View Full Version : MR and Snow?

04-22-2006, 11:02 PM
Recently ive been looking into buying a 1992 Toyota MR2 Turbo and i was wondering, how does the MR layout effect driving in the snow?

I know that the MR is famous for its grip BECAUSE of its layout but i also know that if you start sliding your really screwed.

Im also about to move to Missouri where its not exactly snow country but they still do get snow in the winter and i was wondering, how badly will it handle in the snow?

04-23-2006, 01:04 AM
I havn't driven an MR2 in the winter... however I can explain it this way.
All rear wheel drive vehicles are going to be more difficult in the winter then FF vehicles. Now they are still drivable and many people drive them, aslong as you get good winter tires and you learn to control your vehicle, and counter steer slides and loss of traction around corners then you will be okay.

Learn to downshift rather then use your break and start off really slow when you are moving from a stop. They all have certain caracteristics which follow the same FR principle in the snow.

the MR2 has a Rear enngine lay out, Due to this it will handle better then many other FR cars out there. Since the engine is in the rear there will be more traction to the tires.

So put it this way you know how most FR cars handle in the winter.
the MR will be better. I would say Mid engine vehicles are the next best thing to FF vehicles for the winter.

then 4x4 is the best.

04-23-2006, 01:09 AM
Yup. MR = heavier in the rear, pushes the ass end down, more traction for tires. You could always load the back of whatever you're driving with sandbags for added weight in the back, which I've heard many FR drivers have done to improve their winter control.

Having driven FR in a winter, it's a bit of a hassle, but it's doable. Mind you, I had almost less weight in the rear of my car than in the front, and worn winter tires, so that's probably why I found it a bitch to drive =P

Suggestion: go to a parking lot when it's icey and start doing some sliding, get used to what it feels like and learn to be calm and handle the car properly! Panic makes things a lot worse out there.

04-23-2006, 01:12 AM
all i have to say is i love 4wd for the winter :nut:

04-23-2006, 08:01 AM
hrm ok...
i figured that the MR layout would have given me better traction but i did hear from someone that since there IS all the weight in the back if you do lose traction its not pretty.

so basicly, the MR layout is pretty damn good for the snow, although its does have its drawbacks?

04-23-2006, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Hitokiri_Gensai
hrm ok...
i figured that the MR layout would have given me better traction but i did hear from someone that since there IS all the weight in the back if you do lose traction its not pretty.

so basicly, the MR layout is pretty damn good for the snow, although its does have its drawbacks?

Most notably being that you have no traction up front if you start to slide to recover with.

As well, given the MR2's body style/engine I wouldn't be thrilled about having it out and about in winter.

04-23-2006, 02:50 PM
Driving an MR2 in the winter is not fun. at the very least put sandbags in the front. you have barely any control in the front. with all the weight in the back it gets thrown around easilly. Going up/down hills is intense. This is the main reason why i sold mine. It makes an awesome summer car though.

04-23-2006, 02:54 PM
well again im not gonna be wading through like 10 foot snowfalls.... its Missouri so they get about... a foot a season or something like that.... not exactly a huge winter area but they still have snow.

04-23-2006, 05:37 PM
MR's are doable.i drove a fiero with good winter tiresand it was good. no issues at all. And fun when you want it to be :D

04-24-2006, 08:51 AM
i think im gonna buy the car, but i probably wont drive it to CT during the winter to see my parents... heh.... that probably wont go well....

my wife says she thinks itll be fun to drive around. hrm.... thank god shes into cars.....

04-24-2006, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Hitokiri_Gensai
i think im gonna buy the car, but i probably wont drive it to CT during the winter to see my parents... heh.... that probably wont go well....

my wife says she thinks itll be fun to drive around. hrm.... thank god shes into cars.....
MR2's are great cars. cheap insurance. great on gas and spirited! +1 for buying one :D

04-24-2006, 02:34 PM
Since were on the topic
how are FD's in the winter?? i've heard due to balancing and the direct boost from the sequencial turbo's that its an absolute nightmare. this true?
or is it like anything else, winter tires, drive with caution and its doable.

Provided this is only * worst case scenario * when you absolutely have no other option then to rive an FD in teh winter.. I'd never wanto put such a gorgeous car at risk of snow and dirt.

BTW I didn't mean to steal your thread man I'm just adding to the flavor.:thumbsup:

04-24-2006, 02:41 PM
with caution you can drive any car in winter. wlel except for ridiculously low cars or old muscle cars with an active suspension. i was not aware that FD's had sequential turbos but it has nothign to do with winter driveability. Just don't let it hit boost. i drove mt supra one day in winter ( it snowed and i was at work so i drove it home -_-) an wide tires suck in winter but it was fun goign aorudn the neighbourhood a coupe of tiems haha.