View Full Version : Yet another new club site

01-16-2006, 11:35 PM
Not much to say other than check it out and decide for yourself if you like it.

The basic idea is a place for boosted users to chat, share ideas, swap tips and tricks, and to source out tuning programs.

Non-boosted members are always welcome.

The site can be found at ClubBoosted.com (http://clubboosted.com)

01-17-2006, 01:54 PM
I forgot to mention that some of the forums are hidden and available to registered users only. One of the forums is the Tuning Programs Download Forum.

It costs nothing to register.

01-17-2006, 02:21 PM
It's pretty dead, and all the tech stuff seems to be copied from uberdata and honda-tech.

01-18-2006, 03:07 AM
damn the biggest forum has 6 posts! woah!

01-18-2006, 04:47 AM

01-18-2006, 08:42 AM
i think i'll stick with beyond! :D

01-18-2006, 08:36 PM
Geez, it's only 4 days old. Gimme a break. :) Think beyond was born with as many members as it has today? Such narrow vision in some people. :poosie:

And yes, some of the information was borrowed from other sites. I'm really not that knowledgable in such thi9ngs, but at least I can learn. :nut:

And just to clarify, I'm not trying to steal Beyond members. :) Just thought the forum was a good idea, as it would provide something local. :thumbsup:

EK 2.0
01-18-2006, 08:43 PM

01-18-2006, 08:46 PM
Grin, It's just sharing. :devil:

01-18-2006, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Blue-Wolf
Geez, it's only 4 days old. Gimme a break. :) Think beyond was born with as many members as it has today? Such narrow vision in some people. :poosie:

And yes, some of the information was borrowed from other sites. I'm really not that knowledgable in such thi9ngs, but at least I can learn. :nut:

And just to clarify, I'm not trying to steal Beyond members. :) Just thought the forum was a good idea, as it would provide something local. :thumbsup:

what happened to the other forum you made before?

01-18-2006, 08:51 PM
Basically, it just didn't take off. I was warned there was a lot of competition for forums buying and selling things, but I was silly and started it anyway. Ran it for a while, but nothing ever came of it, so I finally saw the light and shut it down. I have doubts about how popular this new forum will be, but I am willing to invest the time in it to find out. If it flops, then so be it, but at least I was able to research some good information, or at least I think it is good. :)

01-18-2006, 09:03 PM
why do you want to start a successful forum??...i am no expert, but i am sure that the profit margins are minimal....and there isn't too much of a wow factor in it either.....

01-18-2006, 09:08 PM
That's the thing, I'm not in it for profit. If it does work that way, I won't complain, but I'm not in it for the money.

I just want a place where people who share the same interests can come and chat and get support, the same as Beyond. :) But, catering to a more specialized crowd.

01-18-2006, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Blue-Wolf
That's the thing, I'm not in it for profit. If it does work that way, I won't complain, but I'm not in it for the money.

I just want a place where people who share the same interests can come and chat and get support, the same as Beyond. :) But, catering to a more specialized crowd.

well best of luck to you.....

i was actually one of the first to join your buy-sell market place....kinda disapointed it went nowhere

01-18-2006, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by jaysas_63

well best of luck to you.....

i was actually one of the first to join your buy-sell market place....kinda disapointed it went nowhere

I was disappointed also. But, like I said, I was warned. :)

EK 2.0
01-18-2006, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Blue-Wolf
I just want a place where people who share the same interests can come and chat and get support, the same as Beyond. :) But, catering to a more specialized crowd.

Hmmmm like our sub forums and local communities??:dunno:

01-18-2006, 10:03 PM
Sort of. :) But beyond caters to everyone in some manner or another. And that is great! I'd do that too if I thought I had a chance of competing against Beyond, 780, 7thgen, etcetera... But, I'm just a small guy. :) Figuratively speaking of course, so we will just leave my belly out of this for now. :) Basically, I'm catering to the boosted or generally curious. I don't expect it to be a big gatthering of users, but some who use the board would be nice. :)

EK 2.0
01-18-2006, 10:20 PM
I'm not tryin ta hate...so sorry if it is coming off like that mang...good luck to you...

01-18-2006, 10:39 PM
Never thought of it as hating at all. :) I rather enjoyed being asked why, what, who, and how come. :) As a matter of fact, in my banners that I have, I do have beyond listed in there so people know I support this site. :)

I can honestly say there are many awsome people on here. People who came out at 2am to help a fellow member when his car quit on him, people who helped diagnose and fix the problem, and people who were willing to pay out of pocket (but didn't have to) to help a fellow member get back on the road. THIS is the type of community I want to build, even if it is on a much smaller scale. :)

Beyond is awsome becuase of its' members!

01-21-2006, 11:46 AM
Wow, it sure got quiet in here all of the sudden. :)

01-21-2006, 01:22 PM
hey dude. i registered just to help you out. ill try to remember to check it out as often as possible.


just remember i get 1/2 of the profit now.:thumbsup: :D :rofl:

01-21-2006, 03:36 PM
Always appreciate the help. :) No profit for me tho. Everything is free at the moment. Maybe sometime in the future we can talk tho. :)

For now, all I am interested in doing is getting discounts and deals for club members, which I have some in the works already. :)

01-21-2006, 03:57 PM
i really wish you the best of luck.

come on guys, it doesnt take much to register and its easy too. just try it out.

01-21-2006, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Fez_turbo
i really wish you the best of luck.

Thank you. :)

01-21-2006, 04:58 PM
Here's some suggestions from someone who's done it before.

1. DONT SPAM. People hate spam. When we started beyond, we never advertised. We still don't. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing. People buy our stickers, hoodies, t-shirts, lanyards to advertise for us. We never force ppl to come here by going on other popular forums and telling them to try it out. All you'll get is negativity (see this thread).

2. MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT. Copying content from H-T or Uberdata is useless. With google being able to find ANYTHING, there would be no reason to go to your site, cuz everyone would go to the original site with better content. Well I guess you can copy everything (like wikipedia) but if you don't rewrite everything, prepare to get sued. Look at how much I've contributed to this site as the owner, I wrote tons of tech articles, taught people how to tune. Don't start a forum to get popular, start a problem to help others with what you're good with.

3. DONT WORRY ABOUT THE NAME. You can pay big bucks for cool names, but that won't help a dead forum. Look at this site, wtf kinda name is beyond for a car forum? lol. Just my old company domain, so we just used it. The content makes the site, not the name.

4. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. We differentiated ourselves by finding out what people want, and providing it for them.

5. DONT ASK FOR SPONSORS RIGHT AWAY. It just makes you look stupid. Sponsors aren't going to pay to get nothing back, you have to price your advertising so people that pay will know they will get MORE back from sales than they paid for the advertising. Why would they want to pay you for nothing?

6. HAVE DEEP POCKETS. Related to #5. It ain't cheap running a forum. Search back on all the crazy hardware I had to invest in to keep this place running. Thank god for all our sponsors :thumbsup:. You're not going to get sponsors until you get busy, and during that time of growth, it's painful to your wallet. Look at how many huge forums out there that got huge, and had to shut down because they ran out of money. People use forums cuz it's free, and are generally cheap. Just look at our marketplace full of lowballers :rofl:. Taking away the free aspect will kill a forum, and not asking for money will kill a forum too. Deep pockets!!!

7. HAVE PATIENCE. Site doesn't grow overnight. Like you said, it took a while for beyond to get to where we are today.

Good luck.

01-28-2006, 05:33 PM
That is good advice. And I appreciate you posting this. I have some ideas to make it different, and I think it may work, but the money is, as you said, a big part of it. I honestly went in to this not thinking of profit. But the rest of the stuff, like advertisers, we can discuss in PM if you want as I'm doing mine a little different at the moment, and it seems to be generating some interest. :)

01-28-2006, 06:09 PM
yea man good luck :thumbsup: hopefully it will take off

01-28-2006, 06:52 PM