View Full Version : My red car was side swiped today

11-19-2005, 02:43 PM
This car has been through hell since I got it in 2002. I've put on 8000k on it over the last 3 years and already 2 accidents.

Always a damn mini van.

Would this be over $1000 damage?




There are also some scrapes on the rear bumper.

11-19-2005, 03:48 PM
Minivan drivers are idiots. :P ...

I hate minivan drivers that swerve through traffic like they're in a miata or something.

$1000 damage? Depends where you take it.

11-19-2005, 05:06 PM
Ouch, that sucks. Bring it somewhere and get an estimate done. I had a buddy that had a small ding over the rear wheel, and he got $1500 quotes. You have to think they will need to repaint the area.

11-19-2005, 07:39 PM
Damn... that really bites... especially for a fellow eclipse owner... now that something like that happened... it totally gives you an excuse to go all out and get a new paint job, maybe even a 97-99 conversion...

Supa Dexta
11-19-2005, 07:52 PM
8000k in 3 yrs! I put that on in a couple months... good luck with the repairs...

11-19-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by DeeCEE101
Damn... that really bites... especially for a fellow eclipse owner... now that something like that happened... it totally gives you an excuse to go all out and get a new paint job, maybe even a 97-99 conversion...

I don't want to spend anymore money on this car. I have already put enough into it and I just bought a 98 GSX for summer so yea...

Originally posted by Supa Dexta
8000k in 3 yrs! I put that on in a couple months... good luck with the repairs...

That is what pisses me off. I barely drive the car and already 2 people have hit me. I just have really bad luck :(

Originally posted by pulse_crx
Ouch, that sucks. Bring it somewhere and get an estimate done. I had a buddy that had a small ding over the rear wheel, and he got $1500 quotes. You have to think they will need to repaint the area.

Yea I will take it to Maranellos on Monday before school. I hope they aren't booked hardcore because I don't like driving a beat up car and I'm scared to pull the GSX out of the garage since it still has no plate.

11-19-2005, 08:34 PM
you got the crappiest luck

11-20-2005, 12:33 PM
Yea the blending isn't going to be cheap. My only concern though is that the guys insurance (AMA) will go cheap on me. When my car was hit last year they refused to blend the fender with the door and I had to argue like hell to get my way.

Insurance always wants to spend the littlest as possible by doing shitty jobs. I don't want a discoloured door after 3 years... :(

11-20-2005, 01:41 PM
that sucks, go to a1 and you get a loaner car, the insurance company has to pay for it, they don't have a choice. If you want to drive the gsx while your getting the rs done, just get an intransit permit, you can get one for about 10 days, but the car has to be insured. You can get temporary insurance on the car from your insurance company too for like a week

11-20-2005, 02:05 PM
it is over $1000 in damage, but i warn you now, a1 has good work and not so good work, might wnat to search for other beyond.ca reviews on them

11-26-2005, 02:36 PM
I need some advise, they (AMA insurance) want me to go to some shit shop to get it fixed since its the cheapest ($700 bucks). What should I do? They said blending of the door is not needed.

(this is my cousins account, if you're wondering)

11-26-2005, 02:43 PM
tell them to shove it up their ass and get it done right

11-26-2005, 02:49 PM
it's as simple as this: they are liable to repair the car to the condition it was in previous to the accident, if they refuse to pay for the shop of your choice just say "see you in court" and settle it there. a judge will award you with a settlement to repair the car as it was AND any legal fees you encounter along the way.

11-26-2005, 02:50 PM
Perfect, I shall do that. How would I go about sueing them though? Do I just go see a lawyer and tell him my case? I have the guys insurance policy and everything.

11-26-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by pr0
Perfect, I shall do that. How would I go about sueing them though? Do I just go see a lawyer and tell him my case? I have the guys insurance policy and everything.

ya just find a lawyer that deals with stuff like this (best bet is ask your insurance company who they use in court) and they'll generally give you a free consultation to say if they'll take the case or not and how much you can expect to receive.

if you get as far as hiring the lawyer as soon as the summons goes to the other insurance company they'll be quite quick to bust out the cheque book outside the court

11-26-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve

if you get as far as hiring the lawyer as soon as the summons goes to the other insurance company they'll be quite quick to bust out the cheque book outside the court

Care to rephrase that? haha I don't understand what you said.

11-26-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by pr0

Care to rephrase that? haha I don't understand what you said.

basically if you and the lawyer decide to take it to court then the other guy's insurance company gets a summons saying that they have to be in court. they get this, they contact your lawyer to find out what it's about, your lawyer tells them and they decide whether they want to fight it or not. usually they don't want to waste the time/money so they'll cut you a cheque for the amount you want outside of court.

11-26-2005, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve

basically if you and the lawyer decide to take it to court then the other guy's insurance company gets a summons saying that they have to be in court. they get this, they contact your lawyer to find out what it's about, your lawyer tells them and they decide whether they want to fight it or not. usually they don't want to waste the time/money so they'll cut you a cheque for the amount you want outside of court.

Awesome. That's what I though it ment. :D

They will here from my lawyer! Although I have been missing so much school because of this crap ahhh...

11-26-2005, 03:18 PM
best part about hiring the lawyer is they'll do every thing for you so you don't even have to show up to court. but ya insurance companies always try to dick you around until you show how far you're going to go.

'93 SR-V
11-26-2005, 03:28 PM
I don't expect it would ever get to that point, it's way to much fuss for such a small repair. That said, you have the right to have it fixed at whatever certified shop you want (I believe), they can't make you go to any one shop.

Also, a rental car will be covered by their insurance while your car is being fixed, you don't have to choose a shop based on loaner cars... SO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM A-1!!!! They can lick my ass, I would never tell anybody to go that hit or miss shop... mine was a miss incase you can't tell!

11-26-2005, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by '93 SR-V
I don't expect it would ever get to that point, it's way to much fuss for such a small repair. That said, you have the right to have it fixed at whatever certified shop you want (I believe), they can't make you go to any one shop.

Also, a rental car will be covered by their insurance while your car is being fixed, you don't have to choose a shop based on loaner cars... SO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM A-1!!!! They can lick my ass, I would never tell anybody to go that hit or miss shop... mine was a miss incase you can't tell!

ya they do have to pay for what ever shop you choose but it seems in this case they're outright refusing in which case you go to court and you'll receive a bigger settlement.