View Full Version : bad day to be me

12-08-2005, 03:52 AM
so i was rearended on country hills blvd today, luckily i have all her info but look what happened to my precious car!

so heres what happened, we are going 60 up country hills blvd westbound, there was medium volume traffic so 60 is decent, when all of a sudden i get smoked from behind by a 99 explorer, who was still accelerating, throwing my car into the one in front, which by the way was easily 7 meters in front of me, luckily i had put the brakes on when i got hit so the car in front of me just suffered some bumper scratches, and the 3 year old girl in the car seat was ok(very glad about that) after we exhanged information, i went to work, got home and took these pictures right away.

http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8425/DSC8.th.jpg (http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=DSC8.jpg) http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4636/DSC6.th.jpg (http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=DSC6.jpg) http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/6868/DSC4.th.jpg (http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=DSC4.jpg)
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12-08-2005, 03:58 AM
sorry I think because I've been studying hours and hours for my last final exam so my brain isn't feeding in the stuff right, but so you rear ended someone?

12-08-2005, 04:05 AM
:eek: :whipped: :banghead: fuck people. bad night for us drivers

12-08-2005, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr
sorry I think because I've been studying hours and hours for my last final exam so my brain isn't feeding in the stuff right, but so you rear ended someone?

it would appear so.. or he got rammed into an object?

12-08-2005, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by gp36912
we are going 60 up country hills blvd westbound, there was medium volume traffic so 60 is decent, when all of a sudden i get smoked from behind by a 99 explorer, who was still accelerating, throwing my car into the one in front, which by the way was easily 7 meters in front of me, luckily i had put the brakes on when i got hit so the car in front of me just suffered some bumper scratches,

um.... so how did u get me rear ending someone from that :P o well study hard and lexxan.... ya getting smoked from behind is considering getting rear ended and not rear ending someone, i think i suffered whiplash too

12-08-2005, 04:30 AM
and my car got rammed into another suv in front of me

12-08-2005, 05:09 AM
WTF WAS THAT PERSON DOING?! :banghead: :banghead:

sorry about your ride man

12-08-2005, 05:53 AM
bet you anything she was on her cellphone or punching in numbers on her cellphone
cant people just pay attention for the 30 minutes they sit in a car behind the wheel?!

12-08-2005, 10:14 AM
Sorry to hear about the crash.

However, the front damage might have been preventable. If you were following only 7 m from the front car going 60 km/h, you were WAY too close.

At 60 km/h, you were traveling 16.67 m/s. To leave a two-second gap, you would have to be 33.3 m apart. At 7 m, you were less than 0.5 seconds behind.

12-08-2005, 10:23 AM
You rear ended another car. That might be your fault for being so close that you didnt have time to stop...I've seen this before. Better hope the lady who hit you pays the damage for all 3 cars.

12-08-2005, 07:34 PM
she is, and i was the only one to suffer dmg between me and the suc in front, i smashed up my bumper and all she got was a few scratches

12-08-2005, 07:36 PM
so basicaly, 7m is just a guess, but the 7m point when she was braking, and i had just started to brake when i got smoked, so whats the distance between cars i should be when you have braked down to about 40 km/h

12-08-2005, 07:42 PM
Wow dude....sorry to see that... Hopefully some good body shop people can make your car pretty again...

People really need to learn how to pay attention....

12-08-2005, 10:02 PM
Man, more bad drivers... this city's gone the shits since all the new people migrating here.

12-09-2005, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Aleks
You rear ended another car. That might be your fault for being so close that you didnt have time to stop...I've seen this before. Better hope the lady who hit you pays the damage for all 3 cars.

Originally posted by gp36912
she is, and i was the only one to suffer dmg between me and the suc in front, i smashed up my bumper and all she got was a few scratches

When I was involved in a three car fender bender (as you were), the person in the back was not the only one who paid for damage on all three cars.

Here's how it worked:
I was in the first car (Car A) and was hit by a second car (Car B). Car B hit me because she was hit by Car C (meaning she was too close to me).

The payments worked out like this: Car C paid for all of the damage to his car as well as the back of Car B. The damage to the front of Car B and the back of the car of Car A was split by both Car B and C.
Did that make sense?
Because Car B hit Car A, Car B was too close to Car A even though Car B was hit also. So both Car B and C were at fault.

The person with the greatest injuries was in Car B who suffered extreme whiplash. And similar to me, both the driver of Car B and I did not feel the pain until the following day.

Good luck w/ everything though, and I hope you didn't get much whiplash (which will hurt more than you would think). :)

12-09-2005, 06:45 AM
i'm sorry to see what has happened to your car

BUT holy fcuk some people are really retarded! everybody makes mistakes in life and accidents happen. not everyone is perfect so i don't see why people have to say things about the at-fault driver. someone's few seconds of negligience doesn't mean they deserve to be called a bad driver. have you all never even taken your eyes off the road for a second?

12-09-2005, 07:01 PM
yes but in your case i was car b, car c smoked me, and car a got away with scratches on her bumper, because she was lucky i could slam on the brakes

12-09-2005, 07:02 PM
o and i had a rough estimate, and damages is going to exceed 10000 for my car only, rear frame rails got pushed in(thats how hard i was hit)

12-09-2005, 08:41 PM
That's a shitty accident to be in as a young driver

Originally posted by gp36912
luckily i had put the brakes on when i got hit


Saw on tv that this is a scam ppl did in the states to get insurance money... :dunno:

did anything in this post contribute to you not being able to avoid hitting the car in front of you?


You're at fault for damage to your front end, and the SUV you scratched up, insurance from the guy who hit you won't cover it. Lucky for you, though, he wrote your car off!

the crack on the wheelwell is a telltale sign of the frame damage, especially when impact was spread across the rear end, rather than a corner impact. I've seen many E46 BMWs at Impact Auctions (salvage/unrepairable only) with this kind of damage.

Bent frames are a bitch

If they try so say it's not, and want to fix it, don't. Push to get it written off. Stress the point that it will never be the same with frame damage. With your tranny trouble too, plus this, you don't want to drive that car anymore.

get an AWD car

12-09-2005, 08:47 PM
ouch! what's the bill to fix that?:eek:

12-10-2005, 02:02 AM
atm the bill is easily 12k, and no nothing there coulda helped me avoid hitting the car in front of me, well it mightve been avoided had it been summer and i had my sticky summers on, but its winter so the tires aren't as good, ended up getting pushed into the other car, even with my brakes on so that would kinda give you an image of how hard the hit was, i really don't want it written of because of the fact i spent over 10k in the car myself already

12-10-2005, 02:04 AM
unless they can get me enough money for it to be written off, i'd end up buying the car back and either fixing it or parting my sound system/etc from it i had just installed a bent lower right rear control arm too, god that costed a pretty penny, insurance is gonna cover everything though, well i already have the rental at my house

12-10-2005, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by gp36912
atm the bill is easily 12k, and no nothing there coulda helped me avoid hitting the car in front of me,

You could have been a safe distance from the car in front of you!!!!:thumbsdow

I was in a 4 car accident years ago, I was the front car.. I stopped the chain reaction of hits.. you know how?

Guess how!!!:rolleyes:

12-10-2005, 03:18 AM
ummm........... cause you werent following to close to the person in front of you?

12-10-2005, 04:50 AM
Said shitty allready, and too bad for a fellow e46'r, but...

I am here to buy parts from you dude, depends on your options.

12-10-2005, 02:54 PM
lol really not that many things to salvage, the seats are in good condition and the seat warmers are working perfect still, but i g2 see what how its gonna go through, and actually mshaw i took a look back at the scene of the accident, and i really wasn't that close to the car in front of me, if i had been hit i woulda been able to stop the car 3 meters away from the car in front, but the matter of fact was, she was still accelerating when she hit me and she pushed me into the car in front of me, paints only going to be 200 tops, so wouldn't kill me anyways(actually come to think of it, it wouldn't matter because the lady that hit me offered to pay for the painting of the bumper of the suv in front) i might have had a slight concusion from it though, cuz i just remember getting hit, my head hitting the headrest, my foot on the brake, and next thing i know i was in the back of the other suv that was bout easily 3 car lenghts away. but i blanked out with my brakes on so i dunno exactly how i hit the suv in front, so i had to have been pushed into it.

12-10-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by gp36912
yes but in your case i was car b, car c smoked me, and car a got away with scratches on her bumper, because she was lucky i could slam on the brakes

Yes, I understand that you are car B but that would place you also at fault since you were following too close considering the stopping distance and weather conditions. I can't see it not being your fault unless it's was an extenuating circumstance such as car A dangerously cutting into your lane and you could do nothing to avoid it.

12-10-2005, 05:18 PM
Fog lights?

Front clears? Side clears?

12-10-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Goblin
Fog lights?

Front clears? Side clears?

sry golbin i cant seem to folllow this ^^ my heads in a little of a mess, but is it still my fault if my car got pushed into the car in front? like i mean literally got pushed into the car in front, she hit me and she didn't brake until we hit the car in front of me, but either way i don't have to take responsibility for the repairs for car a because car c had offered to pay it all guess i got let off the hook

12-10-2005, 10:54 PM
^Hey bud, did you buy that car from Hotwheels Auto?

12-10-2005, 10:56 PM
yes i did, and i have a few bones to pick with those guys

12-10-2005, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by rony_espana
^Hey bud, did you buy that car from Hotwheels Auto?

lol, i just finished reading his rant on Hot wheels for selling him a fall apart BMW.. now this!?!?!... man that sucks..:(

12-10-2005, 10:58 PM
^ I was just wondering becacuse I was so damn close to buying that car, I had just closed a deal the day before. I was really pissed!

12-11-2005, 12:16 AM
ya i caught up with him during christmas

12-11-2005, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by gp36912

but is it still my fault if my car got pushed into the car in front? like i mean literally got pushed into the car in front, she hit me and she didn't brake until we hit the car in front of me, but either way i don't have to take responsibility for the repairs for car a because car c had offered to pay it all guess i got let off the hook

So if car c took responsibility for this, then she's paying out of pocket for this? I don't think that car C's insurance adjustor/company would take full blame for this accident because what the person pays for is sorta out of their hands when the adjustors jump in and assess the situation. I really do believe that when they sort this out that it will be deemed that you are partially responsible - if through insurance.

In my instance, car B was at a complete stand still when she was hit by car C and was pushed into my car (car A) because of car C but she still had to pay for some of the damage.

It took the adjustors a couple of weeks to finally get into contact w/ me so I didn't really know what was going on for a while.

12-11-2005, 02:54 PM
^very true

the only way car C will pay for A's damage is out of her own pocket.... which she'll prb be reluctant to do once she finds out. She's likely expecting her insurance to cover it all (which they won't).

whatever mods (system, intake, etc...) that you've done, put it all back to stock before the adjusters get there. Your insurance may void your coverage if you have more than a few undeclared mods.

Plus, then u can sell them to Goblin, push to get your car written off, and get an AWD/FWD vehicle!

Sorry to say, but yr bimmer seems like quite the lemon. cut yr losses and start over

12-11-2005, 09:59 PM
ya thinking so myself, well they know i have that stuff in there, when i bought insurance on the car i told them that i had a sound system installed, alarm, just got rims etc. and yes car c had offered to pay car a's damage outta her own pocket, she was gonna pay my cars damages plus a bit mroe outta her own pocket, but i have injuries so we decided to go through insurance. but if i do get it written off i think i'm going with beemer again but something that is fully certified etc. or if i am not going to get a beemer i problably will end up buying something that would fit my rims i think 5x120, lemme check

can't find it stamped onto the rim, if anyone knows the fitment for a bmw e46 323i please pm me, i dunno car i want, if we have to buy another car, parents want to buy new, and not used. i think the guys did some ecm mods before it was sold to me, but who knows

12-21-2005, 04:36 AM
heres the latest on this thing, the body shop just got back to me about the car, the asshole won't put down the mechanical damages on the car because "its not part of the loss in the accident" jerkwad... its my car and i should know how it runs, and after the accident i know its not running like it was before the accident. And on top of that, he wants to use old parts on my car, i mean come on, its not like i went with the cheapest plan they got, i went full coverage, even under my parents name its costing me 2k a year for the car, let alone to add my name on there on top of that, my corolla was hit last year when i was with the same company, sure its year younger than my beemer but it got all new stuff put on, and its a gdamn corolla which only costs 1000 a year in insurance, well duh wtf i pay double the price in insurance for the car and half the stuff they are putting in are used, the trunk, rear bumper, hood(quarter panel and front bumper will be new), just because they can find the parts used dosn't mean they should force it on me. i mean come on its a beemer, not some run of the mill neon, and even with used parts the repair bill is still 6k(thats what the bodyshop ended up with) so ive done a little research, 1k for the straighting of the frame give or take, 1.5k for the man hours to take panels off, paint and install new panels, bumpers. 2.5k there so wheres the other 3.5k going? i could get a aftermarket full body kit, carbon fiber hood and trunk for about 2800 or so i think leaving about 700 for the rear quarter, now thats adds up to the 6000 they told me, but all in new parts mind you. plus when i spoke to the apraiser, the guy had an attitude that just pissed me right off, i told him there were mechanical damages to the car, and he just said no there aren't, you weren't hit hard enough to have any damages. i mean come on, i can hear my exhaust leaking, and ive kept the car in as top a condition as i could, fixing anything at all that didn't seem right, (actual bmw parts ordered from bmw gallery or calgary bmw) and i think i would know that somethings wrong with my car, even though its not alot of experience but ive been working full time with cars as an apprentice mechanic, being a quick learner too, i was being put to do engine swaps on 2 dodge caravans (god they were horid, same engine size and year, different engine setup had to swap alot of brackets and mounts aka. complete teardown right to the timing belt(which we ended up changing anyways)) but ya my point being, even with my little experience i could tell if my car had something wrong with it. and i can bet almost everyone in this forum can say the same, even if they dont know whats wrong with someone elses car, but when it comes to their own car they can tell if somethings wrong. am i right??

12-21-2005, 01:24 PM
Why don't you take it to another body shop then?
Btw, what ended up happening with who is paying what?

12-21-2005, 10:28 PM
well its not the body shop, its the appraiser, the body shop is willing to do anything to help me, taking it to another body shop would not work if i end up getting the same appraiser

the lady who hit me's insurance is paying everything(sry for grammer and/or spelling)