View Full Version : what to do?? biting dog!

04-08-2006, 09:06 AM
Ok, so I got this dog a few days ago, shes a lab mxed with something ?? dont know, and she was doing great with me, the little one and my other dog, and she even was good when my mom had come over to see her, growled at my dad once when she saw him but that was it then she was fine.

Had someone comeover last night and before he could even get in the door she was barking and growling at him, so i kept telling her it was ok and petting her and whatnot, then he goes to pet her and she bit him.......so im wondering why she did this?? and what can I do to make sure it doesnt happen again??

04-08-2006, 09:08 AM
how old is the dog? if she is a puppy you need to take her to some classes. Also, the more exposure to other people the better. take her to the parks all the time and correct her if she tries to bite. you cannot let her think that biting is ok.

04-08-2006, 09:10 AM
she is bout 1 1/2 years old

04-08-2006, 09:39 AM
well if the previous owners did not bother to take time into teaching her right from wrong and being a good dog, u might have to spend some time with her in classes to get her to be a tammed dog.

04-08-2006, 09:47 AM
They said they worked to much and blah blah so they didnt have time for her, I would like to take her to some classes, she really is a sweet dog and so worth it, she just needs some obedience training and LOTS of socialization, just dont know how to go about socializing her if she is going to bite people, thats what scares me!

04-08-2006, 09:53 AM
Taker her out around a people and keep correcting her sounds like the best thing but be carefull she dosnt go and bite some one. If you have problems with her listening even after you telling her its ok theres a way to make her submit to you. Make her lie down on her side then go from her back and grab both legs (front and back legs that are closest to the ground) and place your one elbow across her neck as so she can not bite you in the processe and just apply pressure as needed and hold her so she cant get up and slowly she should submitt to you (worked on my dog and she used to bite) but do it for like 10 min or until she gives up do it every day for a week then see. if she still keeps biting or growling hold her mouth shut and make her look at you and say No! dont be cheery about though other wise i cant think of any other ways

another thing you could do is have diffrent friends come over and play with her so she gets comfortable with other people then take her out. Let them know she might bite and buy some chew toys for her to play with. Or you could purchase a muzzel for while you take her out and as she stops growling take it off but if she growls put it right back on for a bit once she stops

04-08-2006, 09:57 AM
Get a muzzle and use that for training then all you have to do is correct the growling and hte biting should stop as well. I have a new puppy hes 7 weeks old right now. He is nipping right now but thats just cause he things that he is playing. When he nips I yelp and he stops. Good luck with the re-training though.

04-08-2006, 10:02 AM
should I put a choke chain on her or somthing when I take her out??? she is VERRYY strong!!!! shes got to be atleast 100 pounds if not more

04-08-2006, 10:09 AM
OH a muzzle thats not a bad idea!! didnt even think about that!
thanx guys!

04-08-2006, 10:17 AM
And yes a choke chan would be dandyt for taking her out for walks try to keep her walking beside you on the left side away from the people though and say No first and if she dosnt stop give it a tug one thing my teacher told me was never repeat a camand more then once that way the dog will learn to listen the first time and will not hesitate to listen later on works for every thing my dog listen rather well even though she sometimes hesitates but i now can take her out not even on the leash and she walks beside me (most of the time) and will come the first time i call her and she isnt even a year old yet

04-08-2006, 10:24 AM
Oh wow, ok thats awsome, I will try that!! If any of you have anymore tips on training, I would be more then happy to hear them, could really use them haha

04-08-2006, 12:55 PM
we have a great dane that does the same thing... her behaviour was classified as "fearfull agression." she is about 1 year old and is now enrolled in a dog training class. she has only been to 3 and i havent seen much change yet... i hope it works though. good luck with your your new dog!

04-08-2006, 01:01 PM
what causes this fearfull agression??

she even goes nuts just seeing kids outside playing!! yet she is great with mine so gentle, does everything she can to not even bump into her!!

Let me know how your dog does with these classes!

04-08-2006, 06:32 PM
I think its men that she doesnt like!! had a friend come over with her guy and Cash was fine with my friend but the guy she went nuts with as soon as he reached out his hand to pet her.

maybe she got hit one to many times by a guy? I dont know but it sure baffles me!!

04-08-2006, 06:56 PM
you can train any dog no matter the age ..... go out buy a kennel when ever you discipline her and she growls after put her in the kennel if she continues to growl or act dominant squirt her with a water bottle they detest it leave her in there for a while let her out do let her on your bed or couch dogs show dominance by higher ground(king of the castle) there was a guy at my work that was kinda of dog shrink he studied dog behaviori may be able to get his # for you if you want it pm me :thumbsup: ps i dont know what he charges:dunno:

04-08-2006, 07:04 PM
use a harness when you take her out, not a choker. that way you have total control at all times no matter what.
like said before, you just need to take steps to make her social
try not to put her directly in uncomfortable situations, but ease her into them, people shouldnt just outright go to pet her, she has to know there ok and not a threat, so she needs to smell then and check them out..
yah like said spray them in the face with water, they'll learn to hate that quick, and as mean as it is, it works haha. always let her know you have control and your dominant.
i dont care what anyone says, spank your dog. and most of all nbe consistent.

04-08-2006, 07:26 PM
That would be great if you could get his number for me!!
she is not allowed on any beds or couches, and she has a kennel

A harness?? not a choke chain?? like i said she is strong and it takes everything i have to hold her back with a normal collar, I dont understand how a harness would help with that??

04-08-2006, 11:06 PM
As mentioned above, it's all about submission. We just got our puppy as well (Alaskan Malamut) and the trainers told us that everytime she bites we have to show our 'dominance' over her. Not by hitting, or being agressive with it, but simply, pinning it down gently so that the dog can not get free or move very well. The pup will whine but don't let go until it calms down. The pup must learn that it comes after humans in the order of things.

04-08-2006, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Cheeky
should I put a choke chain on her or somthing when I take her out??? she is VERRYY strong!!!! shes got to be atleast 100 pounds if not more

Coke chains do not work, and DO NOT USE A MUZZLE!!

How would you like to have your hand tied behind your back (female in this case) and have a sex predator infront of you? Dont feel so safe do you?

Just like the dog. The muzzle will make him even more angry and scared and want to lash out.

The way we tought our dog to stop biting was saying no bite when he bit someone, or whatever, and slap his nose. Dogs hate that. After a while it will work. Just need patience,

hope this helps.

D. Dub
04-09-2006, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Goblin

Coke chains do not work, and DO NOT USE A MUZZLE!!

How would you like to have your hand tied behind your back (female in this case) and have a sex predator infront of you? Dont feel so safe do you?

Just like the dog. The muzzle will make him even more angry and scared and want to lash out.

The way we tought our dog to stop biting was saying no bite when he bit someone, or whatever, and slap his nose. Dogs hate that. After a while it will work. Just need patience,

hope this helps.

You can get nice soft nylon muzzles now that keep the mouth closed but don't look nasty or hurt the dog.

Muzzles are better than lawsuits.

04-09-2006, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Cheeky
That would be great if you could get his number for me!!
she is not allowed on any beds or couches, and she has a kennel

A harness?? not a choke chain?? like i said she is strong and it takes everything i have to hold her back with a normal collar, I dont understand how a harness would help with that??

we just ordered a harness for jorja (our great dane). we used to use one that went over her face but the class instuctor told us they are very bad for thier neck and when you pull on them to hold them back, it hurts them. i imagine it's similar with the choke chains and collar when you pull on them so hard. you have much more control on them with the harness and you can hold them back without causing pain.

04-09-2006, 10:12 AM
I really dont think its a good idea to take her out for walks with out a muzzle, theres lots of people and kids around here and im not about to walk down the street yelling dont come near my dog she may eat you LOL

she needs a muzzle untill she can learn no one is going to hurt her, otherwise I could end up in some trouble if she really hurts someone

D. Dub
04-09-2006, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Cheeky
I really dont think its a good idea to take her out for walks with out a muzzle, theres lots of people and kids around here and im not about to walk down the street yelling dont come near my dog she may eat you LOL

she needs a muzzle untill she can learn no one is going to hurt her, otherwise I could end up in some trouble if she really hurts someone

Get a soft muzzle...you'll never forgive yourself if she bites a little kid or something.

There is nothing wrong or inhumane about a muzzle...

especially when the consequences may be a kid with stitches and your dog put down!!!!

04-09-2006, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Cheeky

A harness?? not a choke chain?? like i said she is strong and it takes everything i have to hold her back with a normal collar, I dont understand how a harness would help with that??

becuase with a harness you have more control over her whole body, not just in one spot around her neck.
harness also have a center strap that goes down the dogs back which can be held on to, keeping the dog right close to your body.
and when using a harness you can pretty much just drag them around as hard as you want, without worrying about there throat/neck.

believe me, i have two dogs that are far past retardedly hyper, and there both big. Harnessing them is the only way to go.

D. Dub
04-09-2006, 10:26 AM
Get a Halti or Gentle Leader both work to control the dog and work better than chokes.

04-09-2006, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Get a soft muzzle...you'll never forgive yourself if she bites a little kid or something.

There is nothing wrong or inhumane about a muzzle...

especially when the consequences may be a kid with stitches and your dog put down!!!!
Ya thats what I will do, I seen them at petsmart the other day so ill pick one up today while im out.

Originally posted by snowboard

becuase with a harness you have more control over her whole body, not just in one spot around her neck.
harness also have a center strap that goes down the dogs back which can be held on to, keeping the dog right close to your body.
and when using a harness you can pretty much just drag them around as hard as you want, without worrying about there throat/neck.

believe me, i have two dogs that are far past retardedly hyper, and there both big. Harnessing them is the only way to go.

Ahh ok, that makes sence, is there some kind of special leash I should use or anything?? lol

wow I feel stupid haha but ive never had a "problem" dog before so....lol sorry for all the retarded questions!!

04-09-2006, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Cheeky

Ya thats what I will do, I seen them at petsmart the other day so ill pick one up today while im out.

Ahh ok, that makes sence, is there some kind of special leash I should use or anything?? lol

wow I feel stupid haha but ive never had a "problem" dog before so....lol sorry for all the retarded questions!!

uhh not that i know of, just hoooks up to a normal metal loop..
its better you ask question now then later lol

04-09-2006, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub
Get a Halti or Gentle Leader both work to control the dog and work better than chokes.

would you say they work better then harnesses? or do I use them both ??? or what?? lol

04-09-2006, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by snowboard

uhh not that i know of, just hoooks up to a normal metal loop..
its better you ask question now then later lol

lol ok, just checking cause I picked up a thick 6foot leather leash yesterday, cause apparently its easier on the hands LOL

04-09-2006, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Cheeky

would you say they work better then harnesses? or do I use them both ??? or what?? lol

the gentle leader goes around thier face and strains there neck if pulled with force. i would recommend the harness.

04-09-2006, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by 4bier
go out buy a kennel when ever you discipline her and she growls after put her in the kennel

Whoa, that is definitely not the purpose of a kennel....
If you crate train a dog, the kennel becomes its den and it's home. It's never to be used for punishment purposes.

On another note, theres a lot of misconceptions here about choke chains... it DOES NOT choke the dog. I was horrified when I discovered that our dog training school uses "choke chains" but then they had us put it on our arms and then yanked so we knew what it was doing to our dogs.
It's evenly applied pressure onto the dog's neck. My dog cries when something hurts him but when we use the chain on him, he never cries because it's just pressure that tells him focus.
Obviously if you take the chain and yank super hard and you drag him around, then yes, you choke the dog. But who does that unless they have the intention to abuse their dog?


Here's my trainer, she's absolutely amazing, I've had her since Kato was a puppy and we've stayed with her ever since.

D. Dub
04-09-2006, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by snade831

the gentle leader goes around thier face and strains there neck if pulled with force. i would recommend the harness.

harnesses don't work on big dogs unless you're a 250 lb linebacker

gentle leaders keep the dog in control without needing to be overly strong

my 110 lb friend has a gentle leader for her 90 lb dobermann and it works like magic :thumbsup:

04-09-2006, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

harnesses don't work on big dogs unless you're a 250 lb linebacker

gentle leaders keep the dog in control without needing to be overly strong

my 110 lb friend has a gentle leader for her 90 lb dobermann and it works like magic :thumbsup:

it's true they work wonders, but they hurt your dog

04-09-2006, 06:08 PM
I had a dog from the spca for 3 months,it was having problems adjusting to his new home, I was very patient and kind to him, yet he never did show any signs of trusting me.

Eventualy one day, I had him by the collar and I was trying to guide him into his bed so I could waash the floors. He tried to pull himself loose(and I naturally held on tighter) so he turned around and chomped me in the arm and would not let go. I actually had to punch him to get him to let go.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I didn't want him in my house anymore, so I brought him back to the spca. They agreed with me, and apolgized that the previous owner was not honest with them.

It still bugs me to know that the spca had him destroyed. And, even though I beleive that a normal dog should be extremely reluctant to want to bite anyone, I still question whether I should have just let go of his collar.

D. Dub
04-09-2006, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by snade831

it's true they work wonders, but they hurt your dog

thats kinda the point...the discomfort makes the dog change their behavior

04-09-2006, 08:19 PM
thank you!!

you all have been a big help!!

Im going to try some of these things and I'll let you know how it works out :thumbsup:

celica girl
04-10-2006, 03:40 PM
Look up a place called Sit Happens. I hear they are very good. As far as the agression goes do not pet your dog if she's barking or growling at somebody. If you are talking to them in a calm voice they will not think they have done anything wrong. Instead it's like you are rewarding her for the behavior. You need to assert your dominance over them.

I have used the gentle leader before. It works pretty well when you are taking the dog for a walk because basically it controls their head. You can also try a pinch collar. I know they look horrible and mean but they do work. I think they are better than choke collars because they can only constrict to a certain point whereas a choke chain can get tighter and tighter. I have had the pinch collar put on my arm and it just scares the dog more than anything. It's a matter of using it correctly.

As far as classes go... those are for YOU and not for the dog. It's all about repetition. If you don't follow through with practicing at home they will never learn.

04-20-2006, 10:30 AM
Ok so I tried the gentle leader and I must say im really impressed how well it worked!!! no more pulling :D

NOW, I have to get one of these guys spayed or neutered before I end up with some of the uglyest puppys known to man, but im not sure which one to get done (the 10 year old shih tzu or the 1 1/2 year old lab X) help!!!!!

I dont know if he got her or not already though, she has been in heat since I got her and I swear she is trying to get pregnate, cause Gus is so small she will lay down so he can reach haha so If I do end up with pups ya'll gotta take some LOL

04-20-2006, 10:59 AM
If shes biting - don't take her out to greet the public right away. My buddy had a black lab the same problem as you have, he thought by taking it ot the park and letting people interact with it would be good, but it tried attacking a kid and it bit a soccermom.

04-20-2006, 11:18 AM
I got her a muzzle too, and she does fine with it! I take her for walks but I avoid people as much as possible and she just stares at them for a bit then keeps walking, when I took her for a walk the other day some drunk dude comes walking out and asked if he could pet her and I said no and he kept walking (if you could call it that lol) towards her and she backed away and growled like crazy, didnt know what I should do so I just told her NO and walked away very quickly before he got any closer to her.

but as far as people coming over she is doing really well!