View Full Version : klein throws book at page

03-01-2006, 07:06 PM
and is heard to remark 'I dont need this crap'

way to go klein. why dont you get drunk and yell at some homeless people? :rofl:

03-01-2006, 07:25 PM

03-01-2006, 08:55 PM
Holy low on information there.

Is page a person? If so I think having a book thrown at page is pretty ironic.

03-01-2006, 09:06 PM

03-01-2006, 10:29 PM
dont you weenies watch the news... much less know what a 'page' is?


here ya go ya lazy goodfornothings :thumbsup:

03-01-2006, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by method
and is heard to remark 'I dont need this crap'

way to go klein. why dont you get drunk and yell at some homeless people? :rofl:
maybe he already was drunk.

03-01-2006, 10:33 PM
Ralph for PM! :rofl:

03-01-2006, 10:43 PM
Typical Klien.

Gotta love the guy. What does he have, grade 6 education, right?

But then again, way to go population of alberta to vote him into office. The guy takes away funding for health care and education in year one, then gives it back again in year 3 and gets reelected. The provice gets a break with oil prices, and what does he do? Throws it all right back at us with a 400$ check. Now, i'm not complaining about an extra 400$, but I'd sure rather have a better education system, less tuition for university, or some more MRi machines. Better yet, how bout a pension plan for albertans? 400$ per person per year compounded over the next 30 years till I retire is gonna look pretty sweet. Or maybe i'll get lucky at the casino with my 400, and never have to work again, ya think?

Whatever, he's a drunk and makes fun of the homeless, the one group people who can be a target for everyone else. So we all get to feel superior when he puts them down, and are afraid to disagreee lest we be put down the same way.

03-02-2006, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Tech2
but I'd sure rather have a better education system, less tuition for university, or some more MRi machines. Better yet, how bout a pension plan for albertans?

no way baby! daddy needs a new ipod! :rolleyes:

I dont know how people continue to tolerate (and vote for) such a blatently moronic premier.

03-02-2006, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
Holy low on information there.

Is page a person? If so I think having a book thrown at page is pretty ironic.


03-02-2006, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by method
I dont know how people continue to tolerate (and vote for) such a blatently moronic premier.

Good lord. He flipped the book away in the vague direction of this person. Didn't even hit her.
Leave it to the media...

w0wz0rz, put him in jail for the rest of his life :rolleyes:

03-02-2006, 02:21 AM
he also got drunk and yelled at homeless people in a ridiculous stupor. you think that behaviour is fitting for a premier?

it has nothing to do with whether or not the book hit her, it has to do with the complete lack of respect and childish behaviour he displays.

I suppose is it pretty silly to expect any better from a drunk dropout.

03-02-2006, 02:26 AM
Class act our premier is.

There's no way he could ever run for PM cause every other province would NEVER take him seriously....well based on his personality/attitude at least!

03-02-2006, 02:42 AM
Alberta Edge. That's how we roll.

D. Dub
03-02-2006, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by Tech2
Typical Klien.

Gotta love the guy. What does he have, grade 6 education, right?

Ummmm no.....he is currently working on a communications degree while he is premier.

03-02-2006, 08:51 AM
:rofl: :rofl: i see, i see. good 'ol ralph.

03-02-2006, 09:02 AM
I don't give a shit what he does outside the office (not saying I condone what he does, but it doesn't make him any less fit to do his job. It's like giving a shit what Paris Hilton ate for breakfast). He's doing a good job IN the office. I'm tired of this complaining about health care. I've ranted about this before, but coming from an NDP province (Manitoba) and having a family that comes from Poland, our health care is excellent compared to both. Waiting times in Manitoba are WORSE (they don't deem blood gushing from your hand an emergency) and Poland? Don't get me started. It's all public health-care....but the doctors weren't paid enough, so they take bribes to bump people up (or on weekends....no money? No treatment, doctors are at home for the weekend) would you prefer that? If we have a proper 2 tier health-care system (one in which the hospital sends you to a private clinic if need be, and the government covers it all anyways, and it costs the government LESS to pay said private clinic than it would a public hospital) then the risk of underpaid doctors will also decrease, as will wait times, etc. I know our family's never had trouble with the hospitals here. We have had family members die in Poland due to the weekends off. Nice difference eh?

D. Dub
03-02-2006, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Nissanaddict
I don't give a shit what he does outside the office. He's doing a good job IN the office. I'm tired of this complaining about health care. I've ranted about this before, but coming from an NDP province (Manitoba) and having a family that comes from Poland, our health care is excellent compared to both. Waiting times in Manitoba are WORSE (they don't deem blood gushing from your hand an emergency) and Poland? Don't get me started. It's all public health-care....but the doctors weren't paid enough, so they take bribes to bump people up (or on weekends....no money? No treatment, doctors are at home for the weekend) would you prefer that? If we have a proper 2 tier health-care system (one in which the hospital sends you to a private clinic if need be, and the government covers it all anyways, and it costs the government LESS to pay said private clinic than it would a public hospital) then the risk of underpaid doctors will also decrease, as will wait times, etc. I know our family's never had trouble with the hospitals here. We have had family members die in Poland due to the weekends off. Nice difference eh?


all hail king ralph :D

03-02-2006, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by method
I dont know how people continue to tolerate (and vote for) such a blatently moronic premier.

Typical Canaidan politics: don't rock the boat.

And it's true that there are a bit of redneck in each of us and that part like Klein's straight shooting.

Originally posted by Nissanaddict
I don't give a shit what he does outside the office (not saying I condone what he does, but it doesn't make him any less fit to do his job. It's like giving a shit what Paris Hilton ate for breakfast). He's doing a good job IN the office. I'm tired of this complaining about health care. I've ranted about this before, but coming from an NDP province (Manitoba) and having a family that comes from Poland, our health care is excellent compared to both. Waiting times in Manitoba are WORSE (they don't deem blood gushing from your hand an emergency) and Poland? Don't get me started. It's all public health-care....but the doctors weren't paid enough, so they take bribes to bump people up (or on weekends....no money? No treatment, doctors are at home for the weekend) would you prefer that? If we have a proper 2 tier health-care system (one in which the hospital sends you to a private clinic if need be, and the government covers it all anyways, and it costs the government LESS to pay said private clinic than it would a public hospital) then the risk of underpaid doctors will also decrease, as will wait times, etc. I know our family's never had trouble with the hospitals here. We have had family members die in Poland due to the weekends off. Nice difference eh?

Well said. 2 tier is inevitible.

03-02-2006, 12:52 PM
Nice of you to stand up, Nissanaddict.

I am also sick of people complaining about the petty things Klein has done. Everyone seems to want God Himself in every political situation, because they sure as hell expect perfect. What member of politics has led a perfect life, and has never once screwed up? Come off it. If you're going to complain about Klein, get out. If you're going to constructively criticize him, then at least make it about stuff that matters. "Klein has a poor education!" And yet many highly educated people make stupid, irresponsible mistakes. "Klein gave everybody $400!" Yet his policies have put Alberta in a position to do so, along with BILLIONS of dollars in surplus that we weren't supposed to have.

If you look at the state of the province, we are arguably in the best shape out of all of them. We have flaws, yes, but no province, state or country doesn't. What matters is how our leader is guiding and handling the province...and we are doing pretty damn well, in my opinion.

03-02-2006, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by method

no way baby! daddy needs a new ipod! :rolleyes:

I dont know how people continue to tolerate (and vote for) such a blatently moronic premier.

And I dont understand how they can accomadate people who wanna pay for prcedures, but people that can't afford it have to wait months, or upto a year for MRI, PET etc etc.

Fucking joke.

I almost egged the stupid moron when they awarded him the honorary degree at the U of C... what a scam.

03-02-2006, 01:14 PM
Richest province in Canada and probably the world, and we got healthcare on par with some developing countries, hospitals with no room, 12 hour wait in emergency....

That is a crime any way you look at it.

A monkey could run this province better.

03-02-2006, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Typical Canaidan politics: don't rock the boat.

And it's true that there are a bit of redneck in each of us and that part like Klein's straight shooting.

Well said. 2 tier is inevitible.
Nah... stupid, uneducated red neck Albartan's. Klein was a Liberal till he realized Alberta would never vote liberal, so he jumped ship....

03-02-2006, 01:26 PM
At + 50 bux a barrel, a retarded monkey could develope Alberta's wealth.

03-02-2006, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Nah... stupid, uneducated red neck Albartan's. Klein was a Liberal till he realized Alberta would never vote liberal, so he jumped ship....

And it didn't occur to you that he 'jumped ship' because he found out that his views more closely matched the Tories?

I'm not saying he did or didn't, I'm just pointing out to you that you are coming off as short-sighted and petty. Anyone can debate politics, but it takes true class to do so in a constructive manner. Calling people names is for junior high kids.

03-02-2006, 01:46 PM
I prefer retarded monkey over the complete criminals that we had running this country not very long ago. He'd put us into debt....and be a rich motherfucker. Now, I in no way support rich people being able to bump a line to get an MRI. I do however think 2 tier healthcare can work great. Hospital says you need an MRI, sends you to private clinic, costs the government less, and they have more money in the healthcare fund for the upkeep of the public hospitals, higher wages for public hospital employees, you get your treatment quicker. As long as you go to the clinic, get an appointment, and have a signed document with your appointment on it, to avoid the rich line bumping problem, it's good. If a few small private specialization clinics open, it will encourage doctors (and even nurses) to come to Canada Wondering why we have a constant nurse shortage? The USA pays more. That's why. They don't wanna stay here. This can be a very good thing.

03-02-2006, 03:09 PM
and childish disrespect of other people when you're in a public office like that is a-ok right? who gives a crap! he gave me $400!

or rather.. he gave me back my 400 dollars. people dont seem to realize that with proper spending by this government, the average citizen would be saving a lot more than 400 dollars every year on things like education and taxes.

"oh god wait times in this province are horrendous!!"

does no one remember when klein knocked down a fucking hospital? anyone? guess not.

all this 'third way' shit will do is create more discrepancy within the health-care system.

he's hostile and evasive with reporters and non-supporters, he's plagarized, and he's a fucking egomaniac.

I'd gladly see another conservative premier in his place.

03-02-2006, 04:03 PM
hey Toma, props about being pissed about Klien's honorary degree.

What the hell does that tell us about the politics of post secondary education? Those who work their butts off for years can get a degree, or some drunk grade six droupout can get one for free.

No wonder the dude's all about two tier systems. One for the chumps, and one for the corrupt dirty bastards. This is NOT the way I want my country to go.

03-02-2006, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by dericer
At + 50 bux a barrel, a retarded monkey could develope Alberta's wealth.

All the retarded monkeys joined the Federal Liberal party, and their fiscal surpluses weren't enough, they had to steall 52 billion dollars out of the EI fund in order to balance the budget.

03-02-2006, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Richest province in Canada and probably the world, and we got healthcare on par with some developing countries, hospitals with no room, 12 hour wait in emergency....

That is a crime any way you look at it.

A monkey could run this province better.

Actually, just recently Alberta's health care system ranked second best in Canada.


03-02-2006, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Tyler883

All the retarded monkeys joined the Federal Liberal party, and their fiscal surpluses weren't enough, they had to steall 52 billion dollars out of the EI fund in order to balance the budget. :dunno: they left you behind and your bitter? :hijack:

03-02-2006, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Actually, just recently Alberta's health care system ranked second best in Canada.


Indirect pwnage.

That shut most people up, it seems.

And you didn't even have to post the rest of the stats about economy, taxes, etc.

03-02-2006, 05:24 PM
klein's a moron and overall he's an embarassment to the entire province. He's a loser and the more people that start to realise this the better off everyone will be.

03-02-2006, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by method
and childish disrespect of other people when you're in a public office like that is a-ok right? who gives a crap! he gave me $400!

Do you see me mentioning anything about the $400? Sure it was great to get, but that's not why I'm defending him. As I said, that's not good behaviour, but it's the famous person syndrome. I'd like to see if you're an absolute angel around everyone. I bet you don't ever screw up. Even if you did, since you're not famous, we wouldn't know about it. His job is a politician, not a role model. I love how those who disagree with me pretend I haven't posted in this thread yet (seemingly).

03-02-2006, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Nissanaddict
Hospital says you need an MRI, sends you to private clinic, costs the government less, and they have more money in the healthcare fund for the upkeep of the public hospitals, higher wages for public hospital employees, you get your treatment quicker.

And not only that, but rich people can move to the private system, opening much needed room in the public clinic. Hospital says you need an MRI, a guy pays to have it done in a private clinic, thus removing himself from the public que, instant position opening.

03-02-2006, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Nissanaddict

Do you see me mentioning anything about the $400? Sure it was great to get, but that's not why I'm defending him. As I said, that's not good behaviour, but it's the famous person syndrome. I'd like to see if you're an absolute angel around everyone. I bet you don't ever screw up. Even if you did, since you're not famous, we wouldn't know about it. His job is a politician, not a role model. I love how those who disagree with me pretend I haven't posted in this thread yet (seemingly).

That makes two of us.

In fact, the majority of the arguments for Klein seem to be well written and detailed, whereas the arguments (if you can even call it that) against him are just childish attacks lacking rhetoric and explanations, not to mention punctuation.

D. Dub
03-02-2006, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell
Nice of you to stand up, Nissanaddict.

I am also sick of people complaining about the petty things Klein has done. Everyone seems to want God Himself in every political situation, because they sure as hell expect perfect. What member of politics has led a perfect life, and has never once screwed up? Come off it. If you're going to complain about Klein, get out. If you're going to constructively criticize him, then at least make it about stuff that matters. "Klein has a poor education!" And yet many highly educated people make stupid, irresponsible mistakes. "Klein gave everybody $400!" Yet his policies have put Alberta in a position to do so, along with BILLIONS of dollars in surplus that we weren't supposed to have.

If you look at the state of the province, we are arguably in the best shape out of all of them. We have flaws, yes, but no province, state or country doesn't. What matters is how our leader is guiding and handling the province...and we are doing pretty damn well, in my opinion.

I like Klein b/c he's human and full of flaws...but he's also a straight shooter who is proud to be an Albertan and what you see is what you get...

which I really prefer over a slick politician anyday!!!!!

D. Dub
03-02-2006, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by chris
klein's a moron and overall he's an embarassment to the entire province. He's a loser and the more people that start to realise this the better off everyone will be.


No actually he's really been quite successful during his life.

First he was a popular journalist/media personality,

then successful as Calgary's mayor

and now successful as the premier.

What exactly have you done??:dunno:

03-02-2006, 08:06 PM
Well, he's at the point now that he can basically get away with anthing. He's a character alright. Sometimes he SHOULD excercise some common sense and shut his pie hole, but what are you going to do? I think ONLY Ralph can get away with that crap.

03-02-2006, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

Indirect pwnage.

That shut most people up, it seems.

And you didn't even have to post the rest of the stats about economy, taxes, etc.

If I were to find all of those, I would wager them against any jurisdiction in North America.

03-02-2006, 08:12 PM
Yeah... he has an education better than Grade 6, not to mention experience counts for a LOT. Why do we vote for him? He said he was going to do something and he did it. No lies, no beating about the bush. He came into power under the premise of making cuts and eliminating the debt...and voila...he did so. Not to mention he has a personality and doesn't cover it up (entirely) to pander to voters. Is he rough around the edges? Certainly! Has he been a damn good Premier....MOST DEFINATELY.

