View Full Version : Calgary Police once again proving their value to me....

01-02-2006, 12:29 AM
So I'm driving up Mcleod today, not flying or weaving, just driving normally with the flow of traffic (i.e. other cars around me were driving the same speed or faster)

Anyway, I approach one of Calgary's finest in the van. He's going back and forth from lane to lane, so when he gets out of what the rest of the world calls the 'fast lane', I decide to go by him. I proceed to pass him, and when I say pass, I mean I literally CRAWL past him. I'm maybe going 2-3 kph faster than him. - maybe slower. Well as soon as I pass his front bumper he whips in behind me and flicks on the lights. I just say to my girlfriend, I wonder what this is about. It's that UNobvious.

Actually giving a shit about the safety of the stop, I signal to him that I'm moving up further to pull over on a safe part of the road (not like the idiots I see pull over on blind corners or merge lanes).... so I find a spot where we can both get completely out of the lanes of traffic. I drive 3 feet off of the side of the road. But it was all for not anyhow, because the first thing this moron does is stay parked on the road blocking a lane of traffic. I guess he's never seen any of those videos where cops get creamed by passing cars. Totally understandable. :rolleyes:

Then when he gets to the window, I am polite and give him my papers etc and ask him why he's pulling me over.

So with a caustic and condescending tone he says, "Well when "I" pass a cop on the road, I make sure I'm not speeding first!" Now let me repeat, it took me about 10 seconds to get past his front bumper, and I know my speedo is off a bit, but every other car in the vicinity was doing the same speed. He doesn't want to hear anything I have to say and just walks off while his boyfriend partner is outside looking over the car. I have a clean driving record and he knew that when he checked, but he comes back and just hands me the ticket and starts to walk away. So I stop him and say, "wait a minute, why don't you explain why you pulled me over vs. anyone else?" I mentioned my clean record and how I know the rules of the road more than half the idiots I see driving around this city and yet he singles me out and throws me a ticket for going 90 in an 80. WOAH!! Yeah fuck, that's really moving. I'm surprised he caught up. I'd expect to get attitude for going 50 over. But 10? In Toronto even the cops would laugh at that one. Why? Because they've got better things to do. I asked him if he clocked me and he says he was pacing another vehicle to fine them when I "flew" by. So what was the other guy getting a ticket for, 82 in an 80?

Anyhow all he could seem to say was "take it to court", so I guess I've got a hot date in february.

I tell ya, from the fucking idiotic radaring cyclists in the park this summer to the constant stories I see here, the constant examples of the worse police work I have yet to see in this country, to the drug dealer on my street who they can't seem to bust even though they're fucking there weekly.... man, ZERO respect for this police force. My father was a COP and there are COPS out there I respect, but this city has a POOR representation of police pressence. It's laughable.

I hate to generalize but every interaction I've witnessed here lately has been with a cop who obviosuly got beat up in high school and wants to get back at the world. I feel bad to the GOOD COPS out there that have to be grouped with these dickheads. I wasn't arguing, just looking for an explanation, and I get this Robocop attitude....please. Give me a fucking break.

Oh and to make an preemptive reply to the inevitable perfect driver who never does anything wrong who's going to say I deserved it, go troll another forum you waste-of-space.

I mean, there has to be people here who are seeing the driving getting worse here while the amount of useless insignificant fines increase? Policing is about making a place safer, not, let's see how many easy fines we can give out in a month to buy fuel for the Chopper, so we can wake people up all night.

I'll just add that yes it's really an insignifcant fine and that's not what bothers me. Truly I would have rathered get pulled over for 30 over than this. I wouldn't have even argued or questioned it. I just can't get over the constant bullshit fines I continue to see given out in this city when their efforts could most certainly be directed to more significant issues. AND there are certainly plenty of them.


oh, Happy new year too. :)

01-02-2006, 12:32 AM
Should I state the obvious or leave that as a given factor? :dunno:

01-02-2006, 12:33 AM
^^^^ obvious? If it has to do with what I drive then it's even a bigger reason to be pissed off.

01-02-2006, 12:34 AM
What were you driving?

Mr. Burns
01-02-2006, 12:34 AM
Should I state the obvious or leave that as a given factor

01-02-2006, 12:36 AM
Nissan Sentra. Silver CF hood/trunk. The short of it, yes it's easy to spot. Cutting one stop to make mine (according to his story) shouldn't be because my car "looks" as if I were going to do something wrong, or more wrong, if you will than anyone else.

But anyway, like I said, if that's the case then all I have to say is,

"Top Notch Police work guys, Top Fucking Notch" :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

01-02-2006, 12:37 AM
i hope you got his badge #....

01-02-2006, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by SilverBoost
Nissan Sentra. Silver CF hood/trunk. The short of it, yes it's easy to spot. Cutting one stop to make mine (according to his story) shouldn't be because my car "looks" as if I were going to do something wrong, or more wrong, if you will than anyone else.

You hate cops, cops hate ricers. Its just how it goes. With a car in your state you have to accept what comes with the territory. You should consider yourself lucky he did not give you an enlarged exhaust tip ticket, etc etc..

By the way the ticket is bullcrap, fight it.

01-02-2006, 12:39 AM
So were you speeding or not?

01-02-2006, 12:40 AM
Questions to ask yourself in that situation:

(1) Has the police force recently been ordered to double their quotas?

(2) If (1) is true, am I in such a big hurry I need to pass an obvious police vehicle and therefore risk becoming another ticket on the officer's quota?

Fight the obvious BS ticket, but try to exercise a little discretion in the future. It'll save you having to go to court.

01-02-2006, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by ringmaster
i hope you got his badge #....

Some good that will do. He was breaking the law and got a ticket for it. The cop was just being a dick.

01-02-2006, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by ringmaster
i hope you got his badge #....

Uh yeah it's on the ticket. Duh. Why would that matter?

01-02-2006, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
Questions to ask yourself in that situation:

(1) Has the police force recently been ordered to double their quotas?

(2) If (1) is true, am I in such a big hurry I need to pass an obvious police vehicle and therefore risk becoming another ticket on the officer's quota?

Fight the ovbious BS ticket, but try to exercise a little discretion in the future. It'll save you having to go to court.


01-02-2006, 12:41 AM
I'm pretty sure there is a new rule, that you are not allowed to pass a police car, above the speed of 50km/h or 60km/h
well there was always this rule, but they are not inforcing it more....

01-02-2006, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Kobe
I'm pretty sure there is a new rule, that you are not allowed to pass a police car, above the speed of 50km/h or 60km/h
well there was always this rule, but they are not inforcing it more....

wasn't it you have to go 60km/h passed a car that's stopped with emergency lights or the lower limit?

cause if there's a cop going 70 on deerfoot you bet your ass i'm passing him!

01-02-2006, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Kobe
I'm pretty sure there is a new rule, that you are not allowed to pass a police car, above the speed of 50km/h or 60km/h
well there was always this rule, but they are not inforcing it more....

That law is for stopped emergency vehicles on the scene.

01-02-2006, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish

That law is for stopped emergency vehicles on the scene.

O my bad then...

01-02-2006, 12:56 AM
And guys, I'm not looking for sympathy here, just agreement on the BS of it.

And Berzerker, yeah I used total discretion. As I said I was keeping flow of traffic which is why there was no big deal IMO. And I literally could have had a conversation with this guy if the windows were down as I went by it was that slow...

The car is getting painted in the spring. I'm painting over all the CF and everything. No badging, no decals of any sort, nothing. I'm sick of the sterotyping. Turns out you can only have a performance car if it arrived that way from the factory, not if you spent years and hard earned dollars trying to enjoy a harmless hobby. Its not like I'm 16 anymore... I thought that bullshit was over. Guess I was mistaken when I moved here.

01-02-2006, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
Questions to ask yourself in that situation:

(1) Has the police force recently been ordered to double their quotas?

(2) If (1) is true, am I in such a big hurry I need to pass an obvious police vehicle and therefore risk becoming another ticket on the officer's quota?

Fight the obvious BS ticket, but try to exercise a little discretion in the future. It'll save you having to go to court.

I'd agree with that, but also how fast were you going over the speed limit? If you were going ten over, regardless of how insignificant that is, he is just doing his job.

01-02-2006, 01:00 AM
I was in a similar spot today behind a police car going 10km/h under the speed limit. Because of my luck with the police and the reasons stated above I decided the smartest course of action was to simply not pass the officer, as to not give him a reason to pull me over, and take the 1 minute hit on getting home. It sucks that you got the ticket, but the moral of the story is don't tempt the Police. I agree it was a bullshit ticket, but you never know when an officer is having a bad day and having a unique car unfortunately does not help.

01-02-2006, 01:01 AM
I wouldnt call it BS, i would call it BL, for badluck. He was probably looking to pull SOMEONE over, so notcied a "ricer" (if thats what you drive, i have no idea) and just singled you out. BAD LUCK! Thats all. Fight it, get it chopped in half, pay your 40 bucks, move on in life.

01-02-2006, 01:03 AM
Whenever I pass an officer, I always stay under 10km/h. I try to keep it around 7-8km/h over.

I don't think you would have much luck if you went to court, just get it reduce and move along. Yes it seems unfair but what can you do. Modded cars will always be targeted, if you did go 10kms/h over, that was enough reason for him to nail you.

01-02-2006, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by steelo

Uh yeah it's on the ticket. Duh. Why would that matter?

It really cant help him now but if you tell the officer that you are going to file a complaint and get his #, it will at least make him sweat. Once those guys get 2 or 3 complaints against them they go up for review. Might make officer butt hole think twice before giving out another BS ticket.

GTS Jeff
01-02-2006, 01:18 AM
The CP will definitely drop a 10km/h over ticket. If he doesn't, the judge will, which is even sweeter, cuz then you get to waste the cops time sitting in court to watch you beat a ticket he wrote. Then when you walk out of the courtroom, you can roll your eyes at him and say something witty that you've made up the night before.

01-02-2006, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The CP will definitely drop a 10km/h over ticket. If he doesn't, the judge will, which is even sweeter, cuz then you get to waste the cops time sitting in court to watch you beat a ticket he wrote. Then when you walk out of the courtroom, you can roll your eyes at him and say something witty that you've made up the night before.

oh yeah, big man jeff!

only pull shit like that if you want cops all over you every time you go for a spin.


01-02-2006, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by ringmaster

It really cant help him now but if you tell the officer that you are going to file a complaint and get his #, it will at least make him sweat. Once those guys get 2 or 3 complaints against them they go up for review. Might make officer butt hole think twice before giving out another BS ticket.

Are you sure? Personal experience with this? Heard from someone?

Sometimes officers will reduce the ticket they give you, I was speeding 30kms/h over and they gave me a ticket for 10kms/h over. Now I am pretty sure the officer would include this on their notes so fighting wouldn't change a thing.

01-02-2006, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The CP will definitely drop a 10km/h over ticket. If he doesn't, the judge will, which is even sweeter, cuz then you get to waste the cops time sitting in court to watch you beat a ticket he wrote. Then when you walk out of the courtroom, you can roll your eyes at him and say something witty that you've made up the night before.

Looks like we've been in the same situation. To bad the cop wrecked my moment by congradulating me with a smile and shook my hand.

01-02-2006, 03:37 AM
been there and got THAT (though not a speeding ticket, but a ticket for turning to wide).....IMO you are just at the wrong place in a wrong time. We all know that some cops are just totally idiotic f**khead, but there are some cops that actually busting their life for the sake of us. So I wouldn't discredit them completely.....But yeah, happy new year :thumbsup:

p.s. If I see a cop ahead of me, I always drives really slow to avoid passing him. However if a cop is behind me, then I would actually drive 5 - 10 km below speed limit to not offend him. I doubt he can giveme ticket for driving conservatively .

01-02-2006, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by max_boost

Are you sure? Personal experience with this? Heard from someone?

Sometimes officers will reduce the ticket they give you, I was speeding 30kms/h over and they gave me a ticket for 10kms/h over. Now I am pretty sure the officer would include this on their notes so fighting wouldn't change a thing.

Well if he did get me for quicker, then he whould have given it to me for quicker. He said nothign about any reduction. And besides that it wasn't radar. He said he "paced" me. Hope that speedo was dead-on in the van.

