View Full Version : how much do they charge you for light posts

03-01-2006, 07:12 PM
I just knocked one over. how much do they charge you for light posts? this might not apply to calgary people but apparently out here in cochrane, you knock it over, you pay for it.

03-01-2006, 07:24 PM
You mean like the ones that are like 30ft high?? If so, you seem pretty calm about it...unless it was with your fists not your car :confused:

03-01-2006, 07:41 PM
No it was with my car, but this one was more like 20 feet high.


in this pic and behind me:
one fire truck
one bylaw officer
three police cars
Fortis (light repair) truck
one sander
one tow truck
one other old guy who ran over the post after I knocked it over. He saved my ass, I will explain that in a second.
one outrageously hot girl who stopped to help. I unfortunately was too worried about my car to get her number. Like, she was crazy hot. girlfriend material haha

You can see the cop talking to me in the shadows on the bottom. I didn't think street lights fell over that easy, it ripped right out of the ground and did no damage to my car. But, it fell backwards onto the road and started bouncing around and now it is bent halfway up its length. While it was laying across the road, this old guy when into a four whee slide and smashed up the front of his car and his radiator but he kept driving over it and then got stuck on top of it. It was kinda my fault, but when you have a 19 year old kid and a 85 year old man in the same accident doing the same thing (sliding out of control) odds are the roads just sucked complete ass.. since I wasn't speeding and old people always go 15 under the limit.

Realizing people were even dumber then I thought (at about the same time I had an epiphany and realized I was way dumber then I thought), I ran up to start telling people to slow down since its a blind corner, but I almost got run over by some tool in a minivan and everybody else started sliding all over the place anyway.

Then they shut down and rerouted traffic, I got about ten phone calls in 5 minutes wondering what was going on, condolences from some and jibs and jabs from buddies, you know how it is. The tunnel was probably icier then it has ever been in three years, I was only going 50 and my back end started sliding out aiming me towards the massive concerete wall you see on the right, so I steered the other way but at this point I was on sheer hockey rink ice so there was nothing I could do but hit the curb and the post.

Damage to my car? The body is totally fine! Hitting a light post does fuck all do your car, apparently. No damage to anything metal, not even a crack in the bumper, nothing, no scratches even. The only damage you can see in the first pic, the front wheel is about 4" behind where it usually is and the rim is wrecked. I'm thinking lower control arm and an axle so far, but at least I can give to my mechanic (who I trust) instead of a body shop (and I don't trust any of them in this town). I might have wrecked the strut too, but I have new ones on the way anyways, and the part I am most worried about is my differential. Steering is fine, somehow.

The adrenaline rush is worth it right now, but I expect a straight haymaker to my pocketbook coming tomorrow morning when I find out the extent of the mechanical damage, and apparently those street lights are really, really expensive, so that will probably hurt too.

03-01-2006, 07:54 PM
OUuuuch man! That sucks! Is that the little tunnel when you are exiting Gleneagles? The roads around town here are a huge reason I'm not driving my truck right now. Cochrane + Snow + Icey Roads = Disaster.

03-01-2006, 07:56 PM
Yeah that would be the gleneagles tunnel.. the roads WERE fun because I was trying to enjoy them, but then the one place where it has never been slick before and when I was just trying to go to work, it turns out to be icy as hell.

damage so far: $117 for a towtruck about one kilometer. Time to get AMA :D

03-01-2006, 08:11 PM
Id be more concerned about the suspension damage than I would be about body damage....it can be a real headache...

03-01-2006, 08:25 PM
glad you're alright :thumbsup: At least after you pay for the lamp post you can drive by and say "that's my lamp post" heh. A buddy of mine owns the "Southland Drive" sign on Deerfoot North. :rofl:

03-01-2006, 08:26 PM
least your ok cody haha

03-01-2006, 08:28 PM
Light poles are designed to shear off fairly easily so that people don't kill themselves when they hit them. Other than that I think that whoever hits one has to pay to have it replaced, not too sure on the costs tho.

03-01-2006, 08:35 PM
I dunno my rents seem to think that since they said absolutely nothing about replacing it I might not get billed for it. Not likely. Not only did I rip the pole out of the ground, but I bent it too, so I think I'm going to have to pay for the whole thing :(

03-01-2006, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by b_t
I might have wrecked the strut too, but I have new ones on the way anyways

yea... I saw your deal with that guy on 2gnt.... you got a smoking deal on the setup... I was totally considering it, I saw his post right after he posted it, but I had to stay away from it since I just got that star kit that someone was selling

hopefully the damage ain't too bad and can be fixed with some new bolt ons...

03-01-2006, 08:49 PM
haha his price was so good I thought I was going to get ripped off, but I've got tracking numbers already for the packages so I think I'm alright :D then again he could just be sending boxes full of 15 pounds of gravel.

03-01-2006, 08:53 PM
I know that a small tree in Deer Ridge runs for about $1800....so it's tough to say how much a lamp post'll run.

03-01-2006, 09:20 PM

03-01-2006, 10:30 PM
My freind sister slid out of control and hit the concrete foundation of a light pole. there was no light on it but she wrecked the bolts on it and her dad got a bill in the mail a few weeks later for something like 200 bucks so you better be prepaired

03-01-2006, 10:31 PM
3 grand for labour and materials is my guess...

03-01-2006, 10:34 PM
Buddy of mine knocked down one of the ones in chinatown. Costed about $5000. That was also about 8 yr's ago. I think if you have full coverage they should cover it and raise your insurance

03-01-2006, 10:37 PM
I know for a fact - traffic lights are $80,000

street lamps - like in city are about 20,000

Word of advice NEVER hit a c-train. The computer coupler sensor on the front runs about 500,000 to fix.:eek: :eek:

03-01-2006, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by kaput
What type of insurance would cover this stuff? The damage to your own car would be collision but wouldn't the light post be liability?

I'm not claiming the car on collision. I don't think the light post would be liability, but I have comprehensive so I think that will cover it.. and then to balance the increase I'm going to get I'll just drop down to a cheaper insurance. I only pay $150/mo as it is :D

$3k seems to be what I am going to have to pay based on what my buddies who used to work for the town say :( The light is actually wrecked, they need get a new one, put that one in, and refurbish this one for future use. Personally I think that is a big load of bullshit, it was a complete accident and I was driving totally normally and wasn't charged with dangerous driving or anything. The city must have some kind of coverage for this.

Fosgate R
03-01-2006, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by b_t

Damage to my car? The body is totally fine! Hitting a light post does fuck all do your car, apparently.

my best buddies 1997 Eclipse, hit the pool to the right of teh rear wheel in the pic, stopped dead, and then spun him around horazontally for 2 or 3 more revolutions. LOL, some must be different strengths or something. All he did was knock the light off the top of it, and it smashed on the road.

He had to pay $4500 for the light pole replacement.


03-01-2006, 11:35 PM
Holy Fucking Shit! Yeah maybe some lights are made to come off but the older ones aren't?

......if he's parting it out I'll take a lot of the interior pieces :D

Fosgate R
03-01-2006, 11:37 PM
^^^ Everything was already parted out...lol down to the seat leathers.

03-01-2006, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by b_t
Holy Fucking Shit! Yeah maybe some lights are made to come off but the older ones aren't?

The age of the pole doesn't make a difference. Some are designed to break away ("frangible base") (http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/documents/tars/docs/105.pdf) and others are not.

FYI, any pole directly buried is definitely NOT the breakaway type.

03-01-2006, 11:49 PM
i read half of your post, and noticed you were too worried about your car to get the hotties number and i had to say...

:poosie: X 10!

03-01-2006, 11:49 PM
Well then thank God that was a frangible post, else I might have set off my airbags and written off my car. here I thought I was unlucky for crashing in the first place, maybe I have more luck then I thought

03-01-2006, 11:50 PM
I'm guilty as fuck for going through that tunnel like the Duke boys haha, but not during winter. I've never really noticed any light poles to be honest. Were you heading to work at the service station? Shitty being that you can prettymuch see it from where you got into that accident :( Good luck with that though!

03-01-2006, 11:52 PM
I work two jobs, one is at shell the other is at dynastream.. by the polaris place, that is where I was headed today. it turns out they were closed anyway and just didn't phone to tell me they didn't need me in :(
haha during the summer when I had my good tires on I would bomb ass through there too, but too many times now I have encountered a senior citizen stopped at the end of the merge lane so I don't do that any more

03-02-2006, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by b_t
I just knocked one over. how much do they charge you for light posts? this might not apply to calgary people but apparently out here in cochrane, you knock it over, you pay for it.

Not all light posts are the same , so it's difficult to give you a exact number . i know of a grader operator in Calgary that took one out in a parking lot ( snow removal ) and it cost the company roughly $5,ooo , when all was said and done . If remember correctly though , Cochrane uses those cheapie looking galvinized suckers . I'm betting you shouldn't have to pay more then $3ooo also .

Curious though . Who pays for the old dude's vehicle if you're not going thru insurance ?

03-02-2006, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by sweetchariot
I know for a fact - traffic lights are $80,000

street lamps - like in city are about 20,000

Word of advice NEVER hit a c-train. The computer coupler sensor on the front runs about 500,000 to fix.:eek: :eek:

man 80k for traffic lights. come on man, where do you get your information from?

03-02-2006, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by blueToy

Not all light posts are the same , so it's difficult to give you a exact number . i know of a grader operator in Calgary that took one out in a parking lot ( snow removal ) and it cost the company roughly $5,ooo , when all was said and done . If remember correctly though , Cochrane uses those cheapie looking galvinized suckers . I'm betting you shouldn't have to pay more then $3ooo also .

Curious though . Who pays for the old dude's vehicle if you're not going thru insurance ?

He does, while I did knock the pole over, he didn't do a whole lot to avoid it. I had no duty of care towards him, apparently, and he didn't seem to care much either way. We just talked about how much he liked golfing at gleneagles :D

03-02-2006, 12:45 AM
haha, that's hilarious! was his car the Chrysler in the front there? the police and emergency crews in Cochrane are hella nice...I never mind dealing with them.

03-02-2006, 12:57 AM
why dont u sue the city for putting a street light there>:rofl:

03-02-2006, 01:44 AM
yes its covered under liability. what do you think liability is for? :) its for shit you wreck that is other peoples property. PLPD stands for public liability and property damage.

there is no way those cost 80k. if they do, im starting a light manufacturing business and retiring next week.

03-02-2006, 09:27 AM
I know that corner, it's as you enter cochrane via the secondary route instead of staying on 1A and going down the huge hill...you sweep under the road via tunnel right? ALWAYS ices there, I remember heading out there, and it was great road conditions, was driving in a bit of a spirited fashion, and figured this looked like a wicked corner, my homie riding shotgun cautioned me that it ALWAYS ices under there and around the corner due to it's grade and no exposure to the sun, so I took it normally, sure enough, it was a skating rink, and AWD saved my ass. Thats one of the few corners I know that even driving at or somewhat below the recommended speed without FULL attention, you can still own yourself.

At least the damage wasn't too bad. As for what part of insurance covers it, this is where your 3rd party liability comes into play (the 200,000-2mil that you opt for).

Good to see you wern't killed, that could have been a hell of a lot worse (especially if you bailed off the last corner and down the cliff).

03-02-2006, 10:13 AM
Yeah it could have been much worse... I live right up the hill from that tunnel and I don't think its ever been that bad through there, it does usually get icy, but this is the worst I've ever seen it... black ice in the middle and big lumpy outdoor hockey rink ice on the outsides.

I get to find out today how much damage to my car and if I am liable for the light post and for how much.

03-02-2006, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT

man 80k for traffic lights. come on man, where do you get your information from?

Yep your right...im really way of base, what an idiot I am..they are $76,042




That ones only $75,000 US

03-02-2006, 10:38 AM
Sorry cant seem to edit...but this ones only $75,000



03-02-2006, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by sweetchariot
Sorry cant seem to edit...but this ones only $75,000



That includes the price of the intersection and it's construction. The physical hardware is substantially less.

03-02-2006, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Ben

That includes the price of the intersection and it's construction. The physical hardware is substantially less.

When you hit light poles/traffic lights the majority of the cost is for all of the labour/equipment required. They have to pour the concrete footing (if you wrecked it), which means a concrete truck (not cheap) and several guys. Then they need to come back with a crane and a bunch of guys, and then the electricians. Very expensive.

Fosgate R
03-02-2006, 02:58 PM
Naw, that much for a street pole like that shouldn't be more than 5200, like I said, my buddy had to recently replace the hole pole, and the light on top of it, and he got no insurance claim, so he had to replace it himself, he just looked at the bill, $5176.54 total GST/Labour in.

Edit: I can see how traffic lights are more expensive, but to be that much more to replace is just shitty.

03-02-2006, 04:51 PM


03-02-2006, 04:54 PM
due to suspension....told you suspension is serious...

03-02-2006, 06:40 PM
what ended up bein wrong wit the bits? did you bend the crap out of the subframe or what?

Fosgate R
03-02-2006, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by b_t


That sucks man. Sorry to hear that.:thumbsdow

03-02-2006, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by EstoMax
what ended up bein wrong wit the bits? did you bend the crap out of the subframe or what?

yeah subframe and spindle, hub, axle, CV, lower control arm, trailing arm, strut, and a strut tower is bent too. but the subframe is the big one.

03-02-2006, 07:26 PM
apparently i can drop in a frame from another car! yeehaw! My old man is a TV repair man and he's got this boss set of tools, I can fix it!

..but i still need to drive a beater for awhile