View Full Version : WTB/WTR: Wedding DJ

12-30-2005, 04:03 PM
My wedding is planned for May and I am looking for some recommendations for good local djs. Thanks.

12-30-2005, 04:48 PM
I am a DJ, have been for over 8 years. I think my niche is that I cater to what you and your guests want, not what I have done in prior weddings. Your paying, its your party and most importantly its your Wedding and I wouldnt want to be the one that rains on your parade:)

Pm me or msn me at [email protected]

If you happent to not even talk to me, I hope you find what your looking for and congrats on the wedding


12-31-2005, 01:54 AM
give these guys a call, tell em Chris sent ya. might be able to give ya a deal. www.greatparty.ca

I also work for em, and will more than likely be myself that comes and does it.

Cheers, and gratz on the marriage thing. I got hitched in August and am lovin it! :hitit: :love: