View Full Version : plea bargaining

04-15-2006, 12:11 PM
Hello everyone,

I live in a little town north of edmonton and recently I very slightly rolled through a stop sign to turn left into a one way road and to my dismay after I was on the road I saw three officers pulled to the side (couldn't see them till I was fully on the street) of the road with an additional two cars that they pulled over (probably for the same thing I did), well anyway one of the officers signalled me over to the side of the road and gave a me a fail to stop at stop sign ticket.

Well, I've heard that you can go an talk to the prosecutor and he will hopefully lower your fine or demerits etc. Since this is my second ticket I would like to lower the blow on this a bit since my insurance regretably now goes up. Sorry to bug you all but I have a few questions such as how and when do I go see him/her, do I just go up to the clerk at the court and ask to see the C.P.?

Thank you all for your help!

04-18-2006, 04:18 PM
yes you just go up there and talk to the CP. make sure you are in there when they open or have fun standing in line and waiting for at least an hour or two. but yeah just go to the CP and talk to him say you'll pay the money but could you take the dermits off most of the time they say do that. but thats in calgary.

04-18-2006, 04:38 PM
I know in Airdrie you have to go on the day that it says on your ticket because they only pull the tickets for that day.