View Full Version : Condo Builders

11-14-2005, 09:17 AM
Hey, I have to leave the place I live in as of Jan 1/06 since the home-owner is coming back home, and I was looking for somewhere new to live. Finally an idea came to me. Why rent when I could own?...

So, I figure there is no way I can afford much more than a pointe of view condo, or something similar to that, however they don't have any projects in areas that I want to live in (I go to the university, but as far as the N.E., or maybe even Airdrie is okay, I'd like to avoid the deep south end of the city, but maybe braeside area would be okay?), or at least no projects that will be done/ready for posession in time. So of course, I should look for another builder, but I don't even know of any. Who else builds condo's/townhouses/something cheap?
Seriously, the upper limit is $120k-ish,since that is as far as I can stretch a mortgage. I would prefer to move into something new, not a trailer, and I would almost prefer a condo, since usually you get underground parking with them :)

Any ideas?

(Yes I did search, and I found a bit of bashing, but really no more ideas for who builds condo's)

11-14-2005, 09:53 AM
Well, I know evergreen is the deep south, but they are extending 37th st soon (year or two??) so that would make getting to the north alot easier. They start at 100k which isnt bad probably for a 1 bedroom.

D. Dub
11-14-2005, 10:07 AM
Airdire not a bad idea. Their economy is booming as well and the commute to the U isn't that bad. And you could get more bang for the buck. I'd just go drive around the areas you want to be in. The condo complexes are hard to miss!! :D

11-14-2005, 11:31 AM
I just bought a condo too and at first I also wanted a new condo, but for that price range your going to get something on the edge of the city or else the size of a closet in the downtown.
I would recommend atleast looking at older condos. That way you can get what you want for that price - good location, larger size, secure, underground parking, solid structure. I got all that in Connaught for the same price range as you. Good Luck

GSR Zero
11-14-2005, 11:39 AM
^^^ :werd:

Keep an eye on the older condo units around the university. My wife just sold her single bedroom unit in the Dalhousie area. They are in the $95K-100K range.

11-14-2005, 11:43 AM
we're building in Stella, great builder, designed alot of yaletowne in vancity

check it out


11-14-2005, 11:48 AM
You know, I never thought of the 37th st extension. That's actually a great idea. I could put up with the longer commute for a little while.

95K-100K is about where I would like to look. Of course, with a few upgrades it's pretty much at my limit. :)

I would rather go new, and be near the edge of the city, I know I'm kind of unusual in that respect, but I can't really explain.

I really don't like downtown, too over-priced, and I have no good reason to want to be down-town, really I want to be N.W. :)

I tried driving around, but so many of them are just rental places, and it would take hours to cover all of the neighborhoods I'm thinking of. I'm hoping a few people on here know more than I do about this.

Def_3, I will check out stella right away. Thanks!

11-14-2005, 11:59 AM
Upon closer inspection, everything at that Stella project is at least $100k out of my price range.

11-14-2005, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Zero102

Def_3, I will check out stella right away. Thanks! [/B] hey sorry, Stella is out of the 95-100K limit

best of luck though:thumbsup:

11-14-2005, 12:34 PM
Well 120k is about the limit, but I was hoping for ~100k base, because once upgrades are figured in it goes up quick....

Hey, here's a thought. I have no idea if any home builders would let me do it, but....
I'm an electrician, with 2 friends that are journeyman plumbers. If I did the electrical and plumbing on the house, I wonder what that would knock off?... I know they charge a couple thousand to paint the house as well, that's something I could do. Am I just dreaming here, or are there actually builders that will let you do this?

Perhaps the thought of having to rent again, or move back in with my folks is driving me totally :nut:

11-14-2005, 12:42 PM
What you are referring to is known as sweat equity. It use to be a standard thing but more and more builders are moving away from it. They do not want anyone else working on their sites so dont hold youre breath on that option

11-14-2005, 03:46 PM
Damnit, because I was talking to a few people, and the electrical bills are usually around $10k. That's insane. It takes 3 or 4 days, and about $800-1000 worth of material to wire a house... I've done several, but they never tell me what it costs.
Maybe I'll talk to a couple home builders. I know I won't get 100% of the cost of the work deducted from the cost of the house, but even 50% would make it worthwhile, and I'd be able to knock maybe $10k-20k off the cost :(

So, any other ideas on condo's? It sounds like that's the way I'll have to go if I want to own something.

11-14-2005, 03:56 PM
Compasscondos.com has a development in Erinwoods, around 105k for 1 bd apt.