View Full Version : Paypal Question

04-27-2006, 11:42 PM
I've been using Ebay/Paypal for many years and never had a problem, but one seller on Ebay won't accept my payment because my address is unconfirmed. I've tried to search up everything on Paypal on how to confirm my address and it only says that if the shipping address is the same as my billing address for my credit card then it will be confirmed. I've checked both and they are exactly the same and still not confirmed. Does anyone know how to do this???

04-28-2006, 10:27 AM
u have to add a bank accoun to paypal
then they send some odd amount of cents, you have to check with ur bank, then type those amounts in a form and they confirm you.

Mine is not confirmed right now and i havnet had any problems, my other one back in the US was confirmed and thats how i got it.

There should be info on the paypal site.

04-28-2006, 10:33 AM

yeah you are right. The way I did it is I added a new credit card to my paypal account (a visa). Paypal then prompted me to confirm the card so paypal basically charges the card $1.00 and wanted me to verify that it really was my card.

Instructions as follows:

1) add the card to your paypal account
2) when it says unconfirmed address, go to a page where it takes action to confirm it
3) agree to paypal charging you a dollar
4) once this has been done, you have 2 choices
4a) wait for your next statement, and type in the # that appears beside paypal purchase of $1.00 (something completely random a bunch of digits and numbers usually). You type this in on the paypal confirmed address/card page
4b) call up your card supplyer (visa, mastercard) and ask them to tell you what the numbers are beside the paypal purchase of $1.00. This is a much shorter way of doing it, but keep in mind your card supplyer will ask you questions etc. about you in order to release that information. Go to paypal website and click confirm card
5) your card should be confirmed and good to go

04-28-2006, 10:34 AM
oh and yeah, paypal will put forth the $1.00 charge to your next purchase. So confirming it is free

04-28-2006, 10:36 AM
Confirming an address and an account is totally different.

Your credit card has to support Paypal address confirmation. Talk to your credit card company.

04-28-2006, 10:42 AM
For some reason, some addresses outside USA cannot be confirmed at this time. Only some UK and Canadian addresses can be confirmed, not all, as stated by paypal. I, also, cannot confirm my address with paypal for some reason that I do not know. I have verified this with them and they did not tell me why just that they could not do it.


04-28-2006, 11:08 AM
I've been on ebay for 5 years......Still have an unconfirmed paypal address, they told me that it's because I'm Canadian.....damn Americans......

04-28-2006, 11:18 AM
I am a confirmed address despite being Canadian. :D
I think it may have to do with the number of transactions as well.

04-29-2006, 01:32 AM
Well like I mentioned earlier, I've been using paypal for a number of years as a buyer and seller. I've verified my account by having them charge a dollar to my bank account (i think that's what happend, too long ago) but I've tired everythig to confirm address and I can't. I don't beleive it has anything to do with the number of transactions but oh well. I've contacted the seller and explained and he just decided to send the item.

04-29-2006, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by anarchy
Well like I mentioned earlier, I've been using paypal for a number of years as a buyer and seller. I've verified my account by having them charge a dollar to my bank account (i think that's what happend, too long ago) but I've tired everythig to confirm address and I can't. I don't beleive it has anything to do with the number of transactions but oh well. I've contacted the seller and explained and he just decided to send the item.

A confirmed address has to do with your credit card company and paypal.

04-30-2006, 07:23 AM
Sometimes when i pay by clicking on the paypal link through the auction my address isn't confirmed. But if i pay for my items through paypal by clicking on "pay for ebay items" my address will be confirmed.