View Full Version : U of S

12-04-2005, 08:35 PM
Anyone attend U of S right now?
I am planning on going there in September. I need to find out where in the city is a good place to rent. I want it to be relativly close to the university, but still close to where the "fun" in Saskatoon happens.
Ive never been to Saskatoon in my life... so enlighten me.
Much appreciated. :D

12-04-2005, 08:38 PM
want to be close to the university? move any where in the town. it's small.

want to be close to the fun? the whole city shuts down by 7pm. i hate saskatoon and every thing it stands for! stupid hockey bringing me there occasionally

12-04-2005, 09:39 PM
shit man i cant believe you would want to leave calgary and to a small town for school..

what does u of s have that u of c doesnt?

12-04-2005, 10:52 PM
Ive been in Calgary my whole life, I need something new and want to start something new on my own. Plus housing is WAY cheaper there.
Also the program I want to take is better at UofS in my opinion, offering Co-Op.
Im really not to worried if its boring as hell, tht will force me to study more. ;)

12-04-2005, 11:39 PM
I'm at U of S along with my brother (forkdork).
The town is a shit hole. Yes its good for studying but eventually you want to commit suicide.

I can recommend some areas for you to check out but maybe give me a couple days or weeks as I'm studying for finals right now. I might have already posted up the details somewhere already so let me search and find them if I did and I'll copy/paste them here.

12-04-2005, 11:42 PM
My copied/pasted recommendations for someone who was looking for help for their friend.

"best is to get an apartment IMO,
DO NOT MOVE INTO THE WEST SIDE OF TOWN, the town is divided by the river...west side is on one side (same side as downtown is) and east side is on the other side, its like 2 different worlds. West side = quite ghetto, you will see signs for apartments that say "Alcohol and Drug Free!!"...ummm wtf.

Personally when we went to find me an apartment we looked around areas that were close to 8th street.
8th street is basically the main road which has all the services/stores on it, try and find a place close to that road so all your stores and everything are close by. Every store you can imagine is on there so its very easy whenever you need something quickly.
Does your friend have a car that hes taking to school or planning on using the bus?

The day we went as a family to find me a place I was kind of freaked since we had no idea of where anything was in the town. Best advice for your friend is to pickup a newspaper/condo papers/other home papers from 7-11 early in the morning and just start calling around like crazy. We got lucky and were able to find me a place by the end of the day....the last room in the building, I back onto the river, nice view, secure building, no noise at all (I've never heard so much as a car go by thats how quiet it is), underground parking and best of all...a 5 min bus ride from the university.

Tell him to just be careful of where he looks since some of the buildings are quite ghetto and I am not sure exactly how they are run, try and find something that is at least run by a decent organization (Realstar or Boardwalk). You can basically tell the ghettoness of the building from right outside, if it looks ghetto at all...it probably is.

If you need any more info or ideas just post here and I'll gladly help you out."

12-05-2005, 01:08 AM
I live in Lawson Heights... it's nice up there AND... there is a bus that goes directly to the University (about a 10 min ride) BUT if you wanna be where the students are, live in Sutherland... you're close to the Scuz (Sutherland Hotel Bar), Athena's... and the university. DO NOT LIVE ON THE WEST SIDE... GHETTO!! ESPECIALLY ALPHABET CITY (Avenues A-Z... gross). Ummm try to not live anywhere that you have to be on Circle Drive for. People can't drive in Saskatoon. They don't know how to merge, and add another hour or 2 before and after the regular rush hour.

12-05-2005, 01:43 AM
As everyone else has said, stick to the East side of town. IMO, the best "block" per se for University students, in terms of closeness to the U and amenities/fun (ha! right, Saskatoon fun?) is the area within the following:
North boundary: College Dr.
East boundary: Preston Ave.
South boundary: 8th St.
West boundary: Broadway Ave.

If you want some pubs or what not, go closer to Broadway (that's where both Nismodrifter and I are close to :thumbsup: ); if you want amenities (grocery stores, restaurants, etc.), seek something closer to 8th St; and if you want to be within walking distance to the U, go near College Dr.

But honestly though, anywhere within the city (so long as it's not in "Avenue City" 'cause of their ghettoness) you'll be within a close drive to the U. The size of Saskatoon is about the size of one quadrant of Calgary, so if you think Calgary is a relatively small city, you'll have no problem getting around in Saskatoon.

Hit me up sometime if you end up coming here next Fall. Don't know how much I can offer, but at least I should be able to show you around the main areas!

12-05-2005, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by samo147
shit man i cant believe you would want to leave calgary and to a small town for school..

what does u of s have that u of c doesnt?

That's what I thought at first, but U of S is by far a better school for academics. But that could be due to a lack of a life for most people here - having more time to study for everything.

But I do miss U of C though... as geeky as this sounds, I miss the library being open 24/7 during finals. I could really use the motivation of NOT being at home which is full of distractions (ie. coming on Beyond) to study!

12-05-2005, 01:55 AM
I lived there for 15 years of my life and I can confirm that the city sucks. I'm currently debating going to school there myself but I can't bring myself to move back to such a small city again.

Leah you live in Lawson? I used to live in Silverwood.

I went back to visit during Canda Day (haven't been there in years), and nothing has changed much. If you are used to the big city, Saskatoon will make you miss it fast.

12-05-2005, 07:32 PM
Well thanx so much you guys. That helps alot.
And nismodrifter, its not my friend thats moving there... its myself. Dont know where you got the friend moving there from? LOL :nut:
Its nice to know where not to get an apartment and where to get one. I have searched a bit and, compared to Calgary, rent is so much cheaper. Which helps when your paying bazillions to go to school these days.
Hopefully ill have a car before I go there. Probably buying one in the spring.
and im not that used to the big city. Been living in Okotoks for the past 16 years.
Well see how it goes.
Thanx again for all the info and ill keep all your beyond names in mind. I may need someone to show me around the city.

12-05-2005, 09:41 PM
AJL: You misread/didn't read what I wrote, I posted those recommendations in an older thread for SOMEONE ELSE who had a friend looking for a place. I just copied/pasted it here so you could read what I wrote and get an idea of what its like (and so I wouldn't have to retype all that...).

The city is hella small, you can drive around the whole entire thing in what...maybe 20mins max. Once you know where to look you should have no problems.

12-06-2005, 10:01 PM
Oh hah my bad :banghead:
Yeah hopefully I will get in. Ill apply to both UofS and UofL. Take a drive down to Saskatoon and check it out in the spring im thinking.
Anyways thanx again. :)