View Full Version : which would have more free flowing ability?

02-09-2006, 08:47 PM
im gonna build me a 3" exhast :D for more flow and less back pressure for a turbo setup in the future and just wanna know your opinions on bends.

would a 90 degree mandrel bent flow more freely then 2 45 degree mandrel bent elbows?

02-09-2006, 09:08 PM
I don't think so, 2 45's is a more gradual bend therefore less restriction

02-09-2006, 09:14 PM
Hey another Canmorite, whats going on?

Originally posted by racin_jayson
I don't think so, 2 45's is a more gradual bend therefore less restriction

The less bends the better really it doesn't matter how many bends you split the pipe up into, the bends are still going to be there, hence your spent gases will loose the same amount of energy traveling through one big loop or two smaller ones.
The bigger key is where you have those two or one loops, the closer to the Turbo the better, your spent gases are still in a some what active state at that point, so you might not loose as much momentum as you would if they bends were a considerable distance away from the Turbo. and if your thinking of adding these bends Pre turbo, then really all you are worrying about is turbo lag;)

02-09-2006, 09:38 PM
I stand corrected, Thanks Rick!