Either way, like I said, there are good cops out there that do their job, no issues. Then there are guys like this just being a dick because they can. I could give a shit about the fine. It's the priniciple of it. And like I said, if I got yanked in at 140kph+ then this thread wouldn't have even been started, because I would have gotten exactly what I deserved.

Anyway, life goes on. I'm sure it won't be the last one I see.

Supa Dexta
01-02-2006, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Kobe
I'm pretty sure there is a new rule, that you are not allowed to pass a police car, above the speed of 50km/h or 60km/h
well there was always this rule, but they are not inforcing it more....

Are tow trucks involved in that some how also? I thought I heard that and it's got me freaked out, cause I see them pulled over all the time, and they usually throw the lights on, just to be seen, even if they're just on the phone or something.. I keep thinking it's a new scheme the cps has and they are hiding behind the truck with the gun, to see if you slow to 60 while passing them...


01-02-2006, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by SilverBoost

Guess I was mistaken when I moved here.

Feel free to leave. We've enough whiny easterners here already.

01-02-2006, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Are you sure? Personal experience with this? Heard from someone?

Sometimes officers will reduce the ticket they give you, I was speeding 30kms/h over and they gave me a ticket for 10kms/h over. Now I am pretty sure the officer would include this on their notes so fighting wouldn't change a thing.

friends daddy is a cop... If it was truly a good call, he has nothing to worry about when turning over his badge #. If he was being a bully and was just picking on Silverboost, then there is logical grounds for a complaint.

Its weird how the system works... I have gone to the crown many times for speeding and the like. I always admit I was in the wrong and just about every time, I get the points dropped and a reduction in the fine. Its like they give you somthing just for coming out!

01-02-2006, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC

Some good that will do. He was breaking the law and got a ticket for it. The cop was just being a dick.

Enforcing the law and harassment are two verry different things.

Fight it, absolutely.

Oh, and hope you had a good new year SilverBoost :)

See ya at one of the meets soon.

01-02-2006, 12:57 PM
Well you were going over speed limit + he got a bad day or maybe that's the way he is = speeding ticket

Now I know what you mean, I do go 90 on 80 pretty often but never in police presence to avoid what you got. Now you got it because you stupid, What were you thinking ?

In Chicago I was a witness of people flying 10-15 mph faster then cops and they don't bother. In six months that I was there I never saw a cop with radar gun on the side of the road. This is Calgary not Toronto or Chicago, here cops have nothing better to do.

GTS Jeff
01-02-2006, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by ricosuave
oh yeah, big man jeff!

only pull shit like that if you want cops all over you every time you go for a spin.


I'm sorry you don't understand the humour.

01-02-2006, 01:32 PM
Well if he did get me for quicker, then he whould have given it to Anyway, life goes on. I'm sure it won't be the last one I see. [/B

Hey buddy sorry to see this. I've passed police before however I sometimes wave (only if they look) I've seen your car it looks like trouble:burnout: good that you want to paint it as this will deminish the heat factor on your car, thats why mine doesn't look flashy at all cause they don't even give my car a second look..., and when you passed him/her @ the proceved speed limit that gives them the right to stop you because that is the LIMIT, HOWEVER to ad to your fight make sure you get the police officers notes and a request of the maintenence of that exact van/car to see if/when the spedo was tested as it must be calibrated fairly often usually at Mr. Speedo. As we all know when we change tire/rim size this changes the ratio of our spedo. If you have any more questions PM me as one of my best friends is a lawyer and I can ask her some questions regarding this matter. good luck :thumbsup:

01-02-2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by ringmaster
I always admit I was in the wrong and just about every time, I get the points dropped and a reduction in the fine. Its like they give you somthing just for coming out!

Amen! Those guys have heard every freaking excuse known to man, and all they want is some honesty. They like that.

Silverboost: I agree that you should file a complaint asap and fight the ticket! Maybe he was pissed off that he was working New Years Day :dunno: and had worked Christmas Day too... Either way, he's giving good police a bad rep (the good guys are out there!)

Good luck man

01-02-2006, 01:39 PM
i don't really think this is BS...

You were speeding and you admit to it, as well passing a police vehicle BY speeding. When you say others are doing that same speed then how come the police vehicle wasn't speeding like the rest of you.

