View Full Version : telus experts!!! please help

05-05-2006, 01:42 AM
hi there so im interested in a palm treo 650.
- first off do i have to get a plan just to use the treo or can i just use the plan im on right now?

i wont have to use it for email and such yet. i will do that on a later day.

so the question is can i just switch my number over to the palm treo with having a data plan?

i know i won't be using all the phones features but can i just use it with my talk plan?

05-05-2006, 07:30 AM
Try this it has all the answers to your questions


05-05-2006, 10:45 AM
it says there "in order to take advantage of all this device has to offer"
i need
* Subscription to a E-mail and Web Plan (optional to add a PCS rate plan)
* Palm® Treo™ 650 device, software and accessories
* Coverage on TELUS Mobility's national 1X network
* Subscription to Business Inbox for real-time access to corporate email (optional)

the thing is i dont want to use the treo for email and stuff right away i will later on, i just want it as a phone for now

05-05-2006, 01:06 PM
Not possible. At least for Telus you can't. I've heard of some bell users that have done this but not Telus. What you can do is keep your plan and use the cheapest data plan availiable. But it might be cheaper for you yo go on an email web voice plan.