View Full Version : WRX owner gets OWNED by fellow board members

03-17-2003, 12:43 PM
Just surfing around and came upon this, dun know if its been posted but way too funny :D

Clicky (http://www.i-club.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=9739&perpage=15&pagenumber=1)

03-17-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by 2K255HP
Just surfing around and came upon this, dun know if its been posted but way too funny :D

Clicky (http://www.i-club.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=9739&perpage=15&pagenumber=1)

that guy was a retard! he keeps driving and racing while all this is happening. lol 18lbs w/ no engine mangament:nut: serves him right.

then hes wondering how his warranty will cover it :clap:

good find:thumbsup:

03-17-2003, 01:10 PM
Gotta wonder if beating that honduh was really worth it... :rolleyes:

03-17-2003, 01:14 PM
i like when one of the posts said,
"some dumb ass in a honda "

" bet his car is still running" :clap: :rofl:

thats the best part of the whole post:thumbsup:

03-17-2003, 02:08 PM
ya its quite funny....but pretty harsh how he had to learn the hard way thats for sure....kinda cold what the members did by giong to subaru directly, but it was for the right cause.

03-17-2003, 02:18 PM
i didnt read the whole thign. they told subaru?????????

bastards lol

03-17-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by ecstasy_civic
i didnt read the whole thign. they told subaru?????????

bastards lol

Some guy blew his engine because of bad modding on his WRX he then returned his car back to stock and took it to the dealership for warranty. He then bragged on the board that the dealership is covering the whole thing. Other members got pissed at his stupidity for cranking his boost up to 18psi with no fuel management system. Some guy emailed the link to all the Subaru dealerships in Seattle and busted him. Now not one dealership is dealing with him and charges might be laid for fraud. What a dumb ass. He should have kept his mouth shut.:banghead:

03-17-2003, 03:00 PM
IMO the "rats" are a bunch of hipocrates. I'm sure if they modded their cars and it blew up, they would've done the exact same thing, return to stock and get warranty. I do NOT believe for 1 second that any of them would "do the honorable thing" and bite the bullet, and pay for a $5k repair job themselves.

That said, the guy that bragged about it was an idiot. At least get the car fixed BEFORE bragging about it.

Kind of odd how the WRX's can't take 18psi of boost when the stock car does 15psi. 3psi isn't really that much, the car might hit that on a cool night below sea level. Odd.

03-17-2003, 03:18 PM
First off, what the kid did trying to take aftermarket parts off to scam SOA was wrong. He's a dumbass for doing it and even more of a dumbass broadcasting it all over the Internet.

The engine for his WRX would've been somewhere around $6000, which is not just chump change, even to SOA.

I think the forum members did the right thing by turning him in. It's people like him that are continually raising the MSRP on many different car makes. Automakes lose money from this kind of action and regain the money from sales, increasing prices.

If you're going to put modifications on the car, make sure you do it right and don't listen to what your r!cer friends tell you.

03-17-2003, 04:47 PM
I agree with Rage, all the holier than thou attitudes would be different if something happened to their own cars.

new i-club sucks anyways!

03-17-2003, 05:02 PM
What an ass, he deserves that.

03-17-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by szw
I agree with Rage, all the holier than thou attitudes would be different if something happened to their own cars.

new i-club sucks anyways!

yeah it does!!! he was broadcasting his shit all over the nasioc too! dumbass

03-17-2003, 05:37 PM
haha thats hilarious, this guy deserved it tho

03-17-2003, 08:54 PM
ooooo hahahahahah

he got pwnared!


03-18-2003, 12:57 PM
I had thought the USDM WRX run about 8psi and the JDM's run about 12psi?

03-18-2003, 01:49 PM
Ya he deserved what he got because everyone has to take responsibility for their actions, BUT i have absolutely no respect for those who ratted on him. It's none of their business and they are all punks for stepping in. Subaru mechanics should be able to tell what happened and respond accordingly, maybe they will even learn from this and improve their product/company, but it's their problem not the losers who feel the need to make it their business.

03-18-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by 2K255HP
I had thought the USDM WRX run about 8psi and the JDM's run about 12psi?

North American WRX's run stock 14psi boost.

GTS Jeff
03-18-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by sillyd
Ya he deserved what he got because everyone has to take responsibility for their actions, BUT i have absolutely no respect for those who ratted on him. It's none of their business and they are all punks for stepping in. Subaru mechanics should be able to tell what happened and respond accordingly, maybe they will even learn from this and improve their product/company, but it's their problem not the losers who feel the need to make it their business. they werent "ratting him out".

think about it. when the dude scams SOA, SOA has to pay for the repairs. where does that money come from? car sales. the more ppl u have scamming the warranty, hte higher the cost of the cars. so really, the guy scamming the warranty is actually scamming every other subaru owner out there.

03-18-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
they werent "ratting him out".

think about it. when the dude scams SOA, SOA has to pay for the repairs. where does that money come from? car sales. the more ppl u have scamming the warranty, hte higher the cost of the cars. so really, the guy scamming the warranty is actually scamming every other subaru owner out there.

You wouldn't be saying that if you were in his position....

03-18-2003, 04:27 PM
Yeah...And its reasons like that guy that warranty claims and whatnot are so strict...
But i agree with rage, If anyone on this forum even, had the chance to get 5-6000 in repairs because you were stupid, done for free, would you say "Hell Yes." and scam away, or would you say "Oh, No...i'll pay." and be out the cash...

It is pretty harsh that he got owned that badly, but it was for the better...