I thought speeding was an offense? yeah?

BS tickets are shit like enlarged muffler TIPS or tinted windows etc.

You can probably fight it off though if you can prove your speedo is off by a bit or some shit.

01-02-2006, 02:19 PM
^^ true. however 10 over the limit 80 while other cars are going either faster or the same speed is just retarded.

01-02-2006, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by steelo

Feel free to leave. We've enough whiny easterners here already.

are you tying to be funny, because shit I mean, I can take a joke, but if you're being serious, then go fuck yourself troll.

01-02-2006, 02:37 PM
Fight that ticket as no judge or CP anywhere is going to waste time arguing it. 10km/h estimated leaves virtually no grounds for the cop to defend issuing the ticket.

01-02-2006, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by JordanEG6
^^ true. however 10 over the limit 80 while other cars are going either faster or the same speed is just retarded.

yeah that's all I was saying.... if i were driving an obvious rate faster than all the other cars then I'd have zero issue. He went out of his way to pull me over vs. anybody else in the vicinity. And I have to sya again, this wasn't me passing by at 10-15 kphh faster.... I was basically driving the exact speed he was (and everyone else) and he tapped the brakes pulled in behind me and that was that.

It's no big deal really, I mean it's typical for here I'm learning. I lived in Toronto for 5 years and if you weren't doing 20 over in the fast lane even the cops would honk at you to move over. What they looked for were people doing things like weaving in traffic, not signalling, tailgating... you know... accident causing stuff. Not coasting by at 10kph over like everyone else.

I mean, even if he wasnt a prick about it I would have been less bothered. He acted like I was doing 150kph or something. And I have a clean record, so is 10 over really worth a fine, or could he have simply said, "Look man, you were slightly over the limit, so I'm just giving you a warning because you have a clean record, just watch your speed."

And it's not illegal nor stupid to pass a cop on the road. I've done it plenty of times before without any problems, because I wasn't being a dick. This guy just wanted to send a bigger message than a measly fine.

Anyways, we'll see what the judge says.

It's not a points offense anyhow so I have nothing to lose either way. I was only bothered by the whole thing because I see soooooo may retarded drivers on the road every single day here who god knows how, got their license and yet I'm getting yanked for BS like this. That was my only point to the thread. Not because I'm all upset by getting a $70 fine.

Celica TVS3
01-02-2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by steelo

Feel free to leave. We've enough whiny easterners here already.

Says the 14 year old with 14 posts. 1/2 of which are in this thread.http://www.newcelica.org/forums/images/smilies/banhim.gif

01-02-2006, 04:03 PM
Quit whining already - the speed limit is 80 and you were going faster while passing a cop. Use your head smart guy.

01-02-2006, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by steelo
Quit whining already - the speed limit is 80 and you were going faster while passing a cop. Use your head smart guy.

How about you just get the fuck off the boards? He's posting because this is something that affects everyone with a modified car.

Take your ignorant ass and go find a hole to inhabit. :guns:

01-02-2006, 04:21 PM
My ignorant ass wasn't passing a cop above the posted limit.

It doesn't take too many brain cells to figure that one out. Perhaps the fumes from your rice burner are leaking inside the car and affecting your common sense.

01-02-2006, 04:35 PM
he was going like 2-5 kmph faster. BS ticket.

01-02-2006, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by steelo
My ignorant ass wasn't passing a cop above the posted limit.

It doesn't take too many brain cells to figure that one out. Perhaps the fumes from your rice burner are leaking inside the car and affecting your common sense.

Chill out a little bro :thumbsup:

01-02-2006, 04:52 PM
bs ticket dude, dont loose sleep over it. I hope you win in court.

01-02-2006, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by steelo
My ignorant ass wasn't passing a cop above the posted limit.

It doesn't take too many brain cells to figure that one out. Perhaps the fumes from your rice burner are leaking inside the car and affecting your common sense.

so what do you drive, dipshit?

Nice attitude.

01-02-2006, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by steelo
Quit whining already - the speed limit is 80 and you were going faster while passing a cop. Use your head smart guy.

okay yes, he was speeding, ill give you that....less than 10km/h over on a fcuking 80. plausable reason to pull him over IF the limit was lower, like going 40 on a 30.

but seriously, 90 on an 80? thats BS, especially if other vehicles were conforming with traffic going the same speed he was, maybe even faster.

if all people were to deal with this kind of bullshit from CPS on a daily basis, we'd all have tickets. supposedly though, no one here is as perfect as you. :rolleyes:

01-02-2006, 07:42 PM
You're right steelo you can't get a speeding ticket when you take the bus.

01-02-2006, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by DelSoln
You're right steelo you can't get a speeding ticket when you take the bus.


01-02-2006, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
The CP will definitely drop a 10km/h over ticket. If he doesn't, the judge will, which is even sweeter, cuz then you get to waste the cops time sitting in court to watch you beat a ticket he wrote. Then when you walk out of the courtroom, you can roll your eyes at him and say something witty that you've made up the night before.

I thought they got paid extra for going to court?:dunno:

01-02-2006, 08:27 PM
I think its time and a half or so? Sounds like a definite BS ticket.

01-02-2006, 10:15 PM
I think the majority of the mature people on this board appreciate and respect that you admit you were speeding and understand the reason why you're ranting.

IMHO keeping pace with traffic is SAFER then blocking traffic (so long as you're not grossly exceeding the limit). If everyone is moving 90 km/h on an 80 zone and you're going 70, someone is going to tailgate and then try to pass you. That's when accidents happen. Most likely you're going to be involved in this accident if he's trying to pass you as well!

Yes your car stands out, however you can trade for my Yellow Spec V and you won't stand out as much :devil:

01-02-2006, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by SilverBoost

It's not a points offense anyhow so I have nothing to lose either way...

Did he give you a Registered owner ticket? If not, any moving violation even 1 km/h over posted limit carries demerits.

I agree with you, I don't know why the cop pulled you over - chances are your car is slightly less whisper quiet than your run of the mill automatic minivan on the roads these days, and didn't like that.

Fight it, and win.

01-03-2006, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by R4Z

Did he give you a Registered owner ticket? If not, any moving violation even 1 km/h over posted limit carries demerits.

I agree with you, I don't know why the cop pulled you over - chances are your car is slightly less whisper quiet than your run of the mill automatic minivan on the roads these days, and didn't like that.

Fight it, and win.

actually I was doing some research on it and one site I read up on said it was 15kph over before you got into demerits. Hard to say though how up to date or accurate the info is.

And I had the clutch in and was just coasting when I was beside him... wasn't 'that' loud, but yeah, I know what you're saying. :)

I'm quite aware of how the car stands out. That's going to change this year.

01-03-2006, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by hampstor
I think the majority of the mature people on this board appreciate and respect that you admit you were speeding and understand the reason why you're ranting.


Originally posted by hampstor

Yes your car stands out, however you can trade for my Yellow Spec V and you won't stand out as much :devil:

what? And drive a car coloured "pull me over yellow" no thanks.

;) jfwy man. Obviously calgary police are colour blind, they just don't like it when they can't see wheel gap or daylight under you car. :)

01-03-2006, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by SilverBoost
actually I was doing some research on it and one site I read up on said it was 15kph over before you got into demerits. Hard to say though how up to date or accurate the info is.

Sorry, its a moving violation - any moving violation is a "demerit'able" offence, go fight this and see what the crown has to say - chances are the first appearance crown will throw it away right away :)

- Rasmus

01-03-2006, 02:52 AM
It is a bit silly to be ticketed for 10kph over but that's where they generally start at, 10 or more over. They will give the 10k because there is no speedo that is 100% accurate all the time. (ie. tire wear, aftermarket wheels etc.) If you have aftermarket wheels, which I think I have seen on your car, then your speedo is going to be out a bit most likely as you know. You had bad luck in this instance cause these guys were out looking for violations. They picked on you because of the obvious as WE ALL know. But honestly, when I see a modded car there it's usually some dumbass racing through traffic. So we all get a bad name. They just figured YOU needed to be tought a lesson more than the other speeders around you. :dunno: just don't pass those @##$% unless they are going way under the limit.
But ya take it to the crown and plead your case and you should get something good out of it. They don't want every stupid ticket like that tying up the court system, that's why they are there. Goodluck :)

01-03-2006, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by R4Z

Sorry, its a moving violation - any moving violation is a "demerit'able" offence, go fight this and see what the crown has to say - chances are the first appearance crown will throw it away right away :)

- Rasmus

... you sure? its 15+ km/h over for demerits. cop gave me a ticket (when i was goin 30 over) and put it at 10 km/h cause it was my first offense, he told me not only is it a lower fine but no demerits. sure enough when i got my driver record printed, no demerits.

check your sources ;)

01-03-2006, 03:27 AM
The simple part of it is, speed limits are outdated and ineffective methods of controlling traffic. They're supposed to keep the road safe, but in so many cases they're just there to drain more money out of the pockets of the typical middle class citizen. A speed lane should be expected to run 10-15 over the limit. A long, winding, dead road at 3 in the morning probably should have a bit higher of a speed limit than that road in the middle of rush hour. But it's really difficult to control.

That being said, I think cops are fuckin' stupid when it comes to tickets. They want money, not safety. An aggressive pass sometimes is neccessary, truth be told, but the cops could give a shit less. And nobody polices the police, so you can't really do shit but take it to court and accept it. All these stupid ticket charges result in many going to court, which is more taxpayer money, just to get it cut down in half (no where near balancing out the court costs). Is it worth it? No. But, as I said, the cops don't care. They have a job and they do it. They abuse their power? Nothing anybody's gonna do.

Ehh, kind of a ramble, but all in all I just think the ticket is one of many examples of stupidity in enforcement today. Especially in a rapidly growing city like Calgary, where there's a lot more important crimes and dangerous speeders that should be getting brought down; Not the daily driver in his whatever-mobile.

01-03-2006, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

... you sure? its 15+ km/h over for demerits. cop gave me a ticket (when i was goin 30 over) and put it at 10 km/h cause it was my first offense, he told me not only is it a lower fine but no demerits. sure enough when i got my driver record printed, no demerits.

check your sources ;)

This must be new, because I called the police about that :) 266-1234, spoke to officer robertson :)

Maybe she isn't in the know? ;) (which honestly wouldn't surprise me)

- Rasmus

01-03-2006, 07:52 AM
15km/h+ over is Demerits + Fine
14km/h-1km/h over is no Demerits just fine

I believe it is actually 15km/h-30km/h is 3 demerits and 30km/h+ is 6 demerits or more. I will check the new book I got a couple fo weeks ago and get back to you tonight on the exact amounts, it changed recently I heard.

01-03-2006, 07:55 AM
Ah, yea - must be recent - it's news to me :)

Where did ya get the new book?

01-03-2006, 07:58 AM
At the Defensive Drivign course I took. You can have it, I never look at the damn things except when thread slike this come up. Hell I think AMA gives them out for free. If they don't let me know and u can have mien and I'll go grab one, being AMA member I get them for free :D

01-03-2006, 07:59 AM
hehe, I need to renew my AMA, all i got right now is that crap #Rescue thru my phone :D

- Rasmus

01-03-2006, 08:02 AM
I need AMA Gold :(.

I've only had my membership for a year and used about 13 tows and 3 boosts, 4 lockouts for freinds. Not supposed to use that many but they keep loosing track and I know some of the drivers ;) Only supposed to have 4 discounted tows and I used those up within a month of my drivers :D

01-03-2006, 08:45 AM
I just want to add, that I was corrected on the proper pull-over procedure, so I want to add that in my original post I was wrong in saying that the guy was a moron for staying in the lane. Apparently this is the way it is.

Also, to any police out there, I think the honest ones will understand that this is merely a vent and a rant and that I suddenly am not going to go out and get my "fuck police" bumper sticker. This whole thread was merely a way of bitching about a BS ticket, which I think most Cops would even agree was. Maybe this guys wife pissed in his wheaties that morning, who knows. Either way it's a vent and I do appreciate the shit that cops have to deal with on a daily basis.

I will fight this just because having a ticket on your record that insignificant is worth trying to remove.

01-03-2006, 09:01 AM
Man, a "fuck police" bumper sticker would get you pulled over atleast 140 times a day :D EEK!

I want one of those blue "I support the blue something or other whatever" stickers ... uhm, you guys know which one, right? I respect what cops have to deal with on a daily basis - sometimes, I don't understand their reasoning in traffic... but they are only people and will sometimes take out frustration on other people.

I looked up, the next step up in AMA called "Ama Plus" will tow me 160km but I couldn't find out on their website how many times a year you are eligible? I hated having to be only towed 5km and only a certain amount of tows a year on the basic coverage.

Quick comparo for shits sake: Falck (European AMA) - Unlimited tows, Unlimited distance, 3 day rental car for any breakdown where vehicle cannot be fixed on site, free taxi from wherever vehicle was towed from to your home, if not - free hotel or flight home if you are in another country.

Price? 200 dollars a year.

How much did I cost Falck in the year 2001? 7000 dollars.
6 rental cars, 10 flats, one broken waterpump in germany and got a TAXI home 900 km!!! :) Man that was a weird ol' time :D

- Rasmus

01-03-2006, 09:05 AM
Yah those european countries take care of you! Heard some amazing shit from over there, makes me want to go ovcer there to live. BUt then I'd have to leave my american muscle here, which I will pass on moving over there :P

01-03-2006, 09:16 AM
Yea, American muscle in europe? Oops, not gonna happen - Gas prices == EEK!!! - Registration and Emissions regulations == DOUBLE EEK!

I like my Canada :) Just wish we got Falck, oh - and the german highway system!!! :D

- Rasmus

01-03-2006, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by SilverBoost
And guys, I'm not looking for sympathy here, just agreement on the BS of it.

bs ticket:thumbsdow
that sucks man...:thumbsdow

01-03-2006, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by SilverBoost


And I had the clutch in and was just coasting when I was beside him... wasn't 'that' loud, but yeah, I know what you're saying. :)


That is something you may not want to mention when you try and get it tossed. If he was pacing someone(keeping a consistent speed) and you were passing him at 10 km/h over with the clutch in that would seem to imply you had to be coasting down from a much higher speed to get all the way past him with that clutch in. :dunno: just a thought

go fight win

**Edit** oh hang on ...unless of course you were heading down a steep hill

01-03-2006, 11:43 AM
oh yeah.. forgot to mention.. i used to have a extremly modded car like yours.... i got pulled over all the time for nothing
they always let me go when they realized they didnt have anything to ticket me for...
but ever since i dont have that car.. i really havent had any trouble
*knocks on wood*

01-04-2006, 02:06 PM
I feel ya SilverBoost, been in that situation many times. Just go fight it, get your reduction and move on.

I've had a cop reissue the same ticket 3 times after its been tossed out of court 3 times. Appears as so somebody can't write a ticket right after 3 tries and still wants the person to get convicted.

01-05-2006, 12:56 AM
I hope you win.

The whole 'x'kmh over thing is BS. I think it should be a percentage. say more than 15% over = ticket. Then each higher ticket is another % over that.

lets face it 115 over most days on deerfoot is safe
at a 50kph section 15% over would be 57.5
and at 30kph 15% over would be 34.5

Unfortunately 15% over 60kph is 59...but I still hope you win heh.

01-05-2006, 01:46 AM
I think your math is wrong....

01-05-2006, 02:31 AM
im with u man cops dont do shit but the lil easy things that can be let go like for example it took a cop 2 hours to get to my buddys house when it got robbed but then 2min later they pull some guy over for spittin out the window haha just stupid shit they can let go :thumbsdow for the cops in calgary

01-05-2006, 04:40 AM
i've passed cops about 30 times slowly...

01-05-2006, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by AllGoNoShow
I think your math is wrong....


NAh ..math is fine .. I can't read lol.

He said posted limit was 80 I said 60 :eek:

15% over 80 is 92, ergo if he was doing 90 he would not have received a ticket if the cops used a % method the way I laid it out.

Either way staying up with traffic and getting a ticket is total :bullshit: hope he wins.

01-05-2006, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish

That law is for stopped emergency vehicles on the scene.

This is just to clarify

The new rules introduced by the province allows for fines double that of other speeding offences if the driver is travelling faster than 60 km/h in a construction zone, or when passing emergency vehicles or tow truck with lights flashing.