View Full Version : *sigh* Stupid People

01-30-2006, 11:33 PM
so heres the story,

i just get home from dropping off my girlfriend and the phone rings so i pick it up and this guy says he was driving drunk and says he hit my car.

so me thinking i just drove my car home was fine so i went outside and checked on my parents van, also perfect,

so i went in the garage and checked the 2 cars in there, also fine

so while im checkin this guy is goin off about how drunk he is and just wants to meet up with me to pay for the damages,

what was wiered i asked him how he got my number and said my neighbour walkin her black poodle gave it to him.

and the thing is my neighbour does have a black poodle,

so i tell him all the cars here are fine and he starts sayin why didn't i just take the money and blah blah blah.

so i tell him im not shady like that,

than he says this is a prank call and asks me how my girlfriend is.....so me thinkin it was someone that somewhat knows me and my nieghbours and knows im goin out with this girl...i was stupid and got mad and tried to get him to meet up with me to fight ....

stupid me i know.

but it just pissed me off because i thought i was doin the right thing yet it blows up in my face./....

sorry for the rant.

01-30-2006, 11:39 PM
Stupid people are everywhere, they don't know they are stupid. :drama:

01-31-2006, 12:07 AM
well that happens when you date gwai mouy hahaha. girls aint nothing but...

01-31-2006, 12:09 AM
LOL so i see you read the chinese new years thread!

ahahah how would this have to deal with my gf though??

01-31-2006, 12:17 AM
It was me

01-31-2006, 02:06 AM