View Full Version : Big British Heist

02-22-2006, 06:03 PM
This shit is crazy, what a payday. $50 million CDN!

Gang pulls off huge British bank heist

Associated Press

London — A gang of armed robbers impersonating police officers tied up employees at a southern England security company and stole the equivalent of $43.5-million (U.S.), the Bank of England said Wednesday in disclosing one of the largest bank heists in British history.

The money, about £25-million in bank notes, was stolen overnight from a cash centre at Tonbridge in Kent county, a bank spokesman said on condition of anonymity, according to bank policy.

No one was injured in the robbery.

The heist at Securitas Cash Management Ltd. began when some of the thieves, dressed as police officers, stopped the firm's manager as he drove home. The manager got into their car, which he believed to be a police vehicle, and was handcuffed by the robbers, authorities said.

At the same time, another team of thieves went to the manager's house, saying he had been in an accident. The men convinced his wife and young son to leave the home and go with them.

The first team, with the manager in the car, met up with a white van and another group of thieves. The manager was placed in the van, which then headed toward the Tonbridge depot, police said.

The manager allegedly was told to co-operate or his family would be hurt.

Some of the robbers then changed clothes, donned balaclavas to cover their faces and brandished handguns before entering the security company and tying up 15 staff members on duty, police said. The thieves were inside the building for more than an hour.

Detective Superintendent Paul Gladstone said he believed the robbery was planned down to the last detail.

02-22-2006, 06:17 PM
haha sounds like some oceans 11 shit

02-22-2006, 06:19 PM
sweet :thumbsup:

02-22-2006, 06:35 PM
Thats awesome, must have taken a long time to plan

02-22-2006, 07:11 PM
Very well done, and sounds like they got away with it.

Hopefully //AMG will tell us how long it took him to plan :devil:

02-22-2006, 08:48 PM
hahahaha that would be quite the trip for him, but if it was him, I can't wait to see his new AMG or AMGs

02-22-2006, 08:55 PM
fuckin A!!! those guys own

02-22-2006, 09:09 PM
What do you expect when you arm your police with billy clubs..


02-22-2006, 09:34 PM
I was watching on BBC that they suspect its the same crew that was responsible for stealing 50 million from a Bank in Belfast a little while ago.

02-22-2006, 09:49 PM
Reminds me of that new movie commin out with Clive Owen and Denzel, cant remeber the name sometin about a perfect bank robbery....insane!

02-22-2006, 10:00 PM
that big heist in belfast was the irish republican army and its more than likely that this one was too... my cousin is the head defense lawyer for the IRA and some of the planning that the IRA has done for thier heists is amazing, theyve stolen thousands of guns right out of british armories and the befast heist was the motherload of it all.. they only caught 1 guy for the whole thing and my cousin represents him...

02-22-2006, 10:04 PM
reminds me of a recent movie i have seen called Firewall.

02-22-2006, 10:33 PM
insane, those guys were prepared without a doubt

02-22-2006, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Freestylin
reminds me of a recent movie i have seen called Firewall.

Exactly, the family and everything.

02-23-2006, 12:02 AM
Thats fucking insane.. reminds me of drunken nights trying to plan our own oceans 11 shit with friends.. HAHA

02-23-2006, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
that big heist in belfast was the irish republican army and its more than likely that this one was too... my cousin is the head defense lawyer for the IRA and some of the planning that the IRA has done for thier heists is amazing, theyve stolen thousands of guns right out of british armories and the befast heist was the motherload of it all.. they only caught 1 guy for the whole thing and my cousin represents him...

Thats nuts how your cousin is representing them? Does that mean hes 'with' them? They still considered terrorists or are they off the list?

02-23-2006, 12:35 AM
Crazy, props to the burglers. It sounds terrible, and I don't agree with robbing banks, but if you can walk away with that much money, without physically hurting anyone, that is impressive.

02-23-2006, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by Goblin
Very well done, and sounds like they got away with it.

Hopefully //AMG will tell us how long it took him to plan :devil:

I don't know what your talking about!! But I've decided to leave england, erm... it was just getting boring.
It feels like I just robbed a bank, thats how tired I am. G'night!

Damn this heist was $7 million more than the one in '04. So close!!

02-23-2006, 06:17 AM
wow thats a nice big pay off
and yes its good to hear no one was hurt or killed but it sucks to hear that so much money of innocent people was stolen

02-23-2006, 06:23 AM
^ They'll get it back from the banks.

02-23-2006, 07:21 AM
Nice...i just recently watched a movie that had some pretty similar shit. Also movie was based in England as well...thats awesome eh.
I will listening to the news this morning and heard about the 40 million robbery..i was like WOAH...thats exactly what they stole in the movie too!!! Fukin scared me there for a bit.

02-23-2006, 08:23 AM
Sounds like a new Guy Ritchie movie.

02-23-2006, 08:28 AM
what were they armed wit?

02-23-2006, 09:13 AM
They'll do something stupid and get caught spending it.

02-23-2006, 06:38 PM
seems like they arrestred 2 people now


02-23-2006, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge

Thats nuts how your cousin is representing them? Does that mean hes 'with' them? They still considered terrorists or are they off the list?

he is a human rights lawer and he basically states that if the person or people that are presumed guilty of a crime, they should not be detained or treated differently without significant evidence and the "possibility" that they belong to the IRA. he is not "with" them but he does represent them and it does make him one of the most recognized and highest paid lawyers in ireland. when we do visit ireland, you get to hear some amazing stories... as for if the IRA are terrorists, it depends who you ask...;)

02-25-2006, 03:29 AM


02-25-2006, 06:16 PM
They'll get caught... they always do.

Just like my ex-buddy down in Leduc... :banghead: