View Full Version : Problem with the Health and Dental Office at UofC

03-03-2006, 10:35 AM
Well, this problem has dated back to about octoberish, wondering if I could get some imput.

I am a first year student at the University of Calgary, in September I handed in my Health insurance Waiver form found in the Calander with a couple of my friends (as we all went and handed it in together). I get a really beefy health care plan from both of my parents workers so it was really pointless for me to get additional coverage through the University of Calgary.

Come fee payment time, I look to see that the fee is still there for the Health and Dental, I figure since I handed it in on the 2nd day before the deadline that perhaps they hadn't factored it in yet, so I paid everything minus the HD Fee.

I go to the Health and Dental office, where I am helped by a fellow named John. This gentlemen seems to be the guy running the office. He looks for my form, nothing. I explain to him that I did hand it in, and I need it waived. He sends me to the SU office downstairs who proceed to tell me that its not their problem and the HD offices problem. Then he tells me to the fees office, who reply with the same response.

John, tells me that since he can't find the form, <B> and since I didn't have a reciept which they give with each form </B>well tough luck, your gonna have to stomach the $96.50 X 2 (both semesters). This really pissed me off, his indifference to my situation really frustrated me. After arguing with him numourous times he tells me that he will agree to drop the winter semester Insurance and makes me fill out a from etc <b> of which I have in writing that he agreed to drop it </b>. When leaving the office, I find out that there are TWO different kinds of forms you can hand in. Both do the exact same thing, except one of them is out of the calander, and the other is the white form with the yellow counterfoil found at most locations at the U of C and I ask him since I handed in the Calander version, would I get a receipt? He responds No.

<b> There goes his entire basis on why not to waive my fee and to add insult to injury, the fact that a Students Union employee, someone who is working for the better of Students of the UofC, lied/chose to withhold information </b>

At this point I am really annoyed, but decide to say, whatever, I got the winter waived, just deal with it right.

Fast worward to January, I go to pay my winter semester fees. I have $2623.75 to pay (tuition minus HD fees), and I have a bill of $2720.25. Do the math, and thats the exact amount of the HD fees added on. Well fuck, this sucks. I pay the $2623.75, and leave the remaining due to financial constraints, and end up paying a fucking $60.00 Late Charge.

Anyways, I am going to see this guy again. Because of the fact that he lied to me, twice, I am looking for the my entire amount of
$253.00 (HD Insurance + Late fees) returned. I think the late fees are justifed as if he DID remove it as he agreed to on paper, I wouldn't have had to pay for it.

Now, in the case that he agrees to be a indifferent schmuck again, what basis do I have. I want to get this sum of money back, as this is a sizable amount for a student such as myself.

All told, I am looking for input from Beyonders as per my actions. My thought would be A. Talk to Student Union Vice President of Operations and Finance, Joel Lockwood, see if he can do anything.

Again, any imput would be appreciated, sorry for the long rant, but I thought it would be a good idea to voice my situation to both bring awareness and to help me in this situation from people who might have had experiences like this before.