View Full Version : Quick Question

02-19-2006, 02:48 AM
Does anyone know how far one should park their car away from another's drive way? (if there even is a law regarding the distance you're able to park from someone else's driveway)

i live at the end of my block and right across the road from me is my asshole neighbour's house. they have a perfectly empty road and side walk right next to their house that they can park their cars beside but NOOOO... they have to be asses and park RIGHT beside my own drive way so that sometimes when my mom is backing out of the garage she has to slam on the brakes because when she's turning theres the fukking neighbour's car in the way that she almost hit :banghead: these idiots have a garage with only one car in it as well i believe!
i'm going to complain about this to them soon but incase they're stubborn and not your friendly neighbour.. is there any other course of action i can take against this? will the cops do anything or will they just brush it off as a waste of their time?

02-19-2006, 02:58 AM
you could always just talk to them nicely and tell them your concern about how close they park to your driveway... :dunno:

and if that doesnt work you could go to plan B:

02-19-2006, 03:11 AM
^ i'm all for that plan b of yours man :D

02-19-2006, 03:25 AM
In all honesty, if I were your asshole neighbours I would prefer if you asked me to stop parking there the nice way. Usually this will work cause they will respect you more.

If they just laugh at you and tell you to shove off, wait a few days to see if they think through their actions and if they don't, go back and this time take some cookies that you have either licked, jerked off on, or rubbed all over a dogs asshole and ask nicely again while offering them some cookies.

If that doesn't work throw nails where they park, not too much, just enough to do the damage you are looking for. make sure after they drive away to sweep up any leftover nails, once they return and park there after getting their tires fixed, do it again, and again and again.