GTS Jeff
03-18-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by 91_Integz

You wouldn't be saying that if you were in his position.... uhh why the fuck would i be in his position to begin with?! im not a con artist, are you?

its like a thief saying "damn, why the fuck did u call the cops on me?"

03-18-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
they werent "ratting him out".

think about it. when the dude scams SOA, SOA has to pay for the repairs. where does that money come from? car sales. the more ppl u have scamming the warranty, hte higher the cost of the cars. so really, the guy scamming the warranty is actually scamming every other subaru owner out there.

They did in fact "rat him out" because it was not their business to be involved at all.

True, if SOA is scammed they lose money but this should teach the company to be more careful (their cars do not blow up and display these symptoms without some sort of tampering or abuse and their mechanics know this)

Know the saying "buyer beware"? Well, the same idea applies to businesses as well.

I do see your point and i agree that SOA should not have to pay for this, but i also think that the company should be smart enough to recognize that something had been done to the car to cause this problem, if they don't realize it then that's their fault. I just think people should generally try to mind their own business.

03-18-2003, 11:19 PM
yup, dumb for talking about it, but what a bunch of ass holes. Fuckin ratting him out. What ever happened to "nobody likes a tattle-tale"??? That bugs me. He probably wouldnt have gotten away with it anyways.

03-18-2003, 11:29 PM
he was clowning on a forum and got OWN3D huge. Period. Rat or no rat, he deserved it.

03-18-2003, 11:41 PM
there is a difference between getting you "e-feelings" hurt and getting you personal life fucked with. Somebody on the forum crossed the line and it really bugs me. As before, he probably wouldnt have gotten away with it anyways. Mechanics arnt usually retarded beyond belief.

03-19-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
uhh why the fuck would i be in his position to begin with?! im not a con artist, are you?

its like a thief saying "damn, why the fuck did u call the cops on me?"

I said IF! IF you had a chance to get thousands of dollars in repairs for FREE, i would bet my life you WOULDN'T pass it up. You would never say, "oh i think this is because of the mods i put on my car so don't worry, i'll cover the bill"


03-19-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by 91_Integz

I said IF! IF you had a chance to get thousands of dollars in repairs for FREE, i would bet my life you WOULDN'T pass it up. You would never say, "oh i think this is because of the mods i put on my car so don't worry, i'll cover the bill"


I wouldn't go back and publicly post that I'm scamming either.

There are tonnes of people with high moral value out there that whether the issue was the money spent repairing or just plain out lying that will report someone like that.

03-19-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by 91_Integz

I said IF! IF you had a chance to get thousands of dollars in repairs for FREE, i would bet my life you WOULDN'T pass it up. You would never say, "oh i think this is because of the mods i put on my car so don't worry, i'll cover the bill"


not everyone is like that. when i blew a head gasket i paid out of my own pocket to fix it. at the time i was prepared to buy a whole new short block..... i could have just taken all the mods off and played stupid...

GTS Jeff
03-19-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by 91_Integz

I said IF! IF you had a chance to get thousands of dollars in repairs for FREE, i would bet my life you WOULDN'T pass it up. You would never say, "oh i think this is because of the mods i put on my car so don't worry, i'll cover the bill"

:bullshit: IF i had the chance, i still wouldnt take it. im not a crook. i guess that cant be said of u tho.

03-19-2003, 07:30 PM
i think this debate all boils down to where people draw their lines . . . i for one am not a crook in the sense that i will come and steal shit from you but if given the opportunity to hook up a free engine at the dealership, i am going to take it . . . i will not however let the whole world in on it so that i can get busted . . . some of the people on here arguing over this are being a little hypocritical . . . how about copyrighting software, music and the like . . . it's all the same shit, there is a grey area between right and wrong, depends on where you draw your line in that area and if you're happy with the fact you can hook shit up for free, then so be it and if it makes you happier that you pay for it yourself, then good for you

03-20-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by bksze
i think this debate all boils down to where people draw their lines . . . i for one am not a crook in the sense that i will come and steal shit from you but if given the opportunity to hook up a free engine at the dealership, i am going to take it . . . i will not however let the whole world in on it so that i can get busted . . . some of the people on here arguing over this are being a little hypocritical . . . how about copyrighting software, music and the like . . . it's all the same shit, there is a grey area between right and wrong, depends on where you draw your line in that area and if you're happy with the fact you can hook shit up for free, then so be it and if it makes you happier that you pay for it yourself, then good for you

That says it all:werd:

03-20-2003, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by bksze
i think this debate all boils down to where people draw their lines . . . i for one am not a crook in the sense that i will come and steal shit from you but if given the opportunity to hook up a free engine at the dealership, i am going to take it . . . i will not however let the whole world in on it so that i can get busted . . . some of the people on here arguing over this are being a little hypocritical . . . how about copyrighting software, music and the like . . . it's all the same shit, there is a grey area between right and wrong, depends on where you draw your line in that area and if you're happy with the fact you can hook shit up for free, then so be it and if it makes you happier that you pay for it yourself, then good for you

I couldn't have said it any better myself!

03-24-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by rage2
IMO the "rats" are a bunch of hipocrates. I'm sure if they modded their cars and it blew up, they would've done the exact same thing, return to stock and get warranty. I do NOT believe for 1 second that any of them would "do the honorable thing" and bite the bullet, and pay for a $5k repair job themselves.

Man i ponied up on my repairs... sigh ... maybe i shouldn't have since i''m so damn poor now hehehe... i couldn't look someone straight in the face and said the engine broke by itself...I'm a :nut: