View Full Version : Do you think you tattoos need to be justified?

01-12-2006, 03:32 PM
I've really been considering a tattoo lately but I've come across a bit of a dilemma with myself in that I've always felt tattoos should be somewhat justified, i.e. represent a religion, heritage, memory etc. I've found a few pieces of art that I absolutely love but have no real connection or bond with.

Just looking for some opinions on the subject. :thumbsup:

01-12-2006, 03:39 PM
IMO tattos are a reflection of self and thus should be judged accordingly. If you are a deep believer of faith, way of living....etc and find a good symbol fine. If you like something a lot, even without a deep meaning, go for it.....just be weary if your like-ing is not something transient (ie. getting a 'dirfto' tattoo just cause of fad)....

01-12-2006, 03:45 PM
Just be sure about which tatoo you want - it'll be expensive to remove.

I also heard that you're not allowed to give blood if you have a tatoo? Not sure how true that is.

01-12-2006, 03:45 PM
Some goofy design of the name of your favorite band may be cool now, but your going to have less of a chance of regretting the decision in 10 years if it is something more thoughtful or on a more personal level....

Me for example, Tae Kwon Do is a major aspect of my life, and hes been for many years, so Im planning on getting a little maple leaf with a black belt around the waist of it :thumbsup:

01-12-2006, 03:48 PM
i am not sure what you mean by "justified"....
I got my first tattoo when i was 19, its of an Alien on the back of my neck...the reason that I got it was because it was an original design...Tattoos represent self expression.....to me anyways
If you have found some designs that you like, you have a "connection".....you like or are drawn to them for some odd reason,
If you are not sure which ones to get, try combining some of the peices together to make your own unique design.....
Good Luck!!:clap:

01-12-2006, 03:57 PM
My tattoo represents who I am. I got it done when I was in England with a friend a couple years ago. I don't think it has to have some kind of meaning to you, but if it does then I think it would mean significantly more in the long run.

Looking back, I actually kind of do regret my tattoo.

01-12-2006, 04:12 PM
I think the tattoo should be justified.

Only tattoo's I would ever get would be of a Cross, or the Lion and it's sword from the Finnish coat of arms and part of a maple leaf growing out of it's mane to show my Finnish and Canadian Nationality.

01-12-2006, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
Looking back, I actually kind of do regret my tattoo.

What did you get if you don't mind me asking?

The is kind of what I'm thinking of getting, with a cross behind the angel instead of around her neck.


And I'd like to have it colored darker sort of like this one so it doesn't look too sissy.



01-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by richardchan2002

I also heard that you're not allowed to give blood if you have a tatoo? Not sure how true that is.

no truth to that whatsoever, must just be an old wives tale

01-12-2006, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by DUBBED

What did you get if you don't mind me asking?

I got an arm band. It has some significance to me, which I can't really explain in a public forum, sorry :)

01-12-2006, 04:24 PM
Do whatever you like, but just be sure that you will like it for the rest of your life... I have a couple, and they have significance to me, and no one really sees them.

01-12-2006, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by FatboyTheHungry
Do whatever you like, but just be sure that you will like it for the rest of your life... I have a couple, and they have significance to me, and no one really sees them.

:werd: :werd:

get one for yourself, not for someone else.. ie)show off.. haha

01-12-2006, 04:32 PM
I think they have to be justified in that they must be something you truly believe in so that you will enjoy it forever.

01-12-2006, 04:33 PM
Tattoo's can be serious or they can be frivolous, it doesn't matter to anyone but you.

I personally have over 40 hrs of time under the needle. Some of my tattoo's have deep meaning to me and others were random and quickly decided upon. Sure there are some of my first tattoos that if I was to do again today, I would probably have done something different, but that doesn't mean I don't like them any less. No matter what, I look at all of them as a reminder of the time in my life that I got it, and how I was then and how I was feeling at that point in my life. There is nothing wrong with that at all...

In other words, if you want one, go for it. It only has to make you happy. Just remember it's for life so don't tattoo "fuck you" backwards on your forehead or anything, but just get something that makes you feel good!

01-12-2006, 04:35 PM
^^^ Cool man that's exactly what I've been thinking, I'll probably go check out some shops tomorrow and get some prices. :thumbsup:

01-12-2006, 04:58 PM
Ask Steve-O!

01-12-2006, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by eljefe

no truth to that whatsoever, must just be an old wives tale

Actually I think it is true. Of course I don't have to much solid evidence to back it up besides a vague memory of a nurse asking me if I'd gotten any tatoos before giving blood.

01-12-2006, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Actually I think it is true. Of course I don't have to much solid evidence to back it up besides a vague memory of a nurse asking me if I'd gotten any tatoos before giving blood.

i've heard that a while back too that they ask you before you donate blood.. :dunno:

01-12-2006, 05:56 PM
Before you donate blood, you are given a questionaire with questions that include things like new tattoo, drugs, or sex with a prostitute identify potential risk. I think the guideline is something like 6 months after a new tattoo, but I could be wrong.

01-12-2006, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by FatboyTheHungry
Before you donate blood, you are given a questionaire with questions that include things like new tattoo, drugs, or sex with a prostitute identify potential risk. I think the guideline is something like 6 months after a new tattoo, but I could be wrong.

Yes, this is accurate.

About the tattoo... like others have said, be sure that whatever you get is something you can always live with. I know about 4 years ago I wanted to get a tattoo so badly. I kept putting it off because I wasn't 100% sure. Today, I'm so thankful I didn't get it because I wouldn't like it now.

01-12-2006, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by FatboyTheHungry
Before you donate blood, you are given a questionaire with questions that include things like new tattoo, drugs, or sex with a prostitute identify potential risk. I think the guideline is something like 6 months after a new tattoo, but I could be wrong.

ahhh recent tattoo yes but not denied donating because you have one,

Canadian blood services;

In the last 6 months have you had a tattoo, ear piercing, acupuncture...................

EK 2.0
01-12-2006, 06:10 PM
Tattoo's...I wish I had one...:D

Hmmmm I think tattoo's more than anything should mean something to you. Not have to be "justified" persay. Like Bob mentioned above...I have some ink now that I would not get today, but still love nonetheless. But the name's of wives, and husbands I feel are a no-no and most inker's won't even do them unless they are dead. For obvious reasons...as they might not be a spouse like 6 mins after you ink yourself up.

But make sure that you have chosen it wisely...no matter what it is...I mean it's on your skin forever...and yes you can get cover-ups...or laser removal...but the laser's leave a scar...and cover-up's can get pretty large in size depepnding on what/who they are covering up.

*off for a new tatty*

01-12-2006, 06:13 PM
Ive been toying with something comical, like the idea of some water drops on my forearm....

then when people ask what it is, i just tell them "Oh that... THE PIPES MUST BE LEAKING"! And its a joke, because i'm so scrawny.

Hehe i think i would regret it in 5 years.

01-12-2006, 06:15 PM
Dubbed, if you like it and really want it, that should be enough justification.

01-12-2006, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0
Tattoo's...I wish I had one...:D

I have some ink now that I would not get today, but still love nonetheless. But the name's of wives, and husbands I feel are a no-no and most inker's won't even do them unless they are dead. For obvious reasons...as they might not be a spouse like 6 mins after you ink yourself up.
*off for a new tatty* I actually have my wifes name on me, but I am okay with that because no matter what, even if she fucks me over good, she is still the mother of my children, and that is one thing (actually 2 things) that I will always be able to say is something amazing that can never be taken away from me, and that deserves respect and a a place of stature on my body...

01-12-2006, 06:54 PM
For my 20th birthday, my girlfriend got me a tattoo. I chose the slipknot S, with a 9 pointed star in the background. Why? Because I love slipknot, and i really liked the symbol. I didn't get the word Slipknot tattoo'd for a reason, and that's pretty obvious.

I don't think tattoo's HAVE to be justified, I just think they should. Like at least have a reason for getting one. For example. my sister got a tattoo of a frog on a stick... I really don't like that one, because she didn't get it for any reason. But I'm also a hypocrite when it comes to that. Because I've seen tons of tattoo's that are just amazing, and I would love to get, but they wouldn't mean anything to me.

I'd rather be sorry for getting one done, then never getting one, and being 70 and wishing I had.

01-12-2006, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by CMSbob
I actually have my wifes name on me, but I am okay with that because no matter what, even if she fucks me over good, she is still the mother of my children, and that is one thing (actually 2 things) that I will always be able to say is something amazing that can never be taken away from me, and that deserves respect and a a place of stature on my body... :werd: good point

01-12-2006, 07:16 PM
I got a tattoo on my lower stomach kind of swimming around that below the belt line. And its just a tribal design kind of in the shave of a V or and Arrow as some people joke. But i got it because i enjoyed it plus its somewhere that if i'm dressing up nice its hidden.

And if you get a tattoo or piercing you have to wait a year to donate blood. I can finally start to donate in Feb.

Like some people are saying, if you like it do it for yourself. I see mine every morning and evening in the bathroom mirror, and don't regret it. Hell old men with tats are the coolest.

01-12-2006, 07:34 PM
IMO, i used to think that tattoos had to be something significant to the person. but then after talking to people and what not, tattoos can also be used as a time line. You know what i mean? "i got this tattoo for the last time i did drugs" "this tattoo represents blah blah, this tattoo"

i don't know if that made sense but yeah...i don't regret my tattoo and i've had it for 3 years now

01-12-2006, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Grip172
IMO, i used to think that tattoos had to be something significant to the person. but then after talking to people and what not, tattoos can also be used as a time line. You know what i mean? "i got this tattoo for the last time i did drugs" "this tattoo represents blah blah, this tattoo"

i don't know if that made sense but yeah...i don't regret my tattoo and i've had it for 3 years now

:werd: Very well put ----

01-12-2006, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Barking_Spidre
I'd rather be sorry for getting one done, then never getting one, and being 70 and wishing I had.

That's exactly what I've been thinking. I guess it will have some meaning in that it will represent a part of my life that was horrible in some ways, but that I'm glad I experienced.

I'm going to go tommorrow to get something priced out!!

01-13-2006, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by DUBBED

That's exactly what I've been thinking. I guess it will have some meaning in that it will represent a part of my life that was horrible in some ways, but that I'm glad I experienced.

I'm going to go tommorrow to get something priced out!!

Make sure its custom! Don't pick from a book, has more meaning that way. :)

01-13-2006, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Barking_Spidre

Make sure its custom! Don't pick from a book, has more meaning that way. :) Not always man... A few of my absolute favourite tattoo's were picked randomly out of a book. If you are a tattoo connoisseur maybe you want a truely traditional Sailor Jerry pin-up girl, or maybe a Curly Roberts peice, etc. If you are into tattooing for what it is and the history behind it you can have a completely different outlook. Nothing wrong with picking out of a book if you like it and have a respect for it...

01-13-2006, 09:15 AM
I think your tatoo(s) should be justified, but thats just me. Even if they aren't it ok. But it's dumb just having a shit load just for the hell of it.

01-13-2006, 10:09 AM
People change. You may be the same person ten years from now, but your taste may have changed drastically. You have to be able to justify your decision now so that later you won't hate what you got done. You may no longer care about or it may not have any significance, but at very least it'll act as a record of who you were at a point in time.

I don't think it's possible to expect to feel the same way about a tattoo ten years down the road. If you look at anything for ten years straight it'll lose significance. As you grow and evolve so will how you percieve the things you've done, and your experience will inform that. As long as you can look at a tattoo a decade from now and not slap yourself in the forhead and say, 'what the fuck was I thinking?!?' then no harm done. If you can look at your tattoo and fondly remember who you were back then, then the tattoo was worth getting.

Personally, I got a totally custom tattoo by a scratcher when I was too young to know better (23 years old was still too young to know better for me). A year later I went to Art College and it radically transformed my taste and understanding of visual arts, not to mention made me realize that I was a much better artist than the guy who tattooed me. So looking back, I'd have done it differently, but I don't regret what I've done. I don't hate my tattoo, but I don't really give a shit about it either. It doesn't mean anything to me, despite the fact that I came up with the design myself. But my next tattoos will be done only by the best artists and the design will be totally custom and totally significant to me. If not, I won't have learned from my mistakes.

01-13-2006, 10:10 AM
I don't regret mine at all, I don't think I ever will either. I have an ankh on my right lower back ( I know..I know...ALL girls get tattooed on their lower back) I was told I couldn't donate blood for 2 years. Maybe they've changed it now though, I've had mine for 5 years now.

*edit, plus if I ever get killed it's one more identifying mark on me. ;)

01-13-2006, 10:17 AM
Tattoos arm just another form of expression, imo. They can mean something to you, or they can just be a fancy design that you like. I love my tattoo, its the Japanese symbol Kai, because that was my nick name in japan, and thats how I had to sign my name. But my room mate has this dumb celtic symbol with a maple leaf in it, and to me its dumb. But its his choice, and he has to live with it.

01-13-2006, 02:19 PM
I'll put it this way: make sure that it's something that means something to you... and think LONG term.

You'll be alive for a while and you don't want something stupid, meaningless, trendy, or immature (ie. like a GFs name, or a car logo --- if you own the car manufacturer that's a diff. story).

If it's just some random thing, you may wind up regretting it and want it removed. It's a pretty much permanent way of marking your body (tatoos can be somewhat removed but not perfectly and it can be pricey).