View Full Version : Cure for AIDS?

02-08-2006, 08:29 PM
Interesting.... This would be great news.


Gondi Stylez
02-08-2006, 08:33 PM
:thumbsup: love to read his publication when it comes out!

02-09-2006, 05:20 PM

02-09-2006, 07:35 PM
Chuck Norris had AIDS but he cured himself by flexing for five minutes.

02-09-2006, 07:53 PM
isnt there a guy here in calgary that claims he had the cure to AIDS like 5 years ago, but drug companies stopped him from showing it to the world?

02-09-2006, 08:52 PM
Good idea to buy stock in Ceragenix?

02-09-2006, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
I doubt they will ever release the cure for AIDS. They have inhibitor drugs that manage the disease for life, and the drug companies will make a lot more money on those, why would they want people to have the cure?

Originally posted by turbotrip
isnt there a guy here in calgary that claims he had the cure to AIDS like 5 years ago, but drug companies stopped him from showing it to the world?

Holy conspiracy theories Batman!

Seriously. Anyone who would be able to cure AIDS would be the hero of the 21st century. I am pretty sure most drug companies would back down.

02-09-2006, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

Holy conspiracy theories Batman!

Seriously. Anyone who would be able to cure AIDS would be the hero of the 21st century. I am pretty sure most drug companies would back down.

What do corporations want? Heros or to make a profit. Think about that for a second. Drug companies are the same as oil companies, they only stay in business if they have demand for their products.

02-09-2006, 09:47 PM
No joke. My dad knows a 80 year old guy, who has cured 2 people with aids. He wont tell us how. But he did it through natural ways (food you eat, exercies)

I dont expect a single person to believe me.

Its true.

02-09-2006, 09:54 PM
Thank God I have had aides forever now

Gondi Stylez
02-10-2006, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by mac_82

What do corporations want? Heros or to make a profit. Think about that for a second. Drug companies are the same as oil companies, they only stay in business if they have demand for their products.

although this is mostly true i HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that drug companies would put up a fight against the person/people/lab who comes up with the AIDS cure! that is not onlythe greatest accomplishment (medically) in the 21st century but also noble prize winning!

plus you CANNOT have a cure for AIDS and then have these "inhibitor drugs" that slowly give the required dosage or w/e 01reddx was explaining!

Gondi Stylez
02-10-2006, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by natejj
No joke. My dad knows a 80 year old guy, who has cured 2 people with aids. He wont tell us how. But he did it through natural ways (food you eat, exercies)

I dont expect a single person to believe me.

Its true.

i like most ppl will call :bullshit: on that because it just IS NOT possible... BUT i will give u :thumbsup: :thumbsup: for postting that!

02-10-2006, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by natejj
No joke. My dad knows a 80 year old guy, who has cured 2 people with aids. He wont tell us how. But he did it through natural ways (food you eat, exercies)

I dont expect a single person to believe me.

Its true.

this person isnt an asian man who use to work at the university is it?

02-10-2006, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
isnt there a guy here in calgary that claims he had the cure to AIDS like 5 years ago, but drug companies stopped him from showing it to the world?

holy crap! its like that time I figured out cold fusion and the oil and energy companies stopped me... :rolleyes:

PaPa LuV
02-10-2006, 05:08 AM
Just think.....

Do you really think that the world goverments would allow for a cure. what would happen to our world population if a cure is in deed found. Will we have enough natural resources to fuel our economy, and enough land to populate them.
I hate to say this, because my mom has cancer, but I think we do have a cure for cancer and aids, its just the goverments way to control the population.

Dont be hating, I know this is a sensitive issue, thats just my opinion.

02-10-2006, 06:37 AM
How the hell is cancer and AID's under government control for contorlling population? Its not like the government sents out AID's agents to help control the population by killing some of it off. Dumbass.

02-10-2006, 07:00 AM
as much as some of you hate to know it
the government the world leaders the big pharmacutical companies all push down people who may have found cures for cancer or aids or whatever other diseases they may have that are "uncurable" they just make pills to supress symptoms but they keep you coming back with side effects and all that shit

Look at asian countries such an india and china they can cure so many different types of diseases and its been said there have been patients there that have had cancer cured so for those of you that think its impossible that their is a cure...take a look at your government and the people running all these big corporations and think again cuz after all its all about the $$$

02-10-2006, 07:05 AM
You could make more off of a few weaker dossages of an expensive drug that worked for everyone then a shitload of dosages for a cheaper drug that might not work for everyone so some people don't even use it.

Not to mention instant profits if a cure drug is released, everyone will want it NOW.

02-10-2006, 09:27 AM
Gah think of this scenario ..

If Drug company A has a lifetime treatment but also finds a cure it would be stupid for them not to release it.

If they can find a cure then drug company B can, and if drug company B releases a cure everyone at drug company A - who discovered it first would have to keep their clams shut or go to jail.

Moreover if Drug company B finds a cure you know they will release it just to keep drug company A from profiting. You can also bet that if drug company B knows if they can research and find a cure surely drug company A can, and they had better release their cure first or lose out.

02-10-2006, 05:15 PM
LOL...can you imagine if there were a cure for all STD's. Condom companies would go broke...LOL.

02-11-2006, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
LOL...can you imagine if there were a cure for all STD's. Condom companies would go broke...LOL.

lol a cure for std's doesn't prevent babies :thumbsup:

02-12-2006, 11:40 AM
thanks for the sig ;)

02-12-2006, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by yellowsnow

lol a cure for std's doesn't prevent babies :thumbsup:

http://www.flashasylum.com/db/files/Comics/pregnant.jpg :thumbsup:

02-12-2006, 12:19 PM
:thumbsup: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

02-12-2006, 05:15 PM
yeah its been said before and its true.

drug companies make money, and lots of it, selling stuff that doesnt work, but kinda does, or just helps you.

its a strange, money grabbing world we live in.

02-12-2006, 05:40 PM
While I have no doubts that our "exposure" to drugs/cures/advances in technology are somewhat controlled by our institutions for our own supposed good, I wouldn't think it possible to forever suppress the actualy discovery of a cure.

It's not exactly the case that only one individual, research institution, educational instituion, or company in the world is working on a cure for a particular disease and even pursuing the same directions in research. Given that plus the way that information is shared these days (i.e. internet) it's not likely...

As for a cure for cancer already having been discovered and individuals claiming locally that they had cured it through diet, etc.. I wouldn't be so quick to discount them altogether. Maybe - maybe not...I don't think we know nearly as much about medicine in this part of the world as we would like to think and we are pretty close minded at times. For example, there are medical practices in asian cultures that undoubtedly work (i.e. accupuncture) that we don't really even have a clue as to how.

08-16-2006, 11:03 PM

08-16-2006, 11:06 PM
Whatever happened to Magic Johnson? How come he hasn't died from the disease?

08-16-2006, 11:31 PM
Damn old thread, but anyways saw on the news the other day that Bill Gates Invested $300 million in finding the cure for AIDS, he was teaming up with Bill Clinton

08-16-2006, 11:47 PM
Think of how much money is being put into Bill Gate's AIDS fund? Pharmaceutical companieswould make millions, think of how many people have AIDS in Africa and around the world? I do agree at a profitable standpoint that not releasing a cure would both control human population and create steady profits. However, if the WHO heard there was a cure for a disease on this scale, it would not be turned down. Take for example, a stem cell research lab, trying to create a cure for Parkinson's Disease through gene therapy(taking the bad gene out, putting in a new one basically). Do you honestly think that the pharmaceutical companies are going to try to bomb/destroy their labs because they are developing a possible cure for that individual and generations after, which in turn would be major revenue lost? Extreme? Yes, but I hope the concept is there to understand.

Sort of related to what I believe a lot of people are trying to get across is a story about a man during the 60's in California who created a vehicle(The Sunshine Car I'm told) to run on water ( or hygroden and produce water, I can't remember). Oil tychoons tried to have this man killed from what I'm told. For a country like the US, I could see this type of situation happening because, well, look at their President........ don't even get me started.

As for the herbal/natural cure spoken of before, it's hard to say. How the virus specifically works in the host cell, it would seems like a impermeable barrier would have to be turned on by RNA or something of that nature in the host cell. To do this, something on a micro-scale would have to be looked at. I have high doubts that a mixture of foods/herbs would be able to turn off or on a promoter for this case. I'm not denying it isn't possible and if it was, that would be amazing, but it's hard not to have doubts which I feel is understandable.

It just occured to me as I was reading back on my post that the idea of this food/herb having the ability to isolate infected T-cells and/or produce more T-cells may be able to hide the effects (weak immune system) of the AIDS virus. Very interesting, I would love to know what herbs/foods to taken.

08-16-2006, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by natejj
No joke. My dad knows a 80 year old guy, who has cured 2 people with aids. He wont tell us how. But he did it through natural ways (food you eat, exercies)

I dont expect a single person to believe me.

Its true.

What he suggsted they do/eat probably just supressed their symptoms greatly and made them feel better and capable to do more, I'm sure it did not cure anything.

08-16-2006, 11:57 PM
Although heavily opinionated, I found this to be an interesting article when I was searching for how much money they have in the fund in general.


Also, Warren Buffett gave 44 Billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, I'm sure he knows what his money is doing however.


And for anyone interested in looking at what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is about in respect to AIDS help, here is a link

08-17-2006, 12:06 AM
Drug companies are probably still pissed from all the money they lost when they cured Polio...

08-17-2006, 12:09 AM
Just shows you what people really care about...

08-17-2006, 08:26 AM
I think people have to realize that there are still people, that stand behind and make the descions for every corporation out there.

Pretend you were the head CEO of some giant pharmaceutal company, i doubt that any person in the world could have the depravity to suppress an AIDS cure. There have only been a few drugs that have gone to a wide scale test, requiring thousands of test subjects, and none have been successfull to date.

Besides, you have BILL GATES backing your research. I'm pretty sure, that if you had the cure, he could manage to start you up a little company to start producing the drugs.

Currently, researches claim that we actually do have the cure in the form of our current drug cocktails. These can suppress the virological component to either un-detectable, or near undetectable level, and they CLAIM (as per the 1 hour special on the national) that if everyone who had HIV was properly medicated, the disease would die out in 1 generation because it woudl be untransmittable.

08-17-2006, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
isnt there a guy here in calgary that claims he had the cure to AIDS like 5 years ago, but drug companies stopped him from showing it to the world?

was he one of the few people that made millions on BRE-X?

08-17-2006, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Crymson
Currently, researches claim that we actually do have the cure in the form of our current drug cocktails. These can suppress the virological component to either un-detectable, or near undetectable level, and they CLAIM (as per the 1 hour special on the national) that if everyone who had HIV was properly medicated, the disease would die out in 1 generation because it woudl be untransmittable.

i saw that on tv last night, but i remember him saying that it would take 3 generations. in the end i dont think it will work becasues the HIV virus mutates and builds amunity to drugs after a while, so the ppl hav to constantly switch to a different drug that prevents the HIV virus from attacking the t4 cells. and once the virus is spread onto another host, the virus already mutated from the previous host, so the new host has to find alternative drugs that the previous host did not use yet.

08-17-2006, 07:17 PM
^^^^^A major problem with doctors prescribing anti-biotics for everything!!!!

I wouldn't define a cure by something that happens over 3 generations. A cure would detect and kill the AIDS virus which is pretty difficult. Or make it impossible to penetrate DNA into host cells in which case you would just be a carrier, leaving the option again for mutations.

I'm glad to see that people recongize that BS most people talk about is just talk. Like the oil companies trying to screw everyone over on purpose. It's absurd.

As for the Bill Gates situation, I think he is at a point in his life where he knows that whatever he wants, he can buy. It's obvious. You think he's donating this money to claim tax right-offs? I don't think so. Knowing he is donating money selflessly to an organization such as this is excellent, especially all the research required which isn't cheap by any means.

Crymson, where did you get your informatin on this drug cocktail? I'm interested in reading it. The virus being undetectable would be a bad thing for the immune system as it wouldn't even know what hit it, I think you ment it the other way around but I know what you mean regardless;)

08-17-2006, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by msommers
Crymson, where did you get your informatin on this drug cocktail? I'm interested in reading it. The virus being undetectable would be a bad thing for the immune system as it wouldn't even know what hit it, I think you ment it the other way around but I know what you mean regardless;)

HIV virus is undetectable by the imune system, t4 cells are like the scouts of the imune system they detect possible virus and send messages to "somthing that i dont remember the name of", and then the body sends white blood cells to attack the virus. but waht the HIV virus does is it attacks the t4 cells and changes the DNA of the cell in to itself.

the theory behind this cure is, the drugs that we already hav for aids patients stops the HIV virus from attacking the t4 cells. this makes it so that the HIV virus cannot reproduce so there is less of the virus in the host. If there is less of the virus then the chances of infecting another person is lower and hopefullly the host will not be able to infect another person so the virus dies with the host. curently right now only 10% of infected ppl have access to these drugs. so for this to start workin there is a need for 100% of ppl taking the drug.

08-17-2006, 11:18 PM
The content item you have requested is no longer available.

sounded interesting

08-17-2006, 11:25 PM

working link

08-18-2006, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by natejj
No joke. My dad knows a 80 year old guy, who has cured 2 people with aids. He wont tell us how. But he did it through natural ways (food you eat, exercies)

I dont expect a single person to believe me.

Its true.

Is his name Dr. Miracles?