Besides, why not call the Liberal book crap, if that is what you think it is?

03-02-2006, 08:26 PM
I like Klein because he has ALWAYS looked out for Alberta. Sure that was his JOB, but very few politicians here have the nads to stand up to the bitches in Ottawa (read: Liberals) like he did. He's always looked out for OUR interests, and not Ottawa's. That's who we need, someone who will be a sore thumb and tell them to F off every now and then.

03-02-2006, 09:07 PM
Some people just don't understand how much the two-tier system is going to shorten publi waiting lists and encourage good doctors to continue practising in Canada instead of heading south of the border.

03-02-2006, 09:09 PM

03-02-2006, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
Some people just don't understand how much the two-tier system is going to shorten publi waiting lists and encourage good doctors to continue practising in Canada instead of heading south of the border.

I'm a firm beleiver that you'll get more potholes fixed when the mayor drives the same crappy car that I drive. And, when the mayor drives a better car, then the more managers, bankers, journalists, etc that drive the same crappy car as me, the better. I rely on these 'movers' and 'shakers' to keep the politics working in my favor.

In this sense, I'm going to miss all the 'movers' and 'shakers' when they step out of the long hospital line up that I have no choice but to use. Sure I might get to the front of the line faster, but what about in the long run? What happens to me, the next time a politician buys themselves a bigger and nicer car than me? Does he stop caring about the potholes? Who is going to make him listen to my concerns? It won't be the average wealthy person, because the average person - wealthy or not - only cares about themselves.

Even if you don't agree, can you understand what I'm getting at here? Money is not the solution, if it is only going to be spent on a portion of the people.

03-02-2006, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by lostincleavage

I'm a firm beleiver that you'll get more potholes fixed when the mayor drives the same crappy car that I drive. And, when the mayor drives a better car, then the more managers, bankers, journalists, etc that drive the same crappy car as me, the better. I rely on these 'movers' and 'shakers' to keep the politics working in my favor.

In this sense, I'm going to miss all the 'movers' and 'shakers' when they step out of the long hospital line up that I have no choice but to use. Sure I might get to the front of the line faster, but what about in the long run? What happens to me, the next time a politician buys themselves a bigger and nicer car than me? Does he stop caring about the potholes? Who is going to make him listen to my concerns? It won't be the average wealthy person, because the average person - wealthy or not - only cares about themselves.

Even if you don't agree, can you understand what I'm getting at here? Money is not the solution, if it is only going to be spent on a portion of the people.

I see what you mean, and I think your statement was well said and has its merit. However, the scenario you are describing is something that might possibly happen in the future, whereas Klein is taking care of a definite problem now. Besides, Klein has never really given me a reason to think that he will screw the common person over so the wealthy get ahead, and it's been a long time now that he's been in power. Everyone is complaining about health care now - I like that he is at least trying to do something about it. Hopefully what you are fearing will not come to pass.

03-03-2006, 02:01 AM
All this hate for Klein.. :rofl:

None of you could do it any better. Toma, move to ontario already :rolleyes:

03-03-2006, 09:38 AM
Yeah, just like privatizing enmax, telus (AGT), and Atco was gonna reduce my bills or imrpove my service :rofl:

Yeah right. :poosie:

03-03-2006, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

And not only that, but rich people can move to the private system, opening much needed room in the public clinic. Hospital says you need an MRI, a guy pays to have it done in a private clinic, thus removing himself from the public que, instant position opening.
You fail to mention the common argument that all the *good* doctors and nurses will go into to the private system due to better pay and better working conditions, and all the poor canadians will be left with the bottom of the barrel doctors that can't even do surgery on an ingrown toenail.

I don't really know what to believe, but could definitely see something like this happening.

