View Full Version : Calgary Parking Authority GENIUS!

03-07-2006, 11:44 PM
OK so heres the deal, I had my 95 GS-T parked in my visitors for the past 5 days since I couldn't get it running. Today I took out the radiator for replacement this morning. Calgary Parking Authority gave me a ticket at around 6pm saying it will get towed since im in visitors. I removed my other car from my private stall and pushed the GS-T into it. After that I went to park my other car at my friends.

THE FUCKING REHAB TOWED MY CAR ANYWAYS FROM MY OWN STALL!! He tells me I have no plate and shit (I have an in transit) and continues to BULLSHIT. I mouth him off for a good 10 minutes while hes ordering the tow guy but he doesn't care and tells me hes going to call the cops and they will arrest me for attemped assault or some shit. WTF. I moved the car!!

I'm not paying this BS shit. The car won't even run now since the radiator is off.

:thumbsdow to the stupid fat fag in the sunfire parking control vehicle.

03-07-2006, 11:55 PM
All of this started because you decided to repair your vehicle in visitor parking..... what did you think was going to happen?

Most lot's have rules against tennants parking in visitor stalls AND against doing any vehicle repairs in the lot's.

They did what anybody would have done. In the end, did they tow the car anyways? You said he did, but then you said he was ordering the tow guy.

03-07-2006, 11:55 PM
Pete moved the car into his own parking space after the guy said he was going to tow the car. the guy came back later and still towed it even though the car wasn't in the visitors stall anymore. :nut:

03-08-2006, 12:09 AM
If he did in fact tow it after moving it, that's incredibly shitty.

I know once they are told to tow a vehicle, they will go through with it. Did you show proof that you were entitled to a spot in the parking lot, through a rental lease or something? Usually that will take care of it. Otherwise, they will think you just moved the car and are faking you're a resident, and tow it anyways.

I'd hate to pay the fee also, but I don't see a way to get around it. Never did like the parking guys when I lived at Sait. I swear they would wait around the corner and wait for my to park in front of the building for 1 minute to drop my groceries off, and give me a ticket.

Moe Man
03-08-2006, 01:59 AM
put a plate on it then they cant tow it, simple :drama:

03-08-2006, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by BlackArcher101
If he did in fact tow it after moving it, that's incredibly shitty.

I know once they are told to tow a vehicle, they will go through with it. Did you show proof that you were entitled to a spot in the parking lot, through a rental lease or something? Usually that will take care of it. Otherwise, they will think you just moved the car and are faking you're a resident, and tow it anyways.

I'd hate to pay the fee also, but I don't see a way to get around it. Never did like the parking guys when I lived at Sait. I swear they would wait around the corner and wait for my to park in front of the building for 1 minute to drop my groceries off, and give me a ticket.

What he did was simply foolish and ignorant. He treated me like a fool. I don't have money to fucking spare for shit like this as the car does not even run. If I do have to pay, you can guarantee I will get revenge and it will not be a nice day for him.


03-08-2006, 09:38 AM
Wasn't there a thread on here saying that unless you're a license mechanic, you can't work on cars on driveways?

03-08-2006, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Wasn't there a thread on here saying that unless you're a license mechanic, you can't work on cars on driveways?

For other people. Technically it's illeagle to help your buddy out unless you can produce a mechanic's license.

03-08-2006, 10:09 AM
Well I just talked to a lawyer and he said they had the full right to tow the car when it was in visitors however, once I pushed it into my property he had no right as I was no longer violating the parking conduct.

I am now going to press charges.

Ps: that mechanic thing is stupid, that's like saying you can't cook food because you don't have a chef's degree.

03-08-2006, 10:35 AM
It's a complicated situation.
The original reason he was going to tow you, was because your car was parked in the visitor stall. You remedied that situation.
So, upon his return visit, he also finds that the vehicle does not bear a license plate (no, an in-transit permit doesn't count, since it only applies for one day, and I doubt this was the day). Unfortunately he could be allowed to do that. It all depends whether the owner of the condos has complained about it or not. If the owner complained, they have the authority to remove your vehicle.

To top it all off, you were performing repairs on your vehicle in a location that you were most definately not allowed to. This further complicates things.

I don't know the layout of your property, but if the space you pushed it into was still publicly accessible, then your vehicle still needs to have a license plate on it.
If in your tenant agreement, it states that all vehicles stored there must be properly registered and insured, then they still had the right to tow it.

03-08-2006, 11:00 AM
The condo's are probably private property, and u dont have to have a plate on it when its on private property :bullshit:

03-08-2006, 12:27 PM
I don't see why this happened. in his building there was this rusty beater that was in visitors for a long time, and no one did anything about this. But if he moved it into his paid and private stall, what gives them the right to tow it. i think the guy was just being a dick and deserves a kick in the balls. hopefully all issues are solved legally since charges have been pressed.

03-08-2006, 02:29 PM

03-08-2006, 02:42 PM
where is that thread about the mechanic license.... i have to see that lol, i always though that if you took money for the repairs you had to have a license :P though i do have my aprentice license does that count?

tough luck man, though he really couldn't tow it legally since it was on your property, alot of the parking patrol guys are on a powertrip most of the time. i was in a loading zone actually loading stuff into my aunts shop and he gave me a ticket for it..... wtf??? i wasn't even there for more than 10 minutes. its messed sometimes.

03-08-2006, 02:57 PM
Yeah, if you receive compensation, you are required to have your ticket.
I can't find the thread right now, but it was completely shrouded in argument.

For future reference, they can't legally tow a car with a person in it ;)

03-08-2006, 03:02 PM
sounds like you got caught in a bad situation and made it worse by being a douchebag...good luck

03-08-2006, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by lastprodigy
and made it worse by being a douchebag...

I hope you are joking. Have you ever spoken to an idiot before? My dad could not even get through to his asshole. When I asked him nicely he completely ignored my presence... very professional :rolleyes:

The only time he answered is when I told him "if I ever see your face on the street I'll fucking kick your face, I hope someone close to you dies". He replied with I'm calling the cops and then didn't. I am not an asshole to people but when you fuck around with me I don't take shit.

03-08-2006, 08:48 PM
Aren't you the dude who said he pulls in 6g a month and was going to buy a 400000 dollar house, why are you with your dad in a condo, get that house and garage man..........

03-08-2006, 08:56 PM
I'm just going to add my 2 cents here....on the first part.. parking in a visitor stall...

My building has very few visitor stalls (about 6) and lately i've noticed that the same cars are constantly occupying them, including one beater that seems to only move between visitor stalls ever since people started moving in (it's a new building)...

If someone left a car there for 5 days, i'd be pissed..visitor stalls are for just that - visitors, not for parking a second car that needs to be worked on.

03-08-2006, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by YamaLube
Aren't you the dude who said he pulls in 6g a month and was going to buy a 400000 dollar house, why are you with your dad in a condo, get that house and garage man..........

I'm pretty sure its because in this market you have to pretty much bid on a friggin house. Its not exactly easy, I mean its a huge purchase, you want the right home... I doubt he'll settle for one that he doesn't like.