View Full Version : Tap Water Vs. Bottled

Mo Squared
12-29-2005, 05:17 AM
So I have this paranoia, which is really bad. I CANNOT DRINK TAP WATER! I don't know what's wrong with me. If I ever drink some I get this feeling in my stomach and I just tend to blame it on the tap water. My family has been getting culligan man demineralized water for some time, and when I'm out of the house I either have a water bottle that has my "good" water in it or I buy a dasani, which is also demineralized. I NEVER buy spring water because that has minerals in it.

So my question to you all is, Is there really anything bad to drinking tap water, and does anyone have this paranoia that I have. Maybe I need to go see a psychiatrist??

12-29-2005, 05:36 AM
Sounds like you need a slap to the face with a heavy chain.

12-29-2005, 05:45 AM
^ :rofl:

12-29-2005, 05:58 AM
Hey retard, Dasani is re-mineralized, meaning it has minerals in it.

12-29-2005, 07:41 AM
[i] So I have this paranoia, which is really bad. I CANNOT DRINK TAP WATER! [/B]

Well likely the safest tapwater in the country is in a small town called Walkerton in Ontario, but that is only because of the horrific state the water was found to be in a few years back. It is now likely the most scrutinized water system in Canada.

7 people died and hundreds more were extremely sick


Paranoia can be good

12-29-2005, 09:11 AM
I only drink bottled water, our tap water here in Calgary is disgusting :barf:

Aquafina is demineralized water....

12-29-2005, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Mo Squared
I buy a dasani, which is also demineralized. I NEVER buy spring water because that has minerals in it.

You may want to check the bottle of Disani that you are holding in your hand.

It clearly states that it is remineralized water. Also, Dasani is simply filtered Tap water. So is Culligan.

Seems like an irrational fear to me. Our tap water is fine. There are many people in the world that would kill to have water that is as clean as what comes out of our sanitation plant here in Calgary.

12-29-2005, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
I only drink bottled water, our tap water here in Calgary is disgusting :barf:

Aquafina is demineralized water....

Aquafina is the best

I also dont drink tap water, but I will if I need water and theres nothing else, I just prefer bottled water.

12-29-2005, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by GoChris
I also dont drink tap water, but I will if I need water and theres nothing else, I just prefer bottled water.

To solve this problem, I always keep a case of Aquafina in my car :D

12-29-2005, 09:44 AM
I'm starting not to mind our tap water. I used to not be able to drink straight water at all, even bottled water, I always had to have juice or something mixed in. Then I went to Vietnam and that's all I had to drink so now I crave water haha. I think it's all in your head though, maybe try mixing half bottled with half tap water?

12-29-2005, 10:04 AM
Yea I also don't drink tap water unless I really need to. I always go with the good old bottled or culligan...

12-29-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Davetronz
Yea I also don't drink tap water unless I really need to. I always go with the good old bottled or culligan...

same here i usually drink from most of the bottle water comapnies, except nestle pure life brand = GROSS! :)

12-29-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by toyboy88

same here i usually drink from most of the bottle water comapnies, except nestle pure life brand = GROSS! :)

most of them are just spring water right outta the ground, especially that nestle crap.

spring water = crap

12-29-2005, 11:22 AM
Is it irony that you are advertising for a bottle water equipment manufactorer in your sig. ?

Calgary has one of the highest ratings for safety and taste of waters from around the world . They employ state-of-the-art systems to filter and treat the water from it's sources . Chlorine , or the "funny" taste sometimes mentioned , is mostly used only when the spring runoffs make the water very turbid or cloudy from high levels of silt . And no matter the taste , the levels are well beyond safe for human consummsion .
Walkerton ,also mentioned above ,was a combination of human errors , mostly associated with doctoring of data logs and making false claims . Criminal negligence , VERY unlikely to happen hear as our checks and balances are much stricter .
Some think bottled water to be the safest . In my wisdom I've learned that most of these corporate bottled water producers spend more on marketing false information then they do making a safe product for human consumption . Also , most bottled water is tap water . Sometimes filtered and made to taste better, possibly because their sorce is more contaminated ?? Who knows eh ?

Soooo , if drinking tap water is physically affecting you , it may be a problem within your homes' plumbing system (build-up of rust or chemicals ) , or this fear may be a manifestation of other problems and yes ,maybe you should get some help for it . Good luck .


12-29-2005, 11:39 AM
A lot of people choose to only drink bottled water. Your fears from the tap even though they may be unmerited is normal.

12-29-2005, 11:48 AM
I refuse to drink dissani because they salt thier water

12-29-2005, 11:50 AM
anyone ever heard of fiji water? i got this one friend who claims that it's so much better then any other water because it's so " soft", wtf?!?!

so last week when she wasn't looking i dipped my finger in her bottle, after a while she took a drink of it and i asked her if it still tasted so "soft" and she said yes. hahahahaha:rofl:

and to stay on topic of the thread, i think tap water is gross, but to me all filtered/bottled water taste the same.

12-29-2005, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Mo Squared
So I have this paranoia, which is really bad. I CANNOT DRINK TAP WATER! I don't know what's wrong with me. If I ever drink some I get this feeling in my stomach and I just tend to blame it on the tap water.


Originally posted by blueToy
Is it irony that you are advertising for a bottle water equipment manufactorer in your sig. ?

thats a google add, they automatically add it to all of the first beyond.ca posts

12-29-2005, 11:58 AM
Personally i think its a joke that people pay for water when what comes out of our taps is some of the cleanest in the world. Needless to say im a tap water man, hell when im in places/countries that tell you not to drink the tap water guess what im filling my nalgene with.

12-29-2005, 12:28 PM
I don't drink tap water. Our fridge has the water doohickey on it and all the crazy filters to make it taste better and be "safer". In my opinion it tastes better than any bottled water out there.

When I'm out and about though it's always Evian. Not a fan of Disani and I think Aquafina tastes like it's got chlorine in it. Reminds of being in a pool. Evian is my fave...and yes....I know it spells naive backwards.

Mo Squared
12-29-2005, 01:54 PM
LOL wow didnt think id get this much enthusiasm, but thanks for the dasani think, on the bottle is says demineralized by reverse osmosis and hten remineralized with specific minerals (not lead, chlorine, or floride) which can all be present in tap water. I guess this is why i am paranoid. But our house is pretty new and as for pipes leading to increased lead content in tap water, it is true and standards for house water lead levels are set at 15ppb and in bottled water it is at 5ppb because it is supposed to have a lower level of lead in it and is supposed to be safer.

I personally wish i could drink tap water i mean i hate paying for something that is so easily available to me. But I see from this thread that I'm not alone in my fear of tap water. LOL

12-29-2005, 01:56 PM
bottled water..although our tap water as stated is provally considered the "best" in the country, tap water has a nasty after taste (like metal), EVIAN ALL THE WAY

12-29-2005, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Mo Squared
I personally wish i could drink tap water i mean i hate paying for something that is so easily available to me. But I see from this thread that I'm not alone in my fear of tap water. LOL

Maybe you fear flouride, and not just tap water. Some people think the flouride in our water is for the government to keep us submissive. I heard that every mind control drug the US has found effective has flouride in it.


Good for a read for all you conspiracy theorists out there.


Mo Squared
12-29-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by mac_82

Maybe you fear flouride, and not just tap water. Some people think the flouride in our water is for the government to keep us submissive. I heard that every mind control drug the US has found effective has flouride in it.


Good for a read for all you conspiracy theorists out there.


Wow that was kind of scary, Darn the governemnt!! they are always behind these sorta things....IF WE VOTE NDP i will start to drink tap water....I swear, you guys can hold me to it

Jack Layton, my hero.....:clap:

12-29-2005, 03:13 PM
Femo2 for me! :drool:

12-29-2005, 03:19 PM
Tap water is fine... Go see a shrink.

