View Full Version : My First Anime Music Video

01-14-2006, 10:36 PM
hey guys im finally done working on my project
ive been working about a week on this hope its any good
its pretty much advent children with a rap song
its pretty much kind of a sad type of song but i belive
it fits in with the video somehow lol
so hope u guys like it


please leave some feedback positive and negative

y negative so i know what to work on anyways hope u guys
like it

01-15-2006, 04:42 AM
Your choice of music was questionable, but that's a taste thing. I feel that R&B music really clashes with the theme and style of Advent Children.

Editing was there, but you didn't seem to do any timing to make the flow of the video flow with the beat of the music. Scene transitions look best when in sync with the beat, not randomly scattered throughout.

Making AMV's is an involved process, no doubt - I'd know, having made a few of my own in the past. Keep trying, make sure your music fits your subject. (To be honest, I've never seen rap/r&b/hip-hop used in an effective AMV. It just doesn't fit most styles.)

I'll try to find some examples for you to work off of, if I can.

Edit: First AMV I made, years and years and years ago:

(Copy and paste into browser)


Almost everything is timed exactly to the music - I spent dozens of hours getting the timings as exact as I could. I used Adobe Premiere.

Here's one that's much better than mine.


Special effects and excellent scene choice make this video really stand out.

01-15-2006, 01:47 PM
Yeah I'm with BerserkerCatSplat, the music doesn't really suit the video. I think music with more tempo (like rock, or trance/rave) would have been a better choice.

01-15-2006, 10:36 PM
tyhanks for the tip guys now i know what i need to work on