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Yeah, just like privatizing enmax, telus (AGT), and Atco was gonna reduce my bills or imrpove my service :rofl:

Yeah right. :poosie:

It wasn't about reducing bills or improving service it was about maintaining financial viability and long term survival.

Telus has some of the best customer service in the country.

While de-regulation of gas is already creating competition and price wars that benefit the consumer as has long distance competition and local phone competition.

03-03-2006, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by SLR
Toma, move to ontario already :rolleyes:

03-03-2006, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

It wasn't about reducing bills or improving service it was about maintaining financial viability and long term survival.

Telus has some of the best customer service in the country.

While de-regulation of gas is already creating competition and price wars that benefit the consumer.
I'm curious if the gas prices now are close to what they were before deregulation...anyone know?

Coming from BC (with BC Hydro) I find it absurd to see what Albertans pay for gas/electricity...it's a kick in the junk especially since this is pretty much the Oil & Gas capital of the world.

And don't even get me started on the privitized car insurance in Alberta... :banghead:

03-03-2006, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Telus has some of the best customer service in the country.


In my experience as far as cellular service and customer service I have found Telus to be very very lacking and very difficult to deal with. Longer call cues and less professionalism than their competitors. I suppose it is possible that I just call the wrong day and always get the wrong person.

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

In my experience as far as cellular service and customer service I have found Telus to be very very lacking and very difficult to deal with. Longer call cues and less professionalism than their competitors. I suppose it is possible that I just call the wrong day and always get the wrong person.

and I've had the opposite experience...except during the strike. :dunno:

03-03-2006, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

and I've had the opposite experience...except during the strike. :dunno:

again like I said, I could just get the wrong person the wrong day.

03-03-2006, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

It wasn't about reducing bills or improving service it was about maintaining financial viability and long term survival.

This part of your post I agree with 100%

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

again like I said, I could just get the wrong person the wrong day.


03-03-2006, 01:18 PM
Financial Viability? lol :poosie:

How do you take a profitable government owned business, whos infrastructure was built on and BY taxpayers and their dollars, and then "give it away" and deregulate? So instead of profits going to the government and us, and health, and education.... we pay MORE, MUCH MORE, and the profit is not as well ... uhm... distributed ;)


But that is a different story.

Klein was put in power by people that can control him, and that is exactly what he is doing... making them rich.

If you can't see that, you are just not looking...

BUT....havin said all that from my elitist, smarter then you position....

Frankly, I dont care, the housing bubble is gonna allow me to retire in the next couple years, and trust me.... I will be outta here ;) ;) ... at least in the winters ;)

03-03-2006, 01:39 PM
awww would you look at that... klein APOLOGIZED...

oh what does he have to apologize for? he's only human right?


I like how people are saying 'I bet you've never screwed up'

yeah that's a great comparison. I'm also not the premier of the province, and I've never thrown books at people while I was doing my job.

lostincleavage has the best point so far. this province is all "MEMEMEMEMEMEME"

03-03-2006, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by method
awww would you look at that... klein APOLOGIZED...

oh what does he have to apologize for? he's only human right?


I like how people are saying 'I bet you've never screwed up'

yeah that's a great comparison. I'm also not the premier of the province, and I've never thrown books at people while I was doing my job.

lostincleavage has the best point so far. this province is all "MEMEMEMEMEMEME"
Most civilized jobs would call for your termination for throwing something at someone...

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Most civilized jobs would call for your termination for throwing something at someone...

You obviously have been very sheltered.

03-03-2006, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

You obviously have been very sheltered.
How's that sheltered? What civilized jobs have you had where you can get away with throwing shit at your coworkers?

Doctors? No. Lawyers? No. Engineers? No. Premiers? Yes.

We're not talking about morons that work in the rigs or anything... :dunno:


D. Dub
03-03-2006, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by khtm

How's that sheltered? What civilized jobs have you had where you can get away with throwing shit at your coworkers?

Doctors? No. Lawyers? No. Engineers? No. Premiers? Yes.