12-29-2005, 05:16 PM
LOL at everybody wasting all their money on bottled water (not that i care, its your money). Take a basic chemistry course with focus on water treatment and you will see that the difference between your $1.99 bottled water and tap water is fairly small. You will also see that a simple Brita water filter does virtually the same thing as the manufacturers of bottled water.
The guy who stated Calgary is one of the top water treatment plants in the coutry is correct, the City of Calgary uses double the 'germ killing' processes as other major cities in Canada, including UV processes. Plus we have very strict standards for the product coming out.
Oh well, props to the bottled water folks for making money off a simple product for outrageous prices.

12-29-2005, 05:28 PM
i drink calgary tap water, cept i have a filtered tap on the side of the the sink so i drink that makes the water taste better so everyone says!
i like drinking my water at home, i always hae at least 1 bottle of water from my house in my car.

oh sound advice never drink edmonton hotel tap water.....

one time i was so thirsty my girlfriend said juss drink it from the tap .... i knew the water tasted funny but i was drunk so i thought it was just me... ahahha

both me and her little brother got sick from drinking it...:barf:

maybe it was juss that hotel but it was disgusting...

12-29-2005, 05:33 PM
A couple years ago i read a report comparing the major brands of bottled water to tap water in a number of cities and it was actually found that many of the bottled water was worse quality than tap water in many cities.

12-29-2005, 05:46 PM
really cold tap water is good

12-29-2005, 06:08 PM
two things I will never pay for... bottled water and sex

get a filter and stop wasting your money

12-30-2005, 01:27 AM
Instead of a Brita water filter, just buy a simple RO/DI unit and install it in your house. Then you have bottled water out of your tap and all you need to do is replace the membranes every once in a while.

12-30-2005, 02:01 AM
thats what i have!! goot investment ^^^

GTS Jeff
12-30-2005, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

Well likely the safest tapwater in the country is in a small town called Walkerton in Ontario, but that is only because of the horrific state the water was found to be in a few years back. It is now likely the most scrutinized water system in Canada.

7 people died and hundreds more were extremely sick


Paranoia can be good

The only reason Walkerton had that huge fuck up was because it was a small town that fell under the radar. The Gable brothers weren't trained to treat the water properly because no one cared about them. BTW the only people that died were old people and maybe a couple babies.

Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
I only drink bottled water, our tap water here in Calgary is disgusting :barf:

You're flat out wrong.
Originally posted by blueToy
Calgary has one of the highest ratings for safety and taste of waters from around the world . They employ state-of-the-art systems to filter and treat the water from it's sources .

:werd: Not many water treatment plants have tertiary UV treatment,

12-30-2005, 02:10 AM
Calgary tap water is excellent. Has anyone here actually gotten sick from drinking Calgary tap water? I highly doubt it.

12-30-2005, 02:19 AM
just put one of those micron filters on the tap so all the water is cleaned out.. mine tastes good fine thru the filter :P

12-30-2005, 02:36 AM
i drink bpttled water when im out but i just fill my nalgene with filtered tap water at home

12-30-2005, 02:37 AM
For what it's worth, a good friend of mine is a dentist. Over the last 3-4 years, he has noticed an abnormally high number of people coming in with cavities and hyper-sensitivity problems. A very large percentage of these people exclusively drink bottled water. No flouride. Despite all of the conspiracy theories out there, it still seems to do some good.
I drink tap water everywhere except of my house, where I will only drink it from the basement tap. I have all galvanized steel water pipes in my house that have rotted out badly. Even after sitting for only a couple hours, the water will always come out colored to start with. The tap in the basement is straight off of the copper feed pipe. It's the only one that seems to be alright.
That said, Calgary has the best tasting tap water of any city I have been to. I think the people here complaining about it need to look at the water pipes in their houses.

12-30-2005, 02:44 AM
I drink bottled water, and tend to avoid the taps at this house. When I lived at home, we had a water softener and stuff, and the water tasted awesome. My place now doesn't have that stuff, so I don't really like it. I think it's more of a psychological thing, but I don't care.

I really should get a brita filter and I should be good to go. One of these days when I get off my ass....

12-30-2005, 02:56 AM
I drink brita water at home, fill my nalgene with it, but aquafina if I have to buy it....

