View Full Version : Initial D Stage 4 ???

04-10-2006, 03:22 AM
Hey, I'm not a fan of ordering things off the internet.. call me old fasioned I just try to avoid any online purchases.

I would Really like to get my hands on the Initial D stage 4 dvd box set
including all episodes during stage 4 season. Does anybody know where in Calgary I could go to purchase these?? They need to be ligit copies so my dvd player can play them, I dont have a dvd player with a mod chip to play fake japanese discs... if you understand what im saying the kinds that are precopied that they sell in china town.

if anybody knows please pm me or reply to this thread thanks!

04-10-2006, 03:31 AM
wait for Tokyopop finish subbing all Initial D episodes, they just finished 2nd stage and Extra Stage.
their release would be the legit copies in North America. R1


buy the pirated dvd boxsets which are region free. R0
don't know if China town or TnT have it in stock though

04-10-2006, 03:32 AM
they were never officially released in north america, so if you want realy dvds you will have to buy japanese ones that doesnt have english sub. Also, dvds from asia has different code than NA, so your dvd player will not play them either, unless its moded or its some cheapass brand you buy from china town.

04-10-2006, 03:43 AM
I would like a dubbed copy I only read english.
Will they 4th season eventually be available in Calgary?? or will I have no choice but to order them.

I thought about pyrated copies but I don't believe a standard dvd player will play them, and there not dubbed yet are they?