View Full Version : World War III?

03-17-2003, 07:41 PM
I know theres already a topic about Iraq vs. America, but what if other nations become in danger, and start taking action. Like all the countries letting the U.S. use their soil and put thousands of soilders in their country. What if the unthinkable happens.

What do you think, did BUSH make a stupid move?
Is this gonna involve other countries other than U.S.A & Iraq.

03-17-2003, 07:44 PM
Please, the US and it's allies will dessimate anything Iraq can bring to the table, just like we did in '91. Then the French and everyone else who was against us, will come and be like "Oh yeah, well...we helped out, too"

03-17-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Glowrider
Please, the US and it's allies will dessimate anything Iraq can bring to the table, just like we did in '91. Then the French and everyone else who was against us, will come and be like "Oh yeah, well...we helped out, too"

:werd: But anything can happen...

03-17-2003, 07:51 PM
Yeah, I live in NYC. I know that "anything" can happen.

03-17-2003, 09:24 PM
doubt ww3 will happen.. political powers are too strong and if one guy goes crazy(bush) then other countries will suppress us and our own citizens will as well because we arent brainwashed mostly. im quite sure they wont let that happen.


03-17-2003, 09:32 PM
here is something to consider that may be a distant possibility,

with the inevitable attack on iraq rapidly approaching, the muslim community may take strong offense, including that of al qaeda and various factions of the terrorist cells declaring a "holy war" on the US

what may initially start out as terrorist attacks may snowball into an all out war of muslims vs. christians, which then may decide the fate of the world

like i said in another post, nobody should have the right to impose their views on anybody else, their is ~7 billion people on this world, i'm sure there are many different religions and ideologies . . . there is no one way to run a country, nor is there one right way to worship your religion, you can see this evident in domestic vs. imports, people will disagree and all with valid reasons to

if a muslim vs. christian war does happen, i can almost guarantee you that that will be teh start of the third world war

03-17-2003, 09:33 PM
including that of al qaeda and various factions of the terrorist cells declaring a "holy war" on the US

A jihad was waged on US forces in Afghanistan...as we can all plainly see, it wasn't to effective.

03-17-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by bksze
here is something to consider that may be a distant possibility,

with the inevitable attack on iraq rapidly approaching, the muslim community may take strong offense, including that of al qaeda and various factions of the terrorist cells declaring a "holy war" on the US

what may initially start out as terrorist attacks may snowball into an all out war of muslims vs. christians, which then may decide the fate of the world

like i said in another post, nobody should have the right to impose their views on anybody else, their is ~7 billion people on this world, i'm sure there are many different religions and ideologies . . . there is no one way to run a country, nor is there one right way to worship your religion, you can see this evident in domestic vs. imports, people will disagree and all with valid reasons to

if a muslim vs. christian war does happen, i can almost guarantee you that that will be teh start of the third world war

damn i guess its the buddhists are loners on this one ahah.

03-17-2003, 11:46 PM
Glowrider is all about the "America is the best country ever" attitude

03-17-2003, 11:48 PM
Glowrider is all about the "America is the best country ever" attitude

Ofcourse I am. As are most people, with their countries.

03-17-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Phats
Glowrider is all about the "America is the best country ever" attitude

nothing is wrong with that. u can say Canadian power if u wanted to...

03-18-2003, 12:00 AM
just as long as he doesn't flame me for thinking that Canada is the best in my mind, anyway, I didn't say it was a bad thing

03-18-2003, 12:20 PM
yup, agreed with the holy war crap

03-18-2003, 12:41 PM
Here is some food for thought everyone....

I think Bush has made his case, and his speech was very compelling. It almost put a tear in my beer. None of the other big wigs in the security council want to get in bed with the US because thery are scared of economic reprocutions rather than possible death by a tyrant dictator and his WMD.

But seriously I think the ultimatum was kinda weak...... I mean for a guy who has everything in the world, there is no way he will walk away in 2 days. If he was a caring dictator and loved the Iraqi people... maybe....But this was Bush's way of saying there is 2 days before any bombs will start flying.

I hope the Iraqi soldiers realize what is coming to them, and give up before the blood is shed. I hope the war effort goes smooth with minimal casualties for the allied forces. They already walked across the Kuwait border last week and surrendered to the US forces because they thought the war had already started.
The US troops sent them back.

My major concern is that the conflict will get bigger:
1. North Korea can use the moment while US is busy with Iraq and take over South.
2. Turkey can use the weakness of Iraq and invade Kurd territory.
3. China can use the distraction and claim Taiwan
4. India and Pakistan can decide once and for all show the other side whoose territory Kashmir is.
5. Iran and Syria, along with Hezbolah troops in Lebanon might decide to hit Israel thinking that they might have a chance.

03-18-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Glowrider

A jihad was waged on US forces in Afghanistan...as we can all plainly see, it wasn't to effective.

actually al jihad was not waged on US forces alone, it's a war declared on US policy therefore all US interests are targeted in this "war" and taht is exactly what i was referring to, if this "theory" gets entrenched in a few more religious fanatics then who knows what's to happen, we all know a conventional war with these guys is not possible being that they are out numbered, loosely organized and very poorly equipped so then suicide bombings and the like . . .