View Full Version : Got ripped off, what can i do?

11-15-2005, 09:11 PM
Well, i had a internet deal go bad, really bad.

I agreed to trade some parts off my car(worth $400 us)+cash($300us) for a Stainless Steel Cartier tank watch..

Stupid me, caught up in the moment decided to go ahead without even seeing its apprasial. Sad thing is, i trusted him. I've checked his refrences and they were vouching for him, aswell i checked his ebay record and found he had 27+, 0 negatives, and 100% feedback rating..

Also, under his ebay transactions he had another cartier watch deal that the buyer was pleased with.

Today i get the watch, in a tattered half ass packed box. Open it up, the watch fell apart almost instantaneously..

Took it to a jewler and agreed it was junk, opened it up and it was all plastic and the watch was not even stainless steel just some pot metal. I have documents saying that it is fake.

Now, i had the sent the cash paypal so i issued a claim with paypal for a chargeback, and more than likely i will get that back. I have not contacted the seller, as i will fear if he closes his account i will lose the cash. Now what can i do? Do i have any rights? Can the police go after him for this? How can i get my parts back?

11-15-2005, 09:16 PM
Why don't you contact the seller? Its possible that he did not know the watch was fake when he sold it.

11-15-2005, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Why don't you contact the seller? Its possible that he did not know the watch was fake when he sold it.

That is very true, in his for sale thread he was even offering people to come check out in person.

However, i dont want to contact him and inform him to find out that he closed his account and i cant get my money back.

11-15-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by redx2nv

That is very true, in his for sale thread he was even offering people to come check out in person.

However, i dont want to contact him and inform him to find out that he closed his account and i cant get my money back.

If you dont want to do that then there's probably not a lot else you'd be willing to do other then complain about it on the internet.

11-15-2005, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by hampstor

If you dont want to do that then there's probably not a lot else you'd be willing to do other then complain about it on the internet.

Not true at all.

1. He is commiting a fraud , call his local police.
2. He sent you something that wasnt correct. Tell the mail people it was a fraud.

Here check out what happened to one guy who did the same crap.


11-15-2005, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ_STi

Not true at all.

1. He is commiting a fraud , call his local police.
2. He sent you something that wasnt correct. Tell the mail people it was a fraud.

Here check out what happened to one guy who did the same crap.


I'm not saying there's nothing he can do, i'm commenting on the fact he doesn't even want to contact the seller (probably the EASIEST thing to do).

However I agree with you - report it to the local police. See if you can also report it to HIS local police as well.

11-15-2005, 09:36 PM
You have to register to see that page Jaymez!

Definately report it, and I would recommend calling the guy since he has such a great profile on ebay with 0 negative feedback! Also don't forget to give him negative feedback!!!

EDIT: Sorry, I assume paypal=Ebay, thats where I use paypal

11-15-2005, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by rony_espana
You have to register to see that page Jaymez!

Definately report it, and I would recommend calling the guy since he has such a great profile on ebay with 0 negative feedback! Also don't forget to give him negative feedback!!!

It was not purchased on ebay..


Can he close his paypal account? Screwing me for ever getting my money back? Or does the chargeback go right to his card(or bank account)?

11-15-2005, 09:58 PM
If you paid by credit card, the CC company will take the hit and give you the money back if they approve your chargeback. Then they will go after him for the money.

That still does not get your parts back. I suggest you contact him the same time you file your complaint with paypal so he does not withdraw the funds unexpectedly.

11-15-2005, 10:10 PM
Getting jipped sucks. The cops won't do anything though unless he has complaints from other people as well. I know this because I have filed numerious police reports and they did absolutley nothing.

If you have his address you can take him to small claims court although that would be hard if hes not local.

11-15-2005, 10:22 PM
where does the guy live? im assuming the states, it's gonna be really hard to get your parts back unless he willingly sends it to you. Give him a call and see what he says

11-15-2005, 10:41 PM
Ill see what paypal has to say..

Paypal took the money out of my account, not the CC.. So i hope paypal pans out.

Aslong as i get the cash back, i am doubtful i will get the rest of the parts back..

Fuck i feel like shit. $700 us...fuck

11-15-2005, 10:44 PM
i would feel like shit too after falling for the oldest trick in the internet for dummys book!

11-15-2005, 10:44 PM
well contact the guy, try to talk to him?

11-15-2005, 10:47 PM
Hasnt anyone read my post, if he knows i know its shit, he will close his account, therefore not allowing me to get my money back, at all(unless he decides to)..

