View Full Version : bloody cowboys

02-23-2003, 12:15 AM
well, the stupid doorman at cowboys wouldn't let me in tonight, why, cause i had on skate shoes, well thats just fucking great. So here i am at home, changing my shoes because I wan't to go back, why, because I am an idiot. Actually because my girlfriend and a bunch of other friends are thier and I want to hang out with them. God damnit, I hate cowboys, anyway, sorry about the rant but I had to get it out, anyway, now I am off to cowboys, again, so later

GTS Jeff
02-23-2003, 12:27 AM
u should better than to wear those shoes to cowboys. everyone knows u need dress shoes to get in.

02-23-2003, 12:54 AM
I'm happy they have atleast a little bit of a dress code. I don't mind wearing nice boots and a dress shirt to the bar one bit. I love Cowboys and it's my favourite bar by far and I'm not a huge fan of kids in hoodies and skate shoes puking on the girls I'm with.

[/end rant]

but yea, sometimes the bouncers are queers....especially lately. Thankfully I usually manage to get in VIP but some Thursdays and on Bacardigras it seems as though they purposely run up the line so they can charge $50 cover to get in!

02-23-2003, 03:22 AM
HAhaha I once got forcefully removed for wearing airwalks to cowboys and a johnny blaze t shirt :(

02-23-2003, 05:03 AM
hey I was not wearing some dirty ass hoodie and ripped up jeans, I was wearing a good coat nice, clean jeans and a good t-shirt, not dressy, but not dirty either, it is just annoying that the stigma attatched to skaters is dirty, unclean and loud obnoxious drunks, that is crap.

/end rant

Anyway, the night ended up being kind of fun, I didn't have to pay cover, bouncer ended up being nice and letting me in without paying it, I met the guy from the fast and the furious, Chad aka Jessy in the fatf and then one of the people I was with got kicked out, not forcefully, just asked to leave, cause she was a little too drunk(it was her 19th birthday). So, all in all, it was worth the $2.00 in gas and 30 minutes it took to drive home and back. Got a picture with Chad too, to bad I was the one behind the camera, oh well.

02-23-2003, 11:03 AM
did you tell that guy that the jetta in f&f was a bastardization of the vw community? :D

02-23-2003, 11:26 AM
wow........you went back to 'COWBOYS'
hahahaha your girlfriend must be really something that bar blows. Even when you are drunk it sucks. All these hicks in there tight ass tappered jeans.....some flannel top and cowboy boots and the hat to top it off. After living in olds.....I hate cowboys. They think they are the hottest things out there.......sorry they aren't. And as for cowboys.....not being able to wear skate shoes now that is where I would put my foot down. Skate shoes is where its at. I wear them with everything. I even wore them for this fancy ball sort of thing. It was sweet!!!
Anyways cowboys is such a meat market. It makes you feel like crap. I don't understand how anyone could have fun there......its as bad as coyotes and roadhouse. Such lame excuses for bars.
Anyways I just had to comment.

02-23-2003, 12:06 PM
I'm guessing surferbaby likes the palace...

If you don't like Cowboys you like the Palace usually, or you don't like bars at all! I feel safer at Cowboys....a good hand on hand brawl isn't too bad. I find at the Palace if you're in a fight there are 20 lebs or asians or other brown dudes trying to pull knives on you. The girls at the palace are kinda fake and choci too but that's just my opinion :D

Too each their own!!!

GTS Jeff
02-23-2003, 01:11 PM
soprry to break it to ya davidi, but almost nobody likes cowboys, whether they like palace or not.

i personally like neither...cowboys is too redneck, and palace is too top40s......there really arent any good bars in calgary at all.

02-23-2003, 01:13 PM

02-23-2003, 01:15 PM
clubs here are stupid IMO

02-23-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Jeff TYPE R
soprry to break it to ya davidi, but almost nobody likes cowboys, whether they like palace or not.

You're right...nobody likes Cowboys!

Have you ever driven by there on a thursday night? Maybe last Sunday?

On Sunday they reached capacity at 9:15....other clubs were only busy because of the overflow from Cowboys. They had people from Coyotes, the Palace, the Drink etc. handing out drink tickets in teh Cowboys line since hundreds of people weren't getting in. I agree that Cowboys generally sux on Fridays and Saturdays but Thursdays are good!

Sorry, I'm not trying to come across as a prick or anything! We're all friends here! I totally agree with you that there aren't any really good bars in Calgary but I go to Cowboys because I always end up having a good time. Once again, it's just personal opinion.

02-23-2003, 01:23 PM
Clubs are so fucking gay. I outgrew them like, 4 months after I turned 18.
Personally, I love the pub/sports bar atmosphere. Going and getting slammered with a group of friends rather than squeezing around a crowded club (usually with horrible music) packed with souless chaches.

02-23-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Ranger_X31
Clubs are so fucking gay. I outgrew them like, 4 months after I turned 18.
Personally, I love the pub/sports bar atmosphere. Going and getting slammered with a group of friends rather than squeezing around a crowded club (usually with horrible music) packed with souless chaches.