Mo Squared
12-30-2005, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by Zero102
Even after sitting for only a couple hours, the water will always come out colored to start with. The tap in the basement is straight off of the copper feed pipe. It's the only one that seems to be alright.

:barf: wow i would shoot myself twice in the mouth

12-30-2005, 05:51 AM
you people talk about bottled water like its fine wine or something.

12-30-2005, 07:35 AM
^:werd: I probably drink both equally, whichever is more convenient at the time. Neither makes a difference to me. Paying for water is such as scam.

12-30-2005, 10:34 AM
One more thing here . Tap water is NOT free water . You are paying for it thru taxes . If you are only drinking bottled water , you are paying for it TWICE , and that to me is setting a bad precedent . Think about it . Water is the one thing on earth , other then air , that human beings require to survive . No if's , and's or but's . You can survive for weeks without food , but no more then 3-4 days without water and you'll die . Yet mega-corporations ( Monsanto for one example ) have been buying up the rights to most of the worlds fresh water supply for years now . Why ? Basically , to enslave the human population and extort from them something that was once a free resourse . Living here in Calgary , we are so very lucky compared to most other places in the world where water supplies have been either tainted , dwindled or controlled by those whose only ambitions are to make a profit , even at the expense of the people . SCAREY , and big-brotherish I know , but it is happening . There is a country in South America ( name escapes me at the moment ) that had ALL water in the country become the PROPERTY of a huge US mega-corp . EVEN RAIN WATER couldn't be collected by the people for free . You had to pay for it . Imagine the old folks who worked their whole lives and couldn't afford to buy water because maybe they never planned to buy it ??? Not a good thing for anybody , but a lesson for us all . Never take water for granted , like a lot do here .

I mentioned we are paying for it here too , but the costs are for the growth of the system , maintaining the system or repairing the system when it breaks . Oh , and it's not a infinite product either . The Bow Glacier and lake where we get our water is said to be shrinking at a alarming rate , and unless it shows signs of reversing , we could be looking for other sources within the next fifty or so years . Lets take care of our water , respect it and use it wisely while we still can .


12-30-2005, 11:47 AM
I think that bottled water is gross, and that tap water is fine. Especially with some ice in it. Also, I find that bottled water has a funny taste to it. If I want a drink, I go to the tap. End of story.

12-30-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by benyl
There are many people in the world that would kill to have water that is as clean as what comes out of our sanitation plant here in Calgary.

:werd: :werd:

The stupid thing is people complain about the gas prices then go into the station and buy not even a liter of bottled water for $1.50. To me water is water.:rolleyes:

12-30-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
...When I lived at home, we had a water softener and stuff, and the water tasted awesome.

dude, drinking water that has gone thru a water softener is NOT desirable.

if ur water softener is installed properly, it will by-pass the water line that goes to the kitchen sink (because thats usually where we get our water from when we need to consume it).

12-30-2005, 12:50 PM
Yep I use my fridge line with ice maker (bypasses the softener) and drink many many glasses full of ice per day. Far better than any bottled water. Also only have had one little cavity so far. My dentist as well as a friend who is a dentist are also tap fans as well. Hell, they used to give kids fluoride drops, so a bit in the water instead is great.


12-30-2005, 12:57 PM

12-30-2005, 01:00 PM
Apparently I was wrong. We have a softener and a purifier, and I drink from the purifier

12-30-2005, 01:13 PM
I prefer my bottled water flavored

12-30-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
Apparently I was wrong. We have a softener and a purifier, and I drink from the purifier

ahhh...that makes sense now :thumbsup:

i prefer distilled water (pure H2O); the water where they boil it and catch all the vapors/steam (which in turn will become water/liguid again).

but i usually drink tap water after it has been boiled.

12-30-2005, 03:32 PM
Man that comment about the gas station price then the bottle of water is somewhat correct..

but its upwards of 2.50 a liter, 1.5 liter its like 3.80 with tax + deposit.. lmfao.

At my house i drink the tap water, after its gone through a 5 step softener then industrial distiller. hmm tasty.

and calgary tap water taste like shit after that ^