I will see what paypal pans out to be, hopefully they will come through:dunno:

11-15-2005, 11:04 PM
PayPal always favours the buyer (you). They screwed me over that way. I guess its a good thing for you though.

11-15-2005, 11:08 PM
It is, however.. Paypal informs the seller i made the claim. I am sending him some mail tonight and hopefully he agrees to send my money+intake back.

11-16-2005, 12:44 AM
Ahh what a POS:


11-16-2005, 12:48 AM
Paying through your account leaves your options limited, as you will only be able to get what he has in his paypal account. From past experiences, I NEVER leave a penny in there anymore. I've found that paypal always favors the buyer, regardless of the circumstances. I sold a digital camera to a guy in Quebec, who later claimed that the LCD had burnt pixels. He got his refund, I got the camera...about 3 months later.

Complete BS, but I know now never to keep a penny in there.

11-16-2005, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Paying through your account leaves your options limited, as you will only be able to get what he has in his paypal account. From past experiences, I NEVER leave a penny in there anymore. I've found that paypal always favors the buyer, regardless of the circumstances. I sold a digital camera to a guy in Quebec, who later claimed that the LCD had burnt pixels. He got his refund, I got the camera...about 3 months later.

Complete BS, but I know now never to keep a penny in there.

I thought your account goes to a negative amount? Where if you are the seller you owe money to paypal.

11-16-2005, 10:52 AM
yes it does go into negatvive ammount, look at me i got fucking -700USD because i recieved a fraudulant payment and shipped the shit out, too bad ebay doesn't care so i am out computer and negative in my account. They keep tormenting me every week to refil my account or get sued, i wrote em a nice email and told em to fuck off`

11-16-2005, 07:34 PM

Seller is being unco-operative.

I am giving him two days till i call the police, send a USPS mail fraud claim, and paypal claim.

If this doesnt work, harrasment like on pirate4x4 may ensue.

11-16-2005, 08:17 PM
So was this guy an Ebay 'watch specialist?'

and c'mon, Tank Francaise for $700usd?...when it's too good to be true......

You may have to chalk this up as a pretty expensive lesson..

11-16-2005, 08:25 PM
Dosen't e-bay have a policy on this kinda of fraud?

11-16-2005, 08:56 PM
I agree, a Cartier tank is impossible to find for $700USD...

It sucks though, that's a lot of money and you could have gotten so many good authentic watches for that price. Try calling the police in his hometown and see if they will investigate for fraud. That appraisal must've stung ... $125.00 replacement value


EDIT: how much was the appraisal?

11-17-2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by redline_13000
I agree, a Cartier tank is impossible to find for $700USD...

It sucks though, that's a lot of money and you could have gotten so many good authentic watches for that price. Try calling the police in his hometown and see if they will investigate for fraud. That appraisal must've stung ... $125.00 replacement value


EDIT: how much was the appraisal?

Well, total all said and done:

$300($360cdn) us cash for the extra amount on top of parts.

$37.50 for brokerage on the watch

$55.00 to ship the parts

$42.00 for the appraisal

$400 worth of parts i was selling

$40 in gas driving around getting estimates

$250 for a new windshield because when i went to get an estimate some fuck garvel truck with a untarped load smashed my window.

Yea very expensive, and reatrded lesson on my part. I saw the same watch used selling for around $900 on ebay so i thought i wasnt far out.

Can someone suggest any other legal ways of fucking him over? Say a bounty hunter?

11-17-2005, 02:05 AM
hmmm....this wasn't purchased through ebay?? Is the seller a verified user on Paypal? If so, you can get his info readily.....I got ripper off a year or so ago, filed claimes with the RCMP, FBI internet police thing (if seller is in USA) and paypal. 6 months after, paypal refunded me my lost money.......

Re-read what the seller was selling.....the person might have worded it funny ie. mugen style spoiler...etc

11-17-2005, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by 1-Bar
hmmm....this wasn't purchased through ebay?? Is the seller a verified user on Paypal? If so, you can get his info readily.....I got ripper off a year or so ago, filed claimes with the RCMP, FBI internet police thing (if seller is in USA) and paypal. 6 months after, paypal refunded me my lost money.......

Re-read what the seller was selling.....the person might have worded it funny ie. mugen style spoiler...etc

His sale did not state imitation or replica and implied it was real.

He has till moday to comly, then legal action will be taken.

11-17-2005, 05:47 PM
Something else i found interesting:


Look 3/4 down.

Warning: You may not use PayPal to sell replica, counterfeit, or otherwise unauthorized items. Violations of PayPal's Replica and Counterfeit Item policy could result in the suspension of your account.