you take in school?

11-13-2005, 04:56 AM
If it wa sme, I'd live with mom for a year, no more. I know how har dit can be to move and get settled and shit, and it takes a whiles. But you're from TB so it's different.
But I would still do that save up all that money in that year and then go about on your own.

11-13-2005, 06:27 AM
Well situation is, I'm not allowed to stay at home anymore - my mom is sort've, well, she's got some issues going on and every second day I'm kicked out, then let back in, then kicked out again.

I don't have the option to just "suck it up", I'm not welcome in my home anymore so, you know.

I'm not making it on my own here, I did for 2 months - that was really it.. Then my mom and sister moved here after I got a house/car set up for everyone.

My college whatever is really just the senior years of highschool, only it seems to prepare you for university alot better.. something weird. But I did take a major in a few things, and got some certificates in others.. I majored in English, specifically North American Literature.. History, specifically war time poetry, wwI and II..

I have a 2 year certificate in automotive maintenace and electrical work, and a one year certificate in wood working construction, lathe work precicely..

I've also done work placements in a bodyshop, I've worked in a garage for the past 2 years through school doing anything and everything from takin' out engines to cuttin' off roofs.. I'm also doing another work placement in a Holden dealership in 2 weeks.

I have a few places I can initially stay, for a few weeks here and there type thing.. Just till I get grounded. I've done the cross-planet move 6 times now and have gotten rather used to starting over from complete scratch. I figure it'll be harder, but more rewarding to do it alone this time around. I've done that move 4 times with no money and coming to nothing so I think one more might not be too impossible.

Well, when it all goes down I'll keep everyone posted on how much I'm struggling and how close I am to living on the streets =)

11-13-2005, 11:05 AM
If you are really planning to go to school, then a student loan is always a possibility. At least that will alleviate the worry of the expense for tuition/books. You can live on your own and go to school, just be mindful of any unplanned spending, and you'll be alright.

11-13-2005, 02:44 PM
Dude, wtf?

Didn't you move FROM Australia TO Canada (Ontario, right?)??

Where are you living now & why the move back to Oz?

Too bad we never hooked up in Tokyo - I wanted to take you to a beer vending machine. Oh well, perhaps next time ;)

11-13-2005, 03:10 PM
I think he moved from Canada to Australia, now hes going back.

11-13-2005, 10:23 PM
When I was 13 : From Canada to Australia
14 - Australia to Canada
16 - Canada to Australia
16 - Australia to Canada
17 - Canada to Australia
18 - Australia to Canada *soon*

Pretty much.

The move back to Australia from Canada the most recent time was because : From the constant moving back and forth I've lost many, many credits in high school. If I wanted my grade 12 in Canada I'd have to be in school till I was 19, very very near 20.

Or I could move to Australia and be done a month after I turned 18.

So I figured.

Australia is warmer and quicker to finish school.

*packs bags*

Now that I'm done school I haven't any reason of being here, aside from getting citizenship, which I can get over the next 6 years so no rush really.. I'll move back with my girl when I'm good and ready to.

Ah, Beyond, tellin' me things everyone else isn't =) "It'll be IMPOSSIBLE to live on your own. You'll die. Die of.. beas..and..horses..Think about it"


11-13-2005, 11:03 PM
Good fucking christ man.... has it already been like 2 years since you were going to come out here?

Good luck whichever way you choose!!!

11-14-2005, 01:53 AM
ya man.. 2 years.. I did go to Narita and Shibuya ;) you didn't meet me in the middle of the street though. I should've grabbed your number, but I dont know how to use the phones there .. I didn't even see a pay phone.


Yeah thanks, hopefully everything will work out for me :| I'm kinda riding on alot.


11-14-2005, 02:06 AM
when i was 20 i moved to Grand cayman on my own, lived there for 2 years, my rent was 2500 a month, i made it just go , it was the best learning experience ..i say move to AUZ

11-14-2005, 02:27 AM
I am in Australia, I'm moving back to Canada on my own.

My rent should be about 300-400 a month - from all the apartments I've been looking at.

All up my expenses should be, as Jeff said, about a grand or more - but not too bad..

Now I just need a damn ticket :x

11-14-2005, 02:30 AM
yeah maybe i should read...lol sorry bout that mate.

11-14-2005, 02:40 AM
No problems mate, lets all skip round to the local for some VB's and grab up some snags, throw em up on the barbie, and sit around in our thongs shootin' the shit.

... Fuck Australians are weird.

11-14-2005, 02:42 AM
sounds like a gay ol time

11-14-2005, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by ex1z7
No problems mate, lets all skip round to the local for some VB's and grab up some snags, throw em up on the barbie, and sit around in our thongs shootin' the shit.

... Fuck Australians are weird.

I'm going to have a go at translating that...

"It's all good, let's head to the store and grab some beers and hot dogs, cook them on the BBQ, and sit around and talk in our sandals."

Correct anything I screwed up, I've never actually been Down Under!

As for living arrangements, I recommend moving back to Canada and having a go of it on your own. Get a roommate or two to keep costs down. You may even find a place that pays utilities for you! I pay 300/mo with utils included and free satellite. You just have to look hard!

11-14-2005, 07:35 AM
Snags are sausages, but aside from that - great !.

If you see someone get whacked in the nuts, the common Australian thing to say is "well tackled"..

Names are ALWAYS changed.. Jonothan = Jono. Robert = Robbo, Suzana = Shazza.. If it's too short they lenghthen it.. Dan = Danny Boy

I always get so terribly confused when they start talking fast :cry: I'm always good at making excuses or thinking quick on my feet, and I can't do that here - I barely understand what the hells being said :P

Ah well.

*throws some kangaroo meat on the grill*

Mmmm. Marsupial

11-14-2005, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by yohan4ws
I dont' see the discrepancy.. I have a friend whose making over 35,000/year washing dishes

Wow... that made me feel real shitty about my 30,000 a year, college obtained job....:cry:

11-14-2005, 03:57 PM
Haha, your situation sounds like mine, except you're on the other side of the equator.
I kept getting thrown out, and let in, etc, until finally I just packed up and left.
Anyhoo, here's what I've done to get by, and it works bloody well.
I have a night job, I work 3 shifts a week, 10 hours a shift, so 30 hours/week at $13/hour. I have a full course load this semester (and next) which serves to further complicate things.
To help out, my G/F has 4 jobs, but only works 4-5 hours/week at each one, so really she has 1 part-time job to help out, and works ~20 hours a week at an average of $9/hour. So, between the 2 of us, we bring in $570/week, or roughly 2k/month. If your G/F and you both pick up half-decent part time jobs, then you can make this work no problem. In my situation, I just bought a new car (well, leased, but whatever), so I have car payments, insurance etc, I'm making utilities work, and setting 200-300/month aside for future rent/mortgage payments. This includes a reasonable amount of screwing-around money (between 200 and 400 a month). Since I'm only really working part-time, and have my weekends 100% empty, homework isn't too bad, same with the G/F.

Presently, I'm renting the basement of the world's smallest house. I literally have ~200 square feet to call my own (guess how big the house is...), a shared very tiny kitchen upstairs, and 1 bathroom between 3 of us (me, my g/f and my room-mate). Seriously though, things work out alright.

Not trying to rub anything in, but trying to give you a rough approximation of an example of real life :)

Perhaps this will serve as encouragement?...
Either way, I'm pretty happy with how things are, and am working on moving up and out (since I'm booted in january anyways). I have yet to take out a student loan, and am in my 3rd year of university. You can do it man.

GTS Jeff
11-14-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by yohan4ws
I dont' see the discrepancy.. I have a friend whose making over 35,000/year washing dishes >$18/hr washing dishes?

11-14-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by ex1z7
Snags are sausages, but aside from that - great !.

If you see someone get whacked in the nuts, the common Australian thing to say is "well tackled"..

Names are ALWAYS changed.. Jonothan = Jono. Robert = Robbo, Suzana = Shazza.. If it's too short they lenghthen it.. Dan = Danny Boy

I always get so terribly confused when they start talking fast :cry: I'm always good at making excuses or thinking quick on my feet, and I can't do that here - I barely understand what the hells being said :P

Ah well.

*throws some kangaroo meat on the grill*

Mmmm. Marsupial

Gah, I knew I should have guessed sausages!

"Well Tackled", that's gold! :rofl:

Funny story: I was visiting England a few years back, and a waitress we had was absolutely convinced my accent was Australian. I'm not sure how she mixed up Canadian and Australian accents, but she did. :nut:

BTW, is kangaroo meat any good?
I've been wanting to visit Australia for years, I just can't afford it...

11-15-2005, 09:36 PM
I've eaten kangaroo before, very tender and lean.

Good luck on whatever you do, and btw VB= Victoria Bitter.

and they call flats "Slabs" lol