I dont like being crammed like cattle into a modified warehouse that plays music I dont generally like.

02-23-2003, 02:31 PM
yeah, I agree, I am so sick of the bar, I would rather go to a pub or something, but it was my girlfriends really good friends birthday so I went, I was only there for about 2 hours though, and only spent 2 bucks on coat check(which is a fucking ripoff). Anyway, thankfully it wasn't that packed like it normally is, you could at least breath, oh well, whatever

02-23-2003, 03:05 PM
cowboys on thursdays can be fun, its just soo gay when it gets packed though...Its no fun some times especially when you wait 45 mins to get your coat back :thumbsdow

02-23-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by surferbaby13
hahahaha your girlfriend must be really something

His girlfriend is my sister, and you will respect her.
Even over the internet.

02-23-2003, 04:36 PM
Yah I'm not a big bar star anymore. Before I was in the bar almost every Thurs, Fri, Sat, and some Sundays but not no more. Just not as fun as they used to be. Everyone goes through that bar stage though!

I'm all about the pubs and lounges now....great fun!

Sometimes I'll go to the bar if it's someone's bday or something cause they're alright once in awhile. Just not every weekend anymore.

special blend
02-23-2003, 05:16 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by davidI
[B]I'm happy they have atleast a little bit of a dress code. I don't mind wearing nice boots and a dress shirt to the bar one bit. I love Cowboys and it's my favourite bar by far and I'm not a huge fan of kids in hoodies and skate shoes puking on the girls I'm with.

[/end rant]

Be careful on how you stereotype people. Clothes don't mean fucking shit about who you are or what type of a person you are. Maybe next time i'll be the guy puking on your girls because i'm wearing skate shoes:banghead:

02-23-2003, 06:46 PM
My buddies went to Metro on saturday, thay said there was this competition going on. all the guys when you get there are given 10 "lays" and the chicks have to show you there tits to get a "lay" at the end of the night the chick with the most lays (17 or something) won $500 cash and a $1000 bar tab. they said it was the most hilarious night they've ever been to the bar.

02-23-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by special blend

Be careful on how you stereotype people. Clothes don't mean fucking shit about who you are or what type of a person you are. Maybe next time i'll be the guy puking on your girls because i'm wearing skate shoes:banghead: [/B]

I wasn't trying to stereotype or anything like that. I wear hoodies and skateshoes all of the time. All I'm saying is that I've never seen a guy wearing dress shoes and nice black pants and a dress shirt vomiting in the corner.

And wiht the lays at Metro, hell yea that's sweet! That's what Bacardigras at Cowboys is except it's with the beads. I saw a lot of titty :D

02-23-2003, 07:36 PM
well davidI I myself have seen plenty of guys that wear dress pants, nice shoes and a dress shirt vomiting all over themselves and other people, just because someone dresses classy doesn't mean they are, and just because someone doesn't dress as nice doesn't mean they are loud obnoxious drunks either.

02-23-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Ranger_X31
Clubs are so fucking gay. I outgrew them like, 4 months after I turned 18.
Personally, I love the pub/sports bar atmosphere. Going and getting slammered with a group of friends rather than squeezing around a crowded club (usually with horrible music) packed with souless chaches.

i agree wholeheartedly, big clubs eat ass once you realize how much better a sports bar or pool club is.

id much rather be able to shoot a game of pool and talk to that cute girl i just met, rather than pretending to drink and shouting into her ear.

cowboys in calgary seems a bit different than here, lol, the one in edmonton is full of jail bait with bad fake i.ds, and everyone dresses in jeans and t shirts, much more relaxed by the sounds of it.

special blend
02-23-2003, 10:59 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by davidI

I wasn't trying to stereotype or anything like that. I wear hoodies and skateshoes all of the time. All I'm saying is that I've never seen a guy wearing dress shoes and nice black pants and a dress shirt vomiting in the corner.

No worries man as long as you know where I was coming from

02-23-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by davidI
I'm happy they have atleast a little bit of a dress code. I don't mind wearing nice boots and a dress shirt to the bar one bit. I love Cowboys and it's my favourite bar by far and I'm not a huge fan of kids in hoodies and skate shoes puking on the girls I'm with.

[/end rant]

So if im dressed nice i can puke on your "girls":dunno:

02-23-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by THREE40SEVEN
So if im dressed nice i can puke on your "girls":dunno:

well dressed + :barf: = :bigpimp: & maybe a little :poosie:


02-24-2003, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by THREE40SEVEN
So if im dressed nice i can puke on your "girls":dunno:

puke on my girls and you'll see my dress shoes up close and personal :tongue:

and to whoever said they've seen guys in dress clothes puking all over themselves I've never seen that and I'm at the bars all the time so I don't know what to tell ya! Seriously, I'm a poor ass university kid and I don't have many nice clothes. When I go out, however, I put in the effort to throw on some decent shoes and maybe a dress shirt or something. Personally I think the bars would be a bit better if everyone had a bit of class but that's just my opinion! I don't like seeing guys in Armani suits at the bar much more than seeing a guy wearing a hoodie and skate shoes either but there are extremes both ways! Can't we all just....get along!?