View Full Version : Legless Brazilian skateboarder.

02-19-2006, 01:06 PM
Stylish Back Smith. Photo Pinheiro.
Words : Jay Revelle

Og (pronounced awh-gee) De Souza Correia is a skateboarder from Brazil, and he’s paralyzed from the waist down. After a bout with polio when he was three, his legs stopped growing, and when you first look at him, you may think he has no legs at all.
I first saw Og in some contest video. I was truly amazed as I watched him grind a handrail using nothing but his arms for Ollie power. Can you believe it? In my mind, Og is a god. He is determination personified. And therefore, I have no reason to complain in my life, ever. Why? Because Og grinds huge handrails without using legs, that’s why.
It didn’t matter that I couldn’t understand Og’s Portuguese. A translator helped me, though I only need one glance at his photos to see how rad he is.

Where are you from, Og?
I’m from Olinda, Pernambuco, in Brazil.
Physically, have you been like this all your life?
Almost. I got polio when I was three years old, and from then I had to learn how to live a normal life.
What was your childhood like?
I was just like other kids, really. I was always super active.
What made you decide to start ripping on a skateboard?
Well, I’m paralyzed from the waist down and I have to use equipment to walk. Then one day, about 16 years ago, I went to a pro demo in my town, and after that I started to skate.
Have you ever met Jon Comer? He only has one leg and he rips, too.
I’ve seen him a lot of times at different events, but we’ve never met.
What was the first trick you ever did on a skateboard?
My first trick was either a G-Turn or a Ho-Ho plant.
And what are your favourite tricks now?
Flips and Ollies.
Most skaters are always tweaking their ankles and hurting their knees, but I would imagine your hands take quite a beating. What is your most common skate injury?
Yeah, my fingers hurt the most, but usually my hand is bad, too. For example, right now my right hand is in bad shape.
But, I mean, you use your hands to skate. Don’t you find skateboarding hard?
No, not really. I still get hurt a lot, though.
Were you always treated normally by other skateboarders?
In most places, yes. But sometimes I get the feeling that I’m the object of envy. I don’t know.
Was the industry accepting of you?
Yes, definitely. It’s great. The Brazilian industry accepted me very well. Now I want to try the American industry and see how that goes.
You are living such an extraordinary life. What have you learned so far that your average person might not ever learn?
Sometimes I’ll break my own personal barriers and overcome certain limits that a lot people don’t ever know or see.
What do your parents think about your chosen occupation?
They’re fine with it now, but before they didn’t like it too much.
What are some of your goals in skating?
I just want to skate a lot and prove that the expression disabled doesn’t mean anything.
Describe a typical day in your life.
Maybe I’ll go to the beach, drink a few beers, and then go skate. Maybe not in that order or anything.
What’s your favourite food?
Who do you usually skate with?
Andre Fly, Pinto Loco, Henrique Catita, Neto Noia, and when I’m out of town I skate with Nilton Neves a lot.
Where do you usually skate?
I’m at my buddy’s warehouse a lot of times.
Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Yes, I did. One time I was trying to get myself down to the sidewalk, and I got hit by a car when I got down. Next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital.
So, what’s after skateboarding, then?
My son and my wife.
That’s awesome, Og. Finally, who are your sponsors?
Drop Dead, Hurley International, Fury trucks, and Myllys.
Muito obrigado [thank you very much], Og.

That is one tough and dedicated guy...

02-19-2006, 01:07 PM
wow...simply amazing!! just shows what determination and hard work can do.

02-19-2006, 01:14 PM
thats awsome!!

02-19-2006, 01:17 PM
that is truly amazing.. skateboarding is hard enough with two legs lol imagine with none! :eek:

02-19-2006, 01:23 PM
Very good story! :D

02-20-2006, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Carfanman

That is one tough and dedicated guy...

:werd: :thumbsup: