View Full Version : No wonder I lock my doors - GOOD read

04-29-2006, 02:54 AM
Alright, so its now 230 AM, on saturday. I was approached by someone today about 20 minutes ago, kind of scared me, so here is my story.

I was at my friends house drinking some beer, blah blah blah, the night goes on etc. Around 2 oclock we decide its bed time, so my friend drives me to my car which is parked at my buddies house because me and my friend were both drinking. As we pull up, we see this huge guy walking on the sidewalk, no biggie, right?

We get to behind my civic and say goodbye etc etc do what people do. Then this car pulls up to my left and signals to roll down the window, my friend who was driving got really scared because it was so dark and couldnt really see, she told me not to get out but I have been in situations like this and first thing you need when someone is going to do some crazy shit is something to hit them with and a running start. I had bought 12 beer earlier and I still had a bunch left so I grabbed one and got out, just incase.

The driver turns the light on and it is some middle aged women, and she looked scared etc. I immeaditly ask her what the problem is, because people dont approach you like that unless they have a problem. She then tells me that she is a student, who is pregnant, and that she needs help, she lives just down the street from my friend. She said that she has a daughter, who is staying at a neighbors house. She told me that she is not drunk, or high, she doesnt do drugs or drink because she is pregnant, and she understands that it is very fucked up when someone tries to talk to you at 2AM.

Lady claims that she has no money, and that she works and goes to school. She also said she has an abusive alcholic boyfriend who hits her and her daughter. I was still like WTF is going on, so I just let her talk. Her boyfriend got really drunk, and had hit her and her daughter and then left and started to kick and damage her car, and that he was all drunk and shit and going around breaking stuff. I told her that she needs to get her daughter, and to go to a shelter. She tells me that her daughter is staying at her neighbor(cop) and that she is going down to the womens shelter, but she has nothing on her, she couldnt even grab her purse or anything as she left. Understandable because I saw that she was wearing pajamas, she even said that later. She said she had no money what so ever, and that she had no gas.

I told her that she needed to call the cops, she said she did but I was about to phone them anyways, but she told me that the cops had already came around, and then other cops were meeting her at the shelter. I asked her why she didnt have her daughter with her, and why she didnt bring her to the shelter with her, she seemed sympathetic with my uneasyness, maybe its because I was ready to hit someone with a beer bottle.
She then said that her daughter she knew was safe, and that her native 6foot 6 boyfriend wouldnt even look for her there, simply because she is a cop.

I didnt really know what to feel, except that I wanted to bash this fuckers head in, people like that who abuse others make me sick. But its even worse with kids involved and especially when a woman is pregnant. What I think is even worse is when the woman are too ignorant to leave or use law on there side, or even to fight back. When someone believes someone will change, or that its "only when hes drunk" is just plain retarded.

I told her that she needs to make sure her daughter is safe, and that she is safe. I told her that its OK to ask for help, even though a lot of people can't do it. I also told her that she needs to be with her daughter and should consider taking her to the shelter with her. My friend gave me 2 dollars to give to her, and I grabbed all the change I had in my pocket and handed it to her and told her to be safe and to get help quick.

So theres my story, some people are really fucked up and that shit scared me. I went to see if that huge guy was still walking on the sidewalk so I could call the cops and follow him from my car, but he was gone. I hope everything works out for her and that she and her 2 children are safe and that fucking asshole gets whatever he deserves.

Thanks for reading

04-29-2006, 03:24 AM
was this huge guy that u saw walking on teh sidewalk native?

Bill Cosby
04-29-2006, 04:34 AM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

04-29-2006, 05:40 AM
Ah come on that was a good read. But yea on the serious note, abusive men/women whatever the hell you are should be put behind bars and introduced to bubba or lady equivalent of bubba's in jail. Got the point right? lool

04-29-2006, 08:50 AM
Was she driving an intrepid by any chance?

I think you've been had. Seriously. Its happened to me a couple times now and its always the same story. "I had to leave so fast and now I have no money for gas to get to the shelter". Once was outside the liquor store @ about 1am in Beddington and I forget where the first time was.

I didnt give her shit either time. If she's being abused and the cops are involved, they will give her a ride down there. If she doesnt want the cops involved, then dont ask me for help.

04-29-2006, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Chris88CL
Was she driving an intrepid by any chance?

I think you've been had. Seriously. Its happened to me a couple times now and its always the same story. "I had to leave so fast and now I have no money for gas to get to the shelter". Once was outside the liquor store @ about 1am in Beddington and I forget where the first time was.

I didnt give her shit either time. If she's being abused and the cops are involved, they will give her a ride down there. If she doesnt want the cops involved, then dont ask me for help.

Its a scam, if it was really serious, she would not shy away from calling the cops. Despite the fact that she claimed they had been called...if she is so scared, she would want them there. Funny thing, I think I just read about this in this months maxim too:rofl:

04-29-2006, 10:56 AM
They do a really good job in acting. I have to give them credit for that. I've been had to, only $5 though, but never again!:bullshit: :guns: :rofl:

04-29-2006, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

Its a scam, if it was really serious, she would not shy away from calling the cops. Despite the fact that she claimed they had been called...if she is so scared, she would want them there. Funny thing, I think I just read about this in this months maxim too:rofl:

If it was really true, her "friend cop" would have noticed something was up and done something. Abused women don't go around telling random people what's up, they ususally try and hide everything. :bullshit:

04-29-2006, 11:17 AM
Well $2 and a bunch of change is really not a big deal, so even if she was bs'ing you didn't do too badly :p

04-29-2006, 11:26 AM
all that work for 2 bucks? Seems more of a cost more than a benefit to go through all that work asking strangers at 2 in the morning, especially on a weekend.

04-29-2006, 11:31 AM
i would have called the cops anyways, when people tell you not to call the cops, they usually have something to hide

04-29-2006, 11:48 AM
Bullshit story, I bet her tank was full of gas and she is a stupid bitch trying to scam money.

I would have told her to fucking call the cops again and ask for a ride.

I hate fucking scammers. They come up with new shit stories to sucker people all the time.

Yes, the bums will make up all kinds of stories "I'm late for my job." "My husband beats me" "my kid just died"

If they open up with "I'm not high, drunk" they're usually begging for money so they can be high or drunk.

You should have given her more money. Maybe she would have OD'ed.

04-29-2006, 11:56 AM
I woulda called the cops anyway too!


04-29-2006, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Chris88CL
Was she driving an intrepid by any chance?

I think you've been had. Seriously. Its happened to me a couple times now and its always the same story. "I had to leave so fast and now I have no money for gas to get to the shelter". Once was outside the liquor store @ about 1am in Beddington and I forget where the first time was.

I didnt give her shit either time. If she's being abused and the cops are involved, they will give her a ride down there. If she doesnt want the cops involved, then dont ask me for help.

Yea she was driving an intrepid, LOL. Fucking crackheads. Looks like I was scammed.

Glad I didn't feel too bad for her, so I didnt give her any bills or anything.

Maybe it was just a coincidence there was a huge guy walking on the street.

04-29-2006, 12:14 PM
You got pwnt. lol.

I put up with that shit all the time living in downtown edmonton.

04-29-2006, 01:07 PM
damn , note to self dont give any money to bitch in intrepid lol. :rofl:

04-29-2006, 01:21 PM
LOL nice story, thanks for the heads up.

04-29-2006, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Chris88CL
Was she driving an intrepid by any chance?

I think you've been had. Seriously. Its happened to me a couple times now and its always the same story. "I had to leave so fast and now I have no money for gas to get to the shelter". Once was outside the liquor store @ about 1am in Beddington and I forget where the first time was.

I didnt give her shit either time. If she's being abused and the cops are involved, they will give her a ride down there. If she doesnt want the cops involved, then dont ask me for help.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine a week or so ago, he also gave her a couple of bucks. His girlfriends is a social worker so I think he felt like he had a sense of duty. It was basically the same story from what I remember... drunken abusive husband, child at the neighbours... pregnant woman driving an Intrepid...

04-29-2006, 07:12 PM
next person to encounter this bitch should ask her for her ID or something before they give her money... "incase anything happens to her" you want to have a name to give the cops, etc etc.

see what she says.. it's all about fuckin with the crackheads :rolleyes:

04-29-2006, 07:16 PM
Ill be booting her car in if she comes up to me...
Where in Beddington does this happen?

04-29-2006, 07:28 PM
wow... what is calgary turning into ... :confused:

04-29-2006, 08:10 PM
scam...it happened to my dad...this chick at a grocery store said "she left her purse at home and blah blah blah" and she needed enough gas to go home.

I gave her 5 bucks and I walked inside...i came out 20 minutes later and shes roaming around collecting money the same way she did me. :guns: ...i was like "WTF"

never...ever again

04-29-2006, 09:55 PM
I have fallen for the "left my purse at home" one too lol I always feel bad for them. Ive like pulled into the grocery store and had them wait outside my car and they look so freaky so i pretend i dont see them lol then I contemplate driving away. I fall for it every time. and some of them are just plain scary, when I have my daughter in the car it bothers me even more to get out when they are there.

Was stopped on my way out of a 7-11 and these guys were all hanging all over my car and asked if i could give them a ride out of town too......riight im so sure im going to go drive 4 guys out of town all by my self...I think not..so i was like no and they were all like oh common and blah blah so I resorted to saying it wasnt my car so i couldnt lol these kind of people scare me !!

EK 2.0
04-30-2006, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by CrvenaZvezda
damn , note to self dont give any money to bitch in intrepid lol. :rofl:

note to self...buy an Intrepid and cruise around 'hoods with the ability to scam money...

04-30-2006, 03:35 AM
haha working in downtown at night is awesome.
theres always people like this making up stories and shit
so far the weirdest one i had was some lady selling those fund raiser chocolates...said her daughter had one left to sell this was at 3 in the morning...WTF?! who fund raises at 3 in the morning haha

ive never fallen for it never will you can tell they are lying straight out of their teeth and the im not high im not drunk line always gives it away.

be aware !

04-30-2006, 04:00 AM
Good job for posting. It's good to share this shit and we can all be better informed, even if someone got played. I hate that shit.

05-02-2006, 06:52 AM
has anyone ever had the deaf/mute guy at marlborough mall give you a card saying that he was deaf/mute and needed money? I told him "I don't have any, sorry" he nodded and left. I didn't notice until he walked away that he knew what I said and that he couldn't have read my lips.:dunno: fuckin world

Edit: next time you see the bitch tell her i'm looking for my cut:bigpimp: