View Full Version : JFK Assassination

02-08-2006, 04:58 PM
Perhaps known as one of the greatest murder mysteries of all time, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has for years intrigued scholars, authors and the average American citizen. The assassination can be classified into two distinct categories: method and significance. Few would argue that too much emphasis has been given to the method and very little to the significance. This is exactly how the perpetrators would like it to be. Photographic evidence along with eyewitness testimony has already conclusively proven that JFK was shot by more than one assassin. The Mary Mormon photo clearly shows the profile of a shooter behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll. It is obviously someone wearing a policeman's uniform {some speculate it was J.D. Tippit}. This was the fatal head shot. Two other bullets struck the President; the first one entered at the base of the throat and the second struck him in the back. While the positions of the assassins makes for a good game of clue, the more important issue is the significance of the assassination.

Many have speculated that the former Soviet Union, Cuba, the KKK, the Mafia, LBJ, CIA and the FBI all had strong motives to attempt this. However, given the connection of Lee Harvey Oswald to the CIA and Jack Ruby to the Mafia along with the altered autopsy reports, the evidence points to a coup de' dat by the CIA. They did it because they believed JFK was taking the United States on the wrong path towards dealing with communism. That is the reason why the cover-up has been sustained for so long. The perpetrators honestly believed they were doing the right thing for the United States at the time. The will of the people was discarded in favor of preserving the nation as they saw fit. Unfortunately, they didn't realize the long term effects of the assassination. One result was the increased power of capitalism over democracy. Profit has become more important than freedom. Corporations are more concerned with increasing the wealth of a select few than with promoting the general welfare of the very nation that allows them to conduct business. A second result has been the subordination of this nation's civil liberties to the private agendas of the powers that be. The only opinions that are accepted today are those that further the bottom line. Contrary opinions are discouraged and distorted by spin doctors. The only explanation for the lack of attention given to the significance of the assassination is because the government, the military and the media all know what happened and to expose the event for what it really was goes to the central core of what constitutes the United States of America.

02-08-2006, 05:12 PM
Pulling out of Vietnam, breaking up the Mafia, working for a detente with the USSR and ending the Cold War, normalization of relations with Cuba, threatening to "scatter the CIA to the four winds", pushing racial integration and civil rights, threatening the oil depletion allowance tax that financed national elections for the oil companies, bucking the Pentagon during the Bay of Pigs planned fiasco and again during the Cuban Missile Crisis, firing Allen Dulles and Richard Bissel from the CIA, working to remove J. Edgar Hoover (had he been re-elected), standing up to Wall Street and big business during the US Steel strike and on other issues, and giving the people of this country its first sense of hope for an elected leader that might respond to their desire for peace, justice and change were the reasons the Pentagon and the CIA had him killed and replaced by Lyndon Johnson.

02-08-2006, 07:04 PM
Yup. I agree that it was an internal thing. JFK was a good man. If you ever go to Dallas, go to the 6th floor museum and look at the bullshit there.

02-26-2006, 01:26 PM
good points..

02-26-2006, 01:35 PM
Just how many boards have you posted the exact message on?

02-26-2006, 02:39 PM
Someone google "Mary Mormon photo" to see what I mean (and, FYI, its Mary Moorman).

02-26-2006, 02:51 PM
Hmm..interesting read. Defintely a controversial event in American history. I always thought Oswald did it...


02-26-2006, 06:49 PM
Got a couple of hours?

