View Full Version : Cyclic Redundancy Error

11-30-2005, 11:19 PM
So after finally installing my backup hardrive and trying to remove files off it i keep getting this stupid Cyclic Redundancy Error. Ive already lost about 80gigs of backup off this same drive i dont know why but i try to open up a folder where there were files and it says there is a disc in drive f would you like to format?

then other files which i can access say Cyclick Redundancy Error when i try to move them. I know what it means but how do i repair the files so i can move them and fix my backup hardrive?!

and how can i get my files back from the folders that say would you like to format?...i try accessing them through dos...i can get into the folder but when i go to view the files by using dir it says File Not Found

any help would be greatly appreciated...this are important files and i need them asap thanks.

12-01-2005, 01:01 AM
ur drive is failing badly and you will be lucky to get any data off from it. Don't even try to reuse that drive after a format it is a gonner. Try this and see if it will let you get any files at all from there. book off a boot disk and type chkdsk /r and see if it can go though the drive and try to repair some block so you can get some data off it, if not then ur out of lukc

12-01-2005, 05:35 AM
well i manage to get most of my files off i dont know if they all work or not.
i lost a few files which will not copy and i lost a whole folder of files which keeps telling me to format everytime i try to open it.

i had two drives in one computer...a 40gb and a 160gb the 40 is failing it makes a clicking sound while running and runs extremely slow even tho is 7200rpm...its pretty much dead it works while running as a slave but its hard to find any good files on that. the 160gb runs fine no sounds...just had a few problems getting a few files off.

i can understand how the 40gb went bad as it was running almost 24/7 for 4-5 years but the 160gb is only 2-3 years old i believe...so could this CRC error be transfered among a system or does it only apply to hardrives that are going to fail?

12-01-2005, 07:42 AM
dude its not matter how old it is, drive fail sporatically, had drive fail completey after 2 days other drives been running for over 7 years. It just a luck of the draw

12-01-2005, 05:24 PM
but what are the chances that two of my hardrives fail at the same time and have the same problem. the 40gb i understand it was making cliking sounds running extremely slow. the 160gb i had no problem with when it was in that computer. now that i put it in a new computer as slave and try to remove files its giving me errors. There were no errors or anything before?

i think its just a file system that was screwed up causing this hardrive to fail the CRC. i doubt both my hardrives would go at the exact same time just because one of them fails. Anywho ill try formatting the 160gb if it doesnt help after a few days i gotta see if i still have warranty on it.

12-02-2005, 11:34 PM
it could be just the ide controller on your new computer?

12-03-2005, 08:21 AM
could be...i guess ill try the drive out in another computer before i format
but would could be wrong with it?...and by ide controller you mean on the mobo?

12-03-2005, 09:49 AM
yep, the spot that the ide cable plugs into, could be the cable also

but like what was previously stated I have seen hard drives die within 24 right out of the box, and I have seen them last for 10 years.

it all electronics if one of the tiny little parts breaks there is a 99% chance everything else will start to fail.

12-03-2005, 06:47 PM
hmm...k well i have my dvd burner plugged in one and the other ide has my hardrive so ill try puttin the hardrive on the slave end of the dvd burner and see if i have problems

12-03-2005, 10:44 PM
k well dont think its the ide controller i tried it on the other ide channel which has my dvd burner on it and it has the same problem and dvd burner still works perfectly fine.

im going to try it in my other computer. If i still get teh same problem im gonna format and see what happens with it.

another thing....my hardrive space monitor shows thats theres 20gbs of files on the hardrive which is correct but when i go to properties of all the folders on the drive it all shows 0 bytes and 5.44mb for one of the folders but thats cuz theres an mp3 that i cannot delete...heres a pic to show what i mean.

12-03-2005, 10:49 PM

12-03-2005, 11:28 PM
sorry this doesn't help your problem, but where did you get that dynamic weather thing in the top of your screen?

12-03-2005, 11:34 PM
haha...help me then ill tell you =)

jk its a program ...called konfabulator search it up on google youll find it then youll need the widget...there should be a search on the page so just search up weather and try them out until you find that one....enjoy

12-04-2005, 07:20 AM
well eblend was right...
i downloaded powermax utility and ran it on the hardrive and it says the drive is failing and it gives me a diagnostic code. But since my warranty is out i cant do shit all.
Does maxtor repair hardrives that are warranty for a charge? and i thought maxtor gives a 3 year warranty on their hardrives...mine was manufactured april 7th 2003 and the warranty expired june 30th 2004 so wtf?

12-04-2005, 09:21 AM
no, and yours is an oem drive, thats why its 1 year

best bet is to buy a new drive and get all the files off the old one pronto

12-04-2005, 05:46 PM
my 40gb is oem. my 160gb is not i have the box for it and everything. and ive already tried to remove my files and as you can see from my first post i cannot remove some.

12-04-2005, 07:14 PM
so after fucking around with these pieces of shit for a while
i decided to try running disk defrager and it found all the files on the hardrive that i couldnt access and its moving all of them like theres nothing wrong with it....wtf is wrong with this shit?!

12-06-2005, 08:19 PM
well i formatted the 160gb so far so good no copying problems run normal speed of an ata hardrive and everything so ill see how long it lasts.