We're not talking about morons that work in the rigs or anything... :dunno:


Lots of "civilized jobs" have people that yell and scream and swear and throw stuff...people are people anywhere.

03-03-2006, 02:25 PM
Klein admits that he's alcoholic and that honesty is something that some politicians are lacking, that alone would gain my vote for him.

In addition, he has kept most of his promises (i.e. $400 cheque to the public ) So.

+1 for Klein

03-03-2006, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Lots of "civilized jobs" have people that yell and scream and swear and throw stuff...people are people anywhere.

YOU are the sheltered one....

03-03-2006, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Lots of "civilized jobs" have people that yell and scream and swear and throw stuff...people are people anywhere.
I don't know what kind of work you do or what retards you work with, but I've never seen this, and I've been in a bunch of different industries (all civilized, mind you).

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Toma


YOU are the sheltered one....

I've been in boardrooms where lawyers, bankers, etc have almost gotten into fistfights.

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by khtm

I don't know what kind of work you do or what retards you work with, but I've never seen this, and I've been in a bunch of different industries (all civilized, mind you).

I've been in b to b sales, mortgage financing, and land and property development for many years.

When you're dealing with large sums of money and big projects you're dealing with passion. and when you're dealing with passion you're dealing with emotion and volatility.

Besides political correctness hasn't infiltrated everywhere yet....Thank god

Regardless this is way off topic.

Ralph threw a small softcover report in the direction of a young page and yelled

big f'n deal

the page should thank him for showing her the real world.

03-03-2006, 03:11 PM
I also think what Ralph did isn't a big deal...I fvcking hate PC people too.

But I don't think it should be acceptable and a usual occurance for someone to throw a temper tantrum at work. Anger/violence have nothing to do with political correctness.

Your boardroom example is a whole other story as what you're talking about is a bunch of people from different professions getting together and arguing about something. So I see where you're coming from.

That's not exactly a regular office environment. I guess I was more referring to people throwing shit and yelling at their *coworkers* in a civilized job.

D. Dub
03-03-2006, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by khtm

That's not exactly a regular office environment. I guess I was more referring to people throwing shit and yelling at their *coworkers* in a civilized job.

that makes sense

03-03-2006, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by khtm

Your boardroom example is a whole other story as what you're talking about is a bunch of people from different professions getting together and arguing about something.

Sounds alot like legislature to me!

03-05-2006, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

I've been in b to b sales, mortgage financing, and land and property development for many years.

When you're dealing with large sums of money and big projects you're dealing with passion. and when you're dealing with passion you're dealing with emotion and volatility.

Besides political correctness hasn't infiltrated everywhere yet....Thank god

Regardless this is way off topic.

Ralph threw a small softcover report in the direction of a young page and yelled

big f'n deal

the page should thank him for showing her the real world.

rofl.. heil mein klein!

heil the fuuueeehrreerrrrr! :clap:

03-07-2006, 02:48 PM
Things that the Tories have done in AB have definately been moving towards the better good for AB. Surplus' aside; with the balancing of the budget and the goal of eliminiating our provincial debt, they've created this "surplus". If it weren't for the Federal Liberals under Trudeau to enact a really stupid energy policy, AB would be in a much better situation in terms of public services & infrastructure.

I hope that the provincial Tories realize that they have to tighten up the reins on their fiscal policy; as the gov't spending is definately driving up inflation within the province. Planned spending with the surplus dollars is the key. Hell, as a private citizen, I would've rather seen the $400/person "gift" pooled into a large "fund" and put into the money market or some sort of investment tool to "snowball" any sorts of dividends. At least overtime the capital gains generated from that would easily pay for increased public services.

A 2 tier HC system will in fact reduce wait times; if you can afford to use the private clinics, it should be your right to do so. It'll make the queues shorter for everyone else. Since the provincial gov't will be paying for "x" percentage of the services, paying the difference to get quicker access is by no means defeating "